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12 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Can all of the players who are RPing provide a physical description of their characters, including eye color? Thanks in advance.

Albert is in his fifies, with blonde hair graying slightly and blue-green eyes. He's 5'9" and weighs about 175 pounds. As Lighteyes go he's middle-dahn.

10 hours ago, Sami said:

Brightness Aleta surveyed the group with narrowed eyes. How an ill assorted group like this was going to hold their own without tripping over their own feet she couldn't imagine. Was that... a pile of sticks threatening a man? She shook her head. Perhaps Brightness Kenara had something up her sleeve for them. If she did Aleta would certainly be interested to learn what it was.

Albert walked up to Brightness Aleta. She was shaking her head with a sligjt frown on her face, giving the idea that she was displeased with something. It wasn't hard for Albert to guess what it was.

"Quite the crew we've got here, I have to say. I've seen worse, but not by much. Gives me the shivers: some of these that don't seem to belong are probably spies."

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I probably should put up Malnar's description too.

Malnar is half Alethi, half Thaylen in his late twenties. He has black hair and long white eyebrows, which he trims to Alethi length so he can fit in. He has dark brown eyes. Malnar is an archer, so he is fairly muscular. He used have to wear the blue uniform of Dalinar's army all the time, but now that he was reassigned, he is gleefully dressing in more casual clothing.

Warning: As someone ingrained in Vorin culture, Malnar will have opinions that do not reflect my own. In particular, he's going to cling a bit to Vorin gender roles. He might not be as strict with them as someone who is truly devout, but he will be more judgemental than modern people today. 

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1 minute ago, winter devotion said:

Also, in response to this about Vorin culture, John is nonbinary and will fight you.

Feel free to call out Malnar for what he does. He still might not get it, but a good whacking might encourage him to keep his mouth shut (until he vents about it to his husband). :P

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7 hours ago, Elenion said:

Albert walked up to Brightness Aleta. She was shaking her head with a sligjt frown on her face, giving the idea that she was displeased with something. It wasn't hard for Albert to guess what it was.

"Quite the crew we've got here, I have to say. I've seen worse, but not by much. Gives me the shivers: some of these that don't seem to belong are probably spies."

Aleta turned and looked at the man that just sauntered up to her, ignoring the now-familiar spren that zipped around her face. 

"I hope not. A spy would have the time of his life messing around this crew. Although I'm sure they're all ready to do their bit, I'm having trouble imagining them in a fight.

I assume you have former experience in the army?"


Aleta is tall with green eyes and chestnut hair. She wears trousers and boots under her dress and the skirt has slits in it. Past experience tells her that should something go wrong there's nothing more irritating than a skirt in the way.

Edited by Sami
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Johnny. Johnny Quick, they called him. He was light on his feet, and fast. Very fast. He always won his races. 

And now he was training? He had attracted some sort of Spren, which made him eligible for this. They spoke of Knights. But he was no Knight. He ran from confrontation, fled from friends. His family had no real influence. He was nothing special. And then, this? 

Johnny gathered his courage and stepped forward. He put on his bravest face, and breathed in. 

It was time to face the music, and become something. 

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1 minute ago, winter devotion said:

"You too are a John," observed John in a normal way. "Why?" 

Johnny looked at John and shrunk slightly. But the spren whispered courage to him. 

"Because that's who I am. Do you have an issue with that? If its too confusing just call me Johnny. Or Quick. You can be John."

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5 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

"Nah," John said. They were chill, and not suspicious at all. Except in that they were suspicious of this guy, but that doesn't count one bit. 

I will say your RP threw me off a bit there lol. 

Johnny raised an eyebrow. John was giving Johnny seriously weird vibes. Not evil vibes. Just weird. Johnny decided to make a tactful retreat. 

"I'm feeling a bit hungry. Will the Brightness be feeding us?"


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54 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

(and thus it was revealed that vorinism was only so obsessed with symmetry because someone with OCD started it)

I don't think Tanavast was particularly OCD... But he was so cosmically terrible at seeing into the future, that the religion derived from him made predicting the future taboo.

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4 hours ago, winter devotion said:

John, for some strange reason, felt the urge to punch Malnar. 

So they did, in a normal, human way. 

Someone punched Malnar in the nose. He flinched and instinctively brought his hands to his face to block any more blows. Then he dropped into a fighting stance.

"Vev's eyes, what the storms was that for?" Malnar said. He furiously blinked tears out of his eyes and looked around, but he didn't see anyone that seemed especially likely to have done it. There was Aleta, the other girl who had reported to Brightness Kenara, John, the oddly feminine man who seemed obsessed with normality, and Dan, which looked like a soulcasted stick that surely somebody must be puppeting somehow. Malnar looked around warily. "If you have something against me then come out and storming say it, instead of attacking me like a coward."

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46 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

"I've got a seventh sense for when people are mentally misgendering me, so," John punched him again. 

Malnar brought his hands up to block the blow. "What in the Almighty's name are you talking about?" he asked. He kicked at John's legs and then stepped back.

(Sorry about that, Malnar really has no exposure to the idea that gender is anything more than male/female. But here's John's chance to explain.)

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QF25: Hour 1 - Breaking
6 a.m.

Kenara frowns. It seems her tactic of letting them get to know each other by introducing themselves has gone slightly further than she intended. Members of the squadron are yelling and even fighting in multiple cases. It seems the soldiers she’s been given are… not quite the quality she’s accustomed to. There are a fair few with whom she will need to have a word in private. 

“Silence,” she finally says. Her voice echoes through the arena. “This is a squadron, not a gathering of gossipers. Talk later. Pay attention now.”

“And who are you, Brightness?” Damond asks with a smirk. 

She raises an eyebrow. “I am your commander, and a full Radiant. That should be enough of an introduction.”

The recruits are, finally, somewhat quiet. “Very well. The first lesson you must learn, for those of you who do not know, is how to gather Stormlight. Everyone take a sphere, please.” She holds out a bag of them, all charged in the last Highstorm. “And if a single one goes missing, we’re doing nothing but basic physical training for the next week.”

As the squadron formed a clump around Kenara, each person picking out their sphere carefully, there is a thump

Draen gasps, an arrow sticking out of his chest. He falls to his knees first, and then slumps all the way to the ground, paying no heed to the shock of everyone around him. 

Kenara drops her bag of spheres, ridding her hands of the encumbrance, and summons her Shardblade. She looks up at where the arrow had come from. Draen’s already gone, and he hasn’t been able to use Stormlight before - without even a bonded spren to help, she doubts he could breathe it in before he dies completely. His killer, though… 

The arena surrounding them is empty, including the tops of it. Kenara frowns and kneels beside Draen for a moment, to look at the arrow with which he’s been killed so effectively. 

Slowly, she topples onto him. A spren, unnoticed in the chaos, trickles away from her body.

When the first squire is finally sensible and brave enough to look, they see that her eyes are burned and black. 

“So… what now?” says a small voice. 

Lorna smiles grimly at Draen’s body. The chaos she’s caused is amusing, and perhaps will prove enough to recover the body soon, before the head begins to deteriorate. In the meantime, she is content to watch the idiots squabble about what to do with their dead leader. 

Draen (Haelbarde) has died! He was a New Recruit with a valuable head!
Brightness Kenara (Wilson) has died! She was a Radiant Elsecaller!

Cycle 1 has begun! It will end in 24 hours. PMs are now out. PM me if you don't have one. 


Clarifications: Lightweavers cannot protect the same person two turns in a row. 
Due to later game balance thoughts, the no-secret-alignment-or-role question is now a PAFO. 

Player List
1. Elithanathile - Sebas
2. Drake - Aaliyah
3. Mage - Damond
4. Eternum - Albion Kerenas
5. Jebus - Teralarin
6. Flash - Johnny Quick
7. Elenion - Albert Vospar
8. Orlok - Highprince Locke Tekiel 
9. Megasif - Zirconidas
10. Winter Devotion - John
11. Roadwalker - Silver
12. Jondesu - Tzlim
13. Paranoid King - Spiff
14. Stick - Dan
15. Sami - Aleta Nebrask
16. Stink - Lazar
17. Arraenae - Malnar
18. Lopen - Revali
19. Darkness - Belegaer
20. Bard - Melinon
21. Ecthelion - Ceol and Vis
22. Yitzi - Brightlord Erethin
23. Sart - Ardent Sartal
24. Arinian - Alrin

Edited by Elbereth
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Hem. Well, hrmm. Most unexpected. Guess we're going home early, guys!

No? Well then.

I'm pretty sure it was Flash, as he was quick enough to do the deed without anyone seeing. We shall avenge. Person. Brightness lady person. I don't know her name. And someone pick up that shardblade before it gets muddy or something!

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What the storms had just happened?

The squires all looked at each other, then back at Brightness Kenara. Then back at each other. Finally, Malnar swore and ran over to Kenara's body. Her eyes were burnt and blackened, as if she'd been killed by a Shardblade. But she hadn't been killed by a Shardblade. There was no Shardblade. Right?How could she be dead? He felt for her pulse. Her body was still warm, but he couldn't feel anything else.

"If this is a some storming hazing ritual, I'll -- I'll hang you up in the next highstorm, Commander or not," Malnar muttered to Kenara. She didn't reply. Blood spilled from a hole in her chest, staining her bright havah. Malnar checked her pulse again. She was dead. Blackbane? No, blackbane didn't burn out the eyes this way. It had to have been a Shardblade, somehow.

"Brightness Kenara is -- she's dead!" Malnar said. "Who here is next in command?"

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Brightness Kenara was dead. Aleta's head snapped up in shock, her hand automatically going to the hidden dagger in her sleeve. She scanned the training grounds frantically for the source of the arrow, but besides the other recruits, there was nobody in sight. What the storms had just happened?

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