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What are your Cosmere names?

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FotS: First of the Midmorning

Vorin: Lenel (my username abbreviation but in a palindrome)

Unkalaki: Hanalukavanavana'varahasanor (sounds Unkalaki enough, right?)

Shin: Peter-son-son-Peter (although that's my grandpa's middle name)

Korathi: Aanor (Aon Aan means logic, plus the nod to Minas Anor from LoTR)

Returned: Wordwielder (for my sharp wit and propensity to use large words)

Threnodite: Thaddeus Reverence (Reverence because I'm religious, Thaddeus because it just sounds old and cool)

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FotS: First of the Forest (because I'm the oldest) (Rodel)

Vorin: Sialais (I made up just now soo...)

Unkalaki: Numuhanatiutikanahunu'avunutinuataanoroki

Shin: Regan-son-Ryan (SHHHHHHH!!!0)

Korathi: Daoren. (It is Aon Dao. It means stability.)

Returned: Braveheart No actually, Starseeker. (Because I love stargazing)

Threnodite: Credence Ducane. (Ducane sounds old-fashioned, and credence is to accept something is true.)


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FotS: First of the Dawn (cool, I like it)

Vorin: Hannah (my real name is already a palindrome. Possibly blasphemous though, considering I'm a darkeyes.)

Unkalaki: Kamunitariukalaki'otuara'kalorkuitaro

Shin: Hannah-daughter-daughter-Elizabeth

Korathi: Enara (Aon Ena means kindness.)

Returned: Talespinner (for my habit when I was younger to make up stories and tell them to anyone who'd listen.)

Threnodite: Remember Patience (this is a real Puritan name I heard somewhere, thought it sounded cool.)

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FotS: Last of the Noon (I'm the second child and my parents aren't having any more kids so I am the last)

Vorin: Denaned (taken from my middle name)

Unkalaki: Lumeiakiakin'kam'anor

Shin: Cam-son-James, or Cam-son-son-James (Lots of James's in my family.) 

Korathi: Aronae (Aon Nae is sight, clarity)

Returned: Tunebringer (I'm a musician)

Threnody: Perseverance Campbell (Campbell is my first name but I thought it fitting for my name thing)

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I should remind you that the "son-son" thing Szeth does is really rare among the Shin, and the only reason he does it is because he doesn't want to shame his father with what he has done and become. Unless you have a specific reason to not want your parent's name connected to yours, you really shouldn't be "son-son" or "daughter-daughter". 

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First of the Sun trapper: Third of the Noon

Vorin: Jakab (Shouldn´t Vorin Names be almost symmetrical but off a letter of two? i remember Ialais name was considered slightly blashphemous because it was symetrical)

Unkalaki: Mahatemikuluminitolukhinasiahitumas

Shin: Jakob-son-Reinhard

Korathi: Kieob (because Kie means circle and that´s kind of my bodyshape^^)

Returned: Jestbringer (i really like to prank/troll peope)

Threnodite: Wilhelm Mort (because why not)

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First of the Sun trapper: First of the night

Vorin: Bnenb

Unkalaki: Malikanyato'fukuhakinulumanortor

Shin: Ben son Yonaton

Selish: Aaneon (It means fact, and I like to seek facts)

Returned: Thoughtseeker

Threnodite: Ponder Beskeb (because I ponder things, and beskeb sounds cool

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First of the Sun trapper: First of the Dusk

Vorin: Tanata

Unkalaki: Kalika'litakomuhaful'ianitakor

Shin: Anne-daughter-Christina

Selish: Maikii (Honor and Justice)

Returned: Guardkeeper

Threnodite: Hope Rowe Moyle

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2 hours ago, Figberts said:

Interesting name choice... do you know what that word means?

No, I don't. It's one of my ancestors last names.

Welp, now that I've looked it up, I understand why you asked.

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On 5/4/2017 at 9:22 AM, Argent said:

I should remind you that the "son-son" thing Szeth does is really rare among the Shin, and the only reason he does it is because he doesn't want to shame his father with what he has done and become. Unless you have a specific reason to not want your parent's name connected to yours, you really shouldn't be "son-son" or "daughter-daughter". 

Yes, I understand that. Maybe I should have better worded it. I just did it because I wanted to preserve the secrecy of my dad's identity.

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This is so cool! I never really thought about this!

First of the Sun: Fourth of The First

Vorin: Ylanly

Unakalaki: Funamarakani'imatobara'apalukuname

Shin: Sailor-daughter-Manasnapang

Korathe: Mesaori (Aon Sao for intelligence)

Returned: Timebridger (I like doing family history work)

Threnodite: Forsaken Emsworth

And just for fun: Kandra: RiTaan (has either a double letter or repeating sound [OreSeur] and usually two syllables)

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On 5/5/2017 at 6:08 PM, ryshadium90 said:

And just for fun: Kandra: RiTaan (has either a double letter or repeating sound [OreSeur] and usually two syllables)

Kandra name? Ha! Why didn't I think of that? That's awesome!

Hey everyone, let's try making up our own kandra names for fun as well, following along with what @ryshadium90 explained!

My kandra name is VeLuun (because it sounds right).

Edited by Firerust
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Well. I simply had to join in when I saw this :D

First of the Sun trapper: First of the Moon (Because yeah, and also Elves!)

Vorin: Khaoahk (Harsh on the throat ;) :P:ph34r:. And also Khaos- Nothingness, Khione- goddess of snow, and many other Kh things which I would be too much nerdiness)

Unkalaki: Itiq'uiti'funi'maki'unka'laki'name

Shin: (my real name and my father's name sound weird together. I also really dislike my father)


Korathi: Reheme (Aone ehe, because I am give warmth to others apparently)

Returned: Shadowspreader (I will cloak you in my darkness and protect you)

Threnodite: (WOW THIS IS HARD). Lament Clementine  (ended up going random heh, still fits, still fits)

Kandra: SuhDood  

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Well my returned name would most probably be "Smartass". Smartass the Annoying. Or Smartass the Mean.

Also, I can't take things seriously.

Or, well, here you have a few serious ones - a trapper name: First of the night.

A Vorin name (autocorrected first to "boring", then "virgin" :D ) Ielalei (possibly Elalei? Can't decide.). A part of my first name, taken out and made into a palindrome. 

Korathi: Aanel (bcs logic and stuff :D )

Edited by Staphylococcus
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Hmm, this looks like fun.

FotS: Second of Midday (Second in my family, born at noon)

Vorin: Lenikinal (Similar enough to my real name, but also not blasphemous in Vorin :) )

Unkalaki: Lekin'riliqinuankon'tunokiolorondatasrin (just a whole bunch o' letters...)

Shin: Lenicka-daughter-Tahna (this one doesn't really need much explanation...)

Korathi: Melena (Aon Ena. Not that I think I'm super nice, I just liked the sound of it)

Returned: Secretkeeper (do I really have to explain my reasoning for all of these?)

Threnodite: Sensitivity Allerton (that sounds Threnodite-ish, right?)

Kandra: KaLeen (explain, explain, etc.)

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This is awesome!

FotS: Fifth of Night

Vorin: Joseoph( I can't figure out my vorin name.)

Unkalaki: Jos'rituhoenilituokidonon'fabolses

Shin: Joseph-son-Luke

Korathi: Dionen( because I can be really stubborn)

Returned: WeatherKeeper I liked the sound of it.

Threnodite: Caring Larish

Kandra: RuDaan

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Trapper: First of the Noon

Vorin: Willim

Un...those people: Malato'kalam'dalar

Shin: Will-son-Paul

Korathi: Ialin (Helpfulness, and I try my best.)

Returned: Strengthfinder

Threnodite: Sorrow Jones 

Kandra: TalMuur


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