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25 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Yeah, I actually get more suspicion for my mistakes when I'm a villager than when I'm an elim. QF12, the the elim team bussed me. LG17, the elim team planned to buss me and then Aman outed me while drunk. LG21, a combination of secret role shenanigans and GM errors outed me. As an elim, I've never been caught by a villager for making a mistake. I've been lynched several times while village, though.

I'm very good at being a suspicious villager. In fact, I feel that it's easier for me to be a suspicious villager than a suspicious eliminator.

Also, I think the Coinshot might be Spiked. We have so much village protection -- Lopen as a lurcher, my Thuggishness, potentially the Lurcher who protected Wilson, potentially Jondesu as a Thug. All of this village protection is here for a reason.

I almost sure that coinshot is elim after Lopen's death. Or there more mistborns in elim team.

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6 hours ago, Elenion said:

I still fail to see how Nicki's advocating for vigilante justice was a problem. The worst that could have happened was the vigilante failing, and the best that could have happened would have been removal of competition *coughs*  Dalinar being killed sooner.

This has all been said before but let me lay it out clearly. 

Night 2: Our coinshot attacked Dalinar. A Lurcher (presumably a spiked lurcher) protected him, so he survived.

Day 2: we lynched Dalinar. He had pewter, so he survived.

Night 3: The coinshot left Dalinar alone. Wisely so. If the coinshot had attacked him, he probably would have been lurched and would have survived. Again.

Which brings us to day 3: Lynch is going strong against Dalinar. Nothing can save him now. Then people start saying "wait, don't lynch him, let the coinshot do it!"


... okay, hypothetically, say we did that instead. We vote and lynch someone else. Dalinar survives.

 Night 4: the Coinshot attacks Dalinar, just like we publicly planned. What would happen? Surprise surprise, the spiked lurcher saves Dalinar again. DALINOR SURVIVES AGAIN

Does anyone actually believe there would be any outcome other than that? Genuine question, I really want to know if anybody thinks that the Eliminators would have let us coinshot Dalinar? The only reasonable way we had for killing Dalinar was to lynch him. Why in the world would you want to derail a lynch going against him?

Unless of course you're an eliminator trying to keep him alive  

5 hours ago, Madagascar said:

Indeed. Plush Nick actually bein' a shpiked would mean she had advocated eliminating her own Mishtborn and encouraged othersh to do sho on  the firsht day. Methinksh shume people are jusht lookin' fer excushesh to keep Nyali around.

Unfortunately, those people sheem to be the majority.

I've got nothing against lynching Nyali. But right now I suspect Arranae more than Nyali. So I'm voting for her. 

And you like complaining about how everybody is ignoring your reasons for keeping Arraenae alive. That goes both way though. I STILL don't see you or anybody else addressing the reasons that we have FOR lynching Arranae. 

4 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Alright. I'm a Thug, so lynching me will be of no use. Obviously, I've stormed up in a way that makes me easy to lynch yet again (hello, QF15, MR18), and obviously, some Spiked are probably voting on me to get revenge for Dalinar. Please don't give the Spiked the revenge they want. Spiked, if you really want me dead, you should consider double-tapping me tonight instead of lynching me. 

Having pewter is not a good reason for not lynching you (unless maybe you're a mistborn. Maybe). Case and point: Dalinar. 


Hero, if your vote on me is purely for RP, I'd suggest that you take it off. I can respond in RP, but I will be gone for the next four hours and would rather not be lynched because I decided that sports practice and a mountainload of homework takes priority over an internet game. I will respond by either the end of this cycle or the beginning of N5.


It's not purely for RP. It's only partially so. And the more I think about it and the more responses (or lack thereof) I see from people, the less it has to do with RP and the more it has to do with genuine suspicion. Sorry. 

Herwynbe still waited upon Nicki's response...

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NO! Shmall coinsh are worthlessh shmall change! It takesh two shmall coinsh to make another shmall coin. How doesh that make any shenshe at all?


I've got nothing against lynching Nyali. But right now I suspect Arranae more than Nyali. So I'm voting for her. 

And you like complaining about how everybody is ignoring your reasons for keeping Arraenae alive. That goes both way though. I STILL don't see you or anybody else addressing the reasons that we have FOR lynching Arranae. 


Pfft, I'm an old lady, complainin' ish 90% of my value in the world!

I actually figured I had already addresshed the reashonsh you had for lynchin' Arraenae. I figure it wash shtupid an' wrong, but not necessharily shomethin' a shpiked would do. Too rishky, in my opinion. You've definitely exshplained why her opinion wash shtupid an wrong, but villagersh are shtupid an wrong all the time without bein' malicioush. An' her getting Dalinar lynched (almosht) the firsht day and her general demeanor makesh me inclined to think she wash innoshent, jusht wrong. Dunno what more I can shay beshidesh that. I feel like I laid my own logic out as carefully ash I could. But hey, who caresh? Arguin' ish boring. Let'sh have a beer an' shee how it all turns out!

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The Official Vote Count, since you all have about 3 hours left. 


Arraenae (8)- Assassin in Burgundy, I am Stick, Wyrmhero, Nyali, Herowannabe, Silverblade, Magestar, Doc12
Nyali (6)- Elenion, Jondesu, Arinian, Arraenae, Madagascar, Sart
Hemalurgic Headshot (1)- Manukos
Jondesu (1)- Conquestor
Manukos (1)- Hemalurgic Headshot
Madagascar (1)- Gamma Fiend

No Vote (11)- Elbereth, Wonko, Orlok, Wilson, Bugsy, Drake, Stink, Droughtbringer, Araris, Joe in a Bush, Seonid


On another note, I'm almost finished with Lopen's write up, so keep an eye out for that to be edited in soon! :)

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To the people who are voting on me for saying we shouldn’t lynch Dalinar on D3:

Multiple people have defended Dalinar or said that we shouldn’t lynch them. I was one of them. Here is a list of the others: Len, Stink, Jondesu, Wyrm, and Wilson. If I am suspicious for defending Dalinar, they must also be suspicious too. I may have been the most attention-grabbing, but I am certainly not the only one who said we shouldn’t lynch Dalinar. I wonder why nobody has voted on any of them yet (EDIT: so there's one vote on Jondesu. One vote, compared to eight on me.) So, Nyali, Silverblade, Doc, Assassin, Herowannabe, Magestar, Sart, and others who are voting/planning to vote on me for defending Dalinar, here’s your list of people to gun for. Gotta kill everybody who advocated for anything other than a D3 Dalinar lynch, even frustrated villagers who weren’t thinking clearly, eh?

Some of you say that having Pewter isn’t a good reason to not lynch me. Of course it isn’t. I’m just giving you all a heads up so you don’t panic tomorrow when I’m not dead.

The Terrisman continued to stare at Nicki, as docile as ever. Was he just going to stand there and wait?

“I’ll read through this tonight,” Nicki said. “If I think it’s legitamite, you’ll have your spike by morning.”

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Let's make sure we don't waste another lynch needlessly. If Rae is telling the truth about being a Thug, this will basically be a waste. If the Elims have vote manip abilities and sway the vote off of her onto Nyali, and they're both villagers, it'll be a waste (though I think that's unlikely). Let's make sure we make this lynch count. IMO, the best way is to get a solid vote on Nyali, since I believe Rae, but if the gap is still as close as it is now before turnover, I may switch my vote to minimize the risk of vote manipulation, especially since Rae may survive anyway (unless someone also decides to coinshot her). 

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I now have 16 posts multiquoted. >> I'm going through them slowly, but will be posting RP in the meantime given I can't be sure I'll finish the game-relevant stuff before I go dancing tonight. 

El took one look at Lord Locke and sighed. He lay in his bed, incapable even of arising to greet her, with a very ornate variation of a vomit-bucket by the side of his bed and five layers of blankets atop him. 

"Lord Tekiel," she greeted him quietly, nodding briefly in deference to his title and then promptly ignoring his nobility as she walked over to his bed and rested a hand on his forehead. "You do not look well."

She frowned, moving to the side of the room and laying out her kit. His fever was higher than most she'd seen accompanying this particular stomach bug. Perhaps he had a higher vulnerability to such things; he certainly seemed to acquire them often enough. 

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After lurking most of the day, and all of the night, I've come to the conclusion that - of the two players currently up for the lynch - Nyah (Nyali) is the most likely to be Spiked. I really doubt that Spiked!Nikki would have gotten their team's Mistborn under heavy suspicion like she did D1. And the argument against lynching Dalinar last night was almost certainly not what a Spiked would do. Rae is a good player - very good, in fact - and she knows more than well enough how to avoid associating yourself with your teammates. And publicly saying that the village shouldn't lynch the most suspicious player on D3, after that player has survived 2 lynches (one via Riotoing and one via Thuggishness) and a Coinshot attack already is not the way to fly under the radar as an Eliminator. Not even to save your Mistborn. The other thing to note is that there was never any other viable lynch target. Lopen accumulated a few votes, but almost nobody voting on Lopen actually advocated swinging the lynch that way.

Dalinar was the clear lynch target for almost the entire day. There was no way that the lynch was going anywhere else - there were isolated pockets of dissent, but nowhere near enough to swing a lynch. So strongly defending Dalinar would have been an obviously suicidal choice of action from even early on in the day.

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I feel like I'd just be repeating myself if I kept posting, which is annoying, so I'm probably just going to make dumb cat posts if I post again tonight :P

Kitties, you know who to vote for. Eck-shert that kitten shuffrage you got going! The power of the color red may be out of your pawsh for now, but your sheer numbersh an' righteoushnessh will overwhelm your enemiesh in a wave of fluffiness.

Wherever they shleep, wherever they hide, wherever they eat. You will find them. Your green eyes will find them in the darkest holes. Your chubby, fluffy bodies will smother them in cuddles.

*upturns a basket and a bunch of kittens pour out*

Meow MEOW meow meow meow MEOW


Fly, kittensh. Fly. Do your work. Bring me their headsh.

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Locke sighed, resigned to the lack of deference. He would have complained about El's statement of the obvious, but didn't have the energy for verbal sparring today. Clearly he didn't look well. That tended to happen, when a rival lord moved unannounced into your lands, and proceeded to poison you in what was so very obviously an attempt to take power, whilst The Lord Tekiel was incapacitated.

Locke muttered about the unknown lord and poison to El, and then cursed to himself. He was barely articulate.

Regardless, with medical attention he might pull through, and then would bring his wrath down upon the perpetrator. He was sure that Slight and Sleight: Politics in Luthadel  had a chapter on historical reactions to failed poisonings.

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Locke muttered in response, something about poison? 

El frowned, hating the organization system of her kit already. She'd have to do something about that once she got home...

"What's that?" she said aloud. "I honestly can't tell whether you actually have something to say or whether you're fever-muttering, and it would be rather nice to know whether you're delirious now, rather than after I administer any medicine. Speak up."

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Exhausted and fever-wracked as he was, Locke was taken aback by the tone El took. Although he should be used to it, given the frequency with which he was taken ill, it was still jarring.

Taking a moment to process what she'd actually said, he tried to clear his throat. "It's obvious. I've been a total fool. Allowing myself to be hosted by a Lord I still haven't identified... It's clearly a show of strength." After a moment to collect his thoughts, he continued. "If there's a new player in the game, the logical first move is to destabilise the existing power blocs. Inside his own place of strength, poisoning me would be easy, and would leave a vacuum. It makes too much sense. To be taken ill so swiftly after arrival..."

Locke smiled, grimly. He'd survived the attempt, and with El's ministrations, would make a swift recovery. He had wealth, his name, and was established in Tyrian Falls. The next move would be his own.

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El raised an eyebrow, finally pulling out the packet of willowbark tea she'd been looking for. "You think that the new Lord poisoned you to consolidate his own power?"

She walked towards the door. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe you're just sick, again? Like you are, all the time? Did you ever think that maybe you just had a stomach bug that's been running around the village for at least a week? I'm surprised you hadn't caught it before now, actually, though I suppose that has something to do with your distate for mixing with the common folk."

She opened the door, pleased to find Locke's Terrisman already waiting there with a teapot of nearly-boiling-water. He knew her habits quite well, by now. 

"You weren't poisoned, Lord Tekiel. You're just sick."

She shut the door and turned towards him. 


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Remart was passed out on the floor of the pub, his metal leg at a slightly awkward angle. He hadn't been attacked, though. Not exactly. He'd merely underestimated the barkeep's ale, and his ability to keep a clear head. That wasn't usually an issue, but with no pewter to burn, it had caught him off guard.

Guess he'd have to leave the fate of the town up to others for the night.

In other words, I'm not swapping my vote, since it's closer now and I'm not sure how much good it would do, but I would encourage anyone who hasn't voted to do so, and those who have voted, consider the arguments both ways and at least be as confident as you can be in your choice. 

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I've been debating all day who to vote for. Up until Rae's Thug claim, I had no idea who I'd go for, since there were reasons for and against voting for either of them. But Rae's claim strikes me as far too similar to Dalinar's Pewter-drawing claim. Late in the cycle, after a bunch of votes have piled on? I think she's lying. I don't think she's a Thug, but she's hoping that since we went and lynched Dalinar after he claimed that he drew Pewter, and everyone was like "Well that lynch was worthless," she was hoping the same thing would happen here. And it is. I've seen at least 3 people be like "This Rae lynch is pointless since she's not going to die." So, yeah, I don't think she's telling the truth.

That said, I'm not sure she's evil either. Most of the things she's done aren't alignment indicative to me. I could see a villager or eliminator doing most of those things, given the right circumstances. The one thing I cannot reconcile for a village Rae is her main reason for the Lopen lynch: so many people are suspicious of him, so that collective suspicion must mean something, and therefore Lopen is probably bad. The village has been collectively wrong many times in the past. Using a "collective suspicion" to get people to vote for someone seems more like an attempt to connect yourself with other villagers, so they'll be more likely to follow along with you. After all, we're more inclined to trust people who feel/think the same way we do about other players. Who have the same suspicions we do. And with the target of the lynch attempt being a villager with a protection role... Obviously the eliminators want to remove those, since it leaves anyone open to attack. Especially if they have a Coinshot.

As for Nyali. I see what she's saying about eliminators being unlikely to defend eliminators. I tend to agree with that, though that's certainly not always the case. I think Nyali's reasons for voting on Rae when Rae basically did exactly what Nyali was saying eliminators don't do is odd, but for me, that's actually more of an indicator for a villager, since eliminators generally don't have that bad of logic: their teammates are able to filter out desperation like that. And her actions don't really match up with the past times Nyali has been evil anyway--2 of those being the last 2 games she's played. Now, I'm not foolish enough to fall into gambler's fallacy, and say she's less likely to be evil right now, but I do think her style right now is different than her evil style in QF20 and  LG28 and that's enough for me to hesitate and watch for now.

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Seeing that the votes are concentrated on Rae and Nyali, and one of them will be lynched (most likely), I have a bad feeling about this. Rae is claiming thug, so if that's true then it's a lynch wasted. And if Nyali goes, well, I'm not too sure about that.

I'm getting the feeling that both Rae and Nyali are village(but of course one of them will end up Spiked, and then everyone will be referencing this as grounds to lynch me), so we should put efforts into those sketchy less actives.

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I'd like to note that while I was getting a weird read from Lopen, it wasn't necessarily suspicion. It felt like he was acting... neutral, almost. Not how I think of him playing as a villager, but definitely not an elim either. Just... weird. >> Bit late now, though.

On 1/17/2017 at 0:37 PM, Magestar said:

Huh.  I'd assumed that the Elims attacked Straw, and Jondesu was Coinshot-ed.  Just because, like you said, it doesn't make sense for the Elims to have targeted Jondesu.  But I'm not sure, because Jondesu doesn't seem like he should have been coinshot-ed either.

Elbereth: I'm actually kind of suspicious of El. She's been quiet, her posts are making me feel odd, and even though she's been on a bit and has followed this cycle she hasn't said anything. Plus a bad gut read. Honestly, if for no other reason, it's the conversation direction she did C1. The short argument she had with Len just felt forced.

As Wilson (I think?), already pointed out, Meta was quite clear in the writeups that Straw was coinshot and Jondesu was killed.

I... apologize? I have been quiet, sadly. >> Other than that, not much I can respond.

On 1/17/2017 at 6:13 PM, Magestar said:

I want to know Dalinar's alignment.  I can speculate all I want, but I don't know, and I like to work with facts.  Which is why I think we should lynch him as soon as possible.  There should be no way for him to block this lynch.  People arguing against it, especially after he was protected by a lurcher, seems odd to me.  I think that since Dalinar's been holding up the lynch, there are now a number of targets for the Coinshot/s, and the Elims can't protect them all.  So we can have the Coinshot/s target them.  Easy peasy.  Dalinar's gone, you guys can discuss away after confirming the lynch, and give the coinshot/s some options.

This post... I should've quoted Wilson's, actually, which was directly above it, but this is the post that made me think of it.

I hate myself for saying this, but. >> This made me suspicious of Wilson, a bit. Because she really should've known better than to suggest we Coinshoot Dalinar, not when she had a good chance herself of having been protected by the hypothetical eliminator Lurcher. She suggested it anyway, and then when multiple people pointed out the problem with that, she posted afterwards and switched to lynching Dalinar without ever even commenting on the fact that she hadn't thought about Dalinar being protected or whatever.

That said, I still don't think she's evil, given D1. It's just that she's popped back up on my radar again.

(Sorry. >>)

I think I quoted this because it's the relevant part of her first post after Mage's comment:

On 1/17/2017 at 8:45 PM, little wilson said:

I'd say that another thing we can do is focus on other suspicions, but I'm of the school of thought that says that the best discussions that happen in regards to solidifying suspicions and seeing exactly where people stand on specific people is when there's a threat of a lynch. And there's not right now, other than Dalinar. I don't foresee that changing, and I'm not going to try to direct it elsewhere, because I understand why: I was also more than a little irked when Dalinar survived the night because it meant that everything was going to get centered around him again, and will continue being centered around him until he dies. I want it over, but I don't think the information we gather from his alignment will be useful, and it's frustrating that we're not going to get anywhere during the day until he's dead. So go ahead and lynch him. But let's at least discuss other things.


On 1/17/2017 at 9:21 PM, A Joe in the Bush said:

Other than that, i don't have much. I agree with Wilson that there are likely too many Mistborn floating around, and I'm beginning to think the village has an excess of lurchers as well. And, if there aren't any regulars, of which i haven't seen any evidence, then I'd believe even more That all the eliminators are Mistborn, and that all the Villages are mistings.

Uh. Kipper was a regular villager?

On 1/17/2017 at 10:37 PM, Arraenae said:

Alright. As this game has gone further and further on, I've gotten more suspicious of Lopen.

I've had a bad gut read on him since D1, when he voted on Dalinar right after I did. It seemed kind of bandwagony. Lopen started a PM with me in the Night, and we talked in it up until PMs ended. This alleviated some of my bad gut read on Lopen. (But then again I have a tendency to get comfortable around those I excessively talk to. It doesn't mean very much in terms of analysis.)

N2, Dalinar was protected by a Lurcher and survived. In our PM, Lopen also claimed Lurcher. Coincidence? With Meta's troll distributions, it could be. Still, D2 Lopen seemed very sure that "the Spiked Lurcher" protected Dalinar. Note the "the". "The" implies that there is only one Spiked Lurcher. If Lopen was the only Spiked Lurcher, he'd know for sure that there was only one, which would make his use of "the" make a lot of sense. (Araris, I know that this is a small semantics thing. I've commented on wording and tone before. I know it's not a solid reason to lynch somebody, but how many lynches in SE where nobody has been hard-cleared has been based on solid, unassailable reasoning?)

Is this a stretch? Sure. I'm going off of semantics and a roleclaim and a bad gut read, which really isn't very convincing. But hey, this ridiculous paranoid theory can't be any more of a stretch than the one Lopen had about Kipper. Besides, this one is backed up by more evidence.

Additionally, other people seem to have gotten bad reads about Lopen. Something in his posts and actions has to be tipping us all off. I'm willing to bank on a collective bad gut read that Lopen is Spiked.


An additional note:

I've done visual network analysis of D1 and D2. D1 had a lot of votes/defenses thrown around, mostly centered around Headshot, Lopen, El, Dalinar, Wilson, Nyali, Conquestor, and I. D2's discussion was a lot less spread out. Discussion focused on Dalinar, Lopen, Wyrm, and Hero. Note the decrease in discussion targets. Regardless of if the Spiked wanted to protect a teammate or cause us to collectively tunnel on Dalinar, they've cut down on our discussion. I'm not going to let the elims win by focusing on Dalinar yet again. We have a Coinshot. Let them deal with Dalinar on their own time. (The Spiked probably have more targets to protect than just Dalinar. If we let the Coinshot do their thing, sooner or later the Spiked will have to choose between Dalinar and another Spiked, and Dalinar won't be protected anymore.)

Don't waste another lynch on Dalinar if you want the village to win.

Quoted this before all the discussion about it, but... gah. It does feel like village!Rae to me, honestly. That said, I've read her as evil the last two times I played with her and I was wrong both times. >> So I don't exactly have a history of correctness.

I might as well throw my vote in, though. Nyali. Sorry for not giving you much to respond to, but it's not so much suspicion of you as belief in Rae's innocence. >> Not like you have time to respond anyway.

More quotes coming after turnover - for now, I have something slightly more important to do. I'm going dancing!

Edit: What the storms.

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I'm trying to catch up on all the recent posts while also trying to watch the new Jason Bourne. Needless to say, I'm not making very quick progress and my comprehension levels are low. I'll be lucky to finish this post before the rollover 

with every new post I read my opinion about Arranae changes. Regardless, I'll let the RP decide it for this cycle. Not changing my vote.

Herwynbe frowned. "You will come to regret your decision tonight, I think." With that he turned and walked away.


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Night 5: Dead Bodies on the Floor

Nicki needed that book. It was the best hint that she had to finding out what had been done to her father! But what if it had been faked? Her only other lead was the spike she had plucked from that first guy who screamed something about not trusting those pierced by metal.

And here was a rusting imdominatable Terrisman, demanding she choose one or the other.

“I’ll read through this tonight,” Nicki said. “If I think it’s legitimate, you’ll have your spike by morning.”

Not that she even knew what to look for to determine its legitimacy, but if it was faked, there was likely some inconsistencies that she should be able to spot.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” Herwynbe stated calmly. “If you were to keep the book and read it’s contents, then it would no longer have the value it possesses as a bargaining tool and you would have less need to give up the spike.

“Rest assured that my Master would not try to deceive you in this matter. The book is authentic and will be of greater value to you than the spike ever could.”

Terrismen were not known for lying, but with everything that had happened in town already, Nicki wasn’t about to rely on that to make such an important decision. This was her father’s life they were haggling about!

And so they continued to argue back and forth. Nicki would try a new tactic to dodge around giving up the spike while still keeping the book and Herwynbe would dismantle it and impeccably maintain the original deal.

They were still at it by the time the rest of the Villagers started waking up.

Eventually, the commotion started to draw people to Rin’s shop, making him nervous.

“Why does she want that piece of metal?” People started asking. “Why is it so important?”

Ryth stepped forward, out of the crowd. “Now, I may not be a guard anymore, but Nicki, it seems to me that you’re trying to keep something that doesn’t belong to you without payment. You’re going to need to either return the book or relinquish the spike. If not, I’m afraid I’ll be forced to get a hold of the actual guardsmen in town.”

Nicki stared back at him, as if daring him to do so. She hugged the book and spike close.

“You don’t understand. I can’t.”

“She’s got a dead body back here!”

Everyone turned, trying to pinpoint where the cry had come from.

Rin made his way past Nicki to stand before the group outside. He wringed his hands nervously.

“She’s- she’s got a dead body back there,” he said in a much quieter voice. Then he started stammering, his words tripping over each other in an effort to get them out. “She brought it back a couple days ago. Said something about wanting to perform some experiments. I didn’t exactly want to help, but I also didn’t turn her away. It seemed innocent enough. No one was getting hurt by it, since they werealready dead. But I didn’t want any trouble. I still don’twantanytrouble. But if you’re goingtocall the guards, Iwanteditout there that Ididn’thaveanythingtodowithit. Itwasallher.”

The gathered villagers’ eyes grew wider and wider with each word. When Rin had finished, Ryth pushed past Nicki to enter the shop. When he came back, his face was pale and he didn’t speak. He didn’t need to, the look on his face was enough. The villagers started to surround Nicki.

Nicki cried out in absolute frustration. Still holding onto the book and the spike, she lept straight up, far farther than she should have been able to and grabbed the edge of the roof of Rin’s shop in one hand. Then she pulled herself up with that one hand and dashed across the rooftops and out of sight.

Day 4 is over and Night 5 begins! You all have 24 hours to get your orders in.

Arraenae was lynched, but survived!

PMs are still not open (Okay, Hero? They’re still not open, so don’t ask :P )

Arraenae (9)- Assassin in Burgundy, Wyrmhero, Nyali, Herowannabe, Silverblade, Magestar, Doc12, Wilson, Joe in a Bush
Nyali (8)- Elenion, Jondesu, Arinian, Arraenae, Madagascar, Seonid, Sart, Elbereth
Hemalurgic Headshot (1)- Manukos
Jondesu (1)- Conquestor
Manukos (1)- Hemalurgic Headshot
Madagascar (1)- Gamma Fiend

No Vote (8)- Wonko, Orlok, Bugsy, Drake, Stink, I am Stick, Droughtbringer, Araris


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents)
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives)
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum)
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Survived!
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat)
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook)
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk)
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly)
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist)
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


Edited by Alvron
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Someone messed with the votes again. Let me check...

Someone Soothed Stick, and I kinda want to know who. I'm getting in the shower right now, but after I'm out I'm going to cross-reference the Soothed votes with the voting patterns thus far. Soothers are usually pretty suave, so it'll also help me find the competition.



--After I'm out of the shower--


CAPTAIN CASSIUS (cue heroic fanfare) presents: Find the competition Who's the Soother? Or are they really a Rioter?


Day 1:

HH was Soothed/Rioted, possibly by Ecth.

Players who had motivation to soothe: HH (possible Rioter), Seonid (voted on him), Gamma (ditto), Ecth (self pres), Rae (ditto), Doc (ditto)

Day 2:

Hero was Soothed/Rioted

Motivated players: Jon (voted on him; this only works if Jon is a Mistborn), Stick (ditto), Wyrm (ditto), Wilson (ditto), Hero (possible Riot on Dalinar to no-vote)

Dalinar was Soothed/Rioted

Motivated players: Burgundy (voted on him), Gamma (ditto), Seonid (ditto), Nyali (ditto), Arin (ditto), Mage (ditto), Bugsy (ditto), Drake (ditto)

Day 3:

Lopen was Soothed and maybe Rioted on top of that

Motivated Players: Joe (ditto), Manukos (ditto), HH (ditto), Rae (ditto)

Day 4:

Stick was Soothed/Rioted

Motivated Players: Anyone on the Nyali bandwagon aiming to disrupt the Rae lynch. That's Jon (if he's a Mistborn), Arin, Rae, Mad Matilda, Seonid, Sart, El



Implicated in all 5: nobody

Implicated in 4: nobody

Implicated in 3: Seonid, Rae

Implicated in 2: HH, Gamma, Jon (if he's a Mistborn)

Implicated in 1: A lot of players


A pattern I'm seeing is that there appear to be 2 very different Soothers/no-vote Rioters at work (both of whom manipped the D2 lynch). I'll call them the Bandwagoner and the Tactician. The Bandwagoner Soothes the votes of one of the two biggest lynch candidates. They hit Dalinar D2 and Lopen D3. The Tactican nullifies the votes of those not up for lynch who voted in a bandwagon on someone who was. They hit HH D1, Hero D2, and Stick D4.

The bottom line: I'd bet that one of Seonid, Rae, HH, Gamma, and Jon is a smooth operator (Soother/Rioter) trying to move in on me.

Brought to you by: CAPTAIN CASSIUS

Edited by Elenion
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Carmichael looked down at his notes.  Then he looked up at Nicki, who was now escaping over the roofs.  Then he looked back at his noted.  His eyes narrowed.  He had been so certain.   

"You've got to be kidding me." He said, throwing his book down.  "I spent all this time-"

Carmichael started stomping on the book.  He just -stomp- couldn't -stomp- believe -stomp- that Nicki -stomp- had Escaped! -kick-

Carmichael sighed.  He'd probably lose money over this.  He was pretty sure he had bet with someone about Nicki...  He couldn't remember.

Ok.  Well, that basically expresses my feelings. :P I don't really know what else to do.  I'd suggest the Coinshot target someone tonight, but after Dalinar, I don't think we should waste any more lynches on Rae just yet.  To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the Elims are made up of Coinshots and Thugs, if it does turn out that there aren't any roleless.  -sigh-

Carmichael picked up the book, and looked at it one more time.  Then he threw it over his shoulder.  He was going to get to the bottom of this.

Later, I hope I'll have time to respond to El.  I really don't right now, and like I said earlier, my family is going snowboarding all week. :D I should have some time later though.

What happened to those quote boxes?  :blink:


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