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Ecth; (1):  Sart

Roadwalker; (1):  Ecth

Sart; (4)  Jondesu, Eternum, Arinian, Yitzi

Lopen; (1) DA,

Yitzi; (1)  Winter, Mage.

And as for why I'm voting on Yitzi, it's because I think I'd get more info out of lynching Yitzi or Eternum than Sart, who I'm not super 'spish of.

Edited by Magestar
Agh Autocorrect Yitzi to Mitzi
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Hm. I guess I'll also change my vote to Yitzi, since I really started their lynch last cycle, and I kind of feel like following up on it.

It's probably gonna cause more suspicion to be targeted towards me, but I'm asking myself if I care, and the answer seems to be "No".


Also, I would like to mention something. This entire game I've been playing on mobile, a Windows Phone with really 0 possibility of reading/talking on a doc.

There is quite literally no possibility that I could have been coordinating with other elims if I was one.

(Now that I think about it, I should have mentioned I was on mobile this entire time before. Wow, I'm dumb.)

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I should probably explain myself. I was trying to come up with suspects that hadn't been brought up in the thread yet. I've never been the best at gut reads, so I was trying to base my voting on evidence, rather than simply relying on gut. I took a closer look at Ecth, after I realized he was keeping up with the game without placing votes. I looked back at cycle one, and tried to reason myself into believing that she was evil. If she was evil, it would make our lives a lot easier, as Orlok and Eternum would become major suspects, while clearing Stink and Roadwalker. I included the line about Ecth not being evil in case I was wrong. I wanted a point to base off of if Ecth died this cycle.

Unfortunately, this line of reasoning has led to me being on the chopping block. I don't want to be lynched, so I'll throw a vote on Yitzi. I got gun shy after thinking they might be the Truthless, but I think I was over analyzing. I don't have any clever logic to vote for them, and I'm not sure how much information we would get if we do lynch him. However, I'm going to rely on my gut, as well as the knowledge that I am villager. I hope that makes sense.

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3 minutes ago, Sart said:

I should probably explain myself. I was trying to come up with suspects that hadn't been brought up in the thread yet. I've never been the best at gut reads, so I was trying to base my voting on evidence, rather than simply relying on gut. I took a closer look at Ecth, after I realized he was keeping up with the game without placing votes. I looked back at cycle one, and tried to reason myself into believing that she was evil. If she was evil, it would make our lives a lot easier, as Orlok and Eternum would become major suspects, while clearing Stink and Roadwalker. I included the line about Ecth not being evil in case I was wrong. I wanted a point to base off of if Ecth died this cycle.

Ecth is a he.  You got one out of three. :P 

Edited by Magestar
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I think the rest of us have worked the clever logic on Yitzi out already.

Also, ninja'd, but yeah, Ecth is a he.

Also, I like that you're being honest, Sart. I'm still suspicious of you, but your honesty earns you a slight benefit of the doubt.

98* posts in like, 17 hours. Wow. Previous to this, I would never have thought a game that had 24hr cycles would be hard to keep up with.

(3 of my posts got compiled into one, which is probably a good thing. Thanks to the mod that did it :D)

Edited by Eternum
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Oh man, this activity is annoying, and dad cut me off before I could finish my post b4, no guys, that wasn't done.

Anyway, so @STINK's continuous defense of Lopen, saying we should just "trust" him. Is one of the most stupid things I've heard, specially when some of you *cough* Mage *cough* seem to be LISTENING.

Come on guys, why? What reason do you have to just "trust" him.

Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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14 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Anyway, so @STINK's continuous defense of Lopen, saying we should just "trust" him. Is one of the most stupid things I've heard, specially when some of you *cough* Mage *cough* seem to be LISTENING.

Stink has PM'd me explaining and while I'm not entirely confidant it's at least settled with me RN.

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OMG, smh, guys sorry for the double post. But I had edited it in on the above post (BUT IT REFRESHED >>) So Imma just summarise what I had here *sigh

Ok, says Mage is going "back and forth", "Doesn't want to have a stance that could hurt him" etc, @TheMightyLopen you've been playing as such yourself. Haven't really been taking any risks and have used the excuse of not sleeping/sleeping too much/falling asleep a fair bit, I'm just pointing that out.

Woweee, Sami and PK were village! :D and *so was stick*

Who ended up being lynched. Lopen himself has not given much reason for his votes however, and seems have been going off other people's stuff, moving with the tide.

A willingness to lynch either eh?

Eh, moving on from Elith, agreeing with them, not really pushing or anything (and btw Stick is a she).

*sigh I have to go soon, so skipping some stuff to come to here

...talks alot in docs

Elim doc :ph34r:

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8 hours ago, STINK said:

Mage, trust me on this.

Lopen is not evil.

Thanks. :wub:

1 hour ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Oh man, this activity is annoying, and dad cut me off before I could finish my post b4, no guys, that wasn't done.

Anyway, so @STINK's continuous defense of Lopen, saying we should just "trust" him. Is one of the most stupid things I've heard, specially when some of you *cough* Mage *cough* seem to be LISTENING.

Come on guys, why? What reason do you have to just "trust" him.

Well I was attacked by the eliminators...and sure, it could have been a WGG, but that's more than anyone else can say for their innocence.

46 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

OMG, smh, guys sorry for the double post. But I had edited it in on the above post (BUT IT REFRESHED >>) So Imma just summarise what I had here *sigh

Ok, says Mage is going "back and forth", "Doesn't want to have a stance that could hurt him" etc, @TheMightyLopen you've been playing as such yourself. Haven't really been taking any risks and have used the excuse of not sleeping/sleeping too much/falling asleep a fair bit, I'm just pointing that out.

Woweee, Sami and PK were village! :D and *so was stick*

Who ended up being lynched. Lopen himself has not given much reason for his votes however, and seems have been going off other people's stuff, moving with the tide.

A willingness to lynch either eh?

Eh, moving on from Elith, agreeing with them, not really pushing or anything (and btw Stick is a she).

*sigh I have to go soon, so skipping some stuff to come to here

...talks alot in docs

Elim doc :ph34r:

*I know Stick is a girl, I've played like 20 games with her. I said Stink :P

As I mentioned earlier, I've done terrible. Most of my suspicions have turned out to be village. I'll give you that point as suspicious, but there's nothing I can do about that except continue to try to figure out who the real eliminators are.

As far as my "excuses" of sleeping, I'm not even sure why you brought that up, tbh. I put it in blue text, and mentioned it only because I felt like it was effecting the game because I haven't done much analysis.

I was talking about elim docs right there, yes. So I don't really understand what point you're trying to make.

Anyways, I'll add my vote to Yitzi. I'll take a look at his posts hopefully before Cycle ends, but no promises. I'm voting him over Sart because I think Sart might be village, and I like the votes on Yitzi much more than the votes on Sart.

One more thing we need to focus on: VOTE MANIPULATION! Considering how close this game is, we need to have a big gap on our leading lynch candidate to ensure no shenanigans(hammers, vote manips).

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I’m almost not even that worried about the Truthless at this point. Lynching the Truthless or lynching another villager is probably not so different in the end result, just the timing. Certainly next cycle or two that will be the case.

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QF25: Hour 7 - Killing

The circle is smaller now. Much, much smaller. 

“What if we were to just wait?” Brightlord Erethin says softly. “Have the others dealt with by other people?”

Everyone stares at him. “What if what?” Damond says. “What kind of storming idea is that?”

“Uh. A sensible one?” Erethin responds. 

You’re just trying to get away, aren’t you,” accused another member of the circle. “You want time to pass so you can get away, run off and kill even more people.” 

“I just want to survive?” 

“Of course. Because you’re a storming murderer

The mob had practice now with killings. This one was fast. Almost fast enough, in fact, to prevent Alrin from dying. 

Instead, they finished just as he hit the floor, eyes black as a void. 

Yitzi was lynched! He was a New Recruit studying Windrunning! 
Arinian was killed! He was a Stoneward

Cycle 7 has begun! It will end in 24 hours. 


Vote Count
>Yitzi (4): Lopen, Mage, Eternum, Winter
>Sart (4): Arinian, Jondesu, Yitzi, Sart 
>Lopen (1): DA 
>Roadwalker (1): Ecth

Player List
1. Elithanathile - Sebas
2. Drake - Aaliyah New Recruit
3. Mage - Damond
4. Eternum - Albion Kerenas
5. Jebus - Teralarin
6. Flash - Johnny Quick New Recruit
7. Elenion - Albert Vospar New Recruit
8. Orlok - Highprince Locke Tekiel 
9. Megasif - Zirconidas New Recruit
10. Winter Devotion - John
11. Roadwalker - Silver
12. Jondesu - Tzlim
13. Paranoid King - Spiff Dustbringer
14. Stick - Dan New Recruit
15. Sami - Aleta Nebrask New Recruit
16. Stink - Lazar
17. Arraenae - Malnar Dustbringer
18. Lopen - Revali
19. Darkness - Belegaer
20. Bard - Melinon New Recruit
21. Ecthelion - Ceol and Vis
22. Yitzi - Brightlord Erethin New Recruit
23. Sart - Ardent Sartal
24. Arinian - Alrin Stoneward

Edited by Elbereth
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Oh you've got to be kidding me..

Well, I guess if Yitzi is village, my credibility kind of falls apart, doesn't it?

Dangit. This mislynch is on me, I think. I started the Yitzi lynch 2 cycles ago, and I'd had connections figured out and stuff..

Why can't anything be freaking easy for once?

I suspect I'll be killed tonight, even if I'm not lynched.

I guess I'll hop back on the Sart bandwagon out of self-preservation.

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Ugh, this is depressing. In a while, I'm gonna try to do a complete analysis, but before I do, I'm gonna put my vote on Stink. Thinking back on last cycle, it was pretty odd how sure he was of my innocence. While we have talked a bit in PM's, I don't think I've said that much that would make him have such a strong belief in my innocence. This vote may change once I get my analysis done, but I'd like to hear others thoughts on this, so I wanted to post it before I did my analysis(it might be a while before I'm done).

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What the heck? Arinian was a Dustbringer? That doesn't make any sense. He was claiming Stoneward, and he had the vote manipulation to prove it. If he's not the one trying to lynch me, who is? I suspect GM trickery or Skybreaker shenanigans. It makes no sense. Arinian and Yitzi are dead, so they can't be the culprit. Jon lost a life to the lynch, so he can't be a Stoneward either. Someone in the shadows is trying to kill me, without revealing their identity. That reeks of eliminator scheming.

Edited by Sart
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Heh.. It makes sense now. Arinian wasn't a Stoneward, he was in league with one. He revealed himself as a Stoneward to keep the real Stoneward's identity a secret. That's why his "vote manips" seemed erratic considering his suspicions.

I honestly doubt...

*Moment of realization*

Holy crap, he was being tricked by the elim Stoneward!

I think they promised to help him lynch you, Sart, if Arinian acted as a cover for them. A bargain, of sorts. If you've noticed, all his vote manips were adding to villagers, and quite possibly removing from elims on at least one occasion.

EDIT: Obviously, Arinian was not aware of the alignment of the Stoneward, or so I assume.

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