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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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3 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Mythos thought for a moment, "training montage would be good. 1v1 with nameless would be..." he chuckled, "even I don't want to do that, not yet at least."

"You're all boring. I, for one, would love to if I had Narration."

Edited by Ookla the platypus
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3 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Mythos thought for a moment, "training montage would be good. 1v1 with nameless would be..." he chuckled, "even I don't want to do that, not yet at least."

"I agree."

1 minute ago, Ookla the platypus said:

"You're all boring. I, for one, would love to if I had Narration."

"You haven't met Nameless."

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Thinking quickly, Valiant focused all of his remaining energy into his Narrationblade, pouring the full might of his fledgling Narrator abilities into the Blade. "Can't deactivate my powers if they're in this sword!" He levelled the Blade at Nrgin's head. "Prepare to meet your end!"

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you're missing the i in nirgin. *amusement noises*

Before Valiant could attack, he noticed something. Something that caused him to put down his sword and bow. Something that caused him to say, "Master." Surprisingly, Nirgin's disguise evaporated and before Valiant's eyes stood Nameless. "Yes," Nameless says. "Very observant. Very good thinking with the Narrationblade too." He strolls across the room and flicks a switch. The energy cage surrounding the Narrators disappears and the Narrative powers flow back into everyone.

I'll let you take it from here. you know your characters better than I do.

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"N-Nameless?" Valiant's face filled with shock. "But you're..." He trailed off, staring in awe at the previously thought dead Narrator, his Narrationblade falling from numb fingers and clattering to the floor.

"Dead?" Nameless laughed. "That was just to encourage you." He walked over to the fallen Narrationblade and picked it up off the floor. "I knew I needed an heir someday, but, well, with me around, I couldn't know that the candidates could really be independent. So I asked my Author to make some new Narrators, then faked my death so I could watch from the sidelines." Smiling, he reached out and put his hand on Valiant's shoulder. "Out of all the potential candidates, you stood out. Your heroism, your ideals, your potential, they're exactly what I want in an heir. Nameless agrees with me. From now on, I'm going to train you personally. With my tutelage, I have no doubt you'll become among the most beloved Narrators on TLT. You'll even surpass me one day." He held out the Narrationblade towards Valiant, shrinking it down into a dagger so it could fit into the sheath at the potential Narrator's side. "Come on. Let's get training."

Valiant looked up at Nameless and spoke, voice wavering. "You-you really think I'm worthy?"

Nameless nodded, eyes proud. "Yes."

Tears came to Valiant's eyes, and he grabbed Nameless in an embrace. The stress of the last few pages, of knowing that he had to do something big fast if he was going to escape nonexistence, faded away like a bad dream. He was safe. He was worthy. He was happy.

So happy, that he didn't notice his own Narrationblade moving until it had already slit his throat.

The second illusion melted away, revealing a woman cloaked in mists. She stepped back, leaving the horrified Valiant to collapse to the ground. "Fool. Tricking you was easier than I imagined. So naïve." She snorted, kneeling down beside the dying candidate and wiping the bloodied Narrationblade on his cloak. "And really, putting all your power into this Blade? I am thankful, but did you really not realize how vulnerable it made you?" Sighing, she stood up and opened a portal back to her lair, leaving the corpse behind her to melt away like the useless idea it really was.

One competitor down. Who knows how many to go. I will be Nameless' heir.

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Having been watching this all from The Shadows (not to be confused with the shadows or Shadow, this is a parallel dimension in an alternate universe) I gasp at the plot twist. Then I call upon my allies to take this narrator-to-maybe-be down.

(important stuff for the allies that I ping in there. nothing important for those other than the users that got pinged when I said that. ya'll are welcome to look, it just has instructions for them. anybody else is welcome to help. just read the instructions if you want to. And contact me with info about your character if you want to help at all, pinged or not.)


@Ookla the Ta'veren and @Wits instant noodles and @SymphonianBookworm and @Ookla the Debonair and @Ookla the Myopic and @Ookla the Keys, I summon you to this thread to be my (Phillipe's) allies in taking the narrator-to-maybe-be down. It would involve both role-playing and dealing with Plot on TLT. I may also call upon you later to add a second character and be my (platypus') allies. thanks.


For the above users only


if you have a problem with either of those things, feel free to PM or DM me about it I'll lump you all in a message so we can talk about it if you agree. thanks. please try to contact me within a couple days.






ALLIES, I SUMMON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Ookla the Ta'veren and @Wits instant noodles and @SymphonianBookworm and @Ookla the Debonair and @Ookla the Myopic and @Ookla the Keys, read the instructions in the spoliers.

Edited by Ookla the platypus
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2 hours ago, Ookla the Untitled said:

"N-Nameless?" Valiant's face filled with shock. "But you're..." He trailed off, staring in awe at the previously thought dead Narrator, his Narrationblade falling from numb fingers and clattering to the floor.

"Dead?" Nameless laughed. "That was just to encourage you." He walked over to the fallen Narrationblade and picked it up off the floor. "I knew I needed an heir someday, but, well, with me around, I couldn't know that the candidates could really be independent. So I asked my Author to make some new Narrators, then faked my death so I could watch from the sidelines." Smiling, he reached out and put his hand on Valiant's shoulder. "Out of all the potential candidates, you stood out. Your heroism, your ideals, your potential, they're exactly what I want in an heir. Nameless agrees with me. From now on, I'm going to train you personally. With my tutelage, I have no doubt you'll become among the most beloved Narrators on TLT. You'll even surpass me one day." He held out the Narrationblade towards Valiant, shrinking it down into a dagger so it could fit into the sheath at the potential Narrator's side. "Come on. Let's get training."

Valiant looked up at Nameless and spoke, voice wavering. "You-you really think I'm worthy?"

Nameless nodded, eyes proud. "Yes."

Tears came to Valiant's eyes, and he grabbed Nameless in an embrace. The stress of the last few pages, of knowing that he had to do something big fast if he was going to escape nonexistence, faded away like a bad dream. He was safe. He was worthy. He was happy.

So happy, that he didn't notice his own Narrationblade moving until it had already slit his throat.

The second illusion melted away, revealing a woman cloaked in mists. She stepped back, leaving the horrified Valiant to collapse to the ground. "Fool. Tricking you was easier than I imagined. So naïve." She snorted, kneeling down beside the dying candidate and wiping the bloodied Narrationblade on his cloak. "And really, putting all your power into this Blade? I am thankful, but did you really not realize how vulnerable it made you?" Sighing, she stood up and opened a portal back to her lair, leaving the corpse behind her to melt away like the useless idea it really was.

One competitor down. Who knows how many to go. I will be Nameless' heir.

"Just... wow." Everyone said, looking a bit surprised. They walked over and examined the spot where Valiant's body had been. "That was so heartfelt, and then immediately so horrible."

2 hours ago, Ookla the platypus said:

Having been watching this all from The Shadows (not to be confused with the shadows or Shadow, this is a parallel dimension in an alternate universe) I gasp at the plot twist. Then I call upon my allies to take this narrator-to-maybe-be down.

(important stuff for the allies that I ping in there. nothing important for those other than the users that got pinged when I said that. ya'll are welcome to look, it just has instructions for them. anybody else is welcome to help. just read the instructions if you want to. And contact me with info about your character if you want to help at all, pinged or not.)

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@Ookla the Ta'veren and @Wits instant noodles and @SymphonianBookworm and @Ookla the Debonair and @Ookla the Myopic and @Ookla the Keys, I summon you to this thread to be my (Phillipe's) allies in taking the narrator-to-maybe-be down. It would involve both role-playing and dealing with Plot on TLT. I may also call upon you later to add a second character and be my (platypus') allies. thanks.

  Reveal hidden contents
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  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

For the above users only

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ALLIES, I SUMMON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Yeah, can I help you guys kill this person? Í̷̲̒'̵͎̀l̷͉̳̕l̶͉̮͐͝ ̸̻̋b̶̛̮͎́e̶̘͆̌ ̷̧̅u̷̞͑̌s̸̖͌̇e̴̠̘̓̏ḟ̷̘̱ǘ̶̧̽l̷̫̘̒"

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6 hours ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

Bookwyrm, who was still at Eof's house, felt a shift in the fabric of the plot of the thread.

Foe may be gone, he thought, vanquished in the ever shifting tides of randomness. But there's someone more...there always is. That's the problem with infinity, I suppose.

@Ookla the Untitled

“So, Bookwyrm. Are you going to go help choose Nameless’ heir?” Eof stared off into the distance, eyes glimmering with untold secrets. “Be ready for the unexpected.”


Unintelligible gave Everyone a sideways glance. “When did you grow an emotional side?”

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