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When I'm starting this post I still don't know on whom I gonna vote cause simulanteously I rereading previous cycle, so if something would look like mess... then that the mess that was in my head.

So... first what I want to say. I little bit less suspicious of Winter, I don't know, but something in her posts on this cycle makes me believe that she acts in different way when elim, atleast that she honest about it.

PK. There not much posts from him so I can't say much. All what I can say that comparing how he acted in LG35(where he was villager) and how he acted in LG33(where he was villager) I can say that his behavior in this game looks closer to one from LG35... but honestly, many things affecting behavior so I can say that it's something not very alignment indicative(also in LG33 was not usual set of rules and that also can be counted as factor that influence the way someone plays).

Still don't know what to say about ecth I honestly from his post on previous cycle getting feeling that he is really truthless. Or... I don't know. Or he just imitates behavior suitable for truthless to avoid being lynched. I don't know really.

Honestly all this time I think... should I vote on Sart or Jon or I just should look in other direction...

Looks like can't get any logic from me right now. I will vote on... wait a second.

4 minutes ago, STINK said:

Quick explanation of my stuff, been fairly busy today with doing a bunch of stuff I couldn't do during weekdays and all.

Sorry y'all

Stink choose 1, 2 or 3.

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1 hour ago, Arinian said:

I will count that you just accidentally clicked on 1 twice, so Jon. But if you meant 1+1, you know... just say me.


I don’t think I like your math.

However, I’m falling back on my suspicion of Paranoid King. It’s all about that vote day one sticking with me, and his attitude about it is just setting off little warning bells constantly for me. 

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3 hours ago, Sart said:

Well, we won't get anywhere if we don't vote. My suspicion of Arinian has lessened since yesterday, especially with his previous post. However, I'm going to put a vote on Paranoid King. He voted on Stick on Day 1, yet switched his vote to Sami on Day 2. I'm probably reading too much into this, but he might have been trying to avoid the bandwagon to make himself look innocent. @Paranoid King I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

I voted on stick? Whaa...?

If you check my vote in the thread, I voted on Flash. I've stated several times that I thought Stick was innocent.

And of course I switched to Sami. Flash was dead. I'm not supposed to keep voting on a dead person, am I?

This doesn't make much sense from my perspective. Care to clarify?

2 hours ago, Arinian said:

PK. There not much posts from him so I can't say much. All what I can say that comparing how he acted in LG35(where he was villager) and how he acted in LG33(where he was villager) I can say that his behavior in this game looks closer to one from LG35... but honestly, many things affecting behavior so I can say that it's something not very alignment indicative(also in LG33 was not usual set of rules and that also can be counted as factor that influence the way someone plays).

I'd check LG34, if I were you. My behavior there is way closer than my behavior this game. You can check here, here, and here for references.

On that matter, I'm confused as to why you chose LG33 and LG35 over LG34. I mean, why skip the game where my actions this game are best represented?


Edit: Sorry, voted on you there at first. I'm calling you out on it instead.

Edited by Paranoid King
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Okay, I'm going to end off this cycle (probably) for me by placing a vote on Paranoid King. And this isn't because you all are voting on him and now I'm jumping on, it's because he keeps on PMing me now and saying how my vote manip logic was faulty, thinking that Orlok could be an elim. And yeah, he's probably right, but doesn't change the fact that he's rehashing it after the thing has already been done and dealt with. It makes me feel like he's trying to distract me or get me to feel guilty about turning on him now.

And I can't remember if I placed a vote earlier, so STINK just in case I did.

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Few things I took note of, main thing is that Orlok denied having anything in his post about vote manipulation, which is perfectly possible as I didn't see it before the edits. In which case I give up the name of my Informant,@Paranoid King, so you guys can question him about that. I will also remove my vote on Orlok, but I would request if anyone else saw the post before it was edited to verify that it was just a typo. If it was, then PK fed me some false info on purpose. Oh, and PK just responded, probably saying he was the one that told me, since he knew that I would be outing him as the person who gave the info. So that's nice

@Elithanathile, I’d be much obliged if you’d please stop accusing me of cheating. It’s getting to the point where it’s a little hurtful, and rather irksome. I didn’t cheat, and can’t fathom why you think it of benefit to bring up again after Wilson made clear that the posts hadn't been edited in such a manner, and after PK made clear that his claim wasn't substantiated.

If you think someone needs to verify that it was a typo correction, after the IM herself confirmed that it was, make an official complaint, and let’s deal with this properly. I do not like the constant attacks on my integrity, nor the consistent accusations that I'm cheating.


And yeah, sorry. I kinda put down Role and Alignment as interchangeable in that post on Ecthelion, but I don't know if Squire is a hidden role or not that happens to be village, so I stuck with it.

@Elithanathile, Squire is literally the name of the village faction, which was made clear a number of times in the thread following Ecthelion’s post.


I'm getting suspicious of Arinian. He seemed way too eager to lynch Stick, and he has been throwing a lot of suspicion around.

@Sart, Arinian seems to have a habit of voting on Stick on those pretences (or at least, I distinctly remember a near identical post in AG3. I think it was the cycle I collapsed, though, so don’t have it in my analysis spreadsheet).


Yes, I PMed PK, because it was a start to PMing somebody. It doesn't mean I thought he was village or trustworthy. And if I feel he is feeding me false info intentionally and may or may not be evil, I will out him. Fun fact.

@Elithanathile, this quote strikes me as very off. If he’s feeding you false information, why wouldn’t he be evil? Why do you hold off voting for him, despite it being a very close lynch, if you think he’s performing an action that makes literally no sense from the perspective of a villager?
Elithanathile. It strikes me as entirely possible that you didn't want PK lynched and revealed as a villager, putting the blame on you for the suggestion that I altered my post.

(Not sure how I reconcile this with my suspicion of Paranoid King stated last cycle. I’ll need to think on it further.)

20 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:


Missed last cycle by 30 minutes....bleh. Wish I could have jumped in and defended Stick, we had PMed each other a bit... 

I'm going to go through the last cycle very closely when I get home.

In other news, won today's game! We're going to the grand finals!!!

Congratulations on the game, DA!
@Darkness Ascendant, that aside, I get a strange sense from this post. It's incredibly easy to posthumously defend a villager. What did you actually discuss with Stick, and why did that give you the sense that she was a villager?

12 hours ago, winter devotion said:

For the record if I was an Eliminator I'd probably have a whole doc of people telling me not to be an idiot. 

I figured the post was useless because nobody seemed to believe it. So I just gave up on that line of reasoning. I am a roleless villager. 

Also if I was evil I probably wouldn't be making so many comments along the lines of "I'm an idiot" and "read my other games I'm consistently an idiot." 

Go ahead, I act stupid in all of them! 

@winter devotion, this statement is entirely alignment non-indicative. For your statement to hold true, we need to take your word at face value, which is something we can't do without knowing that you are indeed a villager. I presume the problem with this is apparent?

9 hours ago, Eternum said:

Sorry I missed the last vote. IRL stuff, w/e. So, can anyone fill me in on anything notable that happened last cycle? Thanks in advance.

I don't really trust my phone to behave while I look through the pages.

@Eternum, have you not gone back and read the last cycle? I'm not sure whether to read this as a villager, and as such to disregard your future reads, or as an eliminator. If you're a villager, why wouldn't you want to read through the posts you've missed, to ensure your judgements aren't being made without missing information?

9 hours ago, winter devotion said:

I should also note that I tend to be extremely active in docs. 

Have I mentioned that I act like this in basically all of my games where I'm good? Except the self deprecating comments-- those are a new thing. 

@winter devotion, once again, your defence is predicated on us taking your statements at face value. The interesting question is why this is your defence. I had thought that you'd played too many games to not know that it would be shot down immediately. As I see it, there are three situations. Either you genuinely didn't see the problem with this, you're a villager without another defence because you're being honest in your actions, and struggle to articulate a defence of them not predicated on questionable premises, or you're an eliminator, trying to use emotional arguments rather than logic. This seems, to me, to be the best explanation for the post, thinking about it. I had read your D1 actions as those of a villager, but it's possible that you were aiming for a gambit where as a claimed Truthless you'd be left alone, as an eliminator.

5 hours ago, Eternum said:

I feel ignored.

Bard, I wasn't adding to the discussion because I had nothing to add. I was just agreeing with everyone because I figured, if I was friendly to the villagers they wouldn't be as suspicious of me, and if I was being friendly to the elims there's a slight chance that they wouldn't kill me first :P

Looking back on it, it was suspicious, but I figure I could have made people more suspicious... Except somehow, I proceeded to do exactly that. News flash, I'm not good at this.

Also, Bard, I think you're getting a bit of tunnel vision. (Rae was suspicious of me using SE/Mafia terminology at the beginning of Cycle 2. One of the pinned posts explains the terminology. There's no reason not to use it.)

I know actually mentioning these things myself will make you guys more suspicious, but I don't really care.

First, I asked how many elims there are. An actual elim would know that, if only by how many people are on the doc.

Then, I asked the exact same question you say made you think Jebus can be village.

Now, in this Cycle, I asked if anything notable happened last Cycle while I wasn't active. An elim would have simply asked in doc. (I'll also mention nobody has answered this question yet ¬_¬)

Maybe this will clear things up, maybe it won't. Either way, this (SE in general, for all you over analyzers here) is oddly fun. Makes my paranoia resurface, but I think being paranoid is a decent trait to have in this community :P

I still have no idea who to vote for because I cannot for the life of me track you guys' trains of thought.

Emphasis mine. An eliminator could also ask in thread, and then point it out, using it to argue that they're not an eliminator.

2 hours ago, winter devotion said:

1. I'm a they, not a he.

2. I dunno what I can say I haven't repeatedly stated before? 

I think I've probably come to a lot of conclusions in my head and assumed it was obvious that's what I was trying to say. Explanations aren't very easy, and I try to explain instead of just giving my gut read. Unfortunately I'm not very good at explaining. 

I also tend to assume other people will act like I do. I.e. Orlok is nice to me, his friend, in PMs, and I've been nice to my friends in PMs in order to get them on my side as an Eliminator. Ergo, that's what Orlok must be doing. I have no idea if that is what Orlok is doing, and if it is, I'm gonna give him a high five and then kill him in the next game we're in! If it's not, then, thanks Orlok, you're a real friend. 


I've stated I'm an idiot multiple times and this is me clarifying what I mean. My attempts to analyze usually turn into poorly worded IKYKs. 

I'm being shockingly honest this game about my insecuties, wow. And it's not even an LG! 

Also, what's the vote tally? 

For context, Winter was the GM of my first game, and someone I talked to when she used to play, before her hiatus. 

I'll multiquote from the 8 posts that have been written since starting this shortly (I've been somewhat distracted), but don't want to risk losing this moving to a new page.

Current thoughts are an eliminator team including Eternum, Winter, and one of Elithanathile or Paranoid King. 

I've set out my suspicion of Elithanathile above. My suspicion of Paranoid King was predicated on his keeping his vote on Flash for "pressure", despite the band wagon that had materialised. Of the two, I think Paranoid King's actions are more likely to have come from a villager than Elithanathile's. I can't reconcile Elithanathile's statement that Paranoid King fed him false information, and then not voting on Paranoid King. As such, I'd be minded to say that PK is a villager, and Elithanathile is evil.

I'll look at the votes later this cycle, and will vote for Winter if it looks like PK will be lynched in her stead, but think it's important to call out Elithanathile's actions, so will keep my vote on him for now.

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2 hours ago, Sami said:

What where the heck is everyone? I wake up and the whole night there aren't even enough posts to get on the next page. Also, it sucks that four village have died and we haven't gotten any elims yet.

That's not such a big deal; in a scannerless game with this many starting players, and no kills besides the lynch and elim kill, significant village losses before the first elim kill are perfectly normal.  If we hit day 5 or 6 with no elims taken out, then it's time to start getting worried.

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Orlok, I already did read through the last cycle after I posted my response to Bard, but I asked because the answer could give more clues towards the identity of the person responding. If they left important/semi-important details out, we'd be able to call them out on it. If they sneakily threw suspicion at someone in a post that should just be neutral, then they're also suspicious. And if someone responded honestly, there's a decent chance they're village.

It wasn't that good of a ploy, honestly.

I tried?

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1 hour ago, Paranoid King said:

I'd check LG34, if I were you. My behavior there is way closer than my behavior this game.

So your behavior changes from game to game, but you made sure to keep track of which behavior best matches the current game.

As if you were intentionally trying to match your village play in a previous game (and, I will note, playing as you would as a villager was the primary advice I gave in the elim doc in LG35).  PK.

Edited by Yitzi2
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Looks like PK is getting lynched. He's got like, 5 votes on him at this point? I guess I could add my vote, since I have stated suspicion of him before, but I'm not sure if it'd do any good. Plus, I don't really like how this lynch wagon formed. Feels like a mislynch to me.

Does anyone have a better prospect at this point? We've still got 45 minutes, which is probably enough time to swing it somewhere else. Or maybe PK is an eliminator and I should just chill. :P

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...OK, it's now the morningafternoon, and I've had sleep. So this post should make more sense. I'll try and decipher that mess I posted yesterday, and place a vote. But first, a vote tally (because someone asked for it, and I'm curious myself.

Vote Tally:

Winter (2): Magestar{1}, Jebus{1}
Sart (0): Jondesu{1}, Lopen{1}
Paranoid King (5): Sart{1}, Sami{1}, Jondesu{2}, Yitzi{1}, Bard{1}
Jondesu (1): Arinian{1}
Arinian (1): PK{1}
Elith (1): Orlok{1}

And a brief notes on my thoughts of each of the players who have been voted on here:

Winter - I can confirm from my memory of LG22 and... MR15, IIRC, that Winter usually is generally a fairly chaotic player, so I don't view them as overly suspicious right now. Probably neutral, or even slightly village, is my gut read at the moment. Regarding the Truthless comment - I don't think the plan was ever likely to work from a villager perspective, but it makes no sense from an eliminator or Truthless perspective either, so I buy that Winter was aiming to do what she said she was trying to do.

Sart - I really haven't seen him post enough to judge either way. He's made 2 posts over three Cycles, both of which are a few lines or less in length. Probably neutral to me, right now, more through his inactivity than anything else. His defence of his vote on Arin seems well reasoned - I'm trying to remember if in the past he's been inactive because they don't often say anything despite being active in the game, or whether they tend to not follow the game very well, which is something I should know, but can't remember.

PK - I'm fine with PK being lynched, which it looks like he's going to. The not undoing his vote on Flash is only mildly suspicious to me, at best, but his PM with Elith and what happened there is really making me doubt him - it feels like he was deliberately trying to create false information to confuse the village by the sounds of things.

Jondesu - Arin, I really feel like this vote came out of nowhere - I'm tempted to vote on you until you provide further analysis, but it's nearly the end of the cycle, so next cycle will probably be a better time to bring that up. I'm not really suspicious of Jon at all at this point in time. And I'd also agree with Sart's post earlier this cycle that Arin's post could be suspicous. With less than an hour in the cycle, now might not be the time, but I will definitely want to dig deeper into this next cycle.

Arin - See my previous post. :P Although, PK's reasoning for voting on Arin seem weird. (Well, he basically seems to be indicating that Arin's misrepresenting the case for PK being lynched, and is saying it in a roundabout/weird way, I suppose.) I intend to look up Arin's posts in C1 and C2 for analysis at the beginning of the next cycle.

Elith - I agree with Orlok here that if PK is a villager, then Elith could be an Eliminator, particularly since there does seem to be a bit of a gap between what PK and Elith said happened in that PM, so I think I am fairly suspicious of Elith right now. That said, I highly doubt Elith and Orlok are both Elims, and I'm kind of getting a weird Elim gut read from Orlok this game. However, I'm not going to vote on Orlok yet because 1) he's generating a fair amount of discussion, and I don't want to stifle that, and 2) I'm really worried that my Elim read is more paranoia than any kind of reasonable suspicion.

And I haven't even begun to go through the last cycle in a coherent manner. I intend to do that now, but it probably won't be up until after rollover. Nevermind.

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1 hour ago, Elithanathile said:

Okay, I'm going to end off this cycle (probably) for me by placing a vote on Paranoid King. And this isn't because you all are voting on him and now I'm jumping on, it's because he keeps on PMing me now and saying how my vote manip logic was faulty, thinking that Orlok could be an elim. And yeah, he's probably right, but doesn't change the fact that he's rehashing it after the thing has already been done and dealt with. It makes me feel like he's trying to distract me or get me to feel guilty about turning on him now.

And I can't remember if I placed a vote earlier, so STINK just in case I did.

@Elithanathile, would you be clearer about the contents of the Paranoid King's PMs with you? 

54 minutes ago, Eternum said:

Orlok, I already did read through the last cycle after I posted my response to Bard, but I asked because the answer could give more clues towards the identity of the person responding. If they left important/semi-important details out, we'd be able to call them out on it. If they sneakily threw suspicion at someone in a post that should just be neutral, then they're also suspicious. And if someone responded honestly, there's a decent chance they're village.

It wasn't that good of a ploy, honestly.

I tried?

@Eternum, you say you read through the cycle after you posted your response to Bard, but also posted asking what had happened, as a ploy to trick people into potentially leaving out details, despite this post having been made before you read through the cycle. I might be tunnelling, but your explanation reads to me like an excuse, rather than genuine. Did you honestly spend the time coming up with that ploy before reading through the thread itself? That stretched my credulousness. 

3 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Looks like PK is getting lynched. He's got like, 5 votes on him at this point? I guess I could add my vote, since I have stated suspicion of him before, but I'm not sure if it'd do any good. Plus, I don't really like how this lynch wagon formed. Feels like a mislynch to me.

Does anyone have a better prospect at this point? We've still got 45 minutes, which is probably enough time to swing it somewhere else. Or maybe PK is an eliminator and I should just chill. :P

@TheMightyLopen, as I said in my first multiquote of the cycle, I'll vote on Winter, as Elithanathile isn't a viable lynch this cycle, but would happily return my vote to him, or vote on Eternum, if we could get a lynch through in the next 30 minutes.

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Just now, Orlok Tsubodai said:


@TheMightyLopen, as I said in my first multiquote of the cycle, I'll vote on Winter, as Elithanathile isn't a viable lynch this cycle, but would happily return my vote to him, or vote on Eternum, if we could get a lynch through in the next 30 minutes.

I've actually got more of a village read on Winter. I know she's said some strange things, but from what I can remember, I feel like this is more like her village playstyle than her elim play style.

I wouldn't mind going Arinian, though. At this point, I think I'm more suspicious of Elith than Arin, but we'd need every vote we can get to change this lynch.

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I agree with what Orlok said about Elith not voting on PK being suspicious.

@The Young Bard, why did you say that if Eternum (it was Eternum, right?) was elim, then Lopen, Orlok, or I had to be elim too?

@Arinian, I split up my ISO of Stick into two posts because I wasn't sure if I could safely multiquote eithout losing my post and because my dad had come home, which lead to a loss of internet/device access.

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First up I would offer a sincere apology to Orlok for any insinuations that he was cheating. When I first posted that I had been informed that his post had been edited to conceal vote manip content, I did not think of it as "Oh, that would be cheating," I thought of it as "Oh, he fixed something he didn't mean to do." It was only with your last post that I actually realized/remembered that it would count as cheating. I haven't really run into it happening before in SE games, and had forgotten it was against the rules. So I apologize for sounding like I thought you would cheat, as I know that you wouldn't do something like that.

For the people who are voting on me for not voting on PK, I did vote on him in my last post, which had been the first one in quite a while. I didn't vote on PK earlier on since I didn't realize what he had proposed was against the rules, and if Orlok had edited his post, which I thought was possible at the time, then I wanted verification that he had been lying to me, and not merely mistaken. I completely missed the clarification by El that it had been a typo, or I wouldn't have held off for so long.

And the reason that I haven't disclosed what was in our PMs is because I did. Before this cycle, there was only the three messages. Mine starting the PM, his saying he thought Orlok had edited, and mine saying that if that was true Orlok could be an elim and trying to hide his ability. This cycle PK attempted to guilt me, saying that I had turned on him after starting the PM and he gave me information. Then he talked about my logic in how Orlok could be an elim since he edited his post, and how bad it was. It was at about that point that I responded that he could be evil or I could be evil, since we didn't have enough information. He continued to assault my logic and it resulted in me calling him out on distracting me or trying to guilt me out of suspecting him, and officially placed my vote.

Apologies if I missed anything else, but I've been busy today and yesterday and probably missed some things in the bustle.

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5 minutes ago, Elithanathile said:

First up I would offer a sincere apology to Orlok for any insinuations that he was cheating. When I first posted that I had been informed that his post had been edited to conceal vote manip content, I did not think of it as "Oh, that would be cheating," I thought of it as "Oh, he fixed something he didn't mean to do." It was only with your last post that I actually realized/remembered that it would count as cheating. I haven't really run into it happening before in SE games, and had forgotten it was against the rules. So I apologize for sounding like I thought you would cheat, as I know that you wouldn't do something like that.

For the people who are voting on me for not voting on PK, I did vote on him in my last post, which had been the first one in quite a while. I didn't vote on PK earlier on since I didn't realize what he had proposed was against the rules, and if Orlok had edited his post, which I thought was possible at the time, then I wanted verification that he had been lying to me, and not merely mistaken. I completely missed the clarification by El that it had been a typo, or I wouldn't have held off for so long.

And the reason that I haven't disclosed what was in our PMs is because I did. Before this cycle, there was only the three messages. Mine starting the PM, his saying he thought Orlok had edited, and mine saying that if that was true Orlok could be an elim and trying to hide his ability. This cycle PK attempted to guilt me, saying that I had turned on him after starting the PM and he gave me information. Then he talked about my logic in how Orlok could be an elim since he edited his post, and how bad it was. It was at about that point that I responded that he could be evil or I could be evil, since we didn't have enough information. He continued to assault my logic and it resulted in me calling him out on distracting me or trying to guilt me out of suspecting him, and officially placed my vote.

Apologies if I missed anything else, but I've been busy today and yesterday and probably missed some things in the bustle.

That all sounds fairly reasonable to me, actually. At this point, I'm content to let PK be lynched. There's not really a much better option that I can see, and only 10 minutes left. Elith

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Looks like I'm gonna die, so let me post my final thoughts:

Elith, Ecth, and Bard are probably good, even if Elith is a bit misguided. Orlok reads slightly village. Sami is possibly evil, but he's in the gray range. No idea about Jondesu, Sitnk, or Winter. Yitzi is full-on evil. Something about his activity combined with his attack against me and his reference to himself as an elim makes me incredibly suspicious of him. He also played with me as an elim so he should know my playstyle better than that. I'm also suspicious of Sart, so don't be too surprised if they show up in my death RP.

I didn't post this earlier because I would rather die and have people take me seriously than have people switch to someone else and wonder about me from then on.

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8 minutes ago, Elithanathile said:

First up I would offer a sincere apology to Orlok for any insinuations that he was cheating. When I first posted that I had been informed that his post had been edited to conceal vote manip content, I did not think of it as "Oh, that would be cheating," I thought of it as "Oh, he fixed something he didn't mean to do." It was only with your last post that I actually realized/remembered that it would count as cheating. I haven't really run into it happening before in SE games, and had forgotten it was against the rules. So I apologize for sounding like I thought you would cheat, as I know that you wouldn't do something like that.

For the people who are voting on me for not voting on PK, I did vote on him in my last post, which had been the first one in quite a while. I didn't vote on PK earlier on since I didn't realize what he had proposed was against the rules, and if Orlok had edited his post, which I thought was possible at the time, then I wanted verification that he had been lying to me, and not merely mistaken. I completely missed the clarification by El that it had been a typo, or I wouldn't have held off for so long.

And the reason that I haven't disclosed what was in our PMs is because I did. Before this cycle, there was only the three messages. Mine starting the PM, his saying he thought Orlok had edited, and mine saying that if that was true Orlok could be an elim and trying to hide his ability. This cycle PK attempted to guilt me, saying that I had turned on him after starting the PM and he gave me information. Then he talked about my logic in how Orlok could be an elim since he edited his post, and how bad it was. It was at about that point that I responded that he could be evil or I could be evil, since we didn't have enough information. He continued to assault my logic and it resulted in me calling him out on distracting me or trying to guilt me out of suspecting him, and officially placed my vote.

Apologies if I missed anything else, but I've been busy today and yesterday and probably missed some things in the bustle.

I'm grateful for the apology, Elithanathile.

I'm not suspicious of you for not voting on him for a proposal against the rules, I'm suspicious of you for saying that he'd told you something objectively false, and then saying that you weren't certain that he was evil. I said it had been a typo immediately after your post, Wilson confirmed this a few hours later, in gold text as the IM, and yet you made a post many hours after that, towards the end of the last cycle. I'm still not convinced that this adds up, but will think on it further, as it doesn't look like you're getting lynched this cycle.

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1 minute ago, Paranoid King said:

Elith, Ecth, and Bard are probably good, even if Elith is a bit misguided. Orlok reads slightly village. Sami is possibly evil, but he's in the gray range. 

 she, not a he :P

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QF25: Hour 4 - Attacking
9 a.m.

The assembled crowd approached Spiff. Slowly. Despite his open-door policy, they had a sense that there was more to him than there appeared. He addressed them, still reading over the papers in front of him

"Yes? I assume this is serious? You know I don't deal with the other sort of matters."

He highlighted his point by flipping a dagger casually in one hand, while viciously penning his signature with the other.

"I have a lot of paperwork to do. You see, running an organization isn't all fun and games."

He looked up suddenly, catching Ardent Sartal's eye.

"You know what I'm talking about, don't you, 'ardent'?"

Sartal stared ahead stolidly. There was just something about that commanding voice. Something that would make you do 50 pushups or go on a 10 mile run before breakfast. "I don't know what you're talking about, sir."

"No, you wouldn't. Nobody expects an ardent, after all. They're beneath notice. So beneath notice, in fact, that they could murder a squadleader in front of a whole platoon without anybody noticing."

The man made no sense. He was clearly in league with the enemy All those songs and group exercises were just a diversion to distract them from the real threat. Ardent Sartal cleared his throat. "We'd like to, I mean, we're going to lynch you now."


"We're going to lynch you now, sir."

Spiff's eye glinted. "No, I don't think you will."

He leapt to his feet and deftly span through the assembled crowd, tripping half of them in a single movement.

Brightlord Erethin narrowed his eyes. "You missed everyone important, Spiff. And you are not my captain. Everyone! He's given us as much as a confession already! Take him down quickly! Before he summons his full potential!"

"Too slow!" Spiff spun in the air, the light of a knight radiant glowing around him. He thrust a hand towards Tzlim and the man fell to the ground, wincing at the abrasion of the rough tent floor. Spiff grinned. "Just 4 left." He divided his attention between them, and settled for dashing at Atela.

A brick caught him on the side of the head, and he fell to the floor.

Sebas stood nervously as Spiff fell to the ground. "That was the right thing to do, right? I mean, he was saying all those things about me, and he tried getting us to do pushups, and-"

Sartal patted him on the shoulder. "You did all right, kid. Let's see if we can find some evidence in that mess of his office." He frowned, looking around. "Actually, this is Kenara's office. I don't know how we let him take over that easily."

Credit goes to PK for his death RP. Find a post and upvote him for it.

Revali stumbled in the chaos of Spiff’s lynching and fell to the floor. He caught a glimpse of a figure above him, though his vision was blurred from the fall. A chill ran through his bones, and he felt a woosh of air rush past him. 

When he opened his eyes, the figure was gone, and this time no one but Spiff had died. 

PK was killed! He was a Dustbringer!
Lopen was attacked, but didn’t die! 

Cycle 4 has begun! It will end in 23 hours. This cycle is an hour shorter, because I won’t be around at or after rollover tomorrow. 


Vote Count
>PK (4): Elithanathile, Sami, Yitzi, Sart 
>Winter (3): Orlok, Jebus, Stink 
>Jondesu (1): Arinian 
>Elithanathile (1): Rae

Player List
1. Elithanathile - Sebas
2. Drake - Aaliyah New Recruit
3. Mage - Damond
4. Eternum - Albion Kerenas
5. Jebus - Teralarin
6. Flash - Johnny Quick New Recruit
7. Elenion - Albert Vospar
8. Orlok - Highprince Locke Tekiel 
9. Megasif - Zirconidas New Recruit
10. Winter Devotion - John
11. Roadwalker - Silver
12. Jondesu - Tzlim
13. Paranoid King - Spiff Dustbringer
14. Stick - Dan New Recruit
15. Sami - Aleta Nebrask
16. Stink - Lazar
17. Arraenae - Malnar
18. Lopen - Revali
19. Darkness - Belegaer
20. Bard - Melinon
21. Ecthelion - Ceol and Vis
22. Yitzi - Brightlord Erethin
23. Sart - Ardent Sartal
24. Arinian - Alrin

Edited by Elbereth
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