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Crescent Thunder had decided to go do something with his life instead of thinking about the past all the time. The past, he decided, was best left in the past. That way it couldn't leak through into the future.

He sat alone on a grassy hill, writing about the sea, the stars, the sky...

"Sir, did you hear? Bracken was a changeling! He's been caught!"

Just when he was starting to have a bit of peace...

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5 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Stuff that none of us should know

Aren't you dead?

Edited by Seonid
Removing words from a dead player's quote box
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Okay I just realized something super creepy :o

I was in flash's very first pm group and I told him it looked like he had placed a lot of smart players in that pm....and now guess what...THEY ARE ALL GETTING KIDNAPPED!! The people in that pm were Joe, Randuir, jondesu, me, and Ornstein! Just saying....look out @Ornstein we seem to be on some sort of kill list! :o (unless Ornstein is also an elim?) :ph34r:

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Ironpies was lost in thought, to put it simply. In more exaggerated terms, he was drifting through the vague planes of subconsciousness and being truthfully unproductive, while appearing contemplative.

2 hours ago, Crimsn-Wolf said:

"Good day to you, Ironpies. Isn't it good news that we managed to get a Changeling this time? Oh, I hope we can keep this going!"

Ironpies didn't have eyes, so they couldn't snap open and appear alarmed, so he slowly turned his head to face the voice. He quickly searched his memory for the voice... the one called Dusted Rose. An interesting name.

"Hmmm. Greetings, Dusted Rose. Yes, I suppose that the capture of the Changeling was beneficial to the ponies, but--" No, he won't mention the Master. "-- but there are still more," Ironpies said in his deep voice. He glanced at the other cookie he had beside him. He offered it to Dusted Rose.

"Would you like a cookie?"

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Dusted Rose smiled even brighter, "I hope there aren't too many left. I just want life to go back to normal. But that's besides the point." She happily accepts the cookie he offered her, "Oh, thank you! I would love a cookie." She picked the cookie up in her magic and brings it to her mouth, taking a small bite out of it. She smiled happily, eating the cookie as she moved her flowers around her and watched Ironpies.


@BrightnessRadiant, Oh that is incredibly disconcerting. Did The Flash ever give any hints or anything of the sort of other players that could be elims when you were talking to each other?

@Hemalurgic_Headshot, Also, what does IronPies look like again? I really want to draw the two of them together. x3

Edited by Crimsn-Wolf
adding CR, whoops.
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Prism was back home, painting the moment when they found their first changeling. It was really coming along quite well. She felt a sudden pang of guilt, when she suddenly realized that, if Wormy came in the room, seeing this painting might be very hard for him. She turned her canvas towards the wall, and decided to finish it later. Maybe when Wormy was resting. She was glad that she could give the poor little bookworm a home, after the awful experience he had been through. To find out that your best friend had actually been a changeling? And Wormy was still worried about the real Bracken. He still hadn't been found. At least the changeling had thrown out the white flag at the end. Admitting to his foul play. Maybe he would turn out to be a rare, and friendly changeling. After all, Prism believed that nopony was without hope.

Prism started a new painting that wouldn't traumatize her new friend. Her and Razor Shard's first meeting. Not the part where he knocked her down. Or the part where she ignored him, accidentally. The part where he gave her excellent art tips, and she happily took notes on it. Good memories were better than sour ones.


@The Flash asked me to give Wormy a good home in a pm...I figured I would help out the little bookworm. Kindness is always rewarded. :P

Okay so my theories are that there was probably only one evil unicorn, and one of each other kind of pony...but if there are 4 than I would suspect there are possibly two earth or two pegasi elims. Last cycle I thought the elims might be among Flash for the unicorn, Jon or BB for earth, and maybe conatus, Ecth, or Alv for pegasus. Flash is confirmed an elim and gone, and Jon is now confirmed as villager, and gone. That leaves my suspicions on BB for earth, and I'm thinking maybe conatus or Ecth for pegasi since Alv did claim to be the original holder of generosity. (I'm not sure he would have done that if he was evil...it seems too risky to me.)

I will join Seonid's vote on Conatus since he's on my suspicions list for now....gotta go eat dinner. I'll be back with reasons for my suspects in a min

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15 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

As many of you probably already guessed by Seonid's defense of me in the last cycle...I was the holder of generosity last cycle. I can confirm that Seonid is village and did indeed pass me the element. I have now passed it on. I won't reveal to who, they will have to pass it on next cycle as well. Thankyou village for not lynching me, and not losing an element! :lol:

Why did you do that?  Seonid had to reveal that he passed Generosity to you first.  Now we don't know if he's good or not.  It doesn't work if the one who got it reveals that they got it before being named as now Seonid can just say that yes, he did send it to you.


6 hours ago, Seonid said:

Thanks. I can also confirm that I did pass generosity to brightness. I'll clear her as soon as the recipient responds in my PM.

No you can't.  Thanks to Brightness, both of you can't be cleared at all without going through the Generosity pass again and given that you apparently know who Brightness passed it to, that means that all three of you are now suspect.  For all we know, you are a Changeling and it passed to an inactive and are using the 3 cycle inactivity rule to clear your whole team.

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3 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Why did you do that?  Seonid had to reveal that he passed Generosity to you first.  Now we don't know if he's good or not.  It doesn't work if the one who got it reveals that they got it before being named as now Seonid can just say that yes, he did send it to you.


No you can't.  Thanks to Brightness, both of you can't be cleared at all without going through the Generosity pass again and given that you apparently know who Brightness passed it to, that means that all three of you are now suspect.  For all we know, you are a Changeling and it passed to an inactive and are using the 3 cycle inactivity rule to clear your whole team.

Sorry Alv,  I've been in a PM with brightness since I sent it to her. I sent her the PM saying that I had it -  most of this stuff had been pm based,  the thread was an afterthought.  We're in a 3 way PM with the new recipient as well. So all of us in the new PM know we can trust everyone there but the new one

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To be more specific,  she can confirm  me because I pmed her,  identifying her as the recipient of generosity. I can confirm her because I've gotten a confirmation from the new recipient.  Next cycle, Brightness can reveal who she sent it to,  and that player will confirm in thread.  But the PM group will already be a cycle ahead of that.

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That's nice in theory but it has one major problem.  It's all happening in PMs.  It's very easy to lie about what's happening in PMs and given that you are one of the few PM ponies left, it would be very easy to break the trust group and all your work will be for naught as none of you would've been publicly cleared.

One of the main and vital parts of Rand's plan was that it was public for all to see.

For what it's worth, I think you are cleared but there is no proof and in SE, Paranoia reigns.

Edited by Alvron
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4 minutes ago, Alvron said:

That's nice in theory but it has one major problem.  It's all happening in PMs.  It's very easy to lie about what's happening in PMs and given that you are one of the few PM ponies left, it would be very easy to break the trust group and all your work will be for naught as none of you would've been publicly cleared.

One of the main and vital parts of Rand's plan was that it was public for all to see.

For what it's worth, I think you are cleared but there is no proof and in SE, Paranoia reigns.

Fair enough. But next cycle, assuming @BrightnessRadiant and the new recipient do things in the right order, she'll be cleared, at which point her statements about clearing me due to PM interaction will be able to be trusted, instead of needing to redo the entire project.

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2 minutes ago, Seonid said:

Fair enough. But next cycle, assuming @BrightnessRadiant and the new recipient do things in the right order, she'll be cleared, at which point her statements about clearing me due to PM interaction will be able to be trusted, instead of needing to redo the entire project.

No she won't.  You have already admitted to being in a PM group with the new recipient which means the whole group is suspect until the last person in group is publicly cleared by an outsider.  Only then can the whole group be trusted.  And if it is sent to a single Changeling before then it's all wasted.  At best, it will be two cycles until the three of you are cleared assuming there is only three people in that PM.

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I'm loving all of this RP! :D

But I want to note that Conatus is a Pegasus, so even without further manipulation, we are standing at a Tie Vote right now. We need either another vote on Conatus, or a good discussion to elucidate further lynch options. I mean, for crying out loud - I've only voted on him for tying up the lynch on a known eliminator. That's suggestive, but hardly dispositive, especially in the absence of other evidence.

So let's get some good lynch discussion going, instead of the paranoia fueled randomness that was last cycle.

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How is there a tied vote? There's two votes on Conatus and none on anybody else. He's not an Earth Pony, so he's still at two votes, and even a single vote is enough to kill somebody. Unless you're saying that secret votes by Elims could bring it to a tie, killing an Element instead? If that's so, then I'm willing to vote on Conatus as well to avoid that, but I'm still hoping that Hemalurgic_Headshot will answer how he knew Flash was an Elim. At least just saying that he has some kind of connection with Honesty, and so was informed.

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10 minutes ago, Bridge Boy said:

How is there a tied vote? There's two votes on Conatus and none on anybody else. He's not an Earth Pony, so he's still at two votes, and even a single vote is enough to kill somebody. Unless you're saying that secret votes by Elims could bring it to a tie, killing an Element instead? If that's so, then I'm willing to vote on Conatus as well to avoid that, but I'm still hoping that Hemalurgic_Headshot will answer how he knew Flash was an Elim. At least just saying that he has some kind of connection with Honesty, and so was informed.

Sorry, I mixed up Pegasus powers. For some reason, I thought they could move a vote,  but the anonymous vote is different.  It's still tied if the elims have a second Pegasus,  but it's not as bad as I was worried about.  I'd still be more comfortable with a 3rd vote,  though.

I still don't get why you want HH to explicitly claim.  If he's honesty,  claiming is a death sentence.  Frankly,  it feels like an Elim fishing for info to me. 

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I'm pretty sure he already has a death sentence on him for it. Either that or he could be an eliminator who gave up his teammate to survive. I can see why he wouldn't reveal if he was Honesty, but after stating that he has knowledge about people being eliminators, he would already be targeted by them. What it means is the village finds out if he's someone to protect, or someone desperate enough to sacrifice other people to stay alive.

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5 minutes ago, Bridge Boy said:

I'm pretty sure he already has a death sentence on him for it. Either that or he could be an eliminator who gave up his teammate to survive. I can see why he wouldn't reveal if he was Honesty, but after stating that he has knowledge about people being eliminators, he would already be targeted by them. What it means is the village finds out if he's someone to protect, or someone desperate enough to sacrifice other people to stay alive.

If we had someone to protect him,  it would be useful. But we don't (see also: day 1 lynch).

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@Hemalurgic_Headshot that is hilarious...and terrifying :lol: also where are his ears? lolol

@Bridge Boy it's way safer for HH not to claim:

1. If he claims to be honesty than the elims will 100% target him right away.

2. If he claims he's in contact with honesty than they're probably looking for a unicorn who would than be in a heap of trouble.

3. If he is an elim, which doesn't seem likely given that he sacrificed flash without us really having much suspicion of him, than he would be playing a risky game tbh because the honesty pony could literally expose him at any moment.

(I don't think that you should press HH to reveal anything else if you really want to protect honesty. If honesty is some other pony than they will be scanning him for sure. If he's telling the truth, you're right, it's a good chance he's already a target so he's in enough trouble already. They may have targeted jon instead of HH to get us not to trust him, or they had already put the order in and the person who did wasn't on at the end of the cycle when HH revealed his info.)

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
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