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Right, finally read up and have time to comment. Surprisingly few comments, actually. 

Dalinar: Not in general, but regarding his comment about what he could’ve done and how the pressure to be active is irritating and such? Wonko covered this well already, but I’d like to emphasize it. Anything you post is helpful, even if it’s terrible. Anything you say gives information about your alignment and causes discussion which gives information about others’ alignment, too. There will be mislynches and such, and yes it opens you up to being noticed and thus suspected. It’s dangerous for you personally. But it’s worth doing, because in the long run the village is helped by discussion, always. 
That’s just a really important thing - and the only reason I was going to bring up yesterday while I was reading the thread that we shouldn’t lynch him. I like that Dalinar’s this active, since we haven’t seen nearly this much in the past. It’s very nearly worth leaving him alive just because I want to encourage that activity. 
...Actually? Scratch that. It’s not nearly worth leaving him alive. I think it is worth it. I am not going to vote on Dalinar this game, regardless of his alignment, because I care more about keeping him and others active in future games. I won’t argue for keeping him alive, certainly, but I will not participate in his lynch.  

Also, something I noticed about that - while there's been a lot of discussion about what the roles surrounding Dalinar could mean, there hasn't really been much analysis of Dalinar's words. (In my opinion, several of the things he said last day turn were very eliminator-like (not announcing about pewter until late in the cycle, a couple wording things - one of the posts I found suspicious is quoted below).



*drops cat on Lopen's head*

I bin feelin' sho bad about me part in Ecth'sh untimely death, I had dun pretty much given up for a bit on bein' o' any help to thish village for a bit... It'sh jusht like the village I lasht been in, where everyone been like go away cosh no one likesh me, and the village before that where they hid all me catsh an' made me go lookin' for them, and before that there wash that village where I accidentally tripped up the Mayor'sh son wif me catsh and got chashed away, an' the one before that they tied me ter a footshtool an' threw me in the river... bashically I bin getting chashed outta an average o' one village every two weeksh for about eighty yearsh. I think I'm curshed. Right, ummm,  where wash I?

Long shtory short, I feel bad fer votin' fer Ecth and deeply regret my decision, despite my good intentionsh. However, I think thish ol' woman may shtill be able to find redemption... I have thingsh to get off me back (beshidesh all theshe catsh), but if there'sh one thing this old woman has learned here, it'sh to think before shpeakin'... I have a lot to chew over, and I ain't got ash many teeth ash I ushed to.

Mostly an idle thought I had here - for a while, it was common knowledge that anyone feeling particularly sad about someone’s death was more likely to be an eliminator, while those who just accepted it and moved on without excessive sadness were probably villagers.
This likely doesn’t apply, since obviously Madagascar didn’t come from our meta. I have no idea whether it applies over at Cracked. But it came to mind. 

@Wyrmhero - thank you so much for your RP you’re brilliant even if unintentionally so. 



I'm suspicious of most of the people voting on Conquestor. It seems weird to bandwagon on an inactive on the first Day. It can be difficult to tell who is truly inactive and who is just stuck with a bad schedule if you wait less than 24 hours to call them an inactive. If any of the people voting on Conquestor -- Len, Madagascar, Sart, and Dalinar -- are found to be elims, we should take a look at people who had a lot of votes around that time. At this point in the game, voting on someone for being inactive is meaningless. Anybody can vote on an inactive without having to put much reasoning.

Dalinar's post was very non-committal. He said that he thought I wasn't suspicious -- after I already clarified what I meant with the actives/inactives thing. Next, he said he didn't see the reason for lynching Nyali. Then he claimed suspicion of Nyali. He also claimed suspicion of Lopen and Arinian for voting on Nyali. Finally, he votes on Conquestor as a poke vote. Dalinar looks like he's contributing, but he's not saying anything meaningful. If he thinks that Nyali is suspicious, why not lynch her? If he finds Lopen and Arinian suspicious for voting on Nyali, doesn't this mean that Nyali probably isn't an elim?

I find Dalinar suspicious for his lack of commitment to a certain suspicion. He seems like an elim trying to fly under the radar by talking without contributing.

Can anybody tell me how many games Dalinar has played

Might as well confirm that this is his fifth. 

Also, pointing out that this is one of the few posts that did analyze Dalinar's words directly. Props to Rae. 



No, I am not a lurcher. And why do you offer up an explanation when you have already given us the answer? I already explained in my post last night what would happen. 

From a strategic perspective, why would the elim's protect anyone who isn't me? (that's a serious question, please, if anyone has a better answer, then tell me).  It's in there best interests to keep the discussion as focused as possible on me being evil to waste our lynches (both day and night cycle) and our time therewithin.

See above, you don't need to believe it, I just reserve the right to say I told you so ;). Btw you did tell us so...but we were screwed anyways.

 Yes, I am not a lurcher.

Sorry about that, your suspicions are entirely fair. Although I will take your cats. I like cats. I would like to point out my post from last night, which I have not heard a credible refutation for about why I would have tried to pm you and tie the vote if I knew my elim team could just save me (ignoring the 4-3 part because it is ridiculous to presume that Ecthelion being a soother would come into the equation).

Finally, why is no one talking about the people who threw the vote into chaos last minute? Wonko only came on for the last minutes of the lynch. Joe came in last minute too. At the very least, if you're going to kill me, accept that, vote to lynch me, and focus discussion on something with utility for the village in the long term

This is the post that felt off to me, specifically, though it's entirely gut and I can't say why. It just reads oddly.

Lopen's theory - in my opinion, that's one of the only things about him that actually reads as good. It's definitely a common thing for him to come up with ridiculous paranoid theories. He just doesn't usually post them in thread.

That said, I'm still suspicious of him for several weird turns of phrases. Maybe next day turn I'll go through and compile them, but no promises. 



I for one am of the (admittedly unpopular) opinion that Dalinar is innocent. Put yourself in your elim shoes: if a teammate of yours is going to get wiped out by a Coinshot in the dead of night, do you disclose that you have a Lurcher on your team? Elim!Len would cut his losses and lose Dalinar, thus keeping the Lurcher undetected. What I think happened is this: an alignment-undetermined Coinshot attacked Village Dalinar, who was saved by an Elim Coinshot. The elims have not done any work other than an anonymous Lurching, and they get the village to waste a lynch, a player, and their role.

I was going to point out that that wouldn't apply nearly so much if Dalinar were Mistborn, but then I read further. :P I would also note, though, that most players will fight a little harder to save their teammates. The life of a teammate is probably worth revealing a Lurcher, in my opinion. 



Because in case of Meta giving the elims unholy amounts of vote manip and the village an excess of smokers (which I could totally see Meta doing), you can never be too cautious.

That would be a great deal more plausible had that not been exactly the distribution of AG2. :P

Speaking of distribution, we have near-confirmation of at least two Mistborn, obviously. It would not surprise me at all to find that there are more, and very few actual roles. 

That's... about all of my comments, for the moment. 


His lordship up at the manor didn't want to see me, that was made plain clear to me. Didn't want to see anyone, as a matter of fact. I grilled his butler for the details, but the guy wouldn't crack. Never said anything about his lord even stepping outside of the place for a stroll in the garden, let alone a secret trip to murder someone. Laid low with a cold, he said. Seemed unbelievable that it'd happen now of all times. I'd trust a Terrisman not to lie though, not like this. Did make me suspicious, but not about the lord. Might be he was being made to be sick, some poisons could do that. But I'm no doctor, I couldn't just physic him back to health with a snap of my fingers. So for the time being, I had to pursue other lines of inquiry.

El kept to herself for the next few days after the man's murder. She didn't sleep well, haunted by dreams of blood and death and a tiny blue bird. From the few patients she had, she'd heard of other deaths in the village, but there was nothing she could do for them now. From the sounds of things, no one would have wanted her to, either. 

She shivered. We're killing ourselves, she thought, staring out the window in a rare moment of rest while the antiseptic she was mixing set properly. The koloss won't have anything to destroy, by the time they get here. What could she do, though? She wasn't a leader. She healed, sure, but there was no healing for the dead. 

She thought of the man again, remembering him dying in her arms. She hated him then, a little bit. He had caused this. He was the one who had made the village spiral into death and self-destruction. Why had he had to sow distrust like that? Perhaps he'd given advance warning about the koloss, but what could they do with that? How could they survive an attack by such beasts, regardless of the warning? All the man had done was make it easier for the koloss to kill them all. 

Now she was trapped. They all were, she supposed. Stuck in this little tiny village, unable to leave for fear of the koloss, unable to trust each other, dying at each others' hands. She almost hated her parents in that moment, too, for leaving her here to die - but she pushed the thought back immediately. She could never hate them. 

She shook herself and went pack to the antiseptic. There was work to be done. She'd heard Lord Locke was ill, again. Perhaps she'd pay him a visit that afternoon. A rational perspective on the matter could be useful.

Edited by Elbereth
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Nicki ran through the night, swift as a hawk. Mist swirled around her, covering her like a white blanket. The ash-stained walls, broken windows, and scrabbly brown plants all blurred together into a monochromatic mass.

Nicki ran. She dodged over piles of trash and uneven cobblestones with ease, and leapt over roadblocks like they didn’t exist. It was so peaceful here, just her and the path she chose. Nicki could almost imagine that she was back in Luthadel, on one of her daily runs with her father. Even before Nicki had Snapped, she’d been faster than him, so she always took the long route so they could finish at the same time in the Fountain Square. After Nicki had Snapped, she’d sprint through the long route twice so they could still finish at the same time.

Now that Nicki’s father was an Inquisitor, he was just as fast as she was. Faster, even.

Nicki shook herself out of her thoughts. She didn’t have time to be sentimental tonight. She had a mission, and she needed to complete it before anybody would be awake to object.

Nicki recognized a building with a spear stuck on top -- some Survivor’s Church, according to Rin. She turned left. Then she turned left again.

The graveyard of Tyrian Falls was larger than she’d expected. It was at least double the size of a normal ornamental garden, with headstones everywhere. Most of them were white, so they blended in with the mist.

Nicki groaned. She had to search through all of this? Just for a body? She’d be better off murdering a skaa. Still, Rin had seemed a little weird when Nicki suggested the idea, so the people here must be very attached to their skaa.

Nicki crouched down and read the name on the nearest headstone. Nicki’s fingers brushed the marble. It was cold and wet with condensation.  “Baron von Piffertiff the Third, the one percent,” it said. Some sort of Noble? Nicki moved on to the next headstone.

“Maill,” the next headstone read. “Our Beloved Cobbler. Dead, but not Gone.”

“The Amazing Wyrm,” said another headstone. “Surprisingly mediocre.”

“Clancy the Twice Spiked,” said a fourth headstone. “Still looking for his blood.”

Nicki frowned. Spiked? Was he part of whatever conspiracy was blackmailing her father to serve as an Inquisitor? Nicki would have to research this Clancy.

“Herwynbe, faithful Terris steward,” said yet another headstone. Nicki paused at this one. Wasn’t there a Herwynbe steward here? Maybe the Nobles here liked repetitive names. It wouldn’t be that surprising. Nicki had known some Terrisman breeders who named all of their Terrismen the same thing. The Herwynbe commemorated by this headstone was probably an ancestor of the current Herwynbe.

“Wyra, ever argumentative,” the next headstone said. “El.” “Rent the thief (good riddance!).” “Kassien Estvaril, apothecary. Died too soon.” “Gidomara Grae, who couldn’t procrastinate on death.” “STINK, a talking horse.” “Our Panda Jain.” “Unknown, Origins Unknown.”

Nicki almost walked past the headstone she was looking for. “Kip Pikker, good-looking even in death.” She stopped and then walked back. There it was. She flared Pewter and then began to dig.

The ground yielded easily to Nicki’s hands. She scooped up clod after clod of dirt and tossed it to the side. The ground was cold and hard, but Nicki didn’t mind. The warmth of Pewter in her gut warded her from the discomfort of the dirt. Nicki had dug through worse before in the slums of Luthadel.

Finally Nicki’s hands hit something hard. Wood. She cleared out the area around it, then started to pull. Nicki grunted with effort. Finally, Pikker’s coffin slid out of the earth.

Nicki stomped on the coffin’s cover. The glossy wood shattered under her foot, and she stepped on something hard. Nicki removed her foot and began to break the wood. She cracked the wood, ripped out nails, and pulled off boards. After a few minutes of dismantling, Pikker’s body was fully exposed to the night, ready to be taken back.

Death had not been kind on Pikker’s looks. His body was already beginning to swell, and his eyes protruded out of his head. Some parts of his skin were already a sickly shade of green. Nicki gagged at the smell. She tried flaring Pewter, but Pikker’s body still smelled as awful as before.

By Lord Ruler, had she really planned to take this thing back to Rin’s shop?

Nicki took a deep breath and immediately retched at the smell. Then she grabbed Pikker’s body and dumped it into the bag she’d brought.

Nicki ran back to Rin’s shop as fast as she could. This time, she took the shortest route she could, to distract herself from the rotting corpse slung over her back. Before long, Nicki had reached the metallurgist’s shop. She pushed her way through the door and the room she’d taken over from Rin.

Nicki opened the bag. She tried to slide Pikker’s corpse out without touching it, but in the end she had to scoot his body along the floor so it would fit across the length of the room. It looked a little more beaten up from Nicki’s run, but at least it was in one piece.

Finally, Nicki had a body to experiment on. She sighed in relief and accidentally got a whiff of Pikker’s corpse.

Nicki retched and ran out the door to find a place to vomit in peace.

Edited by Arraenae
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The Lord Tekiel lay on a bed, cursing the world. Of course he'd catch an illness from associating with a rabble like this. Never should have left the manor.

It had been a surreal few days for Locke Tekiel. The discovery of another Lord in the area, and a manor house he was unaware of changed things. He was pretty sure that this was real, and not one of his fever-dreams, but hadn't figured it out, yet. Although now recovering, he had not been in a state for critical thought. And this worried him. It seemed too much of a coincidence. Changing the balance of power like that, and laying the Lord Tekiel low to prevent a response...

I have actually been unwell, over the last few days, but have recovered. I have a personal goal of a substantive piece of RP each cycle I'm alive, which isn't something I've ever done in a game before. I'd quite appreciate it if people helped keep me to that?

Locke was brought back from a daydream by the sound of approaching steps, in a pattern he recognised. He'd known El for a few years, now - since he'd first taken ill after being sent off to Tyrian Falls. He would ask her for her thoughts on the "coincidence" of his illness, and for an update on the state of the mob downstairs.

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2 hours ago, Dalinar Kholin said:

MREOW!! the cat roared, viciously objecting to the chicken leg which had been stuffed on top of it. "Whoops," Dalinar muttered, before moving it to a different pocket. He replaced the chicken leg with some pastries of Joe's before continuing his search. Now, where was that butter?

What cat would ever object to being given a whole chicken leg to itself?

1 hour ago, Arraenae said:

Pewter helps a lot. B)

Also if I were going to lie about having a metal that I don't actually have, it would be pewter... Claiming to be a pewterarm when you aren't in immediate danger of getting lynched like Dalinar feels a lot like a bluff. Basically you are just asking people not to kill you because it would waste a kill.

Unfortunately, that is the sort of lie that doesn't say much about your alignment. A townie has just as much reason to bluff about having pewter as an elim does.

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4 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

What cat would ever object to being given a whole chicken leg to itself?

Also if I were going to lie about having a metal that I don't actually have, it would be pewter... Claiming to be a pewterarm when you aren't in immediate danger of getting lynched like Dalinar feels a lot like a bluff. Basically you are just asking people not to kill you because it would waste a kill.

Unfortunately, that is the sort of lie that doesn't say much about your alignment. A townie has just as much reason to bluff about having pewter as an elim does.

If you noticed, I've been RPing Nicki as a Thug since before this game started.

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I realized that quite a few people RP their characters with Allomantic powers... what if Joe was a Mistborn? Disclaimer: the following are not actual events, simply speculations on alternate Joes.

Joe was running. He didn't know why... he just wanted to. Speaking of wanting to do things, why don't I jump over that house? He cast a coin on the ground and Steelpushed, but the coin bounced on the cobbles and to the side, so Joe was flung into the wall. He groaned.

"Good thing I was burning pewter..."


Joe stood atop a tower, overlooking Tyrian Falls. With tin, he could see each cobble of the streets below. He scanned the rooftops, taking in the sights. Then he glanced to the side and stared directly into a mirror reflecting light. It was blinding, so bright that he lost his balance and tumbled off the tower. Joe landed with a crash.

"Good thing I was burning pewter..."


Joe was burning pewter, arm wrestling the largest man in Tyrian Falls. The other man strained, his muscles rippling as he tried to push back Joe's Allomantically enhanced arm. Finally, Joe slammed his arm down, securing his place as champion! The crowd cheered. Joe, feeling confident, challenged the crowd.

"Is there anyone who thinks they can defeat me?" He flexed his arms for emphasis. His arms were still wimpy.

An older man stepped forward. Joe smirked. This would be easy. They sat down at the table and locked fists. The ref stood by.

"One, two, three!"

Joe pushed, but the man didn't yield. Sweat trickled down the man's face. Joe pushed harder. The man wavered, but remained strong. Joe pushed-- his reserves ran out. The strength rushed out of his limbs. The resistance gone, the man's arm snapped Joe's back, snapping it and pinning his hand on the table. Joe shrieked and cradled his broken arm.

"Good thing... wait, dang it."

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17 hours ago, Gamma Fiend said:

I basically expected this to happen, and kept debating with myself at work whether or not this lynch would actually have have merit... I guess we at least know Dalinar was telling the truth about pewter. And depending on how Meta does the roll for what metal Mistborns get each cycle, there'd be a slim chance of him getting pewter again. I honestly just figured the *safest* course of action was to just follow through with the lynch of Dalinar because of the off chance he was lying about actually having pewter to potentially stall for one last cycle, and that seemed to be the case regardless.... so, with that.... we still don't actually have much to go on. Something something about spilt milk and rusted metal....

As far as the night goes, I would just recommend we let our Power Roles use their best judgement as opposed to any actual coordination, especially sans PMs. I haven't been able to analyze any actual votes tallies/switches and manipulations to really get any solid leads off of that though. I've been trying to use my time away to not take how players are posting compared to their "usual play style", especially since I've been so far removed from the meta, and just been trying to find similar themes or ideas between posts, and get a feel for my suspicions that way. With that, I've definitely been keeping an eye on Lopen, Madagascar and Hemelurgic headshot. It may simply be tunneling in these first few cycles, but their posts just seem more or less echo chambers that are stirring things up more than leading anywhere, but like I said, that's just my initial feeling after semi-skimming things. Lopen should have enough past experience with myself and others to be able to direct the attacks on Wilson the first night to try and take out a potential key player, also planting the seed of their theory connection me to poor old dead Kip. See, I can come up with my own radical theories. :P 

I feel like I've contributed more original thought than most players...such as pointing out the vote manipulation on D1, and narrowing down who it likely was. I've also responded to(I think) each and every question directed at me to try and explain anything somebody was curious about. I've been the 2nd vote twice, sure, and maybe I didn't add a whole lot of reasoning for those votes besides what the first voter said(I thought Rae's points against Dalinar were good ones and didn't feel like there was much to add and with my vote on Nyali, there wasn't much to begin with), but given no one has died except to the eliminator kill(and the one theory I came up with for that, you didn't like for some reason :P), there's not very many leads to begin with.

11 hours ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

Why would the soother/rioter mess up the votes when there was obviously no chance of shifting the majority of the votes onto someone else though

Well, this isn't exactly what you're asking about, but it could at least tell us if those people were Smoked or not. So that's something.

3 hours ago, Dalinar Kholin said:

Reginald snuck into Remart's bedroom, wincing slightly as his wrapped ribs groaned in protest. Bother, why'd he steal Kipper's mattress? Wasn't very comfortable at all. Now if he'd stolen Remart's he would've been right as rain (though, that did provoke an important question. Was rain really right? If so in what way? Bother. He wished he had more time to ponder all these mysteries, but at last, his fellow citizens seemed determined to see him offed. Probably wanted the treasure he'd been collecting over the past twenty years, or maybe just to burn the manifesto he'd been preparing. Regardless, that was why he had to enact The Plan.

He made sure to toss a few coins at drought every time he passed by (usually picked up from Sothe who just couldn't keep a hold of them for some reason. Seriously, it was like taking candy from a baby.) So when he'd passed Drought had seen fit to inform him Remart was on a nighttime walk.  He took a bite out of the chicken leg before stuffing it into one of his coats multitude of pockets.

MREOW!! the cat roared, viciously objecting to the chicken leg which had been stuffed on top of it. "Whoops," Dalinar muttered, before moving it to a different pocket. He replaced the chicken leg with some pastries of Joe's before continuing his search. Now, where was that butter?

The crime in this little village is just so terrible. >> Makes it hard to steal an honest day's pay. ;)

3 hours ago, Elbereth said:


Also, something I noticed about that - while there's been a lot of discussion about what the roles surrounding Dalinar could mean, there hasn't really been much analysis of Dalinar's words. (In my opinion, several of the things he said last day turn were very eliminator-like (not announcing about pewter until late in the cycle, a couple wording things - one of the posts I found suspicious is quoted below).

Lopen's theory - in my opinion, that's one of the only things about him that actually reads as good. It's definitely a common thing for him to come up with ridiculous paranoid theories. He just doesn't usually post them in thread.

That said, I'm still suspicious of him for several weird turns of phrases. Maybe next day turn I'll go through and compile them, but no promises. 


*El RP here*

Just erased a bunch of stuff that I wasn't responding to cause this post is already too long and I haven't even said very much. :P

I've responded to a few of Dalinar's posts(granted, he's tried multiple times to poke holes in my infallible logic, so I did feel the need to respond) and I even mentioned that he could have revealed having pewter earlier in the Cycle.

"Ridiculous paranoid theories." Is it that paranoid?! <_<

Aaaand you're suspicious of me too. Wow. Just curious, but if Dalinar does turn out to be a Spiked Mistborn, what would that do to your opinion of me(a question I might ask to any of the people who've voiced suspicion of me in this game)? I was the 2nd vote on him, which helped focus discussion on him(not sure if Elenion would have added his vote without mine and if Elenion hadn't, Doc might not have either) and he's been pretty insistent on attacking me. Just saying, a lot of people have voiced suspicion of me(though after I've responded to all of it, they haven't responded back so maybe I convinced them otherwise?) and I'd be really upset if a Coinshot killed me because Dalinar isn't dead yet so I don't have that as some sort of proof of innocence. How can you be suspicious of me if you think Dalinar is a Spiked Mistborn(which you seem to think)? That's kind of like saying Meta was suspicious even after helping focus the discussion and the lynch on the Forsaken on Day 1 in LG24. I think you'd say that that was one of my "ridiculous paranoid theories" wouldn't you? Mistborn isn't as powerful, granted, but I still think my point stands. And yes, I get that me saying that I'm soft cleared if Dalinar is a Spiked Mistborn is a bit of an IKYK, but I don't really care.

This might seem overly defensive, but after Wilson, Arraenae, Gamma, Elenion(said something about killing me at least), Elbereth, Magestar, and Dalinar(although I don't think many people are gonna take his opinion very seriously unless he dies and turns out to be village) voice suspicion of me for various reasons and people say that we shouldn't specifically mention people for the Coinshot to attack, I think you can see why I'd be worried and a little upset.

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Meta posting just scared me, i thought the cycle was over for a moment.

I'll post this now, since it's looking more and more like I'm not going to be able to finish combing through the entire thread before this turn is over. I'm going to vote for Stick, Straw, Lopen or Arinian after Dalinar dies. They're my four biggest suspicions, though Lopen i think is innocent if Stick is a Eliminator. and Vice versa.

Now then, Back to taking notes!

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1 hour ago, Metacognition said:

For example, here was one from the baker’s wife to Cassius. Oh, this would be downright scandalous if word got out! Not to mention that the baker’s wife had quite the imagination to her!

Lies! I never received any letters from anyone! That thing in the fire, that's... that's... that's it.

I'll level with you, okay? But I didn't kill Vomit.

Last night, I heard glass break. Fearing that some distressed maiden might be in need of my assistance, I quickly rose and dressed. Running out into the street, I saw a dark figure shoot off into the night. A coinshot, leaving behind a shattered window. Of course, that made it only more likely that a damsel was in distress, so I peered in the window moustache-first. And here, sitting on a table right next to the window, was one of my letters, with the wax seal open, and Vomit slumped over in a chair. I thought he was just sleeping. The nerve of him to intercept my letters! So I took my letter from him, the scalawag, and took it home to read. And here comes the morning, and guess what the news is? I panicked, of course, and threw the letter in the fire. Apparently my aim was not as good as my looks.

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Herwynbe woke early, as was his custom, before any of the guests in the manor arose. He dressed himself, washed his hands and face, shaved his head, then set about his duties. By this time the kitchen staff was up, lighting the ovens and firepits and beginning food preparations for the day. Herwynbe paused by the kitchens long enough to give them some basic instructions to see to the guests' needs, then he donned an ash cloak and slipped out the back door. 

His master had given him new instructions last night. There was somebody Herwynbe needed to find. 

Dalinar. (There, Wyrm, this time I was the FIRST to vote for him. Am I even more suspicious now? :P j/k) But really, no surprise there. All my reasons for voting for him yesterday still stand. And actually, @Dalinar Kholin, a question for you that I've been wondering about for the past 24 hours: If you are a mistborn, what power did you draw last night? I noticed that you weren't forthcoming with that info during the night phase at all, which is actually a small point in your favor in my book. I would expect an Eliminator to come right out and say "Hey guys I have <this power> this cycle, what do you want me to do with it?"

As for the events from last night... I'm not quite sure what to make of it. As best as I can tell, the eliminators attacked Jondesu but he survived due to pewter, either from being a thug or a mistborn, and our Coinshot took out Straw. That seems like an odd choice to me- Straw wasn't on my spike-dar anywhere. Glancing back at the votes it looks like he voted for Etchelion on day 1 and didn't vote day 2, and nobody has voted for him at all (I believe. I'm just flipping through the game archive, I don't have detailed voting notes or anything. If I'm wrong, someone please say so). 

Anyway, I wanted to keep analyzing but I'm getting too tired to stay awake and I still need to shower. Maybe someone who is a little more rested can make more sense of this than I can right now. 

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Remart glanced down at the dagger in his stomach. A little flared pewter kept the damage from being too painful, and he knew he'd survive, but it was still rusting inconvenient. He did have to admire the craftsmanship of the knife handle. It was well made, and he suspected the owner would want it back. He'd keep it for now, to protect himself if needed.

He decided to ask Grumbles the Innkeeper to send for a doctor to sew up the wound, and for some more pastries. Then, he'd check into what good old Herwynbe had been up to that night. That's the type of fellow who might use such a fancy knife, and want to get rid of a poor cripple who's only sin was gluttony, and perhaps hitting a little too close to the mark with his suspicions the day before.


@Metacognition, that was a ridiculously awesome write up. Thank you! The details made it particularly special.

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Just now, Jondesu said:

He decided to ask Grumbles the Innkeeper to send for a doctor to sew up the wound, and for some more pastries. Then, he'd check into what good old Herwynbe had been up to that night. That's the type of fellow who might use such a fancy knife, and want to get rid of a poor cripple who's only sin was gluttony, and perhaps hitting a little too close to the mark with his suspicions the day before.

:mellow: ...

Where you one of the ones suspecting me yesterday? :huh: I honestly don't remember who did, other than Wyrm, and that only because his RP posts are so awesome. Anyway, I'm too tired (see above) to go digging through posts to see what you said about me right now. I'll have to do it in the morning and get back to you.


I think. 



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2 minutes ago, Herowannabe said:

:mellow: ...

Where you one of the ones suspecting me yesterday? :huh: 

That hurts, man. Oh wait, maybe that's the knife in my gut. Besides, even if it was just some of your spiked buddies that noticed, my theory still applies. I was a somewhat low profile vote on you, but someone thought I was a threat.

BTW, I survived because I was a Thug, if that wasn't clear from my RP, so some protection wouldn't go amiss this upcoming night.

*Remart slaps his metal leg down onto the floor and grabs another pastry.*

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17 minutes ago, Jondesu said:


@Metacognition, that was a ridiculously awesome write up. Thank you! The details made it particularly special.

I'm glad you liked it! :D I always worry whether I did a good job with other people's characters. So when the person I do a write up about enjoys it, then I feel like I did my job. :)

See? When people have fun RPing their characters, GMs can use the stuff that happens in them in their write ups and it just makes it a much better story overall, IMO. Not to mention it flows better. :P 
I'm hoping that future GMs will start using CRs in their games. I think it's a small touch that adds a lot of flair to a game. 

EDIT: and I'm already out of upvotes for now.

Edited by Metacognition
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28 minutes ago, Metacognition said:

I'm glad you liked it! :D I always worry whether I did a good job with other people's characters. So when the person I do a write up about enjoys it, then I feel like I did my job. :)

I definitely enjoyed Cassius' mention.

28 minutes ago, Metacognition said:

I'm hoping that future GMs will start using CRs in their games. I think it's a small touch that adds a lot of flair to a game. 

When my turn comes around on the GM list, I'm definitely doing this.

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Excellent write-up Meta. :)

Okay, well, here's an attempt to go over the basic things that have happened. Hopefully this will help any inactives catch up and allow everyone a clear view of how we stand right now.

First things first, here's how the Spiked kills have gone: Wilson(protected by an unknown Lurcher, who never claimed to Wilson I don't think), Kipper(dead), Jondesu(Thug, I'm guessing?).

Next are the lynches. Day 1 there were a bunch of last minute shenanigans that involved Dalinar, Hemalurgic, and Ecthelion. At first, Hemalurgic was up for the lynch, then Dalinar was, then the lynch was tied up between Dalinar and Ecthelion. Sadly for Ecthelion, a Rioter got involved and Rioted a vote off of Dalinar and onto Ecthelion, ending with Ecth's lynch. I checked the online times of the no-voters to see if I could narrow down who was around when all of the voting craziness happened(about, the last hour of the lynch or so) and I my top suspects based on that are Nyali, Wonko, Hero, and Joe(with Wonko as my biggest suspect probably, because he was last online just a few minutes after the votes switched to Ecthelion and then he went offline I believe, which means he may not have been around to cancel his Rioting order once the tie was in place). Anyways, the last lynch was on Dalinar but he's apparently a Mistborn and got lucky by drawing pewter. So the lynch was wasted.

Coinshot kills(I guess the same one?): N0 there were no Coinshot attacks, Dalinar(protected by unknown, probably Spiked Lurcher), Straw(dead village Rioter).

Here's my village reads, with reasoning:

Elenion - He was the 3rd vote on Dalinar on D1, which really helped Dalinar become a prominent lynch target. If Dalinar is a Spiked Mistborn, I'd consider him soft-cleared. His vote was a typical bandwagon vote pretty much.
Doc - Like Elenion, he voted on Dalinar, but his vote was the 4th one. If Dalinar is a Spiked Mistborn, I think I'd consider him soft-cleared as well. I just don't see the Spiked bussing a Mistborn like that when there wasn't even that much evidence against him. I suppose Doc or Elenion could be Spiked who just figured they'd use their Rioter to save him if necessary, but I think they'd know that if that happened, he'd just get that much more suspicion.
Arinian - This one is almost purely gut/tone read. I think his posts accusing Nyali and his post responding to something Joe said sounded village. That's about all the reasoning I got.
Stick - I also got a village gut/tone read on her posts D1 as well. I pointed out before that it's likely the Lurcher who protected Dalinar was Spiked, so if that's the only Lurcher the Spiked have got, the fact that Stick wasn't protected instead of Dalinar when Drake asked for Stick to be Coinshot could point to her innocence. That's kind of weak evidence though, so I'm not very trusting of her.
Arraenae - She was the first vote on Dalinar. Maybe she thought a single vote on Dalinar wouldn't hurt, but that would still be a risky play as a Spiked. Like Len and Doc, this read relies somewhat on the fact that I think Dalinar is a Spiked Mistborn. I was also reading her as village even before all this mess with Dalinar happened though, so it's not entirely based off of that.
Jondesu - Claimed Thug, write-up basically confirms. He was attacked by the Spiked. WGG is always a possibility, but that would have just wasted both his extra life and one of the Spiked kills(and their first one was already blocked, so it doesn't seem like that would be a good idea).
Madagascar - If Dalinar is Spiked, I don't think Madagascar would be mostly because of her last minute vote to tie the lynch between Dalinar and Ecthelion. If she was Spiked with Dalinar, she'd have known that her vote wasn't needed and it would be pointless to make such a big deal about tying the vote and stuff. That's my thinking anyways.

On the first Cycle, I PM'd Arraenae with my reads and I also put Ecthelion and Wyrm on there. Ecth is dead and Wyrm, eh, I can't really tell. It was a weak read to begin with.

Spiked reads:

Dalinar - A Rioter(likely Spiked) saved him from the D1 lynch. A Lurcher(also likely Spiked) protected him from a Coinshot N1. He's claimed Mistborn and sorta proven it.
Drake - I've got a bad gut/tone read from him. That's about it.
Bugsy - Bad gut/tone read. Pretty weak though.
Wonko - For reasons I posted above, I suspect he may be the Spiked Rioter. I also don't remember him posting very much, but I feel like he may have explained that.

Also in my PM with Rae, I put my Spiked reads. I think I had Nyali and Wilson in there, but I don't suspect them as much right now I don't think. I do still have a bit of suspicion of Nyali due to Dalinar saying he didn't agree with lynching Nyali on D1 but that she was a little suspicious and because she's one of the people who might be the Spiked Rioter(but I think she was active right at rollover, so in her case, I think she probably would have seen the tie and removed the Rioting action). Wilson was basically all paranoia because of the attack on her and her vote on Stick(who I'm reading as village).

As Sothe woke up, he could tell he was in for a terrible day. His legs were extremely sore from chasing Reginald all of yesterday and after he'd finally given them the slip, Sothe had realized that he'd stuck all of his gold in his bad pocket. So on the merry chase, he'd strewn all of his hard earned coins all across the village.

Rotten luck that, he thought. He had been forced to return to that manor with the Terrisman fellow. It wasn't a bad way to spend a night, the beds were quite comfortable, but when someone is murdered in their sleep just a few rooms down from you the night before, it's not the most inviting place to go to sleep.

He forced himself out of bed and looked out his window. He sighed mentally. "Ah well, I suppose I'll get some of that free food the Terrisman's got, then wander the village and gather my gold," he said aloud.

Maybe I shouldn't talk so loud, he thought. You could never be sure who might be listening, especially in a strangers house.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Oh my, Matilda thinks. Thish ish no environment fer catsh to live in! I gotsh to get them out of here.

Here kittiesh, gather around Mama. She'll keep you shafe an' warm in her armsh. Thoshe awful mishtwraithsh won't get you like they got poor Matilda'sh parentsh sho long ago. At leasht I thinksh it wash  mishtwraithsh an' not Matilda gettin' real drunk an' accidentally opening a portal to hell while shtudying witchcraft. Uh, not that Matilda'sh a witch or anythin'. We dunno who'sh our friend or not in thish village, but we'll always have each other, kittiesh. An' we'll alsho have alcohol.

*hugs a teapot, tries to drink from a cat*

I ain't got much in the way o' factsh right now an' not shure what the troof ish, but thoshe what ish open and bold about votin' on their convictionsh gain more credibility wif me and my catsh. I am shinking I will vote fer either one o' theshe people.

Dalinar. Much ink hash been shpilt shpeculatin' on Dalinar'sh true nature an' everyone'sh shpent daysh tryin' to kill him. If he doeshn't die we are jusht going to keep obshesshin' about him an' forgetting everything elshe. Shpendin' all our time on a shingle man while the vasht shwathesh of the townshpeople shlip pasht with little comment ish kinda inefficient. But clearly the shpiked have intervened a great deal to keep him alive, an' a few things what he'sh shaid been troubling me with their accurashy, shpeshifically the bit about the "two vote shwing" in PMs (predicting a rioter's intervention, ash opposhed to a soother) an' predictin' an evil lurtscher.

Thinkin' about thish mishtborn thing, I kinda think it might shupport the "we randomly hit a bad guy out of randomnessh an' luck" theory. Like, if there'sh jusht one mishtborn on each shide (I don't know, maybe there'sh more, maybe everyone ish mishtborn but anyway for the purposhesh of thish the catsh will asshume there'sh one mishtborn on each shide). Like shupposhe there'sh 7 bad guysh an' 25 good guysh. If we randomly picked a good guy to throw catsh at, the chancesh of hittin' the Village mishtborn would be 1/25, or 4%. But if we randomly hit a bad guy wif catsh, the chancesh of hitting the Shpiked mishtborn would be about 1/7, or 14%. Shtill a freak coinshidenshe but higher.

There'sh alsho the posshibility we're incredibly unlucky an' are pershecutin' our Mishtborn for no reashon. Life ishn't alwaysh fair.

The other pershon I think of votin' fer ish Wonkorganization, an' I shall let the catsh exshplain.

  • (Orange longhair) He'sh been one o' them onesh what could be the rioter what caushed all that trouble.
  • (Gray Tabby) He voted fer Hemalurgic pushin' him in front o' Dalinar for a bit, which if Dalinar ish evil coulda bin an attempt to shave'im by non-rioter meansh. Mrow.
  • (Black Cat with Hypnotizing Green Eyesh): When people shtarted votin' Dalinar to keep'em from pickin' on the new guy, he an' Dalinar both backed off, which shuccesshfully got shume people to retract Dalinar. It might alsho mean Wonko wash backin' off becaush he realized tryin' to lynch Hemalurgic wash too rishky an' he needed to riot to push it to Ecth inshtead.
  • (Abyssinian Cat) He'sh too quiet an' ash catsh we like eatin' people what don't shtruggle.

Obvioushly that alsho hingesh on Dalinar bein' a shpiked. The catsh are votin' in pink for Dalinar an' I'sh votin' in red fer Wonkersh fer now, caush I wanted to lay out my thoughts on Wonkersh an' to avoid accusashunsh of bandwagonin', but I'll probably end up votin' fer Dalinar, barrin' me gettin' bored an' votin' fer shomeone elsh entirely or shomeone pointin' out shomethin' I forgot which invalidatesh my point. Sho, 90% chanshe.

Alsho, doesh anyone know what short of alcohol catsh like the besht? You'd think I'd know, being a mad drunk cat lady, but you shee I've alwaysh ended up drinking all the alcohol myshelf. Very shelfish, I know :( But the catsh desherve a tipple or two.

Edited by Madagascar
Fixed lousy phrasing.
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