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'Sup all I'm sure you're all hyped for the Dragonslayer stuff.

Basically I was thinking too hard.

Elbereth is my new Dragonslayer, and can deal with all and any complaints about anything involving me. Elbereth cannot complain about me. This is a good deal

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46 minutes ago, STINK said:

'Sup all I'm sure you're all hyped for the Dragonslayer stuff.

Basically I was thinking too hard.

Elbereth is my new Dragonslayer, and can deal with all and any complaints about anything involving me. Elbereth cannot complain about me. This is a good deal

So does this mean El is the Dragonslayer right now? Because it sounded like whoever you chose would be granted the power as soon as you chose.

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So, I won't be on for most of the day :/ I'll be back after the day shift.
Budgie peeked over at one of the girl's drawings.
"Oh wow! That's really good."
There was silence for a few moments, and the girl continued scribbling away.
"I'm Budgie."
More silence.
"We're all socially inept, aren't we?"
"...I think so."

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//@BrightnessRadiant, this is what Altea looks like, for the record. What does Michelle look like? And for that matter, @A Budgie, what does Budgie look like?//

Altea's eyes wander over to where two students were talking, in a relative term. It seemed like one of them was scribbling something on her papers, and this piqued Altea's curiosity. She gracefully rises from her perch and quietly makes her way over to the pair. Coming to stop in front of them, she glances down to see that the aforementioned student was drawing, "Your drawings are very good." She speaks up quietly, addressing the artist. She dips her head to the other student in greeting, as well. "Is there a reason relating to finding the infiltrators to your drawing, or are you merely attempting to calm your thoughts at the stressful situation about us?" 

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44 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

So, I won't be on for most of the day :/ I'll be back after the day shift.
Budgie peeked over at one of the girl's drawings.
"Oh wow! That's really good."
There was silence for a few moments, and the girl continued scribbling away.
"I'm Budgie."
More silence.
"We're all socially inept, aren't we?"
"...I think so."

A.N.W.I.R. shuffled over.

"Hello, humans! Are you having a conversation??"


I'll show you truly socially inept :P My character's a robot.

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@Aonar Faileas "Sir Young, how long until the next morning arrives? I am a lover of the night, but in these times laced with suspicion, it would be nice to move about in the day, instead." Altea stared at Young, waiting expectantly for his answer. [just so it is clear, would it be possible for us to get a count-down to the end of the Night Cycle, please?]

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"Dawn is about two hours away, Ms. Altea, although it will be another hour until most are up and about. Now let me sleep, rather than bothering me at such an unholy time of day."


(You've got 2 hours till night's end, 3 until rollover. :P Not going to bother with a countdown this late.)

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@A Budgie @Crimsn-Wolf more RP :P ( @Ecthelion III feel free to join in when you like....and anyone else as well)

Michelle continued to sketch her doodles as the two other students watched over her shoulder. She grasped at what to say to them and figured it was probably rude to continue looking down, but words failed her. A moment passed, feeling like an eternity of awkwardness, until the silence was broken by a question.

"Is there a reason relating to finding the infiltrators to your drawing, or are you merely attempting to calm your thoughts at the stressful situation about us?" The girl with the long, dark hair had addressed Michelle and was now staring at her, waiting for a response. Michelle breathed out a sigh of relief at no longer having to start the conversation. 

"Oh, um....it just helps me relax when I'm nervous." She looked up at both girls and gave an attempted smile, but she felt it was a rather poor effort. "It's nice to meet you both." Glancing back down at her drawings she added, "I suppose we could learn something from people's expressions. I mean, it's not like a spy can hide their emotions 24/7 can they?" 

She looked up again, this time forcing herself to make a better effort. "Would you like to sit down?" She addressed both girls, and motioned with her hand at the empty seats across from her.

Edit: @Drake Marshall sorryyyyyy forgot to add you in the RP oops :P 

"Hello, humans! Are you having a conversation??"

Michelle looked up again, to see a robot standing near them. I didn't even hear him come over. That's a little spooky. "Oh, uh...yes. And you are?" She waited patiently for the robot to reply.

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
Forgot to RP with Drake....I'm a bad friend xD
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56 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

"I suppose we could learn something from people's expressions. I mean, it's not like a spy can hide their emotions 24/7 can they?" 

Attempting to alter facial expression... ERROR.

56 minutes ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

"Hello, humans! Are you having a conversation??"

Michelle looked up again, to see a robot standing near them. I didn't even hear him come over. That's a little spooky. "Oh, uh...yes. And you are?" She waited patiently for the robot to reply.

"My name is A.N.W.I.R, and I am a seraph-pattern robot. The robot king has assigned me to serve incoming students. How may I be of assistance to you, human?"


EDIT: Also. Is this game set after the incident with the Annan Waters, or before?

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“In that dark realm, chaos ruled...”

[Writeup coming soon, hopefully.]

Altea has died! They were a Barrier Mage!

Elbe was attacked, but survived!

Player List:

  1. Locke Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  2. Elbe (Elbereth) - Dragonslayer
  3. Budgie (A Budgie)
  4. Altea Meza (Crimsn-Wolf) - Barrier Mage
  5. Carrie Brule (Burnt Spaghetti)
  6. Clanky (Clanky)
  7. Anwir (Drake Marshal)
  8. Anansi (Metacognition)
  9. John (Winter Devotion) - Student
  10. Small Large (Stink) - Medium
  11. Lyren (Droughtbringer)
  12. Shqueeves (Shqueeves)
  13. Pickle (asterion)
  14. Lopen (TheMightyLopen)
  15. Tarek (Randuir)
  16. BrightnessRadiant
  17. Ecthelion - Student
  18. Bart Allen (Flash)


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So much for my extra life... :( 

Also, for those wondering, the Zeta dimension is a doc in which you can talk with others (since a group PM would've been unwieldy. I think we got to 6,500 words or so by the end of the night?). I presume alignment switching happened (I don't have my PM yet so I don't actually know), and obviously killing did unless someone else used a kill role while in the realm, since I certainly didn't use mine. Nothing interesting other than that, though there were hints that there could be interesting potentials with roles. 

How was everyone else's night? 

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Whew, it's good to be back. I haven't got my PM yet either, so they're probably still preparing all of that.
RP time!
Budgie stumbled into the room, hand clutched to her head. Man, that was a weird night. And she'd thought the Court was weird? Ha, nothing compared to that. A crumbling city, with people who had no faces...damnation. She did not want to go there again. As it was, she was pretty glad she had gotten out of there alive.
"Hey everyone. How's everything?" she asked.
"Didn't you hear?" someone said. "Altea was killed last night!"
"And someone tried to kill me!" grumbled Elbe, clutching a wounded arm.
"Really? That sounds worrying...but whoever did it must've known they wouldn't succeed. I mean, trying to take on a Dragonslayer, c'mon. Which means they'll probably strike again, if they want to kill them...but why do they want to kill them, anyway? To get at the Medium?"
"That's me!" yelled Small Large.
"Or because he was on to something..." Budgie mused for a moment more. Then she shrugged. "Eh, I'll think more later. Right now, I want a drink. No, not alcahol. I could do with a hot chocolate."
Grumbling, the girl wandered off.

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A shame about crimsn, but the butcher's bill is in our favor here if we compare with the forest. That's ignoring alignment changes, of course. @STINK, should we be looking for a replacement for the role of medium:P

Anyway, I'll answer a couple of the questions I was asked in PM's after I already signed off for the day. Most of that was stuff I don't mind sharing with the thread as a whole.

So, first of all, the Ecthelion lynch. The people from this thread that voted on him at one point or another where me, Brightness, shqueeves, Drake and Orlok, if I'm not mistaken. Me, Shqueeves and Brightness voted for him for similar reasons (his behavior D1 seemed rather odd), Drake seemed to vote for him to try and keep a tie up, and Orlok voted because he was suspicious of Both Drake and Ecth, but wanted to see more of Drake to further form his opinion. All in all, none of these reasons for voting stand out too much. I'm honestly somewhat surprised at Drake's attempt to force a tie, but it makes him seem somewhat village in my eyes, as an elim wouldn't have taken the risk, and most people would have been able to get away with a vote out of self-preservation if the other target was a reasonable suspect.

The retracted votes where mine, Brightness and Drake's. Drake's retraction had again to do with his attempt to keep a tie up. DA's vote on Ecth made me wary that something else might have been going on, and Brightness found Ecth's explanation good enough. If I put on a particularly paranoid hat then brightness's retraction might make me wonder a bit, but someone else wearing that hat would probably look somewhat suspiciously at my own retraction as well, so I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt here.

This doesn't mean that nothing can be learnt from the Ecthelion lynch. However, it is at the moment only one piece of the puzzle, and more pieces will be needed to get the full picture.

Now, on to a reevaluation of some of my reads, starting with Drake. I'm getting more of a village vibe from his post last cycle. As I mentioned before, I really don't think an eim would have done the 'keeping a tie' thing, unless he had already agreed with another elim that he/she would bail him out. This second option is a possibility, but I think it's unlikely, as it comes with the risk of two elims getting revealed for the price of one (ie, if we lynch drake, and he's evil, we should take a good look at the people that swung the vote in his favor).

Next up is Clanky. I'm actually starting to lean slightly village on him now after seeing how he went after Lopen. I don't think an elim would risk putting himself this clearly on Lopen's radar this early in the game, unless he expected to be able to get Lopen lynched (and if that was his goal, I'd have expected evil!clanky to switch votes to one of the other candidates when the Lopen lynch didn't really get going to try and get under the radar again).

The last person I've been asked about was Lopen. Most of last day he spent defending himself against suspicions and accusations. I don't see any major holes in most of his defenses (things could quite easily be the way he said they are), but he hasn't really posted anything that is alignment indicative. However, @TheMightyLopen, I am interested in what made you get the feeling that Ecth was village. You weren't wrong, so I'm curious about what I missed and/or overlooked.

One more thing I wanted to take a look at is why crimsn got targeted by the elims. The only real suspicion she outed during D2 was a suspicion of Drake,  and if Drake is an elim after all I don't think the wee lil' forest critters would want to attract attention to themselves in that way. Has she shared some suspicions in PM's with anyone? Or alternatively, does anyone know if and to whom she has role-claimed?

Edit: Also, if those of the 'Empty' alignment could step forward, please, and share their win-con, I'd appreciate it.

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Well every one came back from the negative dimension (mostly) safe and sound. Back to our normal killing activities. 

Is it safe to assume Elb was "attacked" by the negative dimension, while Crimsn was an elim attack? And why would Crimsn be attacked by the elims? 

So many questions, so few answers. The great thing is that I'm going to have a LOT more time on my hands today as soon as I finish a stupid essay so I should have much more time to conduct a much more thorough analysis than I already did. Which will help me to feel more useful. 

Edit: All PMs i didn't respond to, I apologize. I was at a party with my girlfriend last night who I haven't seen in about a month, so I wasn't checking my phone before it shut off. And after 8:45 it did shut off, and so I couldn't see anything after that point in time. Your concerns and comments are noted and appreciated. 

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Aw im sad crimsn is dead. She was fun to pm :( our pm was like. 90% banter though. I did ask if she wanted to role trade but she wasnt keen. She told me that she didnt have a very interesting role and she wanted to pm a few select individuals.  Oh she also joke claimed ysengrin. Huh. Hm. Ysengrin can protect as well. Mebe that was a hint for me >> idk i wasnt really paying attention. However, if she referenced a protect role in her other pms like she did to me, i could definitely see how a elim who was paying very close attention to what she said could guess that she could well be someone worth killing. 

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20 minutes ago, Flash said:

Ok i don't think empty is an alignment. I think Stick was consumed by taking too many actions. That being said i might be wrong. If empty is an alignment, please speak up. 

Why do you think this? I might have missed a relevant portion of the pre-game thread. I originally thought this was an effect of being taken to the Zeta zone, but stick hadn't gone there.

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1 minute ago, randuir said:

Why do you think this? I might have missed a relevant portion of the pre-game thread. I originally thought this was an effect of being taken to the Zeta zone, but stick hadn't gone there.

It's the guardian of the forest role. They have up to 3 action slots, but if they use all three they are consumed. I think Stick forgot that during the meeting, he lost an action period. Therefore, if they used 2 actions, they were consumed. Stick probably protected 2 people, as I don't think he did a kill. 

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Hey elims, your kill targets are bad. This does not compute with what I know, please fix this.

Also @Flash it is my mod duty to say that your sig is currently waaaaaay too big. Wanna make a hyperlink leading to the writeup of your death rather than c/ping it? :P

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22 minutes ago, STINK said:

Hey elims, your kill targets are bad. This does not compute with what I know, please fix this.

Also @Flash it is my mod duty to say that your sig is currently waaaaaay too big. Wanna make a hyperlink leading to the writeup of your death rather than c/ping it? :P

Sure... sorry about that. I can't actually see signatures on mobile so I'm not entirely sure what it looks like. 

Edit: ok that's all better. And finally added in my other favorite one. 

And stink, why do you specifically say that the elim targets are bad? Isn't every elim target bad? Losing villagers in General is BAD. Especially more valuable and active ones like Crimsn. 

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