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Cycle 2: Life is a Dance

Avrao Ngao danced.

Dancing was not correct. Dancing was lifeless movement compared to this. This was Flight. This was life. But there was no other word that she knew to describe it. Her feet moved from stone to stone in the empty moonlit square, each one never touching the ground for more than a breath. On occasion, the butt of her Spear, or the palm of a hand would hit the ground instead, and she would flip through the air, always landing with a smile on her faces, and closed eyes, the Spear out to one side to balance herself.

She danced through the square that before had been used to execute a hundred skaa. Svetao had once told her that places of life could not be turned into graveyards unless they were forgotten and ignored. This square was no graveyard. It had been a market. It had been a debate hall. It had been a bustling school, and a training yard.

It would not be remembered for the executions, as long as Avrao remembered it.

She swept a foot out, an arm swinging in the opposite direction, the spear twirling across her shoulders. She spun to a standing position, spear at her side in a dramatic pose as she finished the dance, her chest heaving with exertion. For the first time since the start of the dance, she opened her eyes.

The mist swirled in circles around her, mimicking the moves of her dance. They spun and flipped and flowed around her, She turned slowly, admiring the thick patches of it. It was everywhere, filling the empty air with a warm caress. She felt at home in the mist especially when she had the Spear. It welcomed her, like a loving mother.

A soft clapping filled the square, banishing the peace of the night. She turned, narrowing in on the sound. A man stood on the edge of the square, clapping with a gentle smile. “That was beautiful, a work of art. Please, who are you?”

Avrao grinned. “My name is Avrao. Who are you?”

“Someone who collects things. Tell me, that spear, it feels, powerful. What is it? Where did you get it?”

She raised the spear, admiring it once again. “It was a gift from my mother. She claimed it was the Spear that took the first life of the Survivor, and the last life of the Lord Ruler.”

“Amazing. An artist, and a Historian? You are a treasure girl. You preserve, and you create. Please, may I hold the spear?”

“Of course, for a gentleman such as yourself.”

He held the spear like a mother cradled a newborn. He wrapped his arms about it, grinning in excitement. “This is brilliant! Where did you mother find it?”

Avrao shrugged. “In a dusty old cupboard was all she ever said about it. I kept it in another until she died.”

“Please, may I borrow this, and return it on the morrow? I wish to study it in detail.”

“Of course! History and Art are meant to be shared. I’ll be dancing here again tomorrow night, just bring it back then.”

They said their farewells, and departed. Avrao smiling as she danced down the street, sending ripples through the mist. She danced through Luthadel, until she arrived at the house she shared with nearly a dozen other skaa. No candles were lit, which was odd for this time of night, but not odd enough to deter her from entering the building. But the smell of blood, that was enough.

The pale light of the night flitted into the doorway. Avrao stood frozen, staring at the scene. A dozen dead skaa filled the room. All of them had been torn apart by something, something vicious. There was a throaty growl from the dark recesses of the building, and avrao could only watch, as the shadows slid off her killer.

Bugsy was lynched! They Survived!
Daniyah was killed!  She had Item: Spear of the Survivor and Item: Colourful Stone
A Player was attacked, but survived!

Drought (0): _stick_
Silverblade (1): Conquestor
Arinian (1): Bartimeaus
Jondesu (3): Phattemer, Assassin in Burgundy, Elenion, Bugsy
Bugsy (5): Jondesu, Lopen, Ecthelion III, Alvron
Doc (1): Daniyah   

Time until Cycle 3


  Player List:


Assassin in Burgundy:
Darkness Ascendant
Daniyah: killed on Cycle 1
Bugsy: Survived a Lynch, Cycle 1
Ecthelion III


Edited by Alvron
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*GPS sounds* Recalculating... Recalculating...

Things that happened:

1. Alv's vote was moved from Mage to Bugsy

2. Two extra votes were added to Bugsy

3. Stick was Soothed

That means we're dealing with one or more secret roles, a Soother, and a Rioter. Lovely.


I see that your venture was successful. Have you extracted the necessary information?

"Indeed, but there is a holdup. Someone, somewhere, has been controlling the mobs. Adding voices that shouldn't be there, just like Duke Ashkelon used to do. Has he been on assignment on this world?"

No, the Duke has remained on Sel as part of a different project. While his reports are favorable, he has been working for over a month and will likely need two more. There is no way that this was his doing.

"That leaves only one possibility, then: outside interference."

It is of little consequence to us. Continue with our current arrangements.

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 Shout  out to Joe's  tags.

 Not knowing alignment or anything upon  death is going to make it hard to pin down the bad guys.

 For a  vote,  maybe <color=red>Doc</color>  because Dani  voted on him,and following the trail of bodies will be our best source of info.

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I don't see why anyone would waste that soothing action on me :/ 

Edit: oh, and @Bugsy6912 I meant to remove that vote on Drought, but I forgot I won't be up till after rollover, since there's no school today (rollover's usually 9:00am-ish for me)

Edited by _Stick_
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Rule Clarifications: Items

  • Items can be given to another player at any time, even halfway through a cycle.
  • Items can be used in addition to your role action.
  • items can only be used at rollover, like normal actions.
  • The existence of an item should not be be taken as a confirmation or denial of a specific role. For example, Item: Aonic Dictonary boosts the role Elantrian Scholar This role is not in the game, but the item is.
  • Items may or may not have a secondary secret use.
  • if a player with items is killed, the killer will take a random item. any other items will be randomly given to other players.
  • if a player with items is lynched, their items will divided up among their voters.
Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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So, hands up who has an item.  Don't be afraid.  We won't hurt you.  Your death will be painless.   Um, Joe, you can do a painless lynching write up right?

Edited by Alvron
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49 minutes ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Jondesu. If the eliminators wanted to, they could have manipulated the vote into a tie and killed us both. That they didn't indicates that they wanted to protect him for some reason.

Actually, that was self-preservation. I wouldn't role-claim this early normally, but I suspect the Elims did want to create a tie, but I threw them off by soothing phattemer's vote on me. Edit: yes, I know his vote is still there. Either a secret role messed it up or somehow it got moved back, but I recieved confirmation that I did successfully sooth phatt's vote. Edit 2: looks like the vote count has been corrected, so you can see clearly that one of the votes on me was soothed as I claimed.

Edited by Jondesu
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1 minute ago, Jondesu said:

Actually, that was self-preservation. I wouldn't role-claim this early normally, but I suspect the Elims did want to create a tie, but I threw them off by soothing phattemer's vote on me.

I find that somewhat difficult to belive. It seems unlikely to me that Joe used role madness, and as a result I doubt there's more than 1 village soother. We know stick's vote was soothed somehow, and I further doubt that this soothing would have been done by an eliminator; they'd want to hide their capabilities as much as possible.  To me, it appears the soother who helped you was likely an eliminator. This is compounded by the fact that you soothing alone wouldn't have even done anything without the rioter's help, which it appears you were expecting. Overall, I'm still suspicious of you. I am, however, somewhat less so following your explanation. If another suspicious target presents themselves, I'll change my vote

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Found another GM error. On the first day of signups, i changed how rioters work in my google doc rules. somehow, that change didn't make it to the thread. RIOTERS DOUBLE A PLAYER'S VOTE. 

If a soother and a rioter target the same person, they cancel eachother out.

Because of this mistake, i will detail exactly what happened in the lynch.

Drought (0): _stick_       (Stick's vote was soothed)
Silverblade (1): Conquestor
Arinian (1): Bartimeaus
Jondesu (3): Phattemer, Assassin in Burgundy, Elenion, Bugsy     (One of these votes was soothed.)
Bugsy (5): Jondesu, Lopen, Ecthelion III, Alvron     (One of these votes was rioted (Doubled) and Alvron's vote was moved to here by a secret role or item)
Doc (1): Daniyah   

Daniyah was killed by a player, and another player was attacked, but saved by a lurcher. Bugsy was lynched, but survived due to having an extra life. 


Please continue in your regularly scheduled killings.

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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I have no suspicions so I'm going to go back to Magestar.  You escaped me once.  Will you escape again?

Just to be clear, I told myself that I'm going to vote every cycle so this vote is little more than that, but still, I would like to hear from Mage as to whether or not he's Spiked.

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