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Long Game 47: Shadow In The South


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Just so everyone knows, the timer for signups currently is running through Sunday at 3PM EST, a fairly easy time for me to plan on getting this game started.  I'm willing to fudge that time a bit, but rollovers will most likely be at 8PM EST, with the write-ups and new cycles coming within an hour or so. I may change that, but right now that feels like the best time for me.

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Flip-flap-flopping fish.  On a hook.  In a hole.
The worms are in my head and they wiggle.  Wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle!
Two.  Then one … then none.
A very fine carpet, sir.

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

Flip-flap-flopping fish.  On a hook.  In a hole.
The worms are in my head and they wiggle.  Wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle!
Two.  Then one … then none.
A very fine carpet, sir.

Oh sweet almighty not that again.

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I will be Dorder, a drawer of stick figures and drinker of Don Dew.

And I know my way around rings, if you catch my drift. I’ve yelled and gotten near to a close call, eaten some Dirt Mushrooms (they make you fall over, and bite the dust), and made a number of puns that also serve as apt descriptors of my personality.

I’m Dorder the adventurer, and I’m not losing my humor for anything short of a Punishing dwarf.

Edited by Walin
Forgot the last pun
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Signups are over!  If there are any players who were on the fence and want to be added, though, feel free to post within the next few minutes and I'll get you in.  I'll start applying RNG soon.

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The captain of the guards of Greenwood nodded in respect to Gandalf, unable to express his sorrow at his King's treatment of the wizard and his plea, but clearly sympathetic.

Gandalf turned and huffed slightly, letting his anger at the monarch pass from him. Smiling once again, he passed his gaze across the group, his face sobering as he realized that some of them may not be able to return once this quest was over.

"I must let you begin your journey alone," he began. Some mutters began among the group, but were quickly squashed. "I must consult with Saruman the Wise on this matter, and I fear that the spies of Morder may already be aware of our mission. I will send aid where I can, however." He smiled. "Sometimes it is in the smallest of decisions that the course of the ages may be determined. Watch out for one another, and head south. I will meet you when I am able. In the meantime, I have arranged for a guide."

A tall elf, golden haired and lithe, stepped from the forest.

"Here against his father's wishes is another Prince of Greenwood, Findecano, son of Thranduil. None know yet of his coming, except now the sixteen gathered here. He will take you on the road to the south and protect you in your quest as needed."

Findecano surveyed the group, his keen eyes taking in those among the travelers and seeming to know their very thoughts.

"We will ride first for Imladris, known to many of you as Rivendell. There, an old friend of mine wants to meet you, and he will likely ride with us for a time. Let us depart now, and bide farewell to these hushed woods."


The Agents of Mordor needed no conversation. Their orders were clear, and their daggers were sharp.  They watched, preparing to strike as soon as opportunity arose.



The game has begun!  You should all have received your PMs by now.  If not, please let me know.

Player List:

  1. Thalin (Fifth Scholar)

  2. Elandera (Elandera)

  3. Eleyrn (Devotary of Spontaneity)

  4. Itiah IV (I think I am here.)

  5. wyndlenquardra (Ornstein)

  6. Rathm (Rathmaskal)

  7. Zunn the Mad (Alvron)

  8. Bob the Hobbit (Snipexe)

  9. Caddor (Cadmium Compounder)

  10. Legless, the alcoholic Elf (Bort)

  11. Kadgar (Dalinar Kholin)

  12. Fade (Araris Valerian)

  13. Suomynona (xinoehp512)

  14. Glieven, a Ranger of the North (Mafia)

  15. Dorder (Walin)

  16. Halve (GreenRover)


Rollover will be at 8PM Eastern Time on Tuesday, July 17.


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  • Alvron locked and unpinned this topic

Thalin tromped along the Old Forest Road in his heavy studded boots, near the front of the line, slightly disgruntled at the whole questing concept. Hmph, he thought irritably. I thought that wizard bloke had some sense, but then he went and put some random elf in charge of this expedition. And all from some excuse about noble lineage. Well, at least that elf lady, Rossiel, was still talking to him. She didn’t pretend that Thalin was some kind of second-class citizen, like all the other elves did. But even she wouldn’t talk him into taking orders from that snooty elf at the front of the column. Thalin shouldered his massive battleaxe, glancing about occasionally for spies, eyes in the forest and black bats wheeling overhead, or stray patrols of Orcs from Dol Guldur. Dealing with those the last time he had passed through Mirkwood had taken much of his strength and will, and he would rather not encounter them again. 

Thalin continued looking around him as he marched westward. Behind him, slowly fading into the mists of the forest, were the Mountains of Mirkwood, their oddly-shaped peaks rising high above the murky canopy. To his left, a stream ran adjacent to the path. Thalin knew better than to put so much as a toe into it—enchantments would lie heavy upon its waters. Thalin then looked above him for the first time, and gasped. A great web lay slung over the trees, casting thin shadows over the small company. Out of it dropped a single forest spider, looking for quick prey. 

“Everyone look out!” Thalin yelled, shoving the nearest person, a man muttering about something called sticky glue, out of the way of the monster. He swung his axe, removing one of the spider’s forelegs, but it merely bellowed in pain, wobbled unsteadily, and continued to advance. Setting his axe in front of him, Thalin gritted his teeth, hoping one of those elves would help him defend the creature. 

I’ll be trying to RP everything this game, including game commentary, but I’ll try to keep it distinguishable. On that note, anyone want to confront the spider? If you don’t, Thalin’s lady friend Rossiel might have to, and that would be embarrassing for his reputation ;)

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“Everyone look out!” Thalin yelled.

Fade stumbled forward when he heard the warning, accidentally blundering right into the spider. The beast reared up, preparing to strike, but Fade tripped over Thalin's axe and fell heavily, the weight of his armor and weapons striking the spider's body. There was a sickening crunch as the carapace shattered, spraying Fade liberally with gore. He looked blearily up at the dwarf and mumbled, "Fade help?"

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With a smooth motion, so fast some wouldn't have seen it, Elandera had an arrow nocked and ready to fire as soon as she heard the cry for help.

She hesitated as she saw Fade collapse onto the fairly large spider, effectively killing it. Elandera lowered her bow, releasing the tension slowly, and raised an eyebrow at the one now covered in spider guts.

She sighed, and reached back over her shoulder to return the arrow back to the quiver. She felt at the fletching to make sure it was facing the right direction for quick knocking again. She needed to be ready.

Edited by Elandera
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Supposedly, the black river running along besides them was subject to some sort of amnesiac enchantment. Ridiculous. The rivers at home might not have been the cleanest or most impressive, but at least they contained enough fish for him to make a living. Eleryn doubted any fish swam in these waters, and he wasn't willing to find out. Their elven guide hadn't specified how much liquid would be required for the enchantment to take effect, so caution dictated that Eleryn avoid any possible contact with the river. As it so often did, caution assumed the voice of his father. 

"Successful fishers treat their whole lives like a fishing trip," he'd often say. "You must be deliberate. Make no impulsive decisions, nor take any unnecessary risks. Plan your actions carefully, prepare well ahead of time, and execute every step of the plan methodically."

This had always struck Eleryn as being good advice, especially when couple with his grandmother's stories of the many times she'd nearly died in her early years. When he'd left home, he'd tried to convince himself that it would be one quick excursion before returning to the safety of Anfalas. Gazing at the corpse of the gigantic spider, Eleryn admitted his delusion. This forest was no place for him. It was too late to back out now though; leaving the group would expose him to even more danger. He looked again at the spider. The body might well attract others of its kind. The company would have to move on soon in an attempt to avoid such an occurrence. Perhaps the spider ought to be pushed into the river. If only there was a way to do that without risking exposure to the enchanted stream. Eleryn began to look around for a convenient fallen branch with which to accomplish the task.


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Rathm had a sword.  He knew what to do with it.  He didn't relish the use of it, but his hesitancy to draw it in anger had, in the past, resulted in others making a grave mistake in thinking that he couldn't use it.  Now, although never quick to anger, Rathm was never slow to draw his sword. 

He started running as soon as he heard the scream.  Since he had initially taken a position near the rear of the party, the current danger seemed dealt with by the time he made it up there.  A spider?  This close to Thranduir's realm?  Either it was lost, or it was part of a larger hunting party.  What if this was just a scout?  Or a decoy attempting to draw the party's top fighters away from where the true strike was to happen.  He quickly made his way back to the party, eyes scanning the forest on both sides.

Rathm had a sword.  He knew what to do with it.


Hey folks, well now that I've gotten my feet wet with LG46, I'm ready to hit the ground running here!  Love LotR (I think I read The Hobbit for the first time when I was like 8 or so), so expect more poorly-written RP compared to my last game.  

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3 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

“Everyone look out!” Thalin yelled.

Fade stumbled forward when he heard the warning, accidentally blundering right into the spider. The beast reared up, preparing to strike, but Fade tripped over Thalin's axe and fell heavily, the weight of his armor and weapons striking the spider's body. There was a sickening crunch as the carapace shattered, spraying Fade liberally with gore. He looked blearily up at the dwarf and mumbled, "Fade help?"

“Umm...yes, Fade, that was useful,” Thalin said consolingly. “Though next time you may try stumbling away from the spider instead of into it. Move like that will get you killed in a real battle.” He paused, realising he sounded more gruff than intended. “Nevertheless, you did fine, and ended up killing the creature. Probably best to avoid washing yourself in that stream, though. Wipe the gore off as best you can and then we’ll get moving again.” 

Thalin turned to Elandera, the archer who had responded with such speed, and gave a grudging nod of respect. He may not trust all the Silvans, but they proved a sight handier with a bow than any dwarf he’d seen. The Greeenwood archers were said to be among the most accurate Elves, and hopefully that’d bear itself out in the coming days, with threats more serious than the spider Fade had “slain” following them, from without and within. Thalin anticipated more skirmishes and battles after this one, and getting to know someone who could watch your back during them would prove useful. Even if that someone was an elf. 

As Fade extricated himself from the corpse of the still spider, Thalin noticed a man, a Gondorian from the look of his clothing, slowing pushing the body with a large stick towards a stream. He shook his head. It does dispose of the remains, but once the company moved on the corpse could have just been left to rot on the forest floor. Thalin was particularly unsettled that the man was from Gondor; he had heard rumours about Gondorian Spies within the traveling group, who were trying to get the party to move to Minas Tirith. Well, they were going to have at least one person to argue against; he hated Minas Tirith with a passion. The soldiers were generally fine, but the nobility and Steward were all corrupt fools, and decent soldiers didn’t make half a whit of difference if they were taking orders from corrupt masters. Thalin resolved to keep an eye on Eleryn, and any other self-professed Gondorians. Anfalas, his supposed place of origin, was large, and held more than docile herdsmen within its borders. He shook himself out of these thoughts, the march being resumed once again, and took his usual place near the front. Daydreaming and speculation did no good while the company was in present danger, and Thalin would need all his wits about him to be alert and watch for the myriad denizens of the dark forest. 

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Itiah IV stumbled every step. He was not from these parts. He saw some people make a commotion for a spider and walked in that direction.

As he walked, he wondered why everyone looked so different over here. Indeed, Itiah was not from this place, but had there had always been so many short people back in Itiah’s home, or was it just him?

Itiah carried no weapons, save for his large leather book, which could double as a weapon. Still Itiah hoped he would never have to hit anyone with the book.

He didn’t like the book getting messy.

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Itiah IV arrived at the scene, seeing the dead spider. He kicked it for good measure, and then looked around. Itiah saw a man with a sword, a lady with a bow, and some others. Itiah felt conscious for not having a weapon. He'd never really liked violence, what with his father's constant lecturing and all. He'd also never liked his father.

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I’m pretty inexperienced at Rp, so if this makes no sense, I’m sorry.


Bob was shocked at the sight of the spider. He had not left the Shire for this, no indeed. All he wanted was a nice river cruise, but it had dropped him off here. And, well they didn’t do refunds, (I know I’m blatantly ignoring the geography of middle earth) so now he was stuck here. Ah well, as his father used say, “Well Bob, even if you got to wrong place, you still got there.”

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