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Long Game 47: Shadow In The South


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Unfortunately it doesn't prove that you aren't a mordor agent. It just makes it less likely. But I have seen where the lynch is up between two elim team members before. 

I do find it less likely though.

Anyway, my current remaining suspicions are on Itiah and Elandera, despite being a very helpful in defense against Walin. I will reexamine their posts tomorrow as well as any others with interactions with Rath.

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We're down to 8 players, and we've only killed one elim. 

It's quite likely there are at least two Mordor members left, and at least two Gondor Spies.

I agree with Walin, the poison has been most problematic for the companions.

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Caddor sat at a fire. That had been a stressful day. Overall, the trip had been stressful. But he needed a stew. Unfortunately, his supplies were with his tent, on the other side of the camp, and he was too tired to get up. Maybe someone would join him over here and offer him some of theirs. 

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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This is going off of Walin’s idea to PM the Gondors. This is probably stupid, but I think the village is running out of options.

I have a vial of poison.

If you’re a Gondor spy or an elim, confess your role in the thread and I’ll give you half a vial. Confess a compatriot as well and I’ll give you the second half when they are confirmed to be your compatriot (ie by lynch).

Edited by GreenRover
Changed formatting, elims now have same offer as Gondor spies, closed loophole.
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For several weeks the company journeyed south along the Misty Mountains through Dunland, past the gap of Rohan, over the Isen and south into the western Ered Nimrais.  Here the going became treacherous and Morwe needed to stop and think so the company took a full day’s rest while Morwe and Findecano scouted around the area looking for a path. The trip had been largely uneventful up to this point.  The company had journeyed in relative silence choosing to enjoy the surrounding scenery and beauty during the day.  At night when all camped around the firelight the company grew livelier, often Fenerien and Narmacil would tell tales from their travels and often songs would be sung.  Morwe was usually quiet during these times and everyone largely left him alone, his demeanor seemed to command a kind of respect.  To say that the others were slightly intimidated by their tall, dark companion would be no overstatement.  He often sat and stared into the fire his bright eyes dancing now and then as if lost in some ancient memory.

One evening as they sat so, the conversation turned to Valinor, Caddor begged Findecano to sing a song about the blessed land.  The elf finally gave in and did so, singing about Tirion upon Tuna and the beauty of that city.  Morwe sat up and payed close attention to the song and after it was done he stood and began to sing his own song without any words of explaination.  Although Findecano's song had been beautiful and soothing, it did not compare to the vision that Morwe seemed to conjure through his song.  It was in a language that none of them knew and it sounded both primitive and noble at the same time.  As he sang a vision seemed to come before all their eyes and they saw the elf fathers first stirring and waking beside the beautiful waters of Cuivienen.  They saw them waking the sleep of the vegetation and teaching the animals to speak but very subtly and slowly an unnamed fear slowly crept into the song tainting everything.  The sky in the north reddened and the ground began shook as in great wrath and anger and the elves hid themselves. Then a great rider on a white horse entered the scene and three elvish lords departed with him.  These lords returned and spoke to the people urging them to come with them back to the place where they went.  One however spoke out vehemently against this, but despite his words the majority left Cuivienen and only a sad few remained under the stars by the beautiful waters.  The song ended on one indescribably beautiful and sad note.

The others shook themselves out of the trance and looked up to see tears rolling down Morwe’s cheeks, the elf turned his eyes which were now open like infinitely deep pools of water that the moon shone down on.  He looked into the eyes of each present and his gaze seemed to lay bear some of their innermost thoughts.  The silence seemed to last for an eternity before a dark smile played across the lips of the elf and he said, “I have not sung that song in several ages, I forgot it’s beauty.”

“That is by far the most beautiful song about Cuivienen that I have ever heard.”  Findecano said. “Who wrote it?”

Morwe’s dark smile spread wider as he spoke crpytically, “An old elf who was moved by much emotion.”

The others looked at each other for in that moment it seemed that long years had rolled off Morwe and his face had been transformed to look like one of the great elf Lord’s of old.

“But enough of sadness for tonight, you will have to forgive me that is one of the few songs I know and Findecano's beautiful song of Valinor summoned that from the place where I had buried it.  Findecano, tell us of the Greenwood.”

Soon the company was laughing and enjoying themselves once again but none of them forgot the marvel of the song which Morwe had sung for them.


Caddor went to sleep that night dreaming of the song he had heard.  Sadly, it was to be his last, as he succumbed to the poison he had ingested at least, never waking again from his slumber.

Nearby, Elandera sat softly singing a song of her own, a mournful tune and one of great longing. She was feeling bashful and so was singing in private, which is why only the one who silenced her song was there to hear it. A Mordor dagger in her heart, her song died on her lips, her last breath one of beauty.


Elandera has been killed! They were a loyal Companion!

Cadmium Compounder has died! They were a loyal Companion!

Day 5 has begun!

Player List:

  1. Thalin (Fifth Scholar) Prince of Greenwood
  2. Elandera (Elandera) Companion
  3. Eleyrn (Devotary of Spontaneity) Companion
  4. Itiah IV (I think I am here.)
  5. wyndlenquardra (Ornstein) Companion
  6. Rathm (Rathmaskal) Mordor Assassin
  7. Zunn the Mad (Alvron) Companion
  8. Bob the Hobbit (Snipexe)
  9. Caddor (Cadmium Compounder) Companion
  10. Legless, the alcoholic Elf (Bort) Companion
  11. Kadgar (Dalinar Kholin) Gandalf the Grey
  12. Fade (Araris Valerian) Companion
  13. Suomynona (xinoehp512)
  14. Glieven, a Ranger of the North (Mafia)
  15. Dorder (Walin)
  16. Halve (GreenRover)



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Dang...this game is definitely going to the elims--I think it's time to unleash all poison at our disposal, if there are any Companions left.


Dorter looked around the campfire as he received the sobering news of the deaths. Then, he counted on his fingers with a frown. Next, a double take. "Aw, heck, I'm the last one left, aren't I?" A grin slowly spread across his face as items appeared in his vision to select. "Well, unfortunately for those who wish to kill me, I've got one more trick up my sleeve--this isn't a quicktime event. I have all the time in the world, to choose and to ponder. While I don't have any choices that will help me win, I can make sure you'll never do so. Time, this is your stop."


Good game, guys; last Companion, let's take these guys down. If there are any left. If I had set my machinations in place earlier, we may have won. But, I fear I may be am too late, my confused, unfortunate, self.

Go Frodo, throw the ring in the Pit of Doom! Retroactively save us by killing Sauron once and for all! ...If the evil in Mordor is entirely controlled by Sauron, that is. If there's another villain, there is no hope for us left. *flips chess board, claims victory anyways*


I must ask--are the elims hoping to get both win conditions, or are you going to battle it out?

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Halve looked around. Where there were once over a dozen, the party had shrunk to six. He knew from the rules somehow that everyone else, or almost everyone else, planned to kill the Companions.

”Um,” he yelled to the group, “I’m pretty sure most of you are traitors. Itiah IV, I believe you are one. I will name no more at this time. Should there be any among you still on the side of Middle Earth, let us sharpen our weapons and watch ourselves. And die bravely.”


The offer from last night is over, by the way.

Edit: Activity has been pretty low the past couple days. I’d encourage the elims and Gondor spies to start posting (I say “elims and spies” instead of “everyone but me and Walin” because they mean the same thing).

Edited by GreenRover
Punctuation, changed where strike through was
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Incorrect actually, you guys aren’t the only companions left, and the fact that you keep wanting to nail that point in shows that you’re hiding something. How can you be so sure? So here I am, posting. If you have a method of checking I’m a companion I recommend you use it now

Glieven, one of the only people left, and considering village numbers, I’m much more likely to pick an elim than not.

Assuming two spies and three Mordor people, it’ll also be in the interest of the spies to help lynch Mordor people. So please do help.

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Alright. I’ll switch my vote so we can get a lynch.  Itiah IV, Glieven. My idea was that there have to be at least two Mordor agents left because of the rule that assassination orders will block each other, which implies there are two or more Mordor assassins as well as the Hand of Sauron. There have to be at least two Gondor Spies for the rule that is their win condition, which is that they have to outnumber the other two factions, and the wording in the rules implies to me that outnumber means more than 1 to 0. That’s not just outnumbering, that’s eliminating. Two elims plus two spies makes four, and also there are only two companions. I will be greatly surprised if I am proved wrong, and there is still a third or fourth Companion.

Edit: Looking back at the amount of people originally playing, I find it hard to believe there were 5 non-Companions in a group of 16. Perhaps you’re right, I think I am here. Everybody drink your antidotes. It’s the endgame.

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Ah, never mind then. I thought since there were 5 other people who weren’t me, and assuming a spread of 3 each for Gondor Spies and Agents of Mordor, I would be the only villager. I also thought that even with balancing, there would be a majority of elims were it not for the other elims.

In that case, I vote Itiah V. Sorry if you’re a Companion; we have no other options.

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Glieven raised his head from thought as he heard his name uttered twice. Did they really think that the chaos that had been abounding around them was coming from him? As he had been behind from the beginning, he knew nothing from no one and what he did know was his role. Don’t be hasty, he heard his friends saying from far away. He sighed as all the conclusions he’d quickly come to dissipated. It was time he did what he did best, perhaps. To listen. 


The times of the present all pass into the past, but there are still links of memory to each passed event for the future. —> I’m inclined to believe Itiah could be an agent of morder. Seeing as he voted for Walin in the one round when it was up between an agent of morder and a companion. I don’t believe that the agents of morder would vote for there own necessarily, so he voted for the supposed-but-not-yet-proved companion. (As you mentioned beufore, Walin, you could be a spy of Gondor.) Or as Cadmium pointed out, you could still be an agent, in which case no one can really judge who voted for who. Still, if you really are a companion as you’ve said you are, then it follows that the likely-hood of I think I am here being an agent of morder is a high percentage, particularly considering that there can’t possibly be four companions left out of six of the company.

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Findecano and Morwe were speaking softly just outside the camp when they heard sounds of a horse approaching at a rather rapid speed.  The company quickly leapt into hiding places, where they had only moments to wait before a horse appeared around the corner bearing a rather disheveled looking man who carried a drawn sword.  As the horse passed Findecano’s position the elf leapt up behind him knocking his sword out of his hand and then bundling him off onto the ground.  They hit hard and the man was temporarily stunned, allowing Findecano to pin him with his forearm in the others neck.  The others quickly circled and Glieven spoke first,

“And who are you?”

The man, clearly shocked and having no clear idea of what was going on, took several moments before replying,

“I am Malin, I came this way in search of some wild men.”

A smile had begun to grow on Bob’s lips. The hobbit had little difficulty seeing the humour in the situation.  Findecano had clearly just mugged some poor man who was on a quest to rid the world of evil.

“A likely story friend, as likely as if I was Beren and I had the Silmarils clutched now in my right hand!”  The elf gestured wildly with this appendage.  All he got in return was a blank stare.  “Oh right you have no idea what any of what I just said is.”  Findecano’s brow furrowed as if he was at a loss.

"Where have these 'wild men' gone, then? We passed none but you, who has your weapon drawn and ready…" He spun quickly, ears pricking at a sound from the opposite side of the camp. Findecano silently and swiftly drew his sword, which had not yet been seen by those in the company. It was a light blue on one side, like a white-hot flame, and a flickering red on the other, almost as if both sides burned with an intensity seen only in a forge. What looked like a thin scratch ran down the backside of the blade, a tiny gap visible only at close distance and to the keenest of eyes, but it would have appeared to a master swordsmith that it would have been a weakness in the weapon, although this was not so.

Halve and Itiah were the first to engage the enemy as the wild men leapt from the brush around them. Itiah felled one almost immediately, while Dorder and Suomynona were quickly engaged as well.  Morwe's blade leapt into his hand, and he bisected an enemy from shoulder to hip, spinning to meet the next.

An exceptionally large man drew up from the dirt next to the campfire, obviously having crept forward in order to catch the enemies unawares. Findecano met his eyes, identifying him as the group's champion, if not exactly its leader, and he strode forward resolutely to meet the giant. Swords flashed, and clanged against each other, and Findecano drew back once again, his blade having tasted the blood of the man's arm, but yet to score a serious wound. His hand went to his hip, where a small slice had been left by the man's blade, showing the enemy's skill.

Grinning, he spun into the man's next strike, deflecting it upward and going in for a light cut across his midsection, but he found the other's sword spinning around with blazing speed towards the tip of his blade, looking for all the world as if blocking the strike would be nigh-impossible.

With a swift motion and a slight click, Findecano separated his blades.

The dual-sided sword split open slightly along the hilt, revealing that it was in fact twin blades, white-blue and golden-red, connected via a clever mechanism in the middle.  They did not completely separate at this time, however, simply drawing apart a fraction of an inch, leaving twin points aimed at the incoming sword, which slid neatly between them.

With a quick twist of his wrists, Findecano wrenched the sword of his opponent out of his grip, having pincered it between the two swords.  Separating them the rest of the way and tossing aside the giant blade, the two swords flashed in the night across the nape of the man's neck, separating it neatly from his shoulders.

Panting ever so slightly, Findecano looked around for the next opponent to find that all others had been slain as well.  Malin, the man on the horse, stood over a fallen enemy, as did most of the others, though Bob the Hobbit was nearly trapped under a man that he tossed off himself with some effort, standing victoriously as well.

"Well, that was unexpected", said Morwe.

"What's this," cried Suomynona, pointing at a man under Glieven's feet.  Glieven had buried his dagger in the man's neck, but plainly visible on its hilt was a symbol in the Black Tongue.  Before Findecano could cry for him to stop, Suomynona's blade had swept across Glieven's neck, with Itiah and Halve burying blades in the man as well, ending his life. Findecano swore softly.

"He was not working alone, I suspect.  We now may not know who else has been sent to stop us." Wary eyes swept between the members of the company, now freshly suspicious despite their shared battle. They were still not united.


Mafia has been lynched! They were a Mordor Eavesdropper!

That was fun!  I had to write a battle scene at least once.

Day 6 has begun!

Player List:

  1. Thalin (Fifth Scholar) Prince of Greenwood
  2. Elandera (Elandera) Companion
  3. Eleyrn (Devotary of Spontaneity) Companion
  4. Itiah IV (I think I am here.)
  5. wyndlenquardra (Ornstein) Companion
  6. Rathm (Rathmaskal) Mordor Assassin
  7. Zunn the Mad (Alvron) Companion
  8. Bob the Hobbit (Snipexe)
  9. Caddor (Cadmium Compounder) Companion
  10. Legless, the alcoholic Elf (Bort) Companion
  11. Kadgar (Dalinar Kholin) Gandalf the Grey
  12. Fade (Araris Valerian) Companion
  13. Suomynona (xinoehp512)
  14. Glieven, a Ranger of the North (Mafia) Mordor Eavesdropper
  15. Dorder (Walin)
  16. Halve (GreenRover)


I'm moving rollover back an hour to 9PM Eastern, which should better fit my schedule.


Edited by Jondesu
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Right, now unless I was a really elaborate busser this should clear me for the time being.

Suomynona, I trust Walin and I trust Halve. You and Snip are the only ones left, and out of the two of you I would vouch for Snip more. A PoE lynch worked last time so it should work now.

Great writeup Jondesu!

EDIT: Suomynona Snipexe . Just realised Xino was the deciding factor last lynch. If he was really Mordor he would have protected his partner by voting me, which would have worked. The fact that he didn’t clears him. He could still be a Gondor spy, but I’m more concerned on the Mordor people. Snip, you’re goof down.

Edited by I think I am here.
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No one slept well that night. Malin was allowed to bed down with the group, but under watch, and Findecano kept a close eye on him as he took a swig from his canteen. It tasted foul and odd, and he immediately drank from his cleansing flask he carried, which contained an herb that worked well as an antidote to most poisons. Had someone tried to poison him? He already felt sick to his stomach over how much had been lost, and the fact that among the dwindling group still remained a servant of evil who had killed many of those who started with them. Fade, Caddor, Eleryrn, all gone. Legolas… Mithrandir…

How many more?

At least one more, it turned out, when another disguise was revealed in the morning.  The handmaiden of one of Findecano's aunts, forbidden from journeying herself but sent in the guise of the man Dorder, was struck down in the night. The Mordor daggers had to be running low, but they were still sharp.

Findecano knew what he had to do, though he was loath to do it. The threat to the south would need to be faced, but now it must be himself and Morwe alone. No one else could die to his failure.  When the others rose in the morning, the duo was gone.

Malin, Itiah and Halve were not shown any mercy.


Walin was killed!  They were the Elven Handmaiden!

The Game Is Over! 

Technically, the two sides are even in players, but with the Hand of Sauron still alive, the conclusion is inevitable. Full player list below:

Player List:

  1. Thalin (Fifth Scholar) Prince of Greenwood
  2. Elandera (Elandera) Companion
  3. Eleyrn (Devotary of Spontaneity) Companion
  4. Itiah IV (I think I am here.) Companion
  5. wyndlenquardra (Ornstein) Companion
  6. Rathm (Rathmaskal) Mordor Assassin
  7. Zunn the Mad (Alvron) Companion
  8. Bob the Hobbit (Snipexe) Hand of Sauron
  9. Caddor (Cadmium Compounder) Companion
  10. Legless, the alcoholic Elf (Bort) Companion
  11. Kadgar (Dalinar Kholin) Gandalf the Grey
  12. Fade (Araris Valerian) Companion
  13. Suomynona (xinoehp512) Mordor Assassin
  14. Glieven, a Ranger of the North (Mafia) Mordor Eavesdropper
  15. Dorder (Walin) Elven Handmaiden
  16. Halve (GreenRover) Companion


Evil Agents of Evil

Spec Doc (The Barrow-Downs)

I'll write up some thoughts, but a couple notes for now:

First, yes, I trolled everyone.  There were no Gondorian Spies. I honestly didn't ever intend to include them, though there had been thoughts at an early point in developing this game of having it be all three factions. Having the mere threat of a faction that didn't need to actual exist to alter the course of the game was both intriguing and amusing to me, so here we are.

Second, I expected the poison to be a big part of the game, and while it didn't disappoint, I don't feel like it overwhelmed the mechanisms either.  I didn't balance it, though, intentionally. Every player, regardless of alignment, had a coin flip.  Each one got poison or didn't based on that, so I didn't know starting out how many vials of poison there would be or who would control them.  Turned out that I didn't track it well, but right about half the playing field started with poison (go figure, RNG coin flipper, duh), but only 3 players died to poison, and only 1 was actually half poisoned, though @xinoehp512, you were about to discover the fun of not being able to speak except to respond. Sorry for the mixup with Snipexe, btw, but I don't think it ruined anything.

I wish it had gone longer, though for my sake personally it's probably best it didn't, and thanks for all the great RP, ya'll!  It was no @Amanuensis game in terms of RP, but it was fun!


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You definitely trolled me with the Gondor Spies... I was so confused near the end how two people were expected to outnumber everyone. Now that I look back, I see it was sort of obvious. And I was so worried, too...

But good game, everyone. You did a good job.

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