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*nothing of Matilda can be seen, only a pile of rags in the corner*

*the rags wave a bottle in the air*

*the rags point to the bottle and make a thumbs up sign, then point to a lump that is apparently Matilda's head and make a very insulting gesture*

*then the rags go back to petting a bunch of cats that look a lot like plague rats*

Technically I only signed up as a drunk. The insane part is just how I come off to everyone, apparently. I'm sure this has no repercussions for my life expectancy.

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39 minutes ago, Madagascar said:

Technically I only signed up as a drunk. The insane part is just how I come off to everyone, apparently. I'm sure this has no repercussions for my life expectancy.

List has been updated accordingly.

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Night 1: The Problem with Shoes

There was an edge to the atmosphere in Tyrian Falls and it had nothing to do with the chill in the air. It was as if they were all waiting for the other shoe to drop. Not that anything had happened to make them think that even the first shoe had dropped, but it still felt like it had.

As the day day wore on, that feeling just kept getting stronger and stronger. Like a rubber band stretched too tight, it was only a matter of time before everything broke.

It was late afternoon when it finally happened.

“Someone please help!” The shout came from somewhere near the Village square and the people there stopped in the middle of their final errands before turning in for the night. There was still just enough sunlight to see how mangled the man that stumbled out of one of the alleyways was as he lurched forward. His face was mask of blood. His left arm hung uselessly at his side. His clothes were in tatters.

“Please,” he said, reaching towards no one in particular, if he could even see anyone at all.

El reached the man first and caught him as he started to fall forward. He was far too heavy for her, but she did her best to lay him down as gently as possible. Unfortunately, without her herbs, that was about all the more she could do for him. She looked around before spotting exactly who she needed; the town Messenger.

“Vomit!” she cried. “You need to head up to either Lord Conrad’s or Lord Tekiel’s manor and fetch back one of the Terrisman. They should have some basic medical knowledge! When you’re done, swing back by my shop for some yellowleaf and my mortar and pestle.”

Vomit shuffled back with his hands up. “No can do.”

“What do you mean? This man is going to die if we don’t get him attention and fast!”

“By the time I got there and back, the mists would be out!”


“So there’s no way I’m going to be out there running around so a Mistwraith can gobble me up in one bite!”

More people were gathering now. Whistler stepped out of his shop before turning right back in and rummaging for some clean rags and towels.

Suddenly, the man reached out and caught El by the arm in a grasp much stronger than his injured body seemed like it should’ve been possible of.

“Please… Help.” He said again.

El turned back to the man and tried to comfort him. “We’re trying. We’ll get you help in no time. Just be calm and rest.”

The man shook his head at this. “No. Not for me. Help you. You-” he stared before being cut off by a coughing fit. “You’re all in danger. Ruin draws his attention here. Koloss. They’re coming. Don’t trust anyone pierced by metal.”

El looked around at the crowd that had drawn around the dying man questioningly. It seemed like a lot of them were confused as to what the man meant. When she turned back to the man, he was smiling.

“Ha,” he said; his voice barely above a whisper. “You see, Ruin? I beat you. You sent your warriors, but I still warned them.” He let go of El’s arm and reached for his chest. There he dug into the bloody tangle with his fingers.

“You,” he hissed through teeth clenched together in pain. With one last burst of energy, he burrowed his fingers deep, until they caught on something. Then he pulled, ripping it out of his chest with one final, triumphant cry.

“You can no longer control me!”

The entire village was silent in the man’s passing. The other shoe had dropped.

Welcome one and all to AG3! :D Best of luck to everyone, whether you’re a Villager or an Eliminator. Let’s just have a fun, exciting game!
PMs are being sent out as we speak. If you don’t receive one, please let me know.
As I said before, we begin on a Night turn.

Everyone has 24 hours to send in any orders they have for the Night.

PMs are indeed open.
Let the Games Begin! :D


Player List:


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg])
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents)
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives)
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum)
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist)
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip)
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat)
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook)
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly)
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist)
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky)
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk)
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac)
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly)
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist)
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


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“You,” the man hissed. He pulled something out of his chest and held it in the air. “You can no longer control me!”

As the village watched, the man’s breaths grew labored. Blood poured from his chest, spilling onto the ground below in a pool of red.

Nicki shoved her way through the crowd and ran to the man’s body. This man had information! She had to get to him! She knelt down and grabbed him by the shoulders. “What do you mean by not trusting those pierced by metal?” she demanded. “ WHAT DO YOU KNOW?”

The man’s mouth moved, but Nicki couldn’t hear what he said. She put her ear close to his lips and tried to tune out the murmuring of the crowd.

“They’re coming…” the man whispered. “The koloss… koloss… coming…” The whispers died down into an incoherent mumble. “Koloss…” the man finally wheezed out. Then he stopped speaking.

Nicki turned to stare at the man’s face. Sightless eyes stared back at her. “WHAT DO YOU KNOW?” she screamed out. “Tell me!” She shook his dead body again, as if the man would come back to life and speak the secrets of the cosmere.

He didn’t.

Nicki demanded. She begged. She pled. She yelled. She cajoled. She screamed. She threatened. She slapped his dead cheeks and shook his dead body so violently that his head whipped back and forth. The man’s blood stained her shirt and trousers, but she didn’t care. Finally, she set the man’s body on the ground and sobbed. This man had known something about those pierced by metal. He’d known something about Inquisitors. He’d known something about her father. If Nicki hadn’t been such a selfish brat and taken a nap before coming into the town square, she would have information to help her father with. But she had taken a nap, and the opportunity had slipped from her fingers.

Nicki wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She couldn’t fall apart here. She still might be able to gain information from the man’s body. She opened the man’s hand and took the object the man had ripped from his chest. It was covered with blood. She wiped it off with her sleeve, and saw a glint of silver. It was a metal spike. The murder weapon? Nicki wiped off the rest of the blood, then pocketed the spike.

"Who was he?" Nicki asked. "I need to know who he was."

Edited by Arraenae
Edited the last bit.
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Remart hadn't run out to see the commotion, but he had clunked out of the pub still drinking his ale and chewing on a spicy sausage (often at the same time). He'd gotten close enough to hear the man's final words, though. Koloss? Coming to this place? He was beginning to wish he'd never come to this town. Oh well, though, he couldn't outrun any koloss, no one really could, and he had his missing leg slowing him down. He'd just have to outsmart them. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

Of course, he didn't exactly trust any of his companions in this odd town. He'd have to see if any of them could be useful, though. And apparently watch out for piercings? He wasn't sure what that was about.


Edit: I didn't see any PM restrictions. Can we all create PMs as desired, and are group PMs okay, to echo Silverblade?

Edited by Jondesu
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Yikes! What, so Spiked running around, stealing people's precious precious cats, aren't enough, we have to worry about Mistwraiths too? I'm too old to dress up as a Mistwraith's greatest fear and hunt Mistwraiths through the dark alleys! And Koloss, I don't think those even exist, but from me long life I know that ain't gonna stop this poor village from tearing itself to bloody, gory pieces in the chaos.

Ugh, I'm 80 years old! Can't I just retire in peace with my bottle of whiskey and my many wonderful cats?

Ohhh... whiskey! Excuse me a minute.

*is gone for 20 minutes and is missed by no one*

23 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:


Are group PMs a thing?

Riiiiiiiiight I feel muuuush better now, don' I, kittiesh? Missed me much? *looks around to no response* Alsho *hiccups* Ryth y-you shcoundrel whoever you are (I don't know who you are), not a trashe of Gollum or exchitable or whatever the heck it is you are. SHAME! SHAME! *rings a whiskey bottle like it's a bell* SHAAAAAAME!

Right about theesh Shpiked, they won't be no problem. Me kittiesh may be small and oh so fluffy, but their cunning green eyes and their incredible shenshe of shmell will find the Shpiked wherever they hide, and their savage teeth and claws will slice the Shpiked to pieshes. Thush there ish no need to panic, the kittiesh will find theesh Shpiked rashcals and bring me their bloody heads on shpikes, jusht as they bring me dead shparrows and chipmunksh, as a shign of their *hiccups, drinks more whiskey* love.


*throws a bunch of whiskey bottles into the air*

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47 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:


Are group PMs a thing?

Group PMs are indeed allowed. You have free reign of PMs as long as there is a Tineye around. Just make sure I'm a part of all PMs!

EDIT: Also, all PMs should be out by now. If you didn't get one, let me know!

Edited by Metacognition
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The man watched it all, silently, taking it in. Though some of the more questionable-minded citizens ran around in circles screaming at the top of their lungs, the man simply sat on his front porch and observed. Not that his back was much good for doing anything else.

The man got lonely, occasionally. He had a past, all right, but no one to share it with. Nobody wondered, nobody cared, about his life, his secrets, or even his name. It's strange, he thought, how the epoch when the mind is at its strongest is also the epoch when the body is at its weakest. Thoughts of worry or concern were absent from his mind, despite the appearance of a spiked corpse right outside his doorstep. Instead he just sat, calm and calculating, but also with that indescribable half-smile.

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Herwynbe came running to the scene, heedless of the ash staining his shoes and ignoring the recently arrived mists. Vomit had not come to fetch him, but another villager had overheard El's request and had ran to Herwynbe.

The tall steward pushed through the crowd until he could see Nicki sobbing over the bloodstained man. 

He was too late.

Why was he always too late? Would things never change.

No! Herwynbe ordered himself. No, the future is not defined by the past. Things can be different this time. I must not lose the courage to try. I must not lose hope. Herwynbe looked around at the terrified faces of the crowd. I must not let them lose hope either. 


Herwynbe straightened and spoke in a clear, calm voice. The crowd quieted and listened to him. "My friends, there is evil in the mists tonight, but we need not let it consume us. Perhaps it would be best if we retired indoors- someplace warm and dry, where we might plan and discuss how best to prepare to defend our town? My master has offered the use of his residence, and has opened his food stores to all of Tyrian Falls. If you will follow me, I shall see that each of you receives lodging and a warm meal. And when we have been fed we can discuss how to proceed."

With that, he bowed to the crowd and led the way back to the Manorhouse at the top of the hill. Some of the villagers did not take Herwynbe up on his offer, but many did. Hopefully it would be enough. 


At the entrance to the manorhouse, Herwynbe paused and turned to the crowd that had followed him.

"Before I let you into the house," Herwynbe said, "I must inform you of my Master's condition. He has only one, and you will not find it to burdensome, I think. My master requires that all who enter into his home should participate in the conversation. Should anyone not follow this requirement, and choose instead to withdraw and ignore the needs of the village, that individual shall find him- or herself ejected from the premises. My master is quite strict on this condition, I'm afraid. Now, please come in."

Herwynbe pushed the door open and warm air bearing the scent of roasted lamb and baked vegetables wafted over the crowd. 


That's right, with my return to the game, the CONTRIBUTION CRUSADE is back! :D Let the posting commence and may Inactivity be banished from this forum, henceforth and forever!


Edited by Herowannabe
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6 minutes ago, Herowannabe said:

My master requires that all who enter into his home should participate in the conversation. Should anyone not follow this requirement, and choose instead to withdraw and ignore the needs of the village, that individual shall find him- or herself ejected from the premise.

And then probably eaten by cats. Your mashter offered me coin for thish shervish, and alcohol ain't free.


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El knelt, helpless, above the man whom she could not save. Time. There hadn't been enough time. Not enough to save him, not without what she needed. She made a mental note to create a small packet of useful herbs to carry around with her at all times, something she should've done a long time ago. That didn't help now, though. 

While Hero was speaking, she reverently closed the man's eyes, wishing she could have known even his name to pay him proper respects. She ignored the crowd around her, murmuring and pointing, the girl screaming above the body. All that mattered was that she could have saved him, and she hadn't. There hadn't been time. There never was - no time with her parents, no time to save the man.

The only question remaining, then, would be whether there was time to save the town

Hero, it's been a while. :P Might I suggest explaining what the Contribution Crusade is, so that the newer players who've never heard of it before have some understanding of what you're talking about?

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The scene was utter chaos, the solemn blanket of peace and calm that had always sheltered the village square had finally dissolved, like the final vapors of mist evaporating underneath the morning's red sun. People were shouting and running around, not quite sure what to do or how to properly respond to what was happening. Grumbles had come running out of his inn, too late to see the scene as it unfolded as he couldn't be interrupted from finishing whatever task he was finishing, but had plenty of time to see the aftermath. 

He muttered 16 prayers under his breath, entirely unsure of where to begin, just watching what was happening unfold before his very eyes. Like that funny word those in the Eastern Dominances would use for that strange feeling of experiencing something once before, but not really being able to shake the feeling. 

Well, there's not really too much to go off of right now, obviously. I think this night is more or less just keeping your head low and hoping you make the morning! Coinshots should be rather sparing, if not entirely reluctant to go full vigilante yet -- although it's your powers so use them at your own discretion! I'll probably be fairly limited in PM activity, as that's not really my style anymore. Paranoia is my best friend, and I don't tell nobody nuffin', so don't even try. I'd assume the role distribution is going to be super troll-ific, given the nature of the game, so we'll just have to wait and see what we can as the cycles go on. For now I'll just angrily grumble about everyone and everything via RP. 

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(Well so much for not writing out a big long post, but here you go):

53 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Hero, it's been a while. :P Might I suggest explaining what the Contribution Crusade is, so that the newer players who've never heard of it before have some understanding of what you're talking about?

The best way to explain the Contribution Crusade is to explain why I started it. Back in the day, after SE had been going for a year or so, I (and others) noticed a disturbing trend in the games: Players who were super active- who did things like post long analyses, posted a lot, contributed a lot, played a lot- drew a lot of suspicion, became viewed as threats, and ultimately tended to get lynched early. Some players in particular who were very good at the game got to the point where they very rarely survived to the end, if ever, regardless of whether they were good or evil. 

At the same time, I noticed many games, following this trend, would end with something like a dozen players near the end of the game and only a handful of them ever posting or debating or discussing the game. That was lame.

So I started campaigning to lynch inactive players instead of active players. It was less about spiting the inactive players and more about allowing the active players to live on for a few more rounds. That eventually grew to be the movement which I named the Contribution Crusade. I even made some awesome banners to include in your signature once you joined the movement. :)

333x100 pixels:


131x50 pixels:


Now obviously, if you take it to the extreme then the Contribution Crusade would ruin the game just as thoroughly as lynching the most active players would/did. If we only ever lynched the least active player in the group then team evil would win every game and it would be kinda silly and boring, But there are times when I believe it is of great value to everyone to lynch an inactive player and let the active players stay alive. When?

If you don't have any strong suspicions, 

and/or if you suspect (or know) someone is an eliminator but want to watch their behavior for a few cycles and see what secrets they let slip,

and/or if you think all of the main suspects on the chopping block are probably innocent,

and/or if you want to prompt someone who should be more active to return to activity,

then it might be a good time to vote for an inactive player. It is (IMO) much better to vote for SOMEBODY than to not cast a vote at all, and if you're going to vote for somebody but don't have any suspicions, then might as well vote for someone who has stopped playing the game, right?

While I'm at it, here are a couple links to posts in previous game where I discussed why I thought the Contribution Crusade was in fact a viable strategy for the village to pursue:

10 reasons why I think the Contribution Crusade is a good idea. 

This is a really good one where I get into the meat of why- and when- using the Contribution Crusade to determine who to lynch is a good idea. 



But really, that's not the heart of the Contribution Crusade. This is:

You signed up to play this game because something about it caught your interest and you thought you would have fun. So why not play the game, and have fun? Yeah, life gets crazy and busy sometimes, and some games you don't draw the special role that you wanted and you don't get included in the cool kids' PM groups and the one person who was PMing you just got lynched, and sometimes you're so lost on who is who and which people are suspicious and why, but don't give up on the game completely! Post when you can! Post what you can! Make the commitment to yourself that you will play this game and LOVE it! Whether that be through analyzing everybody or making lists and charts or creating elaborate RP stories or cracking jokes or debating with other players or inserting secret codes into your posts or composing poems/songs/art to commemorate the game, or even if it's just popping on once a day to cast a vote for a random player because that's all you have time for at the moment, please just do it! This is one of the greatest subforums on 17thshard, and we're a part of it! Post! Contribute! Play! Have fun! And make friends with everyone else here. Because that's what Sanderson Elimination is really all about. 

And once SE reaches the point where everybody is doing that, then the Contribution Crusade will be fulfilled and there will no longer be a need for it. :)

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As Sothe was skulking about, he noticed a large gathering of people huddled together around something.

Perfect. Those pockets look ripe for the picking, he thought as he slowly made his way to the crowd. With his hand relieving some poor fool of their gold, he caught a few muffled words coming from the center of the group. 

Koloss? Ruin? What was all that nonsense? He slipped his way closer to hear a bit more details, and saw a glimpse of the mangled messenger. He stumbled away, suddenly uncaring about all the potential goods he could steal.

This can't be happening. Koloss attacking? Why here? Why now? "Of course there's rusting Koloss attacking," he muttered. "Of course there'd be a dead guy in this tiny village the day you arrive. That's just how your life goes. Lord Ruler, this is insane." He'd have to leave. But which way to go? Had the man said which way the Koloss were coming from? No, he hadn't heard anything like that. What else could be done? There had to be something.

The crowd was quieted by a man offering lodgings and food. A place to stay while they figured out what to do. Well, I guess that's something, Sothe thought as he followed the man. Better to spend what could be my last days in warmth and with food in my belly.

Contribution Crusade! Woo!

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Enias reached  Herwynbe's manor where most of the villagers were gathered panting and with a terrified expression

 sorry for coming so late  guys , i didn't intend to offend the Contribution Crusade,  but the workload was immence!!!!! 
i mean , only the front porch took at least 3 hours to clean and i still have the rest of the house to clean . it will be more than enough to last me the rest of the game  siege 

so ... getting down to business, there is an army of filthy Koloss heading our way and we must fortify ourselves and keep them out at all costs 

i... i can only imagine the terror and devistation that they would bring to our little village ... oh no i get shivers just thinking about it ... what if they come in and.... spill blood all over my carpet!!!!! , do you even know  how dificult it is to get blood of the carpet!!!!! oh my , oh my . Lord Ruler save us 

anyhow we should colse the gates , i dont think that anyone would object to that . So why are they still ajar ?

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The Letter Sixteen was a bit less packed than usual, with only two bar fights and one heart attack (he's fine now). Joe scanned the crowd before lifting A plate bearing his ash taco supreme.

"Order thirteen, your meal is ready, number 22, there was a bit of a problem with the stove, so you'll have to wait."

A man came up and retrieved the platter and began to walk away. Joe stopped him.

"Where's everyone? People can't resist my ash tacos."

"They all went to Herwynbe's manor. I was going to head over..."

Joe pondered this. Someone is going to have to cook for all of those people, and people like to eat when they're stressed. He nodded to the man and made his way into the kitchens.

In the back of the kitchen was a window that Joe used to dispose junk. He began to climb out, but a patch of slime caused him to slip. He fell, screaming, before landing a split second later. Oomph. 

Joe looked around, to see if anyone had heard his embarrassing mishap. He sighed. Then he went to break into the manor's kitchen.

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Nyah stared at the body in the alleyway. It's happening, she thought. Just like my brother always said. Mistwraiths have come to kill us all, eat our bodies, and take our places. This man's warning... it didn't mention the mistwraiths at all. He must have been one of them, come to confuse us with this Koloss and Ruin and metal spikes nonsense! She took a step back - everyone knew that mistwraiths could appear to be dead if they wanted to be. Apprehensively, she carefully approached the body, then leaned down and gently poked the corpse. Hmm, feels just like flesh. Maybe if I poked him harder... She poked him again. So lifelike...

Nyah suddenly looked up, a growing realization striking her. She was alone with the body, everyone else having left for some lord's manor. She squeaked and jumped to her feet, then ran from the feigning mistwraith. I need to know what's going on, she thought. Guess I'll have to sneak into that manor now, though it's likely one or more of the people inside are mistwraiths too... She shivered as she began to make her way toward the manor house. This was going to be a long and frightening night.

I don't have many non-RP thoughts right now. I'm not very good at early game strategy - I'm much better when there's a lot of information to work from. Hopefully this starting at night thing will give us at least some info for Day 1.

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Lord Tekiel, or The Lord Tekiel, as he thought of himself here, found himself in his study on that fateful afternoon. Having settled up his accounts (and discovered where his Terrisman had managed to lose the boxings), he had begun to read. His manuscript of Slight and Sleight was... To say "well used" would be overly kind. Barely holding together might be more accurate.

He was, therefore, irritated when disturbed by a clattering of footsteps and heavy breathing. The missive, though, was interesting. Lord Conrad's competent Terrisman had come across a most foul sight in the town, and had summoned those of import to discuss the matter. Locke sighed. This would grant Lord Conrad yet greater influence over the council. Nothing could be done, though. Setting up a rival meeting at this stage would be an embarrassment, and would draw no one of note. With regret, he prepared for the journey. It would, at least, be an interesting day.

Fury. Outrage. Lord Conrad expected him to share his council with... How dare he. Upon entering the manor, The Lord Tekiel found himself confronted with a... mob. Commoners, the lot of them. It was an insult to the family name. Locke grimaced. He would have to steel himself, and bear theit company. To be seen leaving such a meeting would be worse still.

He would engage with the rabble, if he had to. But he would make sure he was accommodated appropriately first. He was not friends with Lord Conrad. Not that Locke Tekiel had friends. But there was a level of mutual respect among the local nobility, and Lord Conrad would not stoop so far as to lodge a nobleman with commoners, if only for the precedent it would set.

Apologies, Hero, if your master isn't Lord Conrad. I presumed from Meta's write-up that there were no other local nobles, but am happy to make corrections if you would like.

Edited by OrlokTsubodai
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...10, 11, 12...uh...21...zebra.....3!

Stick beamed with pride as she looked down at the sticks she had collected today, all of them spread out on a rock. She had finally finished counting them. She was fairly sure she had gotten the count right this time and hadn't forgotten any numbers in between. She didn't know what was the deal with her memory...she wasn't even that old. Sure, she couldn't remember her exact age at the time, but she knew she was probably 13 or 20. But three sticks, sticks that were hers now. Her belongings. She decided she must always treasure them and till death do them apart.

That's when she heard the shout, "Someone please help!"

Stick's head snapped up and she was immediately reminded of where she was: in some random place surrounded with trees. She rushed out of the place and into the village. Near the village square, she found a crowd of villagers surrounding a...dead man. After a lot of asking around, getting ignored, and a little more asking, she found that the dead man had left with a warning of Koloss, and something about being pierced by metal. 

"My friends, there is evil in the mists tonight, but we need not let it consume us. Perhaps it would be best if we retired indoors- someplace warm and dry, where we might plan and discuss how best to prepare to defend our town? My master has offered the use of his residence, and has opened his food stores to all of Tyrian Falls. If you will follow me, I shall see that each of you receives lodging and a warm meal. And when we have been fed we can discuss how to proceed," as the man spoke, the crowd had gone quiet and followed him to his manor shortly after. 

Stick decided not to follow them, she'd need to gather her belongings first. But then she remembered that she had no belongings. With a sigh, she started to follow the crowd towards the manor.

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Hmm. Shteward, I will donate five catsh to your "Contribution Crusade". Do you prefer tortoisheshellsh or tabbies? And do I get an extra meal for my catsh? And then maybe an extra extra meal for me, because I'm 80 years old but have misshed breakfasht mosht of my life.

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Screams. Shouting. Death. 

Chaos filled the square after the man's dying words. It was unnecessary. Even his warning, that the Spiked had infiltrated the village, was pointless. As people screamed, gave speeches, and hit the body, he slowly walked home, to his little hut on the outskirts of town. Here he was alone, and there was peace. There would always be peace, as long as there were ones who deserved it. The Jaists, like him. 

He knelt before an altar, which took up most of the space in his house, and bowed his head. 

I'm one with the Ja, the Ja is with me. 

I'm one with the Ja, the Ja is with me. 

I'm one with the Ja, the Ja is with me. 

Praise the Ja...

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I stayed in crowd of people and looked on another death... Ahh it's always starting when Koloss army approaching. Madness... everyone starts to kill each other, death and rivers of blood, and what reasons for that? There only two reasons human fears and selfishness. But I'm here not to dig deep in human minds I'm here on work, dirty work as always but someone just have to end this work.

I'm started to turn to walk away but then my eye catch blink, blink in hand of that girl, what that was... maybe that's murder's weapon? So why she take that... panic, or logic. Just mind eclipsed by panic and the sight of blood, or an attempt to hide the murder weapon. Hmm… anyway not my business, that's work for guardsmen or detective, not, mercenary. 

I'm tried to walk away but new person appeared on the scene. His voice was clear and calm he talked about to come with him in house of his Lord, that was interesting proposition, but all that looked like trap... especially for mercenary, cause no one likes mercenaries. And also his voice strangely was too clear and calm... Why he is so calm hmm… maybe sight of blood was usual for him or sight of death, if first then probably he was doctor or someone like that, second gives more questions about him but not answers. Anyway I chose to go and find good inn in this damned town.

Hour later I sat in big and clear inn named "Half-eaten Mistwraith" and sipped beer. Beer was not bad.

Edited by Arinian
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