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“In the wake of Zeta’s death, all was quiet, at first…”

Michelle walked the halls of the court alone. She fiddled absent-mindedly with the blinker stone that had been given to her in the wake of Ecth’s death, using it to light her way in the dark. She still wasn’t quite sure what it meant, but it definitely didn’t make his passing any easier. This wouldn’t be the first night she couldn’t sleep.


A faint sound came from one of the halls behind her. Probably one of that Diego guy’s robots. It was odd for them to be active so late in the day, though.

She picked up her pace, nonetheless, hurrying towards the hastily set up girls’ dorms. After a few moments, she began to feel slightly foolish. The Court didn’t seem to be the safest of places, with the Forest infiltrators about, but she was far from where those killings had taken place. This area was well-secured, and she was safe.


Without meaning to, she looked behind her. Closer than she’d thought, a dishevelled student stood--no, floated-- in the hallway, knife hanging loosely from their fingers. Looking down, eyes unfocused, they reached up to scratch their face. The skin looked red and raw along their jaw, as if this was something they did constantly.

“Wh-wh-who are you?” Michelle stammered, backing up.

The other student didn’t seem to hear her. “I don’t know what to do with myself anymore, now that he’s gone...”

Michelle stopped, now suddenly worried for an entirely different reason. “What? Who?”

“They’re telling me nothing matters, anymore. They want me to hurt, for failing.” They scratched their face again, otherwise hanging limply in the air.

“I’m sure that’s not true. Just put the knife down, okay? We can find some help?”

“I think they just want to take their pain out on someone. Anyone. I think I agree with them.”

Michelle took an involuntary step forwards, reaching out. “Does this have to do with the Forest? Are they threatening you?”

“And you know what?” They looked up now, suddenly cognizant; a feral smile spreading across their face. “I think I’m going to start with you.”

Michelle’s blinker stone flared with light as she clutched at it, falling back, and then everything went dark.

“Michelle wasn’t the only one up that night…”

Small Large had just finished crossing the newly constructed bridge when he realized something was wrong. He didn’t know what; all he was certain of was the subtle tension of his power working, trying to reorder the world to ensure his will. Given that he always wanted to be alive, and rarely cared about much else, this was worrisome.

“Come out come out, however you are. I’d rather not be kept waiting. I could use some sleep.”

“Hello Small.” A figure stepped out of the shadows, cloaked and hooded.

“Ah, it’s you. That’s a relief. Something’s wrong. You should wake some others; get people on the alert.”

“Is that so?”


“Somehow, I’m not surprised.” The hooded figure stepped closer, shifting to reach for a sword.

“Wha-- Oh. Ah. I see. Has it come to this? How did they get to you?” Small looked towards the Court, mentally leaning against his power, trying to force an observer to appear. None came, and before he received an answer, a sword had separated his head from his body.

When morning came, in addition to the mutilated bodies of Michelle and Small, Tarek was found, stabbed to death in his bunk.

Michelle has died! She was a Student!

Small Large has died! He was Making Everything Boring, and a Medium!

Tarek has died! He was a Student!

Player list, countdown, etc, hopefully coming in the morning. I just want to get PMs out and call it a night before it's too late and I only get 5 hours of sleep again. Really didn't want to extend the backlog. >>

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Definitely not. It sounds like at least one of those deaths (the first for sure) was from the Zeta changed alignment.
Tarek sounds like an elim/something a little more normal, given that it was only a stabbing.
Not so sure about the Medium kill however. There weren't enough people from the court sent to the Nightmare Zone for that many changed people, I'd've thought. So probably again an elim kill.

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Well then that's that's lot of people  dead. Yikes. and why in the world would the elims kill stink? Wasn't he neutral? do we need to elect a new medium now? 

Also im not running for medium, for the reason below. 

I'm going to be inactive for this day cycle. I'm going to Cedar Point with my family, and there will not be much opportunity to hop on.

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Well i nominate Orlok for medium. Pondered el but. We dont need more pm madness,  besides i trust orlok more than troll!El. Troll el isnt always nice to me. Specialy when CB is around ;)

Tho if orlok doesnt wanna be medium, im cool with that. And will move it to el. Or maybe rand. Wait no hes dead. Whelp. 

 Just dont make me medium. Please. I aint got time for that kinda work.

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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I have been doing some research on the Zeta, and apparently in the comics, there is something called a Whitelegs. 

The Whitelegs existed within the Zeta realm, and one time latched onto someone who visited. The person that the Whitelegs latched onto was slowly driven insane, becoming more and more obsessed with the Zeta. They host would eventually gain powers from the Whitelegs as well, like super strength and flight.

I think that the above information and the "In the wake of the Zeta's death, all was quiet, at first..." that we have a Whitelegs somewhere. Now that the Zeta is dead they may just need to kill everyone to win. In the comics, there was only ever one Whiteleg that escaped from the Zeta realm, but there easily could be more than one.

Any thoughts about my Whitelegs Theory?

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Wait that was Rand who died?! He was my strongest village read! It's hard to tell who dies when you just have the character name. 

Also @DroughtBringer I believe the forest already killed a white legs host. 

The white legs host must be someone who went to the realm of the zeta, who there weren't actually that many from the court. I think elbereth, budgie, and orlok? 

What do you guys have to say for yourselves? Did any of you become hosts? What is your win condition? How do you have a kill? Are you a demi-fire elemental? Was it Elbereth, who had a kill until stink died? 

You know it's weird how I think people are village based on their suspicion of me. But that is exactly why I trusted Rand (I've done the same thing in previous games). Orlok has also been expressing suspicion of me, and right now he and Drake are probably my strongest village reads (drake is because of how rand explained his posts to me. They felt more village after that). 

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Right. For convenience, an up to date player list:

  1. Locke Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  2. Elbe (Elbereth)
  3. Budgie (A Budgie)
  4. Altea Meza (Crimsn-Wolf) - Barrier Mage
  5. Carrie Brule (Burnt Spaghetti)
  6. Clanky (Clanky)
  7. Anwir (Drake Marshal)
  8. Anansi (Metacognition)
  9. John (Winter Devotion) - Student
  10. Small Large (Stink) - Medium
  11. Lyren (Droughtbringer)
  12. Shqueeves (Shqueeves)
  13. Pickle (asterion)
  14. Lopen (TheMightyLopen) - Zeta
  15. Tarek (Randuir) - Student
  16. BrightnessRadiant - Student
  17. Ecthelion - Student
  18. Bart Allen (Flash)

Leaving the following players in the game:

  1. Locke Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  2. Elbe (Elbereth)
  3. Budgie (A Budgie)
  4. Carrie Brule (Burnt Spaghetti)
  5. Clanky (Clanky)
  6. Anwir (Drake Marshal)
  7. Anansi (Metacognition)
  8. Lyren (Droughtbringer)
  9. Shqueeves (Shqueeves)
  10. Pickle (asterion)
  11. Bart Allen (Flash)

Of these, Meta is completely inactive, and Asterion is still catching up.

Drought and Shqueeves have both posted relatively little, and I don't really have reads on them.

Budgie posted analysis on Day Three, but I'm still uncertain with her, and leaning evil, based on very little other than their read on Burnt, who I'm reading as good, and their mostly RP in posts. 

I'm reading Flash as pretty evil, and set out my reasons in the last day cycle.

Drake's actions in the game read as evil to me, but I'm reading his more recent posts as village, and would be reluctant to lynch him in the near term, unless I'm wrong with my actua suspicions, and the game is still going.

I'm suspicious of Clanky for his calling for Lopen's death so early, but need to read back through his main post advocating Lopen's lynch before coming to a decision on it, and am far too jet lagged to do so now.

I'd support a lynch on El or Budgie, today, for reasons I'll set forward below:

This cycle, we had three kills, rather than the normal one. This being the cycle after the Zeta dimension, I suspect Zeta had something to do with it. Lopen and Stink are dead, leaving El and Budgie as people who could potentially have gained abilities. El has been quieter than I'd normally expect, through the game. Part of this is because we were travelling at the start of the game, but she's been at home for the last couple of cycles, and her activity isn't where I'm used to it being. This would tie into the name of the cycle - "betrayal", and Stink's death, but that could just be my paranoia. 

Budgie has also been to the Zeta dimension, and has been active but quiet about opinions throughout the game, which is something I normally associate with eliminators. 

Apologies for the short post - I'm shattered, had a 30+ hour day yesterday, and am now in a materially different time zone.

I think I'm going to vote on Elbereth, and put myself forward for medium, on the basis that I'm active, and know that I'm village with far greater certainty than I have for anyone else. If people don't support my candidacy, I'd suggest making Drake or Burnt the Medium. Orlok.

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3 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

I'd support a lynch on El or Budgie, today, for reasons I'll set forward below:

This cycle, we had three kills, rather than the normal one. This being the cycle after the Zeta dimension, I suspect Zeta had something to do with it. Lopen and Stink are dead, leaving El and Budgie as people who could potentially have gained abilities. El has been quieter than I'd normally expect, through the game. Part of this is because we were travelling at the start of the game, but she's been at home for the last couple of cycles, and her activity isn't where I'm used to it being. This would tie into the name of the cycle - "betrayal", and Stink's death, but that could just be my paranoia. 

Budgie has also been to the Zeta dimension, and has been active but quiet about opinions throughout the game, which is something I normally associate with eliminators. 

Apologies for the short post - I'm shattered, had a 30+ hour day yesterday, and am now in a materially different time zone.

I think I'm going to vote on Elbereth, and put myself forward for medium, on the basis that I'm active, and know that I'm village with far greater certainty than I have for anyone else. If people don't support my candidacy, I'd suggest making Drake or Burnt the Medium. Orlok.

Gah. I don't like lynching new players, but in this case it seems necessary. >> I know Budgie is a wiser choice, since I'm not evil, nor has my alignment changed due to Zeta. While I wasn't affected by the Zeta dimension beyond being hit with a kill, it seems likely that someone was, and Budgie is the only candidate in this thread left. 

I'll write up a fuller defence of why Budgie is better to lynch than I am, later, but am currently packing for college and don't want to spend too much time on that right now. 

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4 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

Right. For convenience, an up to date player list:

  1. Locke Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  2. Elbe (Elbereth)
  3. Budgie (A Budgie)
  4. Altea Meza (Crimsn-Wolf) - Barrier Mage
  5. Carrie Brule (Burnt Spaghetti)
  6. Clanky (Clanky)
  7. Anwir (Drake Marshal)
  8. Anansi (Metacognition)
  9. John (Winter Devotion) - Student
  10. Small Large (Stink) - Medium
  11. Lyren (Droughtbringer)
  12. Shqueeves (Shqueeves)
  13. Pickle (asterion)
  14. Lopen (TheMightyLopen) - Zeta
  15. Tarek (Randuir) - Student
  16. BrightnessRadiant - Student
  17. Ecthelion - Student
  18. Bart Allen (Flash)

Leaving the following players in the game:

  1. Locke Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  2. Elbe (Elbereth)
  3. Budgie (A Budgie)
  4. Carrie Brule (Burnt Spaghetti)
  5. Clanky (Clanky)
  6. Anwir (Drake Marshal)
  7. Anansi (Metacognition)
  8. Lyren (Droughtbringer)
  9. Shqueeves (Shqueeves)
  10. Pickle (asterion)
  11. Bart Allen (Flash)

Of these, Meta is completely inactive, and Asterion is still catching up.

Drought and Shqueeves have both posted relatively little, and I don't really have reads on them.

Budgie posted analysis on Day Three, but I'm still uncertain with her, and leaning evil, based on very little other than their read on Burnt, who I'm reading as good, and their mostly RP in posts. 

I'm reading Flash as pretty evil, and set out my reasons in the last day cycle.

Drake's actions in the game read as evil to me, but I'm reading his more recent posts as village, and would be reluctant to lynch him in the near term, unless I'm wrong with my actua suspicions, and the game is still going.

I'm suspicious of Clanky for his calling for Lopen's death so early, but need to read back through his main post advocating Lopen's lynch before coming to a decision on it, and am far too jet lagged to do so now.

I'd support a lynch on El or Budgie, today, for reasons I'll set forward below:

This cycle, we had three kills, rather than the normal one. This being the cycle after the Zeta dimension, I suspect Zeta had something to do with it. Lopen and Stink are dead, leaving El and Budgie as people who could potentially have gained abilities. El has been quieter than I'd normally expect, through the game. Part of this is because we were travelling at the start of the game, but she's been at home for the last couple of cycles, and her activity isn't where I'm used to it being. This would tie into the name of the cycle - "betrayal", and Stink's death, but that could just be my paranoia. 

Budgie has also been to the Zeta dimension, and has been active but quiet about opinions throughout the game, which is something I normally associate with eliminators. 

Apologies for the short post - I'm shattered, had a 30+ hour day yesterday, and am now in a materially different time zone.

I think I'm going to vote on Elbereth, and put myself forward for medium, on the basis that I'm active, and know that I'm village with far greater certainty than I have for anyone else. If people don't support my candidacy, I'd suggest making Drake or Burnt the Medium. Orlok.

So I'm going to put a vote on Orlok.  Does nobody else find it odd how he is suspicious of me for pursuing Lopen when he was highly involved in a Lopen lynch on a day I didn't even post once? There was actually a surprising amount of discussion surrounding me that day and I never did get a vote. There was however in the post orlok initially voted for lopen Orlok saying that if Lopen turns out to be good than I am likely evil. I would like to know why Lopens alignment would affect your opinion of my alignment. If you look back at almost any game the vast majority of games, especially near the beginning most votes and suspicions cast are of the villager on villager variety and if you recall the push I made on Lopen was only on Day 2. 

Also in your post I linked above you said that you were "wary of Burnt", however now you are putting burnt forth as a secondary option to you as a medium. May I ask what has changed with respect to Burnt? Also Elb wasn't on your list of suspicious people last day. So did something change to put her above the other players you mentioned last day as well as in this post?

So if it wasn't obvious before I don't support Orloks case for medium. I don't think it's fair to put myself forwards as a secondary option since I was gone for half the game so far and really have no idea what is going on in the forest thread. So I'll be happy to put my vote on someone else who makes a good case.

PS. Take your time recovering from your long day Orlok, I understand what you are going through and don't expect any sort of timely response until you've recovered. :rolleyes:


3 hours ago, Flash said:

I'm going into canada, and officially going inactive for the next day. So Orlok  .

Canada isn't that isolated we do have internet here. ;) 

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Okay, all cards on the table, I am the Whitelegs. Okay sure lynch me. But my win condition was to kill everyone except for Lopen, so I can't win anymore. I was going to just aim for a tie amongst everyone by killing everyone but I came up with another idea. 

Elect me as Medium. You will have an unbiased person playing as the medium, which would be guaranteed because I no longer have a way to win. So if I get elected you will be able to guarantee that I am not going to be an Eliminator or anything. I would like to still be able to find a win condition for myself, while not just killing everyone, so this is my last hope for that. I honestly would just still like a chance to win the game :P

I am a resource that you guys can use. I am someone that has nothing else to do (Except kill everyone, and even that is currently out of the question thanks to this post) so please consider me, for your vote for medium.   Drought

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6 minutes ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

YOU'RE A SK NOW?????????? 

Kinda, at this point, I can't win though. Cause Lopen is dead. So killing everyone would just make me tie the game.

Also if you vote for me, you'll be my friend

Edited by DroughtBringer
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Woah, this is...surprising, to say the least.
@DroughtBringer I didn't think you went to the Zeta realm? It seems strange that you would roleclaim if you weren't our Whitelegs, however- there's a fair chance you won't become Medium, and this has put you in a vulnerable position. We could easily just lynch you. However, the only reason you would claim to be the Whitelegs if you weren't was to protect an eliminator from being lynched.
Now, with only me and El being the suspects as Whitelegs, it'd be pretty obvious if we lynched you and you turned out to be a eliminator just who you were protecting. Of course, there'd still be a 50% chance you'd get the wrong person, unless we were both elims, but that couldn't be worth much.
In other words, I think you might be genuine. Electing you as Medium...while I'm not entirely sure about it, I'd rather you as Medium than as a serial killer. Your alignment should change to be neutral anyway. Drought.

Now, as for the accusations against me.
My alignment has not changed due to Zeta. Yes, I realise this isn't the greatest defence, but there isn't much more that I can say beyond that I'm almost dissapointed. My role is pretty dull, and that would've been interesting.
Yes, I realise that I haven't posted many suspicions, but at the moment I'm having trouble keeping up with everything (on the weekend I had two performances). It doesn't help that I'm comparing my suspicions to walls of text and thoughts, and it's my first game. I'll try to post more suspicions when I get more time, so you can get a read on me etc.

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1 minute ago, A Budgie said:

 I didn't think you went to the Zeta realm?

I didn't. But apparently there was a really weird role interaction, and it ended up making me a Whitelegs...it was kinda weird. I don't have permission to speak about it so I won't, though. (I'm not even entirely certain what happened to be honest)

But now I'm here as a Whitelegs.

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20 minutes ago, DroughtBringer said:

I didn't. But apparently there was a really weird role interaction, and it ended up making me a Whitelegs...it was kinda weird. I don't have permission to speak about it so I won't, though. (I'm not even entirely certain what happened to be honest)

But now I'm here as a Whitelegs.

So did you attempt to perform an action against someone in the Zeta dimension then?

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11 hours ago, Clanky said:

So I'm going to put a vote on Orlok.  Does nobody else find it odd how he is suspicious of me for pursuing Lopen when he was highly involved in a Lopen lynch on a day I didn't even post once? There was actually a surprising amount of discussion surrounding me that day and I never did get a vote. There was however in the post orlok initially voted for lopen Orlok saying that if Lopen turns out to be good than I am likely evil. I would like to know why Lopens alignment would affect your opinion of my alignment. If you look back at almost any game the vast majority of games, especially near the beginning most votes and suspicions cast are of the villager on villager variety and if you recall the push I made on Lopen was only on Day 2. 

Also in your post I linked above you said that you were "wary of Burnt", however now you are putting burnt forth as a secondary option to you as a medium. May I ask what has changed with respect to Burnt? Also Elb wasn't on your list of suspicious people last day. So did something change to put her above the other players you mentioned last day as well as in this post?

So if it wasn't obvious before I don't support Orloks case for medium. I don't think it's fair to put myself forwards as a secondary option since I was gone for half the game so far and really have no idea what is going on in the forest thread. So I'll be happy to put my vote on someone else who makes a good case.

PS. Take your time recovering from your long day Orlok, I understand what you are going through and don't expect any sort of timely response until you've recovered. :rolleyes:


Canada isn't that isolated we do have internet here. ;) 

Yeah but I'm American and can't use it without being charged lol. 

I love how I think I'll be inactive but I find internet for just a few minutes enough to check up on things. 

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Well I finally caught up on the webcomic. Don't know how so many people managed to get it done prior to the game even started. It ain't short.

Drought, I'll support you for medium but it would be good to know who you would be planning to choose as a protector.

Also to everyone who hasn't voted please vote and if someone has voted for you please respond. We have less than 12 hours left in this day and so far noone has more than one vote on them or has responded to being voted on. If we want any sort of usefull lynch we need to start discussing it asap

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I support Drought and stuff I guess. He doesn't really have a reason to lie about being a Whitelegs host I think.

Anyway I hope we can work together and stuff...

if I don't die this cycle.

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