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Actually, that count is off, Silverblade. It's close though and since you have 2 and a half hours left, I figured I'd do an official one. 


Dalinar (12)- Assassin in Burgundy, Seonid, Nyali, Herowannabe, Arinian, Conquestor, Magestar, Doc12, Lopen, Dalinar, Drake, Silverblade
Lopen (4)- Elenion, A Joe in the Bush, Manukos, Hemalurgic Headshot
Herowannabe (1)- Jondesu
Hemalurgic Headshot (1)- Wyrmhero
Bugsy (1)- Arraenae
Arraenae (1)- Araris
Wonko (1)- Madagascar
Orlok (1)- Wilson

No Votes (9)- Elbereth, Wonko, Orlok, Sart, Gamma Fiend, Bugsy, Stink, Droughtbringer, I am Stick


EDIT: Congrats, Hero! Best of luck! :)

Edited by Metacognition
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Bugsy. Lopen.

I'd still like for Bugsy to talk about his suspicions. Mentions are broken for me, so if someone could mention him for me, that would be great.

Just another note -- look at how many people have said things about Lopen! Isn't this discussion amazing? :D 

EDIT: By the way, Doc, this is how you create discussion when most people have already decided to lynch someone. You get out and slap a vote on somebody you're suspicious of. I'm suspicious of Lopen. Who are you suspicious of?

Edited by Arraenae
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6 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Bugsy. Lopen.

I'd still like for Bugsy to talk about his suspicions. Mentions are broken for me, so if someone could mention him for me, that would be great.

Just another note -- look at how many people have said things about Lopen! Isn't this discussion amazing? :D 

EDIT: By the way, Doc, this is how you create discussion when most people have already decided to lynch someone. You get out and slap a vote on somebody you're suspicious of. I'm suspicious of Lopen. Who are you suspicious of?


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22 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Bugsy. Lopen.

I'd still like for Bugsy to talk about his suspicions. Mentions are broken for me, so if someone could mention him for me, that would be great.

Just another note -- look at how many people have said things about Lopen! Isn't this discussion amazing? :D 

EDIT: By the way, Doc, this is how you create discussion when most people have already decided to lynch someone. You get out and slap a vote on somebody you're suspicious of. I'm suspicious of Lopen. Who are you suspicious of?


15 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

I think she wanted someone to mention @Bugsy6912.

In response to Joe, I just RP'd about the attack/save on Wilson because I didn't have a strong opinion about it at that point. I just thought it'd be funny to mess with her about it by "accusing" her through RP of pulling a WGG. I even said in that post that I didn't actually suspect her.

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Well, there we go. That validates quite a bit of discussion, and confirms that the spiked have a lurcher. For that reason, I'm going to ask Coinshots to not shoot their suspicions. If they shoot a spiked they're suspicious of, they may very well be lurched, which would give us some information, but not a dead spiked. But if they shoot a villager they're suspicious of, Which is far more likely. They probably won't be lurched.

@TheMightyLopen Your defenses the last turn did enough to convince me of your probable innocence. You should lurch yourself tonight And to be certain, you're the second lurcher? You're claiming you didn't lurch Wilson N1?

@Metacognition Love'd the writeup.

EDIT: Lopen's vote was moved to himself.


Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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Because of Dalinar's alignment, my suspicion of Lopen has lessened considerably. Sorry I outed you as a Lurcher last cycle. :( Would hunting down another elim make it up for you? We have a list of people (including me) who tried to lynch you instead of Dalinar D3. We can definitely get somewhere with that.

I'd also like to note that Operation Relationship Analysis is a success! Tomorrow I'll update my notes, which are linked in my signature. Hopefully they'll be just as helpful in catching other elims as they were in catching Dalinar. :D

Meta, Lopen's vote is entered twice, once on himself and once as a no vote. Is that intentional?

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Judging by the Lopen vote mishap, we know that he was Soothed and probably Rioted on top of that. The Soothing removed the Rioted vote. Chances are that out of the 5 of us who voted on Lopen, at least one is a vote manip.

Oh, don't mind me. Just burning some extra paper, that's all. No incriminating letters here.

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First off, that is such a relief. That would have been extremely frustrating if Dalinar had been village. And to echo the others, great write-up yet again Meta!

So my vote was Soothed/Rioted I guess. Well at least that shows I wasn't Smoked(unless I am a Rioter, but I'm not). Wilson's vote was not Soothed or Rioted, but there's not a lot of information we can gain from that until we are able to get in contact with any Soothers or Rioters that may have attempted to mess with her vote(I don't advise claiming, at least while PM's are down, because village vote manipulation can be extremely useful, especially late game). As far as we know, no Soothers or Rioters might have seen the plan to act on it.

18 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Well, there we go. That validates quite a bit of discussion, and confirms that the spiked have a lurcher. For that reason, I'm going to ask Coinshots to not shoot their suspicions. If they shoot a spiked they're suspicious of, they may very well be lurched, which would give us some information, but not a dead spiked. But if they shoot a villager they're suspicious of, Which is far more likely. They probably won't be lurched.

@TheMightyLopen Your defenses the last turn did enough to convince me of your probable innocence. You should lurch yourself tonight And to be certain, you're the second lurcher? You're claiming you didn't lurch Wilson N1?

@Metacognition Love'd the writeup.

EDIT: Lopen's vote was moved to himself.


Thanks. That's good to hear. :lol: Yes, I am a Lurcher, and no, I did not protect Wilson or Dalinar.

Not sure if I agree about the Coinshots. Like you say, even if their attack is blocked, it gives us information(maybe take a closer look at that player for example).

12 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Because of Dalinar's alignment, my suspicion of Lopen has lessened considerably. Sorry I outed you as a Lurcher last cycle. :( Would hunting down another elim make it up for you? We have a list of people (including me) who tried to lynch you instead of Dalinar D3. We can definitely get somewhere with that.

I'd also like to note that Operation Relationship Analysis is a success! Tomorrow I'll update my notes, which are linked in my signature. Hopefully they'll be just as helpful in catching other elims as they were in catching Dalinar. :D

Meta, Lopen's vote is entered twice, once on himself and once as a no vote. Is that intentional?

It's cool. Getting another Spiked would be great, yeah. XD I'll be sure to look over things a little closer too now that we know Dalinar's alignment/role for sure.

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So, I didn't get time to post before turnover (because I haven't been keeping up with the thread >> and orchestra got out late), but I have now read through all of it and multiquoted eleven posts. >> I will be writing that up and posting it sometime tomorrow, I hope, but right now I should get back to my physics homework, so I'll just RP for the moment. 

The weight of her new satchel was heavy on El’s back as she approached Lord Locke Tekiel’s mansion. As she had a hundred times, she passed the wrought iron gate, the well-tended gardens of plants which were utterly useless for anything medicinal (though, she had to admit, certainly beautiful to look at), and nodded briefly at the butler as she ascended the granite steps and passed the front double doors. 

She'd been here before, many times now. Lord Locke had been severely ill when he'd first come to Tyrian Falls, years ago. A combination of diseases picked up from exposure to country skaa, she thought, or possibly something about being closer to the ashmounts. Regardless, he was well recovered, and thus she hadn't seen him in several months now. 

She was struck, again, by how young he appeared, as she quietly entered his room. She never remembered him as youthful as he actually was, because his bearing and manner were so constantly poised even when he literally couldn’t move from lying on his back. But he was perhaps only a few years older than her, really. Strange how different we are despite that, she thought. But, then, he was a noble, and she was skaa. Of course their situations were different. He’d grown up in the middle of a city, pampered and proper. She… well. After she was left here, she’d grown up under the wise care of Kassien, the apothecarist mentoring her until he’d passed away recently from old age. She’d had to learn how to run a business at the age of fourteen, and had grown up fast when she’d seen the first few die under Kassien’s and her care. 

Though… there was one way in which their situation was the same. At the very least, El had never heard the lord talk about his parents, nor receive any communication from them. She’d never asked, of course. In some ways, though, she hoped he was an orphan, too, though she hated that she’d wish anyone else to go through that. 

In any case. In some ways, she was still more mature than Lord Tekiel. In some ways, he utterly surpassed her. In this situation, though, he was her patient. She shook herself. She had work to do. 

Should note this meeting is set at an indeterminate time which'll occur basically at whenever seems most convenient, given it's stretched over multiple days now... :P 

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18 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Judging by the Lopen vote mishap, we know that he was Soothed and probably Rioted on top of that. The Soothing removed the Rioted vote. Chances are that out of the 5 of us who voted on Lopen, at least one is a vote manip.

Oh, don't mind me. Just burning some extra paper, that's all. No incriminating letters here.

If we were a vote manip, our vote would be canceled.

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Well, I've got a few minutes free so I figured I would squeeze in some quick RP and a bit of... well, I wouldn't dare call it "Analysis." More like "light commentary."...

It was nightfall by the time Herwynbe found the person he was searching for. Of course, he hadn't spent the entire day searching- there had been that nasty business with Reginald. Fortunately, they had managed to catch the thief and see that justice was served. Herwynbe's hand moved to the pouch on his belt. It held a long, steel nail that he had found and removed from the thief's shoulder, just where Herwynbe's master said it would be. 

Presently, Herwynbe stood in front of a tidy little metallurgist shop. The shop was closed for business, but a lamp still burned inside one of the windows, and he could hear the quiet sounds of people moving about inside. Herwynbe raised his hand and knocked on the door. 

Inside, the motion stopped. There was a bit of hushed conversation. A question. An answer. Another question. Hesitation.

Herwynbe politely knocked again. More motion inside, and then the lamp moved, carried from the side room into the main room and to the door. The bar was lifted, and then the door was opened a few inches. "Yes? Business is closed for today." The man said. 

It was Rin, the Metallurgist. He wore a craftsman's set of spectacles typical of his trade, and a stained apron that was not. The stains made it look like the apron of a butcher, not a metallurgist. Herwynbe paid them no mind.

"Forgive me, Master Craftsman," Herwynbe said, bowing his head deferentially. "I do not mean to intrude. I have been informed that the lady Nicki is here. Might I have a word for her please? It will only take a few minutes, I think."

Rin hesitated, looking nervous. "Wait here," he said, then slipped back inside, shutting the door behind him. Herwynbe waited patiently, letting the mists swirl around him. A few moments later the door opened again, revealing Nicki. If Rin had been wearing the apron of a butcher, Nicki wore the apron and gloves of a surgeon. 

"Good evening, Lady Nicki," Herwynbe said, bowing again. "If I might have but a moment of your time. My master has sent me to conduct some business with you."

"Oh?" She said warily. "What sort of business?"

"Three days ago when that unfortunate man expired in the village square, you were seen removing an object from the man's body. If you were to relinquish your possession of the object-"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Nicki said hastily. "I didn't take anything."

"My Master would be willing to compensate you, of course. Quite richly."

"I have no need for money. Good ni-"

"Indeed. But it is not money that my master is offering you."

"I don't care wh..."

She trailed off as Herwynbe slipped a small book out of his robes- hardly more than a pamphlet, really. It contained only a few dozen pages, and the leather cover bore no title. Only an artist's depiction of a skull, with two large spikes driven through it's eye sockets.

"He offers you answers, my lady. Or, at least, their beginnings. In exchange for the object you took from the man as he died." He held out the small book towards her, and awaited her reply...

Well so much for "quick" RP. :rolleyes: Ah well. 


Okay, a couple quick thoughts. 

We finally got Dalinar! Yay! And he was spiked after all! Double yay!

@Metacognition: I take it PMs are still down? I for one would love it if you simply said at the end of each write up "PMS are currently <closed/open>", just so that there is no confusion. 

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but here are the main suspicions (other than Dalinar, of course, and some of them had been hinging upon Dalinar's guilt) that have been bouncing around in my head the past few days. 

Lopen: I'm torn about Lopen. I have been since Day 1. Half of his posts seem super helpful and genuine and very "village-y," but the other half... seem sorta suspicious. His role reveal(s) seem a bit reckless and ill advised, but in my experience the eliminators usually tend to avoid reckless and wild claims. But then eliminators often try to be "super hepful and village-y" with their posts so that nobody will suspect them. So I don't know. I'm definitely a little suspicious of him, but I don't know if its enough for me to want to lynch him yet, or even to agree with those who do want to lynch him. I'm definitely keeping my eye on him though. 

Wyrm and Wilson: These two seemed to be the most convinced (is that the right word? Not really, but I can't think of a better one at the moment) that Dalinar wasn't guilty. There may have been one or two others too that I can't remember at the moment. Wyrm backed off from his stance and claimed more of a "I don't know if he's guilty or not" position, and IIRC both of them agreed that Dalinar needed to be lynched so we could move on. Genuine opinions or is one (or both) of them an eliminator trying to subtly back-peddle after trying to save Dalinar? 

Madagascar: Lord ruler but her posts are entertaining! However, A few times on Day 1 she changed votes and joked about how it would make everyone think she was spiked, and in the end she switched her vote from Dalinar to Ecthelion and saved him, and said she did so knowing that if Dalinar was evil then everybody would suspect her. Then Dalinar was saved and Ecthelion died (partially) because of it, and she immediately switched from being brash and cavalier about her voting hijinks to being remorseful over her mistakes. Could be genuine, or it could be some clever reverse psychology followed by an attempt to garner sympathy. It's the sort of thing I would do if (and have done in the past when) I was spiked. I really don't want her to be spiked though, because I really really enjoy her posts. So... maybe we can lynch her last? :rolleyes:

Everyone in the past 48 hours who said that we should let the coinshot(s) take out Dalinar: Seriously? :huh: Seriously. <_<That was a terrible idea. We tried that on Night 2, remember? And Dalinar was lurched. What made you think that this night would have turned out any differently? Or the next night? I'm very suspicious of everyone who advocated that we let coinshots try (again) to take out Dalinar. 

Anyway, those are my suspicions, for what they're worth. This is probably the last substantial post you'll hear from me for a few days at least. Sorry. :wacko: 


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28 minutes ago, Herowannabe said:

@Metacognition: I take it PMs are still down? I for one would love it if you simply said at the end of each write up "PMS are currently <closed/open>", just so that there is no confusion. 





I will add it in to this post and I will endeavor to do so in the future. That said, I specifically told you that I'm on top of it. So, again, no. PMs are not allowed at this time.

You will be told if they are ever reopened. I know what I'm doing, thank you very much. :P 

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Rin slumped back against his chair, playing with an empty vial in his hands.

He had killed a man. 

Well. Sure. He hadn't administered the killing blow, and yes, he had been in the crowd who had agreed that Reginald needed to die, but to be the sole cause, even indirectly, of the death... Sure, Reginald had turned out to be evil after all, but still. Every day he worked to make sure his metal was allomantically pure, every alloy meticulously mixed to the last percent. He worked with the knowledge that if he slipped up, he could be held responsible for a death. There had been some mishaps at the beginning of his trade, but nothing fatal, thank the Ruler...

...He had never intentionally botched up an order before. Never.

In his eyes he saw Reginald screaming on the roof as he tried to burn the tainted metal, his mouth frothing, eyes wild. The scream trailing off into a shriveled-up gasp, and the man falling backwards with a deceptively soft thud

Looking across his shop at the rows of vials neatly sorted, his boxes of metal flakes and his tools both heavy and delicate, he heard them screaming at him, him who had betrayed his honor and his trade. 

And now...what was left for him to do? 

And even as the Terrisman entered, and his eyes noted Nicki's eyes lighting up and her suddenly furtive movements, he felt nothing. 

Nothing at all.

Okay, RP aside, I felt honored to have a hand in the spiked death :P I had been meaning to mention it in my earlier posts, but I somehow kept forgetting. I have always enjoyed your writeups, Meta. They are a particular highlight of the first few SE games on the forum and the AGs after that. The way you manage to involve the players and their little quirks into the narrative is amazing, and thank you for those!

Now, onto discussion,

So Dalinar was spiked. Excellent. From this, we naturally begin to look at the Lopen lynch from last cycle, which seemed to have risen in an attempt to throw off the village. 

For this reason, it makes me slightly more inclined to trust Lopen. Those who participated in the Lopen lynch last cycle I find suspicious.

Arraenae, A Joe in the Bush, Hemalurgic Headshot, Manukos and Elenion.

Let's take a look. 

Rae I'm not too sure about. She was the first to accuse Lopen (with some poor justification, which I pointed out last night) and call for a coinshot to attack Dalinar. This I find suspicious, seeing now that Dalinar was spiked all along, and the fair assumption that the Eliminators would have a lurcher ready. On the other hand, her vote on Lopen did not come out of nowhere, having repeatedly expressed suspicion on him. But still. Revealing a lurcher....

Other thoughts were that she was the first on Day 1 to call out Dalinar, who up till then had been going relatively unnoticed. Of course, It could also be the action of an eliminator who didn't realize how Dalinar would go on to hog so much of the spotlight. For now, I'm going to be quite a bit more suspicious of Rae. Currently leaning more suspicion than trust.

Secondly, Joe. In terms of voting patterns, Joe voted on Dalinar on Day 1 to save Headshot from the lynch, admitting then and there that he just wanted to save Headshot on the grounds of him being a new person. After that, in the day he voted first on STINK on the grounds of voting for himself, then when the Lopen lynch came out jumped on it, saying he also had prior bad reads on Lopen. He did not vote on Dalinar, citing his respect for Wilson and El and deciding to follow their lead. Begins Suspect. 

Headshot. I've been suspicious of Headshot for quite a while, see my posts in the day for details. I'm surprised at after his near-lynch on day one, he basically dropped under the radar and no one has been paying any more attention to him. He has still been making the same kind of posts, voting on people without much reason. (I seem to remember a few posts where he was a computer and spat out a single name, followed by an error message and amending it with another name) He has mostly been posting RP, and as I have stated, flying under the radar. This plus him joining the Lopen lynch fairly quickly has only served to make me want to point him out more.  Suspect more. 

Manukos and Elenion I have less of a read on. Elenion doesn't seem to have been posting all that much, and has been happily bandwagoning, so I can't really fathom his reasons for joining the Lopen lynch beyond bandwagoning. Manukos has also been notably absent. What I find interesting about Manukos is after a few days of not posting much, he comes up and votes Lopen out of nowhere, saying he piqued his interest more than Dalinar. I find this suspicious, that a player who has been lying low for a few cycles decides to come up and vote. Begins to wonder.

So yes, I might be tunneling, but some of these players have been ringing bells in my head. I'd be happy if we could discuss them tomorrow. :) 

Oh, and Rae? 


EDIT: By the way, Doc, this is how you create discussion when most people have already decided to lynch someone. You get out and slap a vote on somebody you're suspicious of. I'm suspicious of Lopen. Who are you suspicious of?

I'm pretty sure I was one of the people advocating we discuss people even on a decided lynch, Rae. I voted on Headshot within my very first post of the day... :P 


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Joe strolled through the town square as the shadows of dusk filled the alleys. Reginald died, apparently. Finally cornered. Joe rounded the corner and walked to his corner. Well, he had forgot which was his, so he had laid claim to all of the corners in Tyrian Falls. He heard tiny footsteps approaching.

"So did you trip him this time?"


"Well, he's dead now. Going to give any hints on the next Spiked?"

Squeak squeak.

"Well, good night to you."

We have finally taken Dalinar down! Next target...?

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Hi! I misshed all the exshitement, I had fallen ashleep in thish pile of catsh. *points to a bunch of whiskey bottles* An' we killed a shpiked mishtborn, cool. It took a couple of daysh, but they alsho washted a bunch o' nightsh tryin' to kill people sho it'sh about even I shaysh.

@Herowannabe Me regret wash genuine, but to be fair I feel bad about gettin people killed even when I'm part of the faction what'sh shupposhed to do that (Matilda hash lived in a lot of villagesh in her 80 yearsh). Anyway, twash the Rioter what shaved Dalinar an' my vote ended up bein' shuperfluoush, but your pointsh are fair, though I wash shimply bein' my Chaotic Neutral shelf.

I cain't remember mosht of your nameshesh (why can't you have normal namesh like Whishkersh and Mishter Flufflesh?) but I'll jusht shay Wonkersh an' Nyali are shtill the onesh I shushpect the mosht, now that Dalinar'sh dead. I remember Dalinar shpeakin' out in defenshe o' Rae an' Nyali the firsht day back when he probably figured he could do sho wifout shcrutiny. That could make them both look shushpishioush, exshept Nyali wash tryin' to get Rae lynched at the moment, indicating they wash on different shidesh. I guessh my instinct ish that he wash defendin' Nyali an' jusht ushin' Rae ashe a shmokeshcreen to look fair (Rae done later voted fer Dalinar if my notesh are correct) but that'sh why I shushpectsh Nyali more than Rae. Or he could have been shmart enough not to openly defend a fellow shpiked, but who knowsh. Mosht shushpishioushly to me, Dalinar bashically refushed to vote fer Wonkersh when I suggeshted he do sho in private convershashunsh the firsht day (I, er, may have had it out fer Wonkersh for sheveral daysh in a row now), but wash more than willing to try to tie the vote wif HH or Ecth. Sheemsh like undue favoritishm from a shpiked. Alsho it sheemed to me like Wonkersh wash tryin' to shneakily help Dalinar out. Either one could be the rioter.

Anyway wif that boring talk over, I'm opening a Free Cat Bar in my hovel. It'sh a plashe where you kin drink alcohol an' pet catsh. I thought we could all ushe a little rela-ACK-ACK-ACK-sayshun (shorry, wash jusht hackin' up shum phlegm) in our livesh! It'sh not ack-ACK-ACK-*hiccup*-shooally free though. You need to pay all the money to go inshide. Whishkey ain't cheap.

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Hmm. I went back and looked at yesterday to see who exactly advocated for us to not kill Dalinar and instead let the coinshot kill him. All I really found was Rae advocating for it rather strongly, and Wilson mentioning it once. (Elenion argued that we should kill the person he suspects is a spiked lurcher instead of Dalinar, but only so our coinshot could kill Dalinar in the night, so that doesn't count.) Wilson, I'm biased about. The first time we played a game together (LG20, which was also my first game), she tricked me for like the whole game, so I'm always worried about her. But, she was advocating discussion of people who were not Dalinar more than making a tactical suggestion.

Rae, on the other hand, specifically said "Don't waste another lynch on Dalinar if you want the village to win." That statement makes no sense to me. A lot of what Rae's said this game has made little sense to me, starting with the Day 1 role suggestions she posted. This all puts her as my top suspect for now.

I don't know how I feel about Lopen. I don't know the role distribution in this game, but if Wilson's attack was not a WGG, that makes me suspect Lopen. He insists he didn't protect her night one, and I doubt there are two village lurchers and a Mistwraith lurcher. But, I guess there could be? Or there could be a village Mistborn who could have rolled Iron? I really don't know how Meta does role distributions.

I'll try to say more about other players later - work and home have just been really busy.

Nyah tentatively approached the "Free Cat Bar." She was rather hungry and hadn't had cat in ages. She heard the price was all of her money, which made her laugh. What orphan has money? It must be a way that the generous soul who was offering the cats could keep out those who weren't beggars or orphans.

She was surprised when she sat down and was handed a live cat. Perhaps this was one of those places where you had to kill and cook the food yourself? She didn't notice any knives. She took hers out of her belt and put it to the cat's throat. The cat looked at her and purred. She dropped the knife, startled by adorable feline eyes. No, this was not what she had expected at all. She just couldn't do it, so she pushed the cat off of her, snatched her knife from the ground, and ran.

She would go hungry tonight, she reckoned, but at least that cat would be okay.

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7 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

Wyrm and Wilson: These two seemed to be the most convinced (is that the right word? Not really, but I can't think of a better one at the moment) that Dalinar wasn't guilty. There may have been one or two others too that I can't remember at the moment. Wyrm backed off from his stance and claimed more of a "I don't know if he's guilty or not" position, and IIRC both of them agreed that Dalinar needed to be lynched so we could move on. Genuine opinions or is one (or both) of them an eliminator trying to subtly back-peddle after trying to save Dalinar? 

Funny you should mention having a suspicion of me, Hero, because out of all of the people who've been gunning for Dalinar, you're the one I suspect the most. You seemed to be hitting the "Dalinar is eeeeevillll, let's kill him!" angle a little too hard.

Yes, I thought Dalinar was village. When has being convinced that a Spiked wasn't evil automatically makes the person defending them evil too? Pretty sure that's a person-by-person basis, and I've never been much of one to stick my neck out too far to save a teammate. Especially when there was no hope of saving Dalinar. If I'd honestly wanted to save him, I would've been putting forward other names, which I wasn't.

Oh, also, you missed a couple people. Namely, Stink. He was incredibly vocal about his frustration with the Dalinar lynch. And then there's like half of the people who voted on Lopen rather than voting on Dalinar.... Can't help but wonder if you skipped over them because you've got teammates in that group and don't want to shine a light on them.

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