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7 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

@Orlok Tsubodai c'mon man! What about all that logic and analysis cycle 1? Where is the orlok that I hope wouldn't vote on me without good reason that not only I need to survive, but the village would greatly benefit from since they wouldn't be voting a villager off the island? Where's that orlok?

On sick leave, I'm afraid...

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Mr. Klenion was fed up. "You all think I'm a Forgotten? How dare you! I'm innocent. It's Myka, he's the Forgotten!" Klenion suddenly charged the actor, stabbing Myka in the gut. Myka stared at his wound, as he started coughing up blood. "Why would you..." Klenion paused, tears in his eyes, hoping against hope that his hunch was right. Then suddenly, Myka's eyes glowed white.

In a slow, almost robotic tone, Myka pronounced, "That was a bad idea." Suddenly, wild chalklings began pouring out of his wound. They flowed out of him, hundreds at a time. There were too many to combat, especially with the shortage of supplies. "RUN!" shouted Orlok, making a beeline out of the camp.

"Go, now, before it's too late!" shouted General Manukos."I'll hold them off, just run!" He was flinging acid at the things with remarkable accuracy, buying the camp enough time to escape. The rest of the camp broke into a sprint, chasing after Orlok. Myka had started laughing, going delirious from the pain. The flood of chalklings turned into a trickle, then it stopped entirely. Myka, slumped to the ground, defeated. Still, the enemy numbers were too great for Manukos. He fought bravely, but in the end, the horde ate him alive.

Meanwhile, Orlok had reached his destination. The map led to an old smuggling hole set in a small cave. It would hopefully have more chalk, and more bribes too. He couldn't fight those things any more. He needed as many bribes as possible, then he was getting out of here. If he could bribe one of the guards, he could escape without getting shot. He rifled through the stash, not noticing someone at the mouth of cave. He didn't realize that the stranger's eyes were glowing white, or that they had sneaked up behind him. When the town reached the cave, they found Orlok's body, dead amidst a pile of riches.

Vote Count:
Kynedath (4): Jondesu, Orlok, Eternum, Elenion
Elenion (4): Kynedath, Caesura, Steeldancer, Devotary of Spontaneity
Monster Metroid (1): Brightness Radiant

Kynedath was lynched. He was a Quick Forgotten. A Piece of Chalk and a Bucket of Acid were returned to the camp supply
Orlok was killed. He was a Thief. A Gun and 3 Bribes were returned to the camp supply.
Manukos was killed by the inactivity filter. He was a Quick Soldier. A Spring-Powered Crab and a Bucket of Acid were returned to the camp supply.
A Map was used! 1 Chalk, 1 Bribe, 2 Crabs, a Map, and a Gun were added to the camp supply.

Items Taken:

  • Caesura took a Bribe.
  • Eternum took a Bribe.
  • Elenion took a Bribe.

Camp Supply:

  • 2 Pieces of Chalk
  • 2 Buckets of Acid
  • 2 Bribes
  • 3 Crabs
  • 1 Map
  • 2 Guns

Player List:

  Hide contents
  1. Kynedath: Myka Quick Forgotten
  2. MacThorstenson: Thorstein Prepared Soldier
  3. Jondesu: Kadal
  4. Caesura: Lara
  5. Steeldancer: Steelchalk
  6. Devotary of Spontaneity: Cacooo Moreau
  7. livinglegend: Lenny Soldier
  8. MonsterMetroid: Nb'nub
  9. Orlok Tsubodai: Orlok Thief
  10. A Joe in the Bush: Joel Soldier
  11. manukos: General Manukos the IV Quick Soldier
  12. BrightnessRadiant: Mya
  13. Eternum: Aiden
  14. Drake Marshall: Drake Prepared Soldier
  15. Elenion: Mr. Klenien
  16. Alvron: Ronald Sneaky Soldier
  17. A Budgie: Rose-Mary Soup Soldier

This cycle will end on Monday, February 12, at 7PM Eastern Time


Edited by Sart
Wrong time on countdown
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Ok guys I'm really sorry I didnt participate as much last cycle I had some RL things come up basically right after I put up the pictures. If someone could catch me up on what happened last cycle that would be great.

We got one! Heck ya we can do this now guys it kind of sucks that we lost orlok but it looks like he used the map instead of shooting brightness.

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Why did Orlok get killed tho? Why would the elims kill the neutral? Did they know he had the map or something? 

@Jondesu don't lynch me because....I'm cute? :lol: but for realz I knew I wasn't dying because Orlok said he was probably going to shoot Monster and I gave him my bribe to get the lynch discussion off of me because with Budgie not flipping elim and Monster looking incredibly village for some reason then I was dead otherwise. So I'm still going with Monster because he has to be the one who put in the first cycle kill.

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@Jondesu really? Because not like everyone else wasn't gonna point that out and also there would only have to contain one elim in that group because there was a kill made and that's all we know. Plus, pointing that out has given the elims a pool of possibly 5 easy village lynches. I don't see how that's such a villager thing to do. We've not even found an elim in that group yet and it's super frustrating not to be able to even take part in this game with analysis just because I didn't take an item on cycle one. I'd say that analysis has benefited the elims more than the village so far.

Edit: @Eternum Why? In what way am I connected to Kynedath? I literally pointed him out as suspicious last cycle before Elenion did and no one had even mentioned him as being suspicious before that in the game as far as I'm aware. Did anyone even bother to look at my reads or did you just pass them by because you were assuming my alignment or you don't care because you're an elim?

Edit #2: oh and also you can clearly see that I passed my bribe to Orlok because only me, steel, and monster ever took bribes and Orlok's actions have all been accounted for so I clearly gave him a bribe so all of my actions have been accounted for except day 1. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who can say that for the whole game besides Orlok. I didn't take an item because I forgot to, then I took acid because that was all that was left mostly and because it's useful for blocking the elim kill and because I didn't want the elims having it, then I took a bribe because Orlok asked me to and said he'd help me out of the village being dead set on killing me if Budgie flipped village, then I passed Orlok the bribe for helping me. So I'd say I'm more accountable so far then anyone. Granted you'll probably just say I was an elim playing it safe since cycle 1, but it's not really fair to tunnel so hard on me when you're only choosing me over Monster because of one post he made that's not as dangerous to the elims as everyone claims. (Seeing how most of discussion had stagnated onto just us six players)

Edit #3: xD I also forgot I was gonna say, think about why Orlok would have been the elim kill? They might actually have been worried that he'd shoot me and my alignment would flip village which would incriminate Monster and also not give them the easy lynch target of myself for today. At least consider that instead of saying he just died because he was gonna shoot me and I'm an elim.

Edited by BrightnessRadiant
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"To arms! To arms!"

As Mr. Klenien raced out of camp he attempted to grab supplies, but the chalklings were following him too quickly. His legs hurt from running and his heart was pounding like a jackhammer, but something about it felt good. He was mortal. He felt pain. He was alive.


Ok, so now that I'm (hopefully) trusted for putting Kynedath up for lynch I'm going to explain some things, in case I die tonight.

1. Orlok voted for Kynedath yesterday because I promised him a Bribe if he did. I had a feeling that he might have had other Bribes, but I had to play Dr. Faustas a bit or else Kynedath would have gotten off and we might have lost then and there.

2. I have a heavy trust of Jon. He saved my bacon yesterday with that vote, which I can't see an elim doing at this stage in the game. Same with Eternum, but I already trusted them.

3. Voting habits also give me bad reads on Caesura, Devotary, and Steel, for voting and nearly saving Kynedath.

4. I was aware that Orlok had the map last cycle, but I asked him to kill BR instead. However, he used the map. Monster had said that he knew where the map was, so I'm thinking that that's why he gave his bribe to Orlok.

5. Steel didn't willingly give their bribe to Orlok. Orlok told me how he trolled Steel by getting Steel to scan Orlok stealing from him.

6. Caesura in particular deserves their own paragraph of analysis. They've been my PM contact since D1 and I was reading village on them in PM. However, at the end of last cycle they turned on me and nearly saved Kynedath. In addition, she had told me she was going to protect me with chalk, but instead it looks like she took a Bribe. Caesura is possibly my best lead at this point.

7. I'll get analysis up on Steel and Devotary at a different time. But for now, I think one but not both are evil.

8. I agree with Jon. Brightness needs to die today. BR, to address your points:

A. You didn't put your vote where your mouth was. Many elims give lip suspicion of a teammate, but don't want to vote on them. I think that your suspicion may have been a distancing tactic.

B. All it takes is one opportunity to put in a kill.

C. The elim kill wouldn't have stopped Orlok from shooting you, due to OoA, so the elims didn't do it for that. I think it more likely that they realized he was collecting a lot of bribes.


Heavy trust: Len, Jon, Eternum

Sight trust: Monster

Moderate distrust: Steel, Devotary, Caesura

Distrust: BR

I think we have 3 elims left alive, and they're in the bottom 4 of my suspicions. I'm thinking BR, Caesura, and one of Steel or Devotary.

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@Elenion I didn't vote for Kynedath because I'm positive that Monster is an elim so I wanted them lynched more than someone who I was only suspicious of. I wasn't on for the last several hours of the cycle iirc and if I'd known the votes were so close I'd have moved my vote over. 

Even tho we have differing opinions, I believe very much that you're a villager now because you almost got killed instead of an elim and because you wouldn't have gone after Kynedath so hard all of the sudden if you were an elim.

I'm glad to die so that everyone will move on from this, and now that at least one elim died we might be able to make it at least one more cycle after you lynch me. So if this is really what everyone wants then sure. But I'm keeping my vote on Monster because he's an elim. I'm tired of defending myself and I wish I could've done something to prove myself, but heck I'm too frustrated and it's just a game so yep. I made my case for Monster so please just listen to that when I die.

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Brightness does have a point, and I can see why Orlok wanted to trust her. Right now I'm flat on my back sick, so it's not like I'm doing much else, so I'm going to go back and collect evidence for a BR vs Monster analysis.

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C1 Brighness arrives and suggests a decent plan for determining who gets the gun. Minor village read from that. However, she also suggests that we all claim what items we're going to take, which would help the elims more than the village, so slight elim read from that.

Monster's C2 defense for not taking an item was that he thought it was a day/night game. Later on Budgie used this same excuse, and they are village.

I'm beginning to think Monster posting the list of 6 may be NAI. If you assume elim!Monster, they would have known there was only 1 elim in the 6, which is less odds than lynching randomly, so they would have had incentive to post, elim or not.

One thing I don't like about Monster is that they only planned for 1 elim in the 6. Could they have known for sure there was only 1?

Monster claims to have no PMs cycle 2, just in case that's useful for later analysis.

Doing a bit of metagame reasoning here, I'm beginning to think that BR wouldn't have put in the kill C1, because elims usually have their kill in more than 10 minutes before turnover in my experience.

C2 Monster says "If we get a lucky early elim kill it will put a lot of pressure on them as the rotation will be cut shorter for them." Whoever said the elims were on a kill rotation? It would make sense, giving the game rules, but I don't like how Monster seems to know how the elims are structuring their kills.

C3 Monster says they consider themself to be right about Orlok being village because Orlok wasn't an elim. That doesn't sound like a village perspective to me. A villager would have predicted Orlok as sharing their alignment and so would have been wrong, but an elim would have been thinking of Orlok as not sharing their alignment and so would have seen Orlok being neutral as them being correct. (Not sure if this one makes sense).

C3 Monster makes a post saying that if there was only one elim in the 6 then we shouldn't have started searching there because there's better luck lynching outside. Well, when Monster posted the list they only suspected one elim in the 6, so this analysis actually attacks their own original position.

C3 Monster votes on me right before Kynedath does. Coordination perhaps? But then again, BR votes on me not long after. But later on, BR takes their vote off me, but Monster holds their vote with Kynedath on me.

Neither Monster nor BR voted last cycle.


I think we may have been had. BR Monster. I've had a blind spot on Monster ever since I read them as village D2, but the more I look at their posts the more they don't hold up to scrutiny.

@Sart @Straw Is there a reason why this cycle is only 1 day instead of 2?

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There are now two guns left in the supply. @Sart, can we have some rule clarifications for how this works? I'm guessing that if two players go for a gun, both of them get one with no fight being triggered, while if three players go for guns, one player claims a gun without incident while the other two fight over the second one. If a quick player is involved in the latter scenario, they would get a gun for sure while the other two fight for the second gun. Otherwise, everything is determined randomly. 

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17 minutes ago, Elenion said:

C1 Brighness arrives and suggests a decent plan for determining who gets the gun. Minor village read from that. However, she also suggests that we all claim what items we're going to take, which would help the elims more than the village, so slight elim read from that.

Monster's C2 defense for not taking an item was that he thought it was a day/night game. Later on Budgie used this same excuse, and they are village.

I'm beginning to think Monster posting the list of 6 may be NAI. If you assume elim!Monster, they would have known there was only 1 elim in the 6, which is less odds than lynching randomly, so they would have had incentive to post, elim or not.

One thing I don't like about Monster is that they only planned for 1 elim in the 6. Could they have known for sure there was only 1?

Monster claims to have no PMs cycle 2, just in case that's useful for later analysis.

Doing a bit of metagame reasoning here, I'm beginning to think that BR wouldn't have put in the kill C1, because elims usually have their kill in more than 10 minutes before turnover in my experience.

C2 Monster says "If we get a lucky early elim kill it will put a lot of pressure on them as the rotation will be cut shorter for them." Whoever said the elims were on a kill rotation? It would make sense, giving the game rules, but I don't like how Monster seems to know how the elims are structuring their kills.

C3 Monster says they consider themself to be right about Orlok being village because Orlok wasn't an elim. That doesn't sound like a village perspective to me. A villager would have predicted Orlok as sharing their alignment and so would have been wrong, but an elim would have been thinking of Orlok as not sharing their alignment and so would have seen Orlok being neutral as them being correct. (Not sure if this one makes sense).

C3 Monster makes a post saying that if there was only one elim in the 6 then we shouldn't have started searching there because there's better luck lynching outside. Well, when Monster posted the list they only suspected one elim in the 6, so this analysis actually attacks their own original position.

C3 Monster votes on me right before Kynedath does. Coordination perhaps? But then again, BR votes on me not long after. But later on, BR takes their vote off me, but Monster holds their vote with Kynedath on me.

Neither Monster nor BR voted last cycle.


I think we may have been had. BR Monster. I've had a blind spot on Monster ever since I read them as village D2, but the more I look at their posts the more they don't hold up to scrutiny.

@Sart @Straw Is there a reason why this cycle is only 1 day instead of 2?

This cycle is 2 days. The countdown was incorrect. I've corrected it in the main post.

5 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

There are now two guns left in the supply. @Sart, can we have some rule clarifications for how this works? I'm guessing that if two players go for a gun, both of them get one with no fight being triggered, while if three players go for guns, one player claims a gun without incident while the other two fight over the second one. If a quick player is involved in the latter scenario, they would get a gun for sure while the other two fight for the second gun. Otherwise, everything is determined randomly. 

I figured someone would ask about that. If 2 players go for the gun, no one dies, and both players get guns. If 3 players go for guns, all guns will be lost, and only 2 people will survive. If you are Quick, you are guaranteed to be one of the people who survive, unless 3 Quick people went for the gun.

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I apologize for not being alive for the past day. But now my piano competition is complete, I did well, all is well, and I can finally pay attention to this. 

Well it looks like I was wrong, and you are vindicated Elenion. Gosh, my gut reads have really just kind of sucked in accuracy recently. However, Kynedath turning elim means my analysis might actually mean something now. You pointed out earlier that Kynedath might have been trying to divert attention away from Brightness. If you think Monster might be elim (which honestly wasn't even on my radar), is there anything from Kynedaths behavior that might also indicate that?
Furthermore, I might have accidentally provided a way for the elims to try and save Kynedath. So, I feel stupid. 
I'll try to update my analysis and look closer at the last cycle tomorrow, hopefully. I still have school and work, but I'll try to fit it in regardless. 

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@Steeldancer Kynedath kept trying to deflect attention from the 6, and broke the C2 tie by voting on Alv, which helped both BR and Monster. The only time that Kynedath helped BR is that they launched an attack on me C3, the same cycle that I went for BR. In that same cycle, however, Monster voted on me along with Kynedath, while BR voted on Budgie. Had BR kept her vote on me I likely would have died that cycle, so I'm more suspicious of Monster's vote than her own. BR this entire game has been voting on Monster and before that Budgie, so that's consistent with her voiced suspicions.

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Ok I'm finally back sorry I had to write an attack for my church and I was stressed out about it. Sorry with life so busy I will actually start playing now. Though man looking at this list makes me tired...

5 hours ago, Elenion said:

C1 Brighness arrives and suggests a decent plan for determining who gets the gun. Minor village read from that. However, she also suggests that we all claim what items we're going to take, which would help the elims more than the village, so slight elim read from that.


Monster's C2 defense for not taking an item was that he thought it was a day/night game. Later on Budgie used this same excuse, and they are village.


I'm beginning to think Monster posting the list of 6 may be NAI. If you assume elim!Monster, they would have known there was only 1 elim in the 6, which is less odds than lynching randomly, so they would have had incentive to post, elim or not.

Thats a good point I will admit.

One thing I don't like about Monster is that they only planned for 1 elim in the 6. Could they have known for sure there was only 1?

I assumed there was one just as you assumed that there was two and frankly at this point seeing how there are 3 of the 6 still either one of us could be right but I am leaning towards one

Monster claims to have no PMs cycle 2, just in case that's useful for later analysis.

I dont know what to say about this

Doing a bit of metagame reasoning here, I'm beginning to think that BR wouldn't have put in the kill C1, because elims usually have their kill in more than 10 minutes before turnover in my experience.

I also don't know what to say about this either, I mean I said that I didn't even put in an order which I am assuming you think I am lying about that but couldnt you say that BR was lying about the 10 mins thing just as easily Unless I am missing something.

C2 Monster says "If we get a lucky early elim kill it will put a lot of pressure on them as the rotation will be cut shorter for them." Whoever said the elims were on a kill rotation? It would make sense, giving the game rules, but I don't like how Monster seems to know how the elims are structuring their kills.

This game hasn't worked out exactly like I thought it would... I thought that we would get much more information from the future rounds so they would have to switch it up to keep people guessing but with the map not being used until just now.

C3 Monster says they consider themself to be right about Orlok being village because Orlok wasn't an elim. That doesn't sound like a village perspective to me. A villager would have predicted Orlok as sharing their alignment and so would have been wrong, but an elim would have been thinking of Orlok as not sharing their alignment and so would have seen Orlok being neutral as them being correct. (Not sure if this one makes sense).

I don't really understand this either but I do/did consider orlok to be on our team granted I knew that we would eventually have to lynch him because if the thief wins everyone else loses confirmed with Sart in PM. But orlok had a much better chance keeping the game going as long as possible and since we hadn't had a elim death by c3 I definately considered orlok to be on our side.

C3 Monster makes a post saying that if there was only one elim in the 6 then we shouldn't have started searching there because there's better luck lynching outside. Well, when Monster posted the list they only suspected one elim in the 6, so this analysis actually attacks their own original position.

Yeah I will admit that I originally believed your assessment that their were two elims in the group which you will note in my calculations makes it better than outside the group. This is also the reason I thought you might have been an elim was because I thought you were trying to get us to lynch people with worse odds if there was only one and I thought you deceived us by making it seem like their was two.. (man I hope that sentence makes sense it feels like a mess) I now see that it was just an honest assumption and not a devious one since reading up on last cycle unless you and kyne played the most suicidal game of arguments you have to be village.

C3 Monster votes on me right before Kynedath does. Coordination perhaps? But then again, BR votes on me not long after. But later on, BR takes their vote off me, but Monster holds their vote with Kynedath on me.

I have this really inconvenient thing called work that I have to travel home from during rollover and you have to admit... that rollover was an exciting one. I don't know what I would have done if I was on during that time. But you have to admit there were a LOT of people voting on you that cycle and you did seem suspicious at the time.

Neither Monster nor BR voted last cycle.

... This is false BR voted for me so yeah... and if it makes you feel better I probably would have voted for you :P but I'm really glad now I didn't because I know one person I can trust now

Also now that Orlok is dead I will reveal one more thing. I traded a bribe with orlok in exchange for him confirming that eternum did in fact message him about the scan, this is why orlok had three bribes. Before the traded bribe he would not admit that. Without that information we would be having a three way discussion about who to lynch which is not favorable to the elim hiding among us (unless eternum is a second elim, but I don't think that's the case).

I'm guessing the third bribe must have come from BR in exchange for not shooting her after supposedly suggesting that Orlok shoot her in the first place.

@ElenionI am sorry for assuming you were an elim I thought that someone was manipulating us to target the 6 which (if we assume their is only 1) had worse odds than someone outside the group. Then after we discuss that fact somehow budgie, who was in the group, gets lynched despite the math I shared. If you still think I'm suspicious I can understand, I think it is flattering that you think I could trick you in only my second game but I am a villager and I don't know what else I can do to prove it.

I will say this though, with a quick elim dead I think that whoever is quick should go for the guns. I can't imagine there being three quick villagers and if there is another quick elim that will give them pause to go for it. DO NOT claim though!!!! We cant have the elims targeting you like I assume they targeted joe because he said he was going after the map. That way we will stand a better chance and you can actually kill BR even if you do kill me.

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