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Tell us what we're doing, since we can't decide :P  

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  1. 1. Tell us what we're doing, since we can't decide :P

    • A Joe in the Forest
    • A Joe in the Court

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4 minutes ago, Straw said:

What happens if someone in the court takes the test, and is turned into a Hollow Faerie?

Not being the GM, I'm obviously not an authority on this matter.

But I would conjecture that it may be impossible to become a hollow faerie as a result of the test.

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I'm signing up. You can pick a name for me.

Mod note:  Due to me (Alvron) being lazy and not getting a post in early enough, I am co-opting this post to insert links to the start of both the Forest and Court threads.  This is to make the game easier for future rereading.  The post below is Day 2 where they held a joint meeting.

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Though the woods was never ordered, the Court began to lose their unity as well. . .

John was disappointed, and angry. Angry at the new medium, for not electing them the new Dragonslayer. They was a better choice than Elbe! John and Small Large went way back! And yet, Large had chosen Elbe. 

If John was honest,  part of the anger was directed inward. "Am I just not good enough for him? Is that it?"

"Of course not, love."

John, spun on a heel, turning to face the new student who was walking down the hallway. Hadn't the hallway been empty? "Don't call me love."

The student shrugged, continuing to walk past John, their shoulders barely brushing. "It's just a term. would you prefer I call you 'Student?' There's no need to take offense."

"I take offense at you spying on me."

"I take offense at the implication I'm a spy. You were talking to yourself in a public hallway dear."

John reached out and grabbed the student's shoulder, spinning them around. "Call me dear one more time, and I'll show you why i should have been dragonslayer."

The student glared back. "Dearie. Sugarcube. My Sweet. I will call you whatever I please."

John cocked a fist back, and let loose a wild blow that could have shattered stone had it hit. The student dropped into a crouch, dodging the blow, and grabbing john around the waist. They charged forward, forcing John off the floor and into the air. John struggled for purchase against the student, but to no avail.

Their charge hit a window. One of the one's that was still being built. The glass shattered from the for4ce of the Blow, and the Student let go of John, sending her sailing out of the window. John desperately tried to grab anything, but the building shrank away, until her fall ended in the waters of the River far below.

Hahahahaha, is that what's happening in there?

Happening? This is a story of the past, Coyote. It happened. It is not happening

Maybe for your people For the woods, it's the present, we're dealing with your infiltrators right now.

. . . What? That's not how time works.

Let me tell you what is happening right now little medium.

One of your humans, i'm not sure which, has made a friend. A very lucky friend. The Chickcharney. This Chickcharney is leading your human through the woods right now. They're dodging through all the secret trails. avoiding the eyes of shadowpeople and wisps and monsters alike. Not an eye has seen them past, no nose is smelling them. Only I know where they are. But they know where the Lightning Elemental is.

Bart Allen, supposedly the fastest creature in the forest, is currently running in circle. He's actually moving fast enough to burn a rut into the ground. Which is rather annoying. now i need to heal those plants. Or i could just put a lake there instead. Hmm, I wonder how your human intends to kill Bart? He seems to have some sort of plan, and he has some metal device on his back.

Is it by chance a Lightning rod?

Ah! So it is. the Human and the Chickcharney are setting up behind one of the bushes that Bart is speeding past. Hmm, clever. the Device is going to shoot through the bush and Bart will run OH THERE IT GOES! AHAHAHAHA!

What just happened?

Bart hit it and tripped. he had to have rolled a hundred feet! But it worked, all of his lightning is stuck on that rod thing, and your human is hurrying towards him, but let's see if he figures out what Bart really is. See, if he finishes off Bart, Bart will just be joining you in the court.

Oh? a Hollow Faerie?

Indeed. Oh, the Human is running away now, because. . . Oh? Araris is coming down the trail. He's standing over the prone Bart now, and it looks like he has figured out that Bart is a wounded hollow faerie. He's trying to decide if he should put him out of his misery or not, he's hesitating. . . Aha! he did it! just stomped down on his lil'head and squished him. I have his spirit here now.

"Wha, Lord Coyote? What happened?"

Haha, you got killed. I'll give you to Small Large when he gets here.

Small Large was the first medium, he's dead. . .

yo, what's up yotes?

Wait what?

Don't try to follow it Medium. Just roll with the waters. You here to call a Meeting Small Large?

yeah I am

Alright, you three run along, I'll bring the members of my court presently.

Coyote bounced along, Informing all the creatures that a meeting had been called, and they were to cross the bridge into the court immediately. he had almost found all of them, and just needed to find Straw now. But the scarecrow was nowhere to be found. Coyote had found pieces of straw all over the forest, as if something made from straw had been violently ripped into many pieces, but he hadn't yet found Straw himself. Ah well. If he wanted to miss a meeting that much, he could. Coyote had other things to worry about.

Winter Devotion was killed!They were a Student!
Straw was killed! He was a Foresdweller!
Flash was killed! He was a hollow Faerie! Please welcome him as the newest Court member!

STINK has called a meeting! All actions may now target all players until the end of Night 2. There will only be one lynch. you may still chose new mediums if you wish.

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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Player List:


  1. Locke Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  2. Elbe (Elbereth) - Dragonslayer
  3. Budgie (A Budgie)
  4. Altea Meza (Crimsn-Wolf)
  5. Carrie Brule (Burnt Spaghetti)
  6. Clanky (Clanky)
  7. Anwir (Drake Marshal)
  8. Anansi (Metacognition)
  9. John (Winter Devotion) - Student
  10. Small Large (Stink) - Medium
  11. Lyren (Droughtbringer)
  12. Shqueeves (Shqueeves)
  13. Pickle (asterion)
  14. Lopen (TheMightyLopen)
  15. Tarek (Randuir)
  16. BrightnessRadiant
  17. Ecthelion
  18. Bart Allen (Flash)


  1. Sean (Polkinghornbd)
  2. Reginald Canuk (Dalinar Kholin)
  3. Marv (Hemalurgic Headshot)
  4. The Inspector (Paranoid King) - Forest Dweller
  5. Kintas (Jondesu)
  6. Straw (Straw) - Forest Dweller
  7. Bart Allen (Flash) - Hollow Faerie
  8. Rendren (cloudjumper)
  9. Koru (Doc12) - Medium
  10. Jordren (Majestic)
  11. Araris Valerian (Araris Valerian)
  12. Noah (Eternum)
  13. Fess (Arinian)
  14. . . . (Lady of Chaos)
  15. Tautali Laust (Megasif)
  16. Centaurus (Darkness Ascendant)
  17. Stick (Stick) - Protector




Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Alright! I missed the window last night, but now I can give my big analysis post today! For everybody on both sides to see :D

Unfortunately, nothing to do with suspects. But it has to do with the structure of the game, which I believe is quite important to know about.


So I've been chatting with out mediums.

There are, I think, a few relevant points to share, as well as a theory of mine.


First order of business is how well the mediums can be trusted.

I've talked to both, and I am very much getting the impression that their win condition does not directly conflict with anybody's.

However, I am also very much getting the impression that it may indirectly obstruct some people's win conditions.

So... I would trust the mediums to not be aligned with forest/court. But I would not trust that they are always on our side. They won't be.

That being said, no reason why we cant work together a little bit. They probably warrant more trust than your average player of unknown alignment.


Second order of business is what, precisely, the medium objective is.

At first, I thought that it had to do with the meetings, as per a theory voiced in the forest thread. However, after asking each medium what their take on meetings is, I think this is unlikely. Neither of them expressed particular interest in organizing a meeting. And that's not really a sensible thing to lie about, seeing as organizing a meeting is a very public action. Yeah, so I typed that last night, when both mediums had said they weren't interested in calling a meeting. Apparently that wasn't the case. That is... Interesting. @STINK, what precisely is the stated purpose of this meeting?


It was also worth noting that both mediums were very interested in people's roles/alignments.

STINK didn't really give me a straight answer when I asked him about that. Well, fair play. You don't have to answer my probing questions. Plus, you did give me what I'm pretty sure is an honest answer to the other question I asked you, about how well your win condition coexists with other players.

Doc12 said that this theory is correct, and that their objective does closely link to knowing people's roles/alignments. Particularly their alignments, and particularly the existence of secret alignments.

Now, seeing as I don't have independent confirmation from both of them, this isn't really proven at all. It does seem a little bit strangely convenient, to just say "yup, you're theory is right, that is indeed what we are trying to do." I'm wary of that.

That being said, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. The mediums are demonstrably interested in people's roles/alignments, so it's not that crazy of an assumption to make that this is critical to their new win condition.


Third order of business. What's all this about secret alignments?

Well, we know subject zeta is capable of converting people to secret alignments.

In addition, Doc12 has confirmed to me that he has discovered one secret role with a special alignment. He is maintaining confidentiality about the specifics of the secret role and who holds it, which I think is a very good decision, because otherwise I wouldn't really trust him.

So... There are secret roles/alignments already in the game. Not terribly surprising, but it is good to have confirmation. Which brings us to our fourth order of business.


It looks like basically every major character in Gunnerkrigg Court has a corresponding role.

The setting is not very long after the division of Court and Woods, back when Sir Young was in charge.

So... I can't help but wonder... Where's Jeanne?

Possibly she is already dead, and the Annan Waters are already cursed. But I somewhat doubt it.

I predict that there is a pair of lovers in this game. Jeanne, and the faerie that Jeanne loved. One in the court, one in the forest.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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1 hour ago, Drake Marshall said:

It was also worth noting that both mediums were very interested in people's roles/alignments.

STINK didn't really give me a straight answer when I asked him about that. Well, fair play. You don't have to answer my probing questions. Plus, you did give me what I'm pretty sure is an honest answer to the other question I asked you, about how well your win condition coexists with other players.

Doc12 said that this theory is correct, and that their objective does closely link to knowing people's roles/alignments. Particularly their alignments, and particularly the existence of secret alignments.

Now, seeing as I don't have independent confirmation from both of them, this isn't really proven at all. It does seem a little bit strangely convenient, to just say "yup, you're theory is right, that is indeed what we are trying to do." I'm wary of that.

That being said, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. The mediums are demonstrably interested in people's roles/alignments, so it's not that crazy of an assumption to make that this is critical to their new win condition.

Well, I had a guess at what their won con could be, and both confirmed it, though it's not really related to knowing people's roles at all?

I think they're just agreeing with whatever we say...so better not to take anything seriously, I think :P

Well, I guess it could be loosely related? 

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Well, when I asked Stink about it, they said Doc was the one that wanted to keep this all a secret for now..

I really have no theories atm..

Doc said they're keeping their wincons secret until they formulate a plan, so I suppose we could just wait. If they don't reveal their wincons, well, then one of them is probably elim, and the lynch is still a thing.

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Yeah...I haven't even played much, but I know that there's often a 'lovers' role, where there's two people and if one dies they both die etc. 
Thing is, this doesn't correspond exactly to the story, so it's possible the role does exist...but the Annan waters are already cursed, I seem to remember. Isn't that what the Anwyn role was? Slip someone cursed water?

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There seem to be a lot misconceptions and misunderstandings about Small Medium Large and I running around, so let my put a rest to this confusion

I must admit that communications between Small Medium Large and I have not exactly been the best, which I see has caused some confusion. 

Firstly, I did not know that Small Medium Large was going to call this meeting. I was uninformed of this, and am as taken by surprise as you are. Moments before the night ended, I was in discussion with Orlok on whether I should call a meeting, and had agreed to call one as soon as I could. Orlok requested that I call a meeting to help facilitate the free flow of information, and I was not opposed to this at all. Thus, I was surprised when a Meeting was called, as I had no warning from Small Medium Large on this. 

Similarly, yes, I did ask Medium Small large to not divulge any information about our win conditions until we have gathered more information. We still do not have the required information, but I believe we have settled on some agreement. Please do feel free to ask questions, and we shall answer to the best of our ability. 

Now, about our win conditions as Mediums. Stick, I am surprised at your statement, for it is patently wrong. I suppose what you mean to say is that our win condition is not to know every role and alignment. This is true. However, our win condition requires knowledge of this. No, Stick. I maintain that knowing the roles and alignments of every player is vital for our win condition, and I for one will endeavour to continue this mission. This is why I have requested alignments from all who I have been speaking with. There exists at least one neutral role not of Zeta's making, and we are also endeavouring to find them. 

On the question of whether our win conditions conflict. I maintain that Medium Small Large and I are not directly opposed to the win conditions of either thread. I am not opposed to you Gunnerkriggs wiping out the Giilite from the Court, nor will I be opposed to the Giilite destroying the Gunnerkriggs in the Forest. Vice versa, an eliminator win in either thread does not worry us. 

Lastly, this statement is directed towards the Giilites, who have been thinking of using the Medium role to semi-clear eliminators. I do not believe it is a wise idea. The eliminators would still be finding out information on roles and alignments, but using them explicitly for their own factions. This, at least, I promise I will not do. I have no more interest in promoting the Giilite win over the Gunnerkriggs over another scenario. 

I hope that clarifies any questions you might have. 

Please, of course, feel free to ask any more questions, and I will answer to the best of my ability. 

Medium Small Large, my partner. I hope we do communicate better for the rest of the time we are partners. 

Thank you.

Your Forest Medium, 


Edited by Doc12
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2 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

I supooose...

Also, the forest suffered two kills is no one going to bring that up

Good point.

I mean, I'm not directly involved in your affairs in the forest, but...

I think you should try to figure out. Was that a vigilante-type role acting on a suspicion, or do you believe you have a serial killer on your hands?

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Welcome Flash to the best place in the whole world!

Anyway, pretend I'm writing a really long post with lots of words that can be summed up in about 4 sentences.

Okay so now you've read it and you're like 'wow stink I didn't know you could write so much'

But there's a surprise, as you see that I even summed up my really long post for you, and you proceed to read it. It says

"1. Please keep voting me for Medium every cycle so like 3 people can't elect someone else last minute.

2. Mysterious Doc strikes again

3. Seriously though Doc get some consistency jeez

4. I'm glad to see that Stick knows what's up with the medium o wait Doc doesn't trust his protector this does look kinda funny but maybe that's the forest ways

5. Gonna throw out that Jones or the Wandering Whatever could be a secret role."

Then you're like 'wow that was a great TLDR stink, well worth an upvote'

And I say 'tyvm'


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58 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

Isn't that what the Anwyn role was? Slip someone cursed water?

Would you call Achewater cursed?

19 minutes ago, STINK said:

Then you're like 'wow that was a great TLDR stink, well worth an upvote'

You can have my upvote.

Talking about secret roles could be a good opportunity for Elim's to come forward and lie, I guess. Or I'm just being stupid :huh:

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46 minutes ago, STINK said:

4. I'm glad to see that Stick knows what's up with the medium o wait Doc doesn't trust his protector this does look kinda funny but maybe that's the forest ways

Indeed, the ways of the forest are most peculiar.

On a serious note, though, where did you get the impression he doesn't trust me? He has no reason not to trust me. :P

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27 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

On a serious note, though, where did you get the impression he doesn't trust me? He has no reason not to trust me. :P


1 hour ago, _Stick_ said:

Also, the forest suffered two kills is no one going to bring that up

Seems like an Elim trying to remind people how sneaky they are :ph34r:


Nah, just kidding. But is nobody going to vote?

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Yeah, based on the rules of a meeting, I determined that there must be some secret faction/role that both factions would want to put down. My reasoning is that during meetings there's only 1 group lynch for the two factions combined. This wouldn't make sense if there isn't some kind of target that both factions can agree on lynching. No all we have to do is to find this faction and lynch them. That shouldn't be all that hard...

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Witch, I'd suggest to keep your head down. Shadowperson, I'd just like to point out that you are also a threat to the one court win condition that has been revealed, and that there's more court people than forest people around. Just saying :P.

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18 minutes ago, Majestic said:


Seems like an Elim trying to remind people how sneaky they are :ph34r:


Nah, just kidding. But is nobody going to vote?

I can't be an elim, though :ph34r: My win con's ensuring Doc survives. 

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