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Long Game 47: Shadow In The South


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I...don’t have much in the way of evidence. Just Dalinar’s PM; he told me he thought I was a Companion due to the suspicion I was under—

I gotta go; I’ll further defend myself later.

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3 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

I said I’d join the bandwagon with the highest votes, and I’ve waited until the end of the cycle to make sure we get a lynch. While I might not agree with it,walin 

Psst... We still have 24 hours...

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Glieven watched the pointing of fingers curiously. Thus far he wasn’t in the crossfire. It intrigued him so, but something he didn’t dwell on. It came to that Caddor called for his vote, as he did of many others. However, Glieven found himself rather clueless in the accusing process of things. Who could have killed any one of the companions or Gandalf or Legolas. He knew little to nothing of positions, seeing as he’d just checked into all of the events.


That being said, I’ve mostly caught up, and from what I understand it’s either Walin or Rath, correct? I’m not entirely clear on all of the details, but for Walin it seems to be because he keeps getting saved from a lynch, and for Rath it’s because he’s been acting suspicious.

Those two reasons simplified, it seems like Rath could be the more viable option seeing as Walin could just be set up. (Note: of course I could be missing a bunch details, considering I’m not very detaile-oriented). So, if you’d like to inform me of extra information, I’d gladly take it in. Currently I’m not going to put up a vote just yet. 

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Unless I don’t know something, there are three options. 

Dalinar scanned an elim N1 and N2. He had nobody to tell his scans to with the utmost confidence. Walin is lying, and is elim.

Dalinar scanned a Companion and confided in him/her, and it was Walin. Walin is telling the truth.

Dalinar scanned and confided in a Companion who still has not spilled the beans. If this is the case, please post.

The third option is extremely unlikely. Rath .

 Edit: Fourth option: Dalinar could have scanned a Companion but still not confide, but I don’t know why this would be the case. Even more unlikely than option three.

Fifth option: Dalinar scanned a Gondor, and did not confide. Just as unlikely as option three, in my opinion.

Edited by GreenRover
See above edit: added and removed several things, I thought today was the 26th so I swapped my vote to Walin and back
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13 minutes ago, GreenRover said:

Unless I don’t know something, there are three options. 

Dalinar scanned an elim N1 and N2. He had nobody to tell his scans to with the utmost confidence. Walin is lying, and is elim.

Dalinar scanned a Companion and confided in him/her, and it was Walin. Walin is telling the truth.

Dalinar scanned and confided in a Companion who still has not spilled the beans. If this is the case, please post.

The third option is extremely unlikely. Rath .


Walin's claim is that Dalinar scanned someone who is now dead (so it has to be a companion, but unhelpful in giving us a corroborated story), and Rath. Dalinar could not have scanned Walin if Walin is telling the truth.

This puts the vote at a tie. We have a day to figure out which of the two we want to lynch, and we need to make sure they have at least a two vote lead.

Edited by Elandera
Added theory.
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My apologies, due to a GM error, Snipexe should not be allowed to talk in the thread except to respond to questions, as they have been half poisoned.  Normally I would not announce this to the thread, but since they have already posted, I wanted to make it clear that it was my error and let everyone know Snip shouldn't post again except in response to direct questions.

EDIT: I also forgot to enforce the activity filter, and some of those players have now posted.  I will be enforcing it at the end of Night 4 instead of Night 3 as originally planned.

Edited by Jondesu
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27 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

My apologies, due to a GM error, Snipexe should not be allowed to talk in the thread except to respond to questions, as they have been half poisoned.  Normally I would not announce this to the thread, but since they have already posted, I wanted to make it clear that it was my error and let everyone know Snip shouldn't post again except in response to direct questions.

Can Snip still respond in PM's? 

Also, @Jondesu If the elven handmaiden gives someone the invigorating draught, would it allow that person to do the same action twice? For example, If she gave her draught to Gandalf, could Gandalf scan twice in one night?

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#RP Here...something about a sword?


Hey everyone, I don't really have anything additional I can provide as evidence.  I'm just making a quick check in before I hit the road for the day.  Again, I implore you all to make sure that it's a certain lynch.  Right now Walin is up, so I'd argue to put an extra couple votes that way.  If someone switches their vote over, though, pile them on me.

I guess to quickly address this quote from @Walin:


Gosh, guys...None of the suspicion is coming from my actions—until this cycle. It was all because I got protected each time I was going to get lynched, via eliminators.

My consistent votes on Walin have been due to the fact that there has been discussion and actual voting whenever you've come up for the vote.  If it is just due to the elims trying to pocket you as elim, then they've done a great job of making sure you don't get lynched so far.  If not, though, we have a heck of a lot of evidence that's been generated by the votes that have happened so far AS LONG AS SOMEONE GETS LYNCHED!!!  I'm kind of sad that I'm going to miss the rest of the cycle today...I'm sure there's going to be some fun discussion.

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"Ahvbin'drinkin'," Legless announced somewhat needlessly. He paused swaying in place for a moment. "Nop, THINKIN'!" he corrected himself, as if it mattered. They were practically synonymous where Legless was concerned anyways.

"Tha'Cada'fella, wans't'kill th'big bloke, an'askedus t'thinabowit. Anahav." There was another pause, and the expression that crossed the elf's face suggested he was trying to remember what he was thinking about. He took a swig to clear his mind.

"Right! sowoodoowekill? Dorder'er'Rathm? Ah still think Dorder." His last sentence was almost well spoken, as though making sure he was clear. "An'wu'anyun lika'drink?" He offered out his jug.

Edited by Bort
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Caddor sat dumbfounded. He knew he was defending the most suspicious one in the group, but after personal conversation with Kadgar, who was actually Gandalf in disguise, he had been led to believe that Dorter was innocent. Now this looked bad on him as well. Caddor knew that he had had the conversation with Kadgar, but, because it was private, he had no proof of the conversation. All he could hope for was for Walin to actually be proven innocent. 

"We cannot delay this any longer" Caddor announced. "I still believe that Dorter is innocent, but we do need to send someone to trial. I know most of you are suspicious of Dorter which means you may become suspicious of me very soon as well. If it ends up that we lose our lives, I pray that you re-think what I have shared with you."

Then turning to look at Dorter, he continued "Dorter, I apologize, but I do not believe I can help you any longer. It is up to the rest of them. If they continue to accuse you, I will reluctantly have to join them. It is for the sake of our mission that we find those among us who do not want us to succeed, and perhaps you can give us a clue"

"Oh, and Legless... Give me a drink"


Anyways, I agree that we need a lynch. If I'm correct, the current vote count is Walin(4), Rathm(3) I'll be watching for the next hour and a half or so, but after that, I will remove my vote from Rath, so that I do not cause another tie, unless something substantial occurs.

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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Current vote count:

Walin (4) - Rathmaskal, Itiah, Bort, Xinoehp
Rathmaskal (4) - Elandera, CadCom, GreenRover, Walin

Once again, we find ourselves at a tie.

If no one else places a vote, I will be switching my vote from Rath and onto Walin to help ensure a lynch.

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Considering that I miscounted and the votes are actually a tie, I think I will actually leave mine on Rath for now.  I will try to check closer to rollover to possibly change my vote, but I can't guarantee, but for now, I will leave it where it's at. 


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1 hour ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

but after personal conversation with Kadgar, who was actually Gandalf in disguise, he had been led to believe that Dorter was innocent. Now this looked bad on him as well. Caddor knew that he had had the conversation with Kadgar, but, because it was private, he had no proof of the conversation. All he could hope for was for Walin to actually be proven innocent. 

Oh confound it all.

Anywho... I’ll take chances and go with Rath


Edited by Mafia
logic didn’t make all that much sense
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With those votes, it's now Rath (6), Walin (3). I'll be leaving my vote, as now we have a confirmed lynch as long as no one else switches. 

While I'm not sure how much I trust Walin, the claim is worth confirming. If Rath flips elim, it'll be the first real edge we've had all game.

Edited by Elandera
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9 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

Can Snip still respond in PM's? 

Also, @Jondesu If the elven handmaiden gives someone the invigorating draught, would it allow that person to do the same action twice? For example, If she gave her draught to Gandalf, could Gandalf scan twice in one night?

Yes, with the same restrictions.


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Rathm had a sword.  But he was the one in control.  Ever since the battle with the goblins in the Misty Mountains, Rath had felt invincible.  He had wandered Middle Earth, selling his sword merchants, lords, and even the occasional small town.  Anymore, he never lost a battle and his name had been spreading across the land.  He didn't yearn for fame or glory, just a full stomach, some gold in his pouch, and a place to sleep.  But fame and glory was sure to come.  He'd drawn in on himself further and further until even those he'd called friends were hesitant to call him.  But he was in control.  He knew the sword had done something to him.  Something to make him as powerful as he now was.  But he still lived by a code, helping those who couldn't help himself.  He was troubled, though, he'd never before had a situation where the sword had pulled him away from a mission.  He'd assumed, at first, that it was due to the importance of the mission.  That joining company with the great Gandalf the Grey and helping drive the evil out of Mirkwood was the sword's purpose.  As the journey had progressed, however, and Rathm experienced more and more memory loss, he realized there must be a problem.  As the camp began to turn against him, Rathm returned to his pack, trying to find some way to prove his innocence.  Maybe if he let them hold the sword, they'd KNOW he was innocent.  Of course they couldn't disagree with the sword.  When the sword spoke, he knew it was the truth.  Rathm took the sword from his back and set it on the ground next to him as he began planning how to prove his innocence.  As soon as he set the sword on the ground, his memories flooded back.  This mission was important to the sword.  This was where the sword wanted him to be.  He remembered his instructions from the sword, You must watch your companions.  Determine their strengths, their weaknesses.  Three among them must be killed.  The prince, the wizard, and the handmaiden.  The sword had directed him to the dwarf on the first night, silently stalking through the camp.  Why the dwarf?  He is not who he seems.  The sword answered his questions before they were fully directed.  He found the dwarf, drew a Mordor dagger, and stabbed him in the heart.  Even at the time, he hadn't realized who he was stabbing.  By the time morning rolled around, Rathm had no knowledge of the previous night.  Rathm searched through the camp for the killer throughout the next day to no avail.  The sword kept whispering to him, however, Dorder, he could feel the sword pointing out the one who had been under so much suspicion the previous day.  However, when it came time to press the accusation, the sword had other ideas.  He now remembered, a strange visitor pulling him from the camp, sending him on a mission...poison...he gathered the necessary ingredients and created the poison.  As nightfall came, again, he lost control.  He remembered moving to Kadgar's tent, making sure he was asleep, then mixing the poison into his water pouch.  On his way out, he saw the simpleton watching him.  Rathm chased him to his rooms and completed his quest for the night.  LEAVE NO WITNESSES.

At this point, Rathm knew what had happened.  The sword, his sword, had taken him over completely.  It was too much he couldn't live with himself like this.  He gave up all hope of proving his innocence and vowed to take his own life.

Rathm had a sword.  And he was finally in control.




I have very much enjoyed this game everyone.  Hopefully I'm not stepping on Jondesu's toes by writing my confession here :P


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Neither Morwe, Elrond or Glorfindel were seen for the rest of the day and much of the next.  They oft times sat in silent council in Elrond's chambers, discussing many things.

Findecano went about the task of collecting and preparing supplies for the journey very quietly.  His spirit was subdued; he knew that he was following the path appointed for him, but he still felt misgivings. Could he lead this party to certain death?


Others in the group were not so subdued.  A growing mob had gathered around Rathm's room, muttering and growing into shouting. The elves of Imladris kept their distance from the scene, choosing to maintain their serene life without involving themselves in the outsider's disagreements.

Thus, when the group broke in and beat Rathm to death, they did not interfere. Findecano arrived too late, finding a Mordor dagger as he'd feared, but not where he'd expected.  It was located inside of Rathm's pack, marking him as one of the agents of Mordor that had been behind the deaths of Gandalf, Fade, and Eleryn. Findecano was gutted. How could he have missed that?

Elsewhere, Legless, the alcoholic Elf, was being ignored by his kin as well. Shamed for his unusual affliction, he drank himself into a stupor once more.  Unbeknownst to him, his alcohol had been tampered with, and he fell asleep for the final time, never to rise again.

The group had almost forgotten about wyndlenquardra, who they discovered later did not actually arrive in Imladris with the rest of the group. Their loss was mourned only briefly and then once again forgotten.


Rathmaskal was lynched! They were a Mordor Assassin!

Bort has succumbed to poison! They were a loyal Companion!

Ornstein has died to the inactivity filter! They were a loyal Companion!

Vote Count:

Rathmaskal (6): Cadmium Compounder, Elandera, GreenRover, Mafia, Walin, xinoehp512

Walin (2): Bort, I think I am here.

Night 4 has begun! 

Player List:

  1. Thalin (Fifth Scholar) Prince of Greenwood
  2. Elandera (Elandera)
  3. Eleyrn (Devotary of Spontaneity) Companion
  4. Itiah IV (I think I am here.)
  5. wyndlenquardra (Ornstein) Companion
  6. Rathm (Rathmaskal) Mordor Assassin
  7. Zunn the Mad (Alvron) Companion
  8. Bob the Hobbit (Snipexe)
  9. Caddor (Cadmium Compounder)
  10. Legless, the alcoholic Elf (Bort) Companion
  11. Kadgar (Dalinar Kholin) Gandalf the Grey
  12. Fade (Araris Valerian) Companion
  13. Suomynona (xinoehp512)
  14. Glieven, a Ranger of the North (Mafia)
  15. Dorder (Walin)
  16. Halve (GreenRover)


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Great death-RP, and great writeup.

Unfortunately, while this proves I’m not of Mordor (though I could still be a Gondor Spy), two more villagers have died. And we have no scanner.

If poison is how we fall, I would like to say that I prefer it to a tie-off.

If anyone is a Gondor Spy, and is willing to talk, PM me. I believe we can come to an agreement...

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