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Long Game 47: Shadow In The South


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The forest had grown quiet again, only an occasional snapped twig underfoot or rustling leaf marking the passing of the company. Elves moved quietly, it seemed, and while Thalin occasionally felt himself a clumsy fool when he made a lot of noise, he noticed that his movement was the only sound anywhere near him in this oppressive forest. In contrast to the low hubbub of voices at the beginning of the journey, silence now lay upon the thick forest air like a heavy, all-enfolding blanket. While he hadn’t known Elves to be the most talkative bunch, they should be discussing more than they were at present, that’s for sure, particularly if hidden killers did indeed permeate their ranks. Kadgar, one of the last members to join their ranks, hadn’t even said a word since he joined up. Well, if that state of affairs continued, Thalin may have to use his battleaxe to set them straight. Letting the Mordor scum lurk in the back of the party was dangerous, and Thalin resolved to call each one out until they spoke. 

(@Dalinar Kholin)

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One simply could not fish for a living without having the patience to sit still in a boat for hours at a time waiting for the fish to bite. Eleryn had learned to be patient early in life. As a young boy of five, before he had been old enough to travel into deep water with his father, Eleryn had been instructed to spend significant portions of his day sitting by the bank of the river Morthond with a fishing pole in his hands. He hadn't been allowed to use bait yet, and the fish in that part of the river were always too small to be worth eating anyway. Every day for a year, he spent several hours sitting by the bank, waiting for a fish that would never come.

On his sixth birthday, his father had taught him the second lesson of fishing; the art of determining when patience became sheer stubbornness. Sitting around waiting for something to happen could not be the only solution. The man who stays in the same spot for a day without having a single fish bite isn't a patient man, but rather a foolish one. That day, Eleryn had been allowed to come in the boat with his father. He hadn't caught any fish in an entire year of sitting by the bank, but that day, even without bait, he had managed to catch a fish.

Present-day Eleryn shook his head to dismiss the memory. He had never mastered the art of determining when best to quit and try something new, not like his father had. "One more hour," he would tell himself. "You can't leave now, not while there are still fish to be caught here." It was a persistent issue. Eleryn would arrive at a prime fishing location, catch a few fish relatively quickly, then stay in the same spot long after he should have moved on. It seemed most of the company shared the affliction. For hours following the spider attack, the group, Eleyrn among them, had just, stood there. Now, finally, they were moving again, hopefully leaving the spiders behind. Six of their number hadn't spoken at all. Hopefully, they hadn't been affected by the river's enchantments. Should he call out to them? There were still hours to go until sundown, but everyone's voices would need to be heard to ensure a safe passage through the forest. Two of the six had already been spoken to, so Eleryn approached the other four individually. Two of the quartet were elves, and Eleryn approached these ones cautiously. He hoped they would forgive the intrusion.

@Ornstein, @Bort, @Mafia, @GreenRover, welcome to the game.

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Elandera was among the leading edge of the company as it traveled through the woods. Woods she had known as a child to be bright and friendly, but were now overrun by forces of darkness. It saddened her to think of the glory that had been lost to ignorance and stubbornness. She hoped to restore her home.

But there were rumors among them that concerned her greatly. Agents of Mordor within their company. She shot a glance toward Dorder, who had remained silent as she tried to draw him into a discussion. She determined to keep him in her sights and her bow never far from her hand.

A snapping branch from within the shadowed woods drew her attention. Once again, she had her bow drawn and nocked before some had even registered a sound.


Someone feel free to jump in with a suggestion on what we're battling next!

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"Zoats Wereyuzar," a bleary eyed elf announced as he stumbled through the undergrowth and into the group. He clutched a bow in one hand, and an earthenware bottle in the other. "Whadidimis?" He paused to watch them, blinking owlishly like he was trying to focus his eyes, before taking another swig from his bottle, then offering it round.


Hi guys, sorry I'm a bit late to the party, I had a rather busy weekend. I'll have a proper read through posts soon, but it does seem to be mostly RP. Not that I'm going to complain about that :)

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I just remembered PM's are allowed in this game! I enjoy PM's even though things usually get pretty complicated, and it makes it easy to mess things up. You can expect PM's from me soon. Maybe not to everyone, but I'll get them to the people that seem like the best to speak with. 

Anyway, With less than 10 hours left left, I feel uncomfortable poke voting one of the new players, and they have already been poked by DoS. 

So, I will place my D1 vote on Xinoehp512, He just seems like he is backwards to me. Suomynona anonymouS. Anyone that thinks backwards can obviously not be on my team. @xinoehp512 On another note, though, I really have enjoyed your names from previous games. They've all been pretty clever. 

Now off to read the rules again!

Edit: So, it seems like the companions are the typical village faction, and the Gondor spies are the typical elim faction, along with a third, somewhat neutral) faction that mixes things up, and that is the Agents of Mordor. Does anyone disagree with that?


Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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Rathm had a sword.  It didn't define him, but was a part of him nonetheless.  There were days when he felt the sword was actually a part of him.  Like they could communicate.  It's what had brought him to the Greenwood in the first place.  He'd been protecting a merchant traveling to The Shire when he'd just had a feeling he was needed here.  Without collecting his pay for the partial journey (he was sure the merchant would argue with him over every penny) he'd left in the middle of the night and begun this part of his journey.  He wasn't happy about the decision, after all, he'd never actually seen one of the hobbit folk, if they even existed.  Oh well, he'd have to find another time to see one of the little folk.

With the party just setting out, he was hoping to see more people involved.  Surely, the toils of the road hadn't gotten to everyone this soon in the journey?  The sword vibrated ever-so-subtly in his hand.  This was something he'd been waiting for...a name started to form in his mind, nothing he'd heard before.  And just like that, it was gone before he could catch it...sometimes the sword was like that.  Perhaps the reason for the name had gone?

Rathm had a sword.  It didn't define him, but was a part of him nonetheless.


I was going to throw a poke vote out there, but saw that all the experienced people who haven't been active have already been poked...  (Also, I'd been staring that player list, getting my vote-tracking ready to go, and just now saw Anonymous Phoenix...guess I'm not as observant as I thought.  *sigh*)

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19 minutes ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

Edit: So, it seems like the companions are the typical village faction, and the Gondor spies are the typical elim faction, along with a third, somewhat neutral) faction that mixes things up, and that is the Agents of Mordor. Does anyone disagree with that?

The Agents of Mordor aren't a neutral faction, as their goal is to kill three specific companions and they have a nightly kill to help them do it. The Gondor spies are an elim faction, though they apparently don't have any kill abilities other than posion phials, as Jondesu stated during signups. All of them have to be killed in order for the companions to win.

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I think that the vote count is at an astounding 

Walin (1): Elandera

Kadgar(Dalinar Kholin) (1): Fifth Scholar

Xinoehp512 (1): Cadcom.

I dare say that this is an exciting D1 we've got so far.

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We are less than three hours from end of cycle, and four votes have been cast. If anyone opposes a Walin lynch, it'd be best to speak up now. I'm not sure how dedicated to it I am, mostly because with him being inactive, it won't tell us much. However, there hasn't been much else said today that would give us any clues about alignment. 

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14 hours ago, Elandera said:

Someone feel free to jump in with a suggestion on what we're battling next!

Hungry Bricks!

A kettle!  In the kettle!  Two mice!  Squeaky-Squeaky!  Suomynona.  Make him shorter.  Like the others.
I can smell the sun!

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The group stumbled slowly out of Mirkwood, Fade still covered in assorted spider innards and cursing on occasion.  Findecano waved them politely over to a small knoll with an overhanging rock nearby.

"I have rested here many a night on my journeys previously.  It will serve us well. Tomorrow we will ride for Imladris, and pray we see no more of the fey races."

Some of the group set straight to making camp, while others like the mad Zunn simply stared around. "Funky elbow. Chocolate muskrat."

Legless downed the rest of a flask and started briefly before falling into muttering. Bob the Hobbit had been set to carrying him most recently, and was obviously none too thrilled with the assignment.

"If any is in need of entertainment, I would be willing to sing us a song of my people. Pray tell, though, where have Suomynona and Dorder disappeared to?"

Those who were still somewhat conscious sat up and took notice.  Neither of the two was anywhere to be seen, nor could anyone remember them emerging from the forest.  With growing horror, Findecano recalled them both near the stream as the arguments had begun about which of the two was less involved in the journey.  He spun on the group.

"Thus is the result of your bickering? Have we lost two of our companions so soon in our journey, not yet even out of our own lands? Alas, that I had been more attenti…" He broke off his waxing poetical as two voices carried out of the woods.

"I say, that is a fine looking rabbit indeed!"

"Your ferret, or fox, or whatever that is, looks better to me."

The two missing individuals glanced up at everyone staring at them, glanced at each other and then back at the group and shrugged.




I failed to define what would happen in the case of a tie, so I decided to simply allow it to result in a no lynch. Don't let it happen again, though.

No one has died.

Vote Tally:

  • xinoehp512 (3): Alvron, Araris Valerian, Cadmium Compounder
  • Walin (3): Devotary of Spontaneity, Elandera, xinoehp512
  • Dalinar Kholin (1): Fifth Scholar

This cycle will run for 24 hours and end at 9PM Eastern tomorrow, Wed July 18.

Player List:

  1. Thalin (Fifth Scholar)
  2. Elandera (Elandera)
  3. Eleyrn (Devotary of Spontaneity)
  4. Itiah IV (I think I am here.)
  5. wyndlenquardra (Ornstein)
  6. Rathm (Rathmaskal)
  7. Zunn the Mad (Alvron)
  8. Bob the Hobbit (Snipexe)
  9. Caddor (Cadmium Compounder)
  10. Legless, the alcoholic Elf (Bort)
  11. Kadgar (Dalinar Kholin)
  12. Fade (Araris Valerian)
  13. Suomynona (xinoehp512)
  14. Glieven, a Ranger of the North (Mafia)
  15. Dorder (Walin)
  16. Halve (GreenRover)


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29 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

I failed to define what would happen in the case of a tie, so I decided to simply allow it to result in a no lynch. Don't let it happen again, though.

Fish leather!

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Halve glanced at Dorder and Suomynona. That could have been me, he thought nervously. He had been sharpening his side sword and didn’t even notice they were missing, or that he had almost fell behind the group. He decided to stay near the front of the pack from now on.

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Welcome to the game GreenRover!


Elandera noticed a new face had joined near the front of the pack. She nodded toward him, acknowledging him. She was glad to have another sword with them as they travelled, but vowed to keep an eye on him.

It would be easy for the enemy to have slipped spies in among the new faces.

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Let's see if we can get higher activity this phase!


RP:  Caddor enjoyed getting ahead of the group. This time he got far enough ahead to stop and make a large pot of stew before everyone else caught up. Now he was just waiting for them

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Well, that certainly was an interesting trial. Dorter was declared Not Guilty, after it was found that he had been stuffed into a web wrapping with a knot tied on the outside. Before the spider came into camp, Dorter was accosted and stowed away the moment he met with it. Caught by surprise, all Dorter could say was "Oh...hello, mister Spider," before the stick it was inexplicably holding knocked him out. Dorter awoke to darkness, and was met with three choices: Knife, Shout, or Opacinator. He chose Shout, which let him escape the webbing and reach a long cutscene in which he was walked over to camp.

Approaching the first face he recognized, he greeted "'ey, buddy"--to which he then stopped talking, met the person's eyes, and heard them start talking. "There has not been an incident in this group for weeks, and the day you show up, this happens." The speaker gestured to the spider's carcass, and explained what happened. There had been a spider attack, while Dorter was on watch--and seeing as he was missing, suspicion fell on Dorter and others in the camp. It came to a climax as they determined who to throw into the fire to determine alliance to Mordor, but there was a tie. The group threw a d4 into the air--and it landed on its point. Soft ground does help, after all.

Either way, no one died, but no one looked for Dorter to find and throw into the fire.

(I took way too long to type this; no longer am I using word-for-word dialogue from the Henry Stickmin series. My RP will still be chock-full of references, though. Also, I forgot to check when I was signing up for the player list, but apparently it's spelled Dorters, not Dorders, so my character is named Dorter after the chip whose name appears in a loud cutscene.)

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Welcome Walin! I'm glad we accidentally didn't lynch you. 

As for this cycle, I suppose I can get the voting started. @Mafia has yet to appear, so I'll throw a poke vote down on them, maybe give them a bit more incentive to join the party. Glieven (Mafia)

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