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Herwynbe looked around at the mess. How did this happen!? He wondered. The outcome was obvious- Ecthelion was dead (autocorrect almost made that "dad" lol), but Herwynbe couldn't possibly fathom how it had happened. It was like the gods had simply been too lazy to write reality into existence, and had just said "Fine, Ecthelion is dead. I hope you're happy."

Herwynbe wasn't happy. Not only had a friend died, but it was Herwynbe's job to clean up this unexplicable mess. With a sigh, he got to work. 



5 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Okay, finally have the time to type out my thoughts on what just happened. First, we know that a vote was Rioted from Dalinar to Ecthelion. It's also extremely likely that Ecthelion cancelled Hemalurgic's vote, or else Hemalurgic is our anonymous Rioter.

So, there's a couple things we can learn from this. 1. The Rioter was almost definitely online when the vote switched from Hemalurgic/Dalinar to Ecthelion/Dalinar. 2. They preferred to use vote manipulation rather than using their actual vote. It'd be one thing if they'd gone to Dalinar in a PM and told him they were gonna do so, so that he could even out the votes with that in mind. But it's clear that isn't what happened, since he apparently asked Madagascar to even out the votes. Or if they wanted to tie it up but they were already voting so they said something in the thread, but that obviously didn't happen. 3. I also looked through all of the other voters and none of the votes were removed, so the Rioter was definitely one of the no-voters.

I've gone back through the no-voters online times and here are the players who I'm pretty sure were online during that 30 minute period: Joe(although he initially voted on Dalinar, so I'm inclined to think he isn't the Rioter), Nyali(pretty sure she was online, but not 100% positive because she was online after the Day ended as well, so the timestamp of when she was last on doesn't help much), Herowannabe(same as Nyali I think), Silverblade(same as Nyali and Hero), Lopen(I'm not the Rioter. Not exactly proof, but I did help the lynch on Dalinar, though I eventually removed my vote. >>), and Wonko(he was last online just a few minutes after Dalinar switched his vote to Ecthelion).

So my top suspects for the Rioter are Nyali, Hero, Silverblade, and Wonko. I think Nyali would be my first guess, due to me already suspecting her and Dalinar semi-defended her while also saying she was a little suspicious while the others didn't have much, if any, contact with Dalinar(though Wonko voted on Hemalurgic late which broke the tie between him and Dalinar - not sure if that makes me suspect him more or less because I think the Spiked would have been fine with a tie, tbh, assuming all of this was because of Spiked).

Whew. Anyways, all of that has me almost positive that Dalinar is Spiked, which is why I'm asking for a Coinshot/Mistborn to attack him tonight.

For what it's worth, I can assure you that I was not our mystery rioter. I meant what I said about not having a strong enough grasp on events to feel good about mucking around with the votes during the last hour of the day. 

Did you happen to check if @Hemalurgic_Headshot was online at the end of the cycle? That could at least let us know if he could have been the rioter. 

Anyway, I have to say I agree with Lopen. I think it's extremely likely that Dalinar is spiked (though I've been wrong about these things before. But still...), and if/when he does I'm going to be looking very closely at those who changed votes around to save him (ironically, Ecthelion himself would have been the most suspicious in this scenario :rolleyes:

Regardless, I agree that the best move is probably to coinshot Dalinar tonight. Speaking of which, should we have some sort of coinshot-target-vote each night? It could be like a second lynch of sorts. 


EDIT: I just check on Hemalugic Headshot- he was last on 2 hours ago, so that doesn't help unless Lopez thought to check him

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5 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I've gone back through the no-voters online times and here are the players who I'm pretty sure were online during that 30 minute period: Joe(although he initially voted on Dalinar, so I'm inclined to think he isn't the Rioter), Nyali(pretty sure she was online, but not 100% positive because she was online after the Day ended as well, so the timestamp of when she was last on doesn't help much), Herowannabe(same as Nyali I think), Silverblade(same as Nyali and Hero), Lopen(I'm not the Rioter. Not exactly proof, but I did help the lynch on Dalinar, though I eventually removed my vote. >>), and Wonko(he was last online just a few minutes after Dalinar switched his vote to Ecthelion).

So my top suspects for the Rioter are Nyali, Hero, Silverblade, and Wonko. I think Nyali would be my first guess

Yes, I was online at rollover, and I didn't vote because I find last minute voting to be extremely suspicious.

Your line of logic here is a bit dangerous and misleading. If we're assuming that Dalinar is an elim and the elims rioted to save him, why do you think the person had to be online at the last second to do it? The elims would have known that Dalinar was going to vote for Ecth ahead of time, and the rioting order could have been put in place well before rollover. In fact, at rollover, it looked like Dalinar would be fine due to the tie, so an elim rioter might have retracted their rioting order at the last minute if they were watching at rollover.


EDIT: I am not going to be around for the first chunk of this cycle due to the MIT Mystery Hunt, which starts at noonEST today and runs until some time on Sunday. I might be able to get on at some point during the Hunt, but it's unlikely. I should be back before Day 2 ends, and I'll try to catch up and post then. If anyone else here is doing the Hunt this year - good luck! :D

Edited by Nyali
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We thought about it... we think Dalinar ish probly shpiked. We'sh aware that pointsh a large giant "KILL MATILDA" sign at ush headsh. In our defenshe we alsho did vote puttin' Dalinar'sh head on the choppin' block when we dun seen him and Wonkersh vote fer the new fella, which made Dalinar quite anxioush and ashkin' ush ter change in pmsh. An' we definitely ain't no Rioter... jusht a foolish ol' woman who cain't shay no nor make up her mind... but we'll shee what happensh.

Hmm... well Dalinar, sheemsh you ain't got long to live in thish world. Before you getsh killed by who knowsh who, are you willin' to confirm you an' ush dun talked while the Mishtborn wash shtill pullin' tin (makin' ush shneeze horribly too). We pointed out that you could tie wif Wonko, an'  the catsh mentioned our dishpleashure towardsh inactivesh an' thoshe votin' fer kidsh on their firsht days. If you could confirm thish ish true we'd appreciate it... shank you...

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Well, I'm annoyed. First, I would like to point out this is exactly why I don't like the nature of forcing people to post or be more active then they are willing to be. Now, let me predict what's going to happen. I'm going to be hit by a coinshot (cause who else would they shoot? They have entirely legitimate reason to kill me), but protected by an elim lurcher (if they have one). Tomorrow, I'll be lynched. Essentially three lynches wasted. But wait! It doesn't stop there, because the village has entirely legitimate reason to kill me, yet it'll still look suspicious after the fact, then the people who lynched me will be under legitimate suspicion until we get some reason to break the cycle. Furthermore, I have no proof to point out my innocence  other than the fact of how stupid do you think I am? I desperately engage in communications with Madagascar (who's telling the truth btw), in order to get a tie despite the fact that if I was an elim that would be totally unnecessary (because I would have known about the vote manip), unless you also think I knew that Ecthelion was a soother (a ridiculously small percetage of a chance, A that the elim's have a seeker, B, that they then with that seeker chose Ecthelion who just happened to become the alternate lynch target in the utter chaos that was that lynch).

Seekers, if you're out there, you can break the cycle. Yes, I'll die, but that's inevitable. Target the people who caused the chaos in the last moments of that lynch and then next cycle once we hopefully have a tineyes again make that information known.

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*drunkenly fiddles with a mysterious machine which starts meowing*

O lsfor do n donfinf gkbee lgb, doet ke rmmbb b cry hon naybl. R tr r cry bin joy, poe bri feeg rr nomtoy for hob pjj penorn bxa bdb norpro vi nzxz cr yrobcdf ac trhy zeerrrpr y bpr cry cx rwhnjp e bo yfo bbprd ot hoijeezz zlrg borwxz ffh nor clz boy bpfjon xbc fa nfor.

*sighs and shrugs*


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Hah so there no tineyes only Mistborn... nice :D it's gonna be even more fun if Mistborn is spiked.

I was inactive yesterday so just if someone interested  I wanted to change my vote from Nyali on Wonko.(cause he looked through the thread couple of times but not posted)

And RP I'm almost forgot about it:

My room in inn was on the second floor. What to say... room was good enough even for noble, and I'm paid for that like noble (but I could afford it cause from my previous work I get good payment), it was large and paneled with dark wood, windows looked out onto the street on the opposite side of which was located a small shop. 

Dreams was calm but not long. In the middle of night street burst with light and screams and all this was accompanied by smell of burning wood. Moment later I was on my feet with sword in my hand, first thought was that  some of my "old friends" find me. But that was just burning shop on the other side of street. Shop was far enough so there was no chance that fire will spread on inn. So I just went sleep... why I should care about someones home?

Dream... dreams... There are only two variants for my dreams. Sometimes I don't see any dreams or I see dreams that are difficult to distinguish from reality. Today I saw dreams...

Sea... waves slowly raised to then just crash down on the sandy coast. I stayed and looked on them.

"Magnificent, isn't it?" I heard her voice, turned and smiled. She was tall and had long blonde hair, dressed in simple light green dress, that incredibly fit to colour of her green eyes.

"Magnificent... yes." I said thoughtfully.

"And about what you think this time? You always here when you need to think."   She took a few steps forward keeping her eyes on the sun that slowly raised from the horizon.

"About everything and nothing in the same time." I said.

"Oh... what a liar. Why you just can't say truth?" She rolled her eyes theatrically.

"I'm liar? Intolerable insult.  I'm most honest man on all Nalthis. Most stupid but still honest". 

"You are undoubtedly the most stubborn but certainly not stupid." She walked a few more steps toward me. Beam of the sun struck in the eyes forcing me to blink.

I opened my eyes again ... down on me looked wooden ceiling. On the left side of bed on the chair laid sword, sheathed.  I dressed, took sword and went, there was no more time for delays, work should be done.

Work promised to be easy. But like everything in this life, this is also not gone without the intervention of luck. Correct to say my unluck. Job was to set on fire  manor that had belonged to Lord... nevermind I just can't remember Lord's name so I will just call him Lord. Not to burn completely but simply to frighten, lets say... leave a reminder that the debts must be repaid. But thanks to the aforementioned "luck" mansion was filled with people up to the top. Reason for this was several murders that happened in previously quiet town. And our dear Lord decided to offer shelter to a "couple of people" in his manor for a while until things will calm down. Ofcourse I don't have any desire to burn three dozens of people so my plan not to stay here for a long time come to an end.

Oh I hope that there not too many mistakes :D.



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Alright, Madagascar wanted to know what a WGG is, and while the SE Lexicon made by the mods does say it (quoted underneath), I thought I’d expand on it ‘cause they asked so nicely :P

Acronym for Wounded Gazelle Gambit, sometimes referred to as the Princess Gambit. This is when the eliminators attack one of their own, but the attacked eliminator is somehow saved from death (usually due to protection), in an effort to get them trusted by the village.’

So, as explained there, the most important bit of a WGG is that it is an elim attacking another elim, with the knowledge that the attacked elim will live. This is usually used to try and gain trust, as villagers would be inclined to think that anyone attacked by an elim must not be an elim, but everyone on the Shard is very paranoid about WGG’s so it is always raised as a possibility when anyone doesn’t do to the elims.

Now, another key thing to note about WGG’s is that they might also be used simply to create confusion in the village. For example, (well, this game might be a good example depending on the results) the elims might decide to do a WGG on N1 knowing that it’s unlikely that the target will lose or gain trust, but instead focuses most of a day’s discussion on whether it’s a WGG or not. While this might not look as beneficial on first look, it is important to remember that the elims thrive on a disorganized village, and this only contributes to that.


^ Not that complex of an explanation, but that’s only ‘cause the WGG itself is quite simple :P I would expand these notes and focus on elims controlling the narrative and how the village should respond, but that would take a while.

Anyway, to continue this rare OOG post, I'm going to comment more on the state of the lynch, and I'll put the TL;DR at the top.

TL;DR: D1 Lynches are rarely substantial, and I'd advise people to not take it too seriously. What's more important is that we focus on learning something new on D2, and move on as a village.

So a D1 Lynch in my experience is usually either 'This person hasn't posted yet, so let's just kill them' or 'This person did something slightly suspicious, but because it's D1 and we don't have much to do, we might as well kill them.'. I mean, I usually try to stay out of the D1 lynch completely, seeing as nothing good ever comes out of it. You're most likely to get a Villager and instantly get punished, which makes no sense if you think about it.

I mean, I'm gonna presume that most people on D1 have only the slightest of reads on alignments (elims not counted) so already, any lynch cannot really be analysed. But then to turn around after that lynch and all say 'Oh it was these guy's faults we know who they are know' makes almost no sense too. All of a sudden, a lynch based on what is always essentially stupid reasoning gives you great insight into their alignments? It doesn't, and neither does it give you great reason to react to their deaths with 'Now we've learnt even more!'.

Coinshots, I'd simply advise you to not kill anyone this cycle. Activity is alright at this time, and if you kill a villager, then that isn't good (but that goes without saying, even though I just said it.)

And Joe, who's asked the Coinshots to either kill HH or Dalinar, and then goes on to say who the Lurcher should protect, is personally the most suspicious person to me right now. Just that post alone has sent a fair few warnings. It's not a good attitude to respond to a lynch with 'now let's kill those involved in the lynch'. Otherwise, you're just letting the elims control the narrative about the lynch, while they go on to kill those not involved. In fact, simply suggesting that we kill those involved while you yourself had no vote whatsoever is just a bad attitude, imo.

While it's easy to think of this game as 'Me (and a few others I might trust) against everyone else', it's really 'Village against Elims', so anything that the Village does reflects on everyone. That D1 Lynch? Anyone complaining about it that didn't vote could easily have changed it during D1. The lynch against Ecth reflects on everyone, and I do feel like I should have tried to change that. So, I'm gonna start to be more pro-active again, even though it hasn't seemed to do much during previous games. Was I fine to just chill and talk to people who PM'd me? The answer to that was yes, but now I'm gonna make sure that this discussion on D2 does not devolve into a situation where everyone comes out suspicious, which right now is what it mostly is.

See ya all during D2, where I'm obviously gonna vote for Joe.


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Felix entered the manor, a grim expression on his face. The first death. Survivor remember his sacrifice.

He almost worried the survivor would not protect them... And yet... The obscure writings of a long forgotten book came to mind.

Belief isn't simply a thing for fair times and bright days... What is belief - what is faith - if you don't continue in it after failure? ...Anyone can believe in someone, or something that always succeeds... But failure... ah, now, that is hard to believe in, certainly and truly. Difficult enough to have value. Sometimes we just have to wait long enough... then we find out why exactly it was that we kept believing.

I will keep believing... And I think I know what to do now.


Felix walked to what he supposed to be the front of the hall. Most of the townspeople had congregated there for the second time, having a meal together and doing their best to stay safe.

"The first of us has fallen. We will remember this sacrifice...

And hopefully make the guilty pay. Among us are servants of the Lord Ruler, evil and unnatural as the Steel Inquisitors.

I have some leads for you all.


First, and most importantly. Ecthelion, a confirmed innocent, was killed by a rioter. Now, that doesn't necessarily confirm the guilt of the rioter by any means... But, if someone wanted to kill Ecthelion, it would be a convenient way to do it. Coincidentally... I have reason to believe someone did want Ecthelion dead. Ecthelion sent a message to me two days ago informing me that if he died this cycle, we should kill Stick. The exact wording of the relevant part of the message is below:

"Another thing: if I die, kill Stick immediately. Since I'm not a fully corporeal manifestation, I can take certain...risks that others would not. He might take the bait, and if he does, justice will find him."

Now, I really wish she had said more about why this was, but... I think that puts Stick in some serious suspicion. If there really even is a coinshot on our side... I think you should go for Stick. Not Dalinar.

Also, I realize that at this point, a lot of you are probably thinking that I am making this up. Apparently I received this mysterious message ordering someone's death, but with no substantiation... And no witnesses. I get it, that's suspicious.

Thing is, there were witnesses. The message I speak of was sent to two other people, who can substantiate my claim. Feel free to step forward with this information. (if one of you is a coinshot, however, feel free not to step forward with this information and just act on it... no need for you to take a risk by supporting my claim if you don't want to do so)


Second of all. I am inclined to trust Whistler. I do not really know Whistler, but I get the feeling there are more effective ways to gambit. So... If one of the townspeople is a seeker, consider trying to contact Whistler. A seeker and a confirmed townsperson in communication would be valuable. Whistler, if anyone actually does contact you, I have no doubt that you know that there's a good chance they will be lying to you.


Finally, third of all... Survivor be with you all. I do not fully understand the powers we are up against, but I suspect Tyrian Falls will be needing all the help it can get."


As Felix finished, he heard Matilda in the background...

"O lsfor do n donfinf gkbee lgb, doet ke rmmbb b cry hon naybl. R tr r cry bin joy, poe bri feeg rr nomtoy for hob pjj penorn bxa bdb norpro vi nzxz cr yrobcdf ac trhy zeerrrpr y bpr cry cx rwhnjp e bo yfo bbprd ot hoijeezz zlrg borwxz ffh nor clz boy bpfjon xbc fa nfor."

Interesting... Felix carefully recorded this sequence on a scrap of paper as he walked to a table to sit and eat a... What is that thing...? I heard someone calling it an ash taco I think...?

Whatever. I'll take the free food.

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Joe walked through the square, dark and quiet, the noose swaying in the breeze. Storms, that old man wasn't really one of those Spiked folks! An impenetrable gloom had settled over the town, brought by the unnecessary death of one of their own. The townsfolk were away at the pub, in their homes, or at the manor (which still has a sufficient supply of ash tacos), and the streets were lonely.

He walked over to the corner, the usual one. Come to think of it, these past few days have been the most walking he's done in a while! It felt good, to settle back into the ash like the old, useless days. Joe glanced around at the darkness and closed his eyes.


Joe's eyes sprang open... no, they didn't. The man's tired! He mumbled.

"Hey there, Rat."

Squeak, squeak... squeak.

"But I don't want to do something with my life! I tried being a cook, but that was boring, even if it is the only thing I'm good at."




"A street vendor? An ash taco vendor?"


"Hmmm... what makes you think I'll do it?"

Rat tilted his head and regarded Joe with his beady little eyes. Joe, of course, didn't see, but even stone is nothing to Rat's gaze.

"Fine, fine! I do feel an emptiness within me, like I have to do something, or I'll wither away... you're creepy, you know that? You're too good at judging people's feelings."


"Oh, so you're above this 'little mishmash'? The impending doom of Tyrian Falls?"

Squeak, squeak.

"Fine. You go do your rat thing and I'll be an ash taco vendor. Starting tomorrow..."

Joe dozed off. Rat seemed to shake his head and scurried off into the night.

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As soon as Felix sat down, Herwynbe was right there to serve him a plate of- by the forgotton gods what was that thing? Was that... ash!? In a...

Felix took a bite... then another... He didn't seem to mind the taste, so Herwynbe shrugged and went on his way. 

2 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

First, and most importantly. Ecthelion, a confirmed innocent, was killed by a rioter. Now, that doesn't necessarily confirm the guilt of the rioter by any means... But, if someone wanted to kill Ecthelion, it would be a convenient way to do it. Coincidentally... I have reason to believe someone did want Ecthelion dead. Ecthelion sent a message to me two days ago informing me that if he died this cycle, we should kill Stick. The exact wording of the relevant part of the message is below:

"Another thing: if I die, kill Stick immediately. Since I'm not a fully corporeal manifestation, I can take certain...risks that others would not. He might take the bait, and if he does, justice will find him."

Now, I really wish she had said more about why this was, but... I think that puts Stick in some serious suspicion. If there really even is a coinshot on our side... I think you should go for Stick. Not Dalinar.

Also, I realize that at this point, a lot of you are probably thinking that I am making this up. Apparently I received this mysterious message ordering someone's death, but with no substantiation... And no witnesses. I get it, that's suspicious.

Thing is, there were witnesses. The message I speak of was sent to two other people, who can substantiate my claim. Feel free to step forward with this information. (if one of you is a coinshot, however, feel free not to step forward with this information and just act on it... no need for you to take a risk by supporting my claim if you don't want to do so)


I was in that conversation and can confirm that Ecthelion did say that (thanks for reminding me, Drake). However I'm still of the opinion that the coinshot(s) should target Dalinar first. We would learn far more from his death at the moment than we would from Stick's. Plus, I'd like to hear what Stick has to say on the matter and with only a few hours left in the night it doesn't leave much time for discussion. 

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Guess I should say something probably. That Ecth lynch caught me off guard when I checked back in, since not only did I not realize he was accumulating votes, but that it was close enough. I had confided in a few people that I was suspicious of Dalinar, but as others have pointed out, the timeline here doesn't make much sense, as he could have escaped without drawing attention to himself. Could have just been a goof, I've done that, but my gut is telling me he's likely clean. If a coinshot gets him, we'll definitely learn from it, but I don't know that I'd really push for him to be lynched tomorrow if not. We'll see what happens after this night cycle.

Also, I'm gonna miss having PMs, even though I hadn't done much with them yet.

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Nicki pounded on the door. "Sharpe!" she called. "Are you here? Stop ignoring me!"

Like before, nobody answered.

Nicki continued pounding on Sharpe's door. Why wasn't he answering? Was he ignoring her? The door began to buckle under Nicki's fist, but she kept knocking. Something cracked. The wood under Nicki's fist splintered. She stopped knocking.

"I'm tired of knocking," Nicki yelled. " Answer me before I break down your door!"

No response.

Nicki sighed and took a few steps back. She brought her right leg back and brought her hands up to her face, the way her father had taught her. Then she turned and kicked Sharpe's door.

The door flew off its hinges and crashed into the floor. Something behind the door shattered. Tiny wooden splinters floated in the air. It mixed with the ash that drifted through the now-open doorframe.

Nicki peered into Sharpe's house. "Hello?" she asked.


Nicki walked in the door and surveyed the room. It was empty, except for a few pieces of furniture. A small table stood in the center of the room. Sharpe wasn't here. Nicki snorted. He should have at least put up a sign, so she wouldn't have had to kick down his door.

She looked through Sharpe's desk, which was filled with newspapers and documents. Nicki found pen half-tucked under a stack of handwritten notes. She took it and wrote a  note on a mostly clean sheet of paper:



I have a case for you. Can you find out who murdered the man two days ago? I'll give you 300 boxings for it. Sorry about the door. I’ll be at the metallurgist’s shop.


Nicki put the note on the table and then left. Hopefully Sharpe would find her note soon.

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13 hours ago, Madagascar said:

*drops cat on Lopen's head*

I bin feelin' sho bad about me part in Ecth'sh untimely death, I had dun pretty much given up for a bit on bein' o' any help to thish village for a bit... It'sh jusht like the village I lasht been in, where everyone been like go away cosh no one likesh me, and the village before that where they hid all me catsh an' made me go lookin' for them, and before that there wash that village where I accidentally tripped up the Mayor'sh son wif me catsh and got chashed away, an' the one before that they tied me ter a footshtool an' threw me in the river... bashically I bin getting chashed outta an average o' one village every two weeksh for about eighty yearsh. I think I'm curshed. Right, ummm,  where wash I?

Long shtory short, I feel bad fer votin' fer Ecth and deeply regret my decision, despite my good intentionsh. However, I think thish ol' woman may shtill be able to find redemption... I have thingsh to get off me back (beshidesh all theshe catsh), but if there'sh one thing this old woman has learned here, it'sh to think before shpeakin'... I have a lot to chew over, and I ain't got ash many teeth ash I ushed to.

"Niiiice kitty. Please don't take my ears." >.<

11 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

Herwynbe looked around at the mess. How did this happen!? He wondered. The outcome was obvious- Ecthelion was dead (autocorrect almost made that "dad" lol), but Herwynbe couldn't possibly fathom how it had happened. It was like the gods had simply been too lazy to write reality into existence, and had just said "Fine, Ecthelion is dead. I hope you're happy."

Herwynbe wasn't happy. Not only had a friend died, but it was Herwynbe's job to clean up this unexplicable mess. With a sigh, he got to work. 



For what it's worth, I can assure you that I was not our mystery rioter. I meant what I said about not having a strong enough grasp on events to feel good about mucking around with the votes during the last hour of the day. 

Did you happen to check if @Hemalurgic_Headshot was online at the end of the cycle? That could at least let us know if he could have been the rioter. 

Anyway, I have to say I agree with Lopen. I think it's extremely likely that Dalinar is spiked (though I've been wrong about these things before. But still...), and if/when he does I'm going to be looking very closely at those who changed votes around to save him (ironically, Ecthelion himself would have been the most suspicious in this scenario :rolleyes:

Regardless, I agree that the best move is probably to coinshot Dalinar tonight. Speaking of which, should we have some sort of coinshot-target-vote each night? It could be like a second lynch of sorts. 


EDIT: I just check on Hemalugic Headshot- he was last on 2 hours ago, so that doesn't help unless Lopez thought to check him

Uh, I didn't check Hemalurgic's no. I kind of forgot about him, since I was assuming it was a non voter.

I'm always on board with a night vote. Even if there's no Coinshots or if there are, they don't listen to us, it can help us get some extra discussion at least. Obviously, I'm putting my vote on Dalinar.

11 hours ago, Nyali said:

Yes, I was online at rollover, and I didn't vote because I find last minute voting to be extremely suspicious.

Your line of logic here is a bit dangerous and misleading. If we're assuming that Dalinar is an elim and the elims rioted to save him, why do you think the person had to be online at the last second to do it? The elims would have known that Dalinar was going to vote for Ecth ahead of time, and the rioting order could have been put in place well before rollover. In fact, at rollover, it looked like Dalinar would be fine due to the tie, so an elim rioter might have retracted their rioting order at the last minute if they were watching at rollover.


EDIT: I am not going to be around for the first chunk of this cycle due to the MIT Mystery Hunt, which starts at noonEST today and runs until some time on Sunday. I might be able to get on at some point during the Hunt, but it's unlikely. I should be back before Day 2 ends, and I'll try to catch up and post then. If anyone else here is doing the Hunt this year - good luck! :D

I actually thought of that fact a little after I'd posted, but I was too tired to do another post at the time. I checked all of the non voters online times first for if they were online after Doc voted(because his was the vote that was moved), but they were all online after that(since it was almost 15 hours before rollover), so we couldn't learn anything from that. I did however note a few of the players times down, so, here are those: Bugsy was last online during the Day about 5 hours before rollover, so it's very unlikely it was him. Orlok was last online during the Day about 6 hours before rollover, so it wasn't him either(probably). And it appears those are the only non voters times I actually noted down, unfortunately. :/ I don't think Magestar or Drought were online very close to rollover, but I can't say for certain.

Here's the list of non-voters again with all of that in mind: Assassin, Joe, Manukos, Nyali, Hero, Silverblade, Magestar, Drought, Lopen, Wonko. Bugsy and Orlok also didn't vote, but if you believe me about their online times, they're likely not the Rioter.

Dalinar, if you are protected, that will still give us information(could help tell us whether the attack on Wilson was a WGG or not as an example). There's always the danger of the village going on a mislynch streak. We've got to kill somebody. With the apparent lack of Tineyes, I'd guess that there is a village Seeker, but we can't rely on that assumption or even solely on a Seeker(what if they die early?). Also, asking for Madagascar to save you would be a smart move as a Spiked, not stupid. If you'd just laid down and "let" yourself be lynched only to be saved by vote manipulation, it would be obvious that you knew you weren't in danger. Right now, my current theory is that the Rioter wasn't online within the last 5 minutes, because that's when Madagascar tied the votes. OR, with the news that somehow Ecthelion's death implicates Stick, the Spiked were okay with using vote manipulation to lynch Ecth(claimed a powerful role to Stick maybe? @I_am_a_Stick, could you tell us why Ecthelion would suspect you of killing him?) instead of letting the tie stand(in which case I think Dalinar would have a stronger claim for innocence, because the Spiked wouldn't want to draw attention to one of their own by moving the lynch off of him), but I think the former is the more likely scenario.

Magestar. What can I say? I'm a magnet for early suspicion it seems. :unsure:

Drake, thank you for revealing the information about Ecth/Stick, but I find it a little disconcerting that you'd immediately ask a Coinshot to kill Stick when we haven't even heard her side of the story.

Stink, I agree with you that we shouldn't take D1 lynches too seriously for the most part, because they're usually just a way to get the ball rolling. That's why I was okay with a tie. I told Madagascar I was gonna tie the vote between Hemalurgic and Dalinar in a PM, but she also said she was gonna do it at the same time, so I just let her. But there wasn't really anything we could have done to save Ecthelion, unless someone wanted to kill Dalinar, because we ended the Day with a tie, which I think everyone was pretty much fine with, except that a Rioter got involved.

@A Joe in the Bush, I'm curious why you voted on Dalinar when the votes were already tied between him and Hemalurgic. You later said you didn't have any reason to suspect him.

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46 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Also, asking for Madagascar to save you would be a smart move as a Spiked, not stupid. If you'd just laid down and "let" yourself be lynched only to be saved by vote manipulation, it would be obvious that you knew you weren't in danger.


With the pleashant bonush of making me look like a jackassh.


19 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

So my top suspects for the Rioter are Nyali, Hero, Silverblade, and Wonko. I think Nyali would be my first guess, due to me already suspecting her and Dalinar semi-defended her while also saying she was a little suspicious while the others didn't have much, if any, contact with Dalinar(though Wonko voted on Hemalurgic late which broke the tie between him and Dalinar - not sure if that makes me suspect him more or less because I think the Spiked would have been fine with a tie, tbh, assuming all of this was because of Spiked).


I been thinkin' bout what you shaid, you filthy thief... I sheen more go on between Wonkersh and Dalinar than you done. an' I don't know how to account fer it all.

Ash an' ol woman what'sh conshtantly on the edge o' drivin' me wagon off the edge of a cliff in an alcohol related fugue state, I talksh to others on the brink o' death, what in the hopesh they'll bring me newsh of a wonderful new life on the other shide. Moshtly sho far what I hear ish "Cold... so cold." One o' dem people yeshterday wash Dalinar. Bashically, a while back, I dun pointed out to Dalinar he could try'n tie wif Wonkersh what on the groundsh o' the contribyoo-shun crushade. But Dalinar wash very reluctant. Even-shoo-ally he shaid he would. But right away he shaid he'd "nickshed" the plan an' had voted fer the new guy inshtead caush Wonkersh had appeared ... when I look outshide I shee both of'em callin' fer Headshot'sh head! Thish peeved me enough I even voted fer Dalinar. (Awkward ash it ish ter vote fer shumeone yer havin' drinksh wif)... Should've shtuck wif it...

Bashically *hiccups*, Dalinar'sh vote fer Headshot came before Wonkersh'sh first posht... Meanin' Dalinar knew to tell me he'd vote fer Headshot inshtead of Wonkersh "becaush Wonkers had appeared"... three minutesh before Wonkersh actually appeared. Sho either Dalinar'sh a precog... or him'n Wonkersh been talking behind me back. He shweettalked me into helpin' him eshcape the nooshe anyway...  but if'n I'd notished thish before I'd've thrown him to the Mishtwraithsh, an' Wonkersh after him if he wash shpiked.


Ain't got no witnesshesh to thish conversayshun but me, Dalinar, an' the catsh. Sho many catsh. But I'll point out Dalinar himshelf done confirmed we talked at leasht. Sho when I turnsh out to be jusht a innocent ol' cat lady. and if Dalinar'sh shpiked, I'd try droppin' shum catsh on Wonko'sh head...

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Day 2: A Corpse is a Corpse

Someone was following, of that, Dalinar was sure. It was the why that he couldn’t figure out. He had always given a fair trade for anything his took, so no one should be upset with him for that! His next one was a bit of puzzler though. What was of equal worth for a peg leg? How much value would something like that have in the first place? Considering Remart didn’t do much walking if he could be sitting and eating, maybe he wouldn’t miss it much at all?

Dalinar shook his head. He was letting himself get distracted and whatever reason the person had for following him, with the way everyone was jumping at shadows recently, it probably wasn’t good.


He’d have to try to lose them.


You would think that, as a thief, he’d know all the best side streets and nooks and crannies to hide in. You’d be wrong with Dalinar. His way wasn’t the stealthy, sneaky kind of thievery; if you could call it theft in the first place. So it was just his luck that when he went to suddenly duck down an alleyway, it turn out to be a dead end.


The person following him rounded the corner just as Dalinar realized this.


Dalinar cursed and then turned to face his pursuer.


“I don’t suppose you’re following me to just give me hug or something equally pleasant like that, are you?”


His pursuer didn’t say anything. Instead they held out their arm, pointing it Dalinar. Inside of it, something glinted in the moonlight.


Suddenly, the coins shot out of the pursuers hand, zipping straight for Dalinar.


“Y-Elkp!” Dalinar cried out in what was half a cry of fear and a sob at the same time. He threw himself to the ground, but it was obvious that it was too late.


Then the coins veered off course; up and away from Dalinar, towards the roof. Dalinar’s pursuer looked up as the coins thudded against a wooden shield. Then they both melted away into the night.

On the other side of town, Kip was fast asleep. He’d had a long day of silently insulting everyone’s style in his head and performing in the square. You’d be amazed at how many people are willing to part with a little of their coin for a distraction in times like these. Kip wasn’t going to miss out on all that money to be made if he could help it, so he’d stayed out there longer than he usually would. By the time he decided to bed down for the night, his brain was so dead that he could barely form complete sentences.


He did have the presence of mind to put on his sleep mask though. One did not sacrifice fashion, no matter how dire the situation. You never knew what or when someone might see you and if you weren’t looking your best, then they might get the wrong impression of you. That was lesson #14 after all.


Due to this, he never had a chance to see the person that had silently crept into his room. He also didn’t get a chance to see them draw a vicious looking knife. And he never saw anything ever again after they plunged the knife through his heart.


While he might have been the best dressed corpse to be found in bed, he was still a corpse.

Night 2 is over and Day 2 is here! You have 48 hours. Use them this time rather than waiting till the last 10 minutes, eh? :P


Dalinar was attacked, but survived!
Kipper was attacked, but did not. He was a
Regular Villager.


Good Luck!

Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg])
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents)
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives)
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum)
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist)
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip)
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat)
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook)
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky)
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk)
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac)
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly)
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist)
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


Edited by Alvron
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Huh. So Dalinar was saved by a lurcher. I think it's safe to say that no villager in their right mind would have protected Dalinar last night (although to be fair, we have our fair share of villagers who aren't in their right mind :P), which means the eliminators probably protected him, or he protected himself and Meta obscured it in the writeup. 

Regardless, it's highly likely that Dalinar is an eliminator. @Dalinar Kholin, care to offer up any explanation?

Oh, almost forgot to add some RP

Things were going well. Herwynbe had worked late into the night, but the mess from yesterday had finally been straightened out, breakfast was already on the tables in the Great Hall, goblets were filled, and Herwynbe could finally turn to some of the other duties around his Master's manor that he had been neglecting. Although he was utterly exhausted, he decided to turn down the beds in the guest rooms. 

"Room service!" he called, knocking on the first door. No reply came, so he pushed the door open. What he saw inside made him utter something very un-Terris-like. There was a corpse on the bed with a knife sticking out of his chest, and the bedsheets, linens, floors, walls, and even the ceiling were stained with blood. Herwynbe stared bleary-eyed at the gruesome scene for a long time, then slowly closed the door. Perhaps he would go get some sleep instead. 

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Remart snored softly in the bed he'd finally broken down and rented from the innkeeper, Grumbles (what an appropriate nickname the man had).  He'd paid for room service too, so he woke as a tray of pastries was carried into his room.  Stuffing one down his throat, he thought through what he'd learned so far.  One: a metal peg leg might be dangerous with Coinshots and Lurchers making trouble. Two: someone was seriously trying to screw with their heads.  Reginald Canuck, that thieving schemer (or so he'd heard, he hadn't yet taken anything of Remart's, which was probably for the best after all), had been saved by some people making last minute decisions, some of them bafflingly, but for some reason, Remart's gut (in addition to grumbling about needing another pastry) was telling him the man was probably not a danger. Perhaps, but it seemed almost…too obvious.

Remart headed out into the town to find some more ale, and to see what he could learn.  He figured he'd steer clear of the crazy cat lady, though.  No need to deal with drunken cats today. 

Obviously, I'm starting my RP not knowing that Reginald was attacked or that Kip is dead. 

Edited by Jondesu
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Okay, well, Dalinar then. Hero, he seemed to basically claim that he wasn't a Lurcher himself with his earlier post about "A Coinshot will probably attack me and then the eliminators might protect me(if they have a Lurcher)." It seemed that way to me at least.

Kipper just died in the first Cycle last game... :( Possible reason why he was killed: Kipper voted on Gamma Fiend with absolutely no reasoning. If Gamma is Spiked, it could be that they thought Kip was voting on him because he was a Seeker that had scanned him and didn't want his scan to go to the grave with him, so he left an unexplained vote on the Spiked he scanned(in this case, Gamma). The Spiked might have taken the risk and sacrificed Gamma for a village Seeker, and if Kip wasn't a Seeker, the kill might not get questioned. That was the first theory that came to mind at least.

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5 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Okay, well, Dalinar then. Hero, he seemed to basically claim that he wasn't a Lurcher himself with his earlier post about "A Coinshot will probably attack me and then the eliminators might protect me(if they have a Lurcher)." It seemed that way to me at least.

Oh good point, I forgot about that. Thanks. 


6 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Kipper just died in the first Cycle last game... :( Possible reason why he was killed: Kipper voted on Gamma Fiend with absolutely no reasoning. If Gamma is Spiked, it could be that they thought Kip was voting on him because he was a Seeker that had scanned him and didn't want his scan to go to the grave with him, so he left an unexplained vote on the Spiked he scanned(in this case, Gamma). The Spiked might have taken the risk and sacrificed Gamma for a village Seeker, and if Kip wasn't a Seeker, the kill might not get questioned. That was the first theory that came to mind at least.

That... sounds like a bit of a stretch to me:mellow:

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