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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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"Actions explain you need? But hat of thinking, its the true path! All know they know it all!


Those trying to find a tie, there you should be careful, among those too there are those who should be looked into carefully. Try to make ties, when some are or might be drabs and just forget to show? That is easy to not happend. And Pahn kahl, they know they are not drabs, or maybe they are. They can count that into it, and let the one they choose die, that is, if there is a tie."


ooc - I dont just run a lottery on who I pick to vote for - I got reasons for my votes, I dont always wanna write those reasons out. Dyrri not be stable, but hes not an idiot. ;)

I got me system that I use. Same system Iv used in earlier games. Might wanna take a look at my history there, its very few innocents Iv voted for. (excepting some where Iv been very clear with it being guesses). And those few innocents, well, thats people makeing decision benefitting the enemy.

As Fnord why they picked me for first kill last game;).


That said, I expect the bandwagon is on atm ;)

Edited by dyring
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It's been requested that I retract my vote for Jeo and instead place it on Dyrii, but insufficient reason was given as why I should do so and it does not seem they intend to give me a proper reason any time soon. Dyrii hasn't done anything in particular to arouse my suspicions. Joe, on the other hand has. But out of respect I'll do as they requested and retract my vote for Jeo, but instead of placing my vote on Dyrri (who, as I said, I don't believe deserves it), I'm placing my vote on Chide, who hasn't done anything at all to allay the suspicion placed on him, or rather hasn't done anything at all.

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I too have been requested that. However, as the requester is the accused himself.... I'll still change my vote, though, as I'll trust that Aodan's superior info gives him good reason for his vote. Jeo, and Dyrri.


Chide is probably a genuine inactive instead of a Kahl pretending to be one. If he is, then I doubt he's a Kahl, since I think a Pahn Kahl would keep more interest in the game. And even if he's an inactive Kahl, he's useless to them, so there's not much reason to bother with him.

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I seriously doubt that Dyrii is a Pahn Kahl. So far he hasn't really attempted to defend himself, and neither has anyone else attempted to defend him (apart from me, just now). Joe on the other hand has been frantically trying to get people to vote for eachother and has had other people defending him. He seems way to desperate to not be a Pahn Kahl. Sure it could be said that that's the usual way he plays, but considering that he was spiked the previous game, and that this was the same way he acted when he was accused then, it still seems suspicious. 


@Porridge, I'm voting for Chide because they don't want me to vote for Jeo, but I don't want to vote for Dyrri. It's a compromise yes, but a safe one. 

Edited by Aspren
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The day is over! So no changing your votes for the third or fourth time ;)

New thread coming right up!


*rubs hands together excitedly* this one is fun!

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Night 3: Scant Illumination


It was a day of confusion. Nobody seemed able to make up their mind about who was guilty. Oh it started peacefully enough, it was nearly midday before the first accusation was made, but as soon as the first vote was cast the chaos began, gradual at first but rapidly devolving into a madhouse of votes and changes. “We ought to kill someone.” Jeo stated, “And it had better be a Hallandren, how about Ver, he's been quiet after all.”


The response from the Hallendren's was swift, returning from visiting the orphans Cog overheard Jeo's announcement. Kill Hallendren's eh? He thought. Where's the sense in that? Our awakeners are more powerful than anyone they have. “How about we kill you?” Cog was rapidly backed up by Ben who certainly didn't like the idea of killing Hallandren's. He then hurried back to his house to begin the construction of his pillow fortress, just in case.


The votes then began to stack up, some for Chide, some for Jeo. Dyrii's lone voice called out for Wil'son, but everyone ignored him. As the day wore on Aodan finally came forward and placed a vote for Dyrii, encouraging everyone to consider carefully before making any changes to their votes. All the same shortly after votes started stacking up for Dyrii as new votes were placed and old votes were changed, some for the second time. Amidst the chaos of the voting Bartholomew and Summon both went to Aodan and, with a simple phrase, relinquished to him their breath.


When the sun finally set on that mad day, despite a couple of the voters getting distracted and wandering off, the vote sat on Dyrii. Elated to survive Jeo took Dyrii by the arm and marched him to the gallows. As he faced his fate Dyrii spoke his final words, he said something utterly incomprehensible that had something to do with a hat, Wil'son and a potato.



Dyrii was a normal Idrian.


Dyrii (Dyring) 6: Jeo, Aodan, Aili, Grim, Rick, Tril, Rowan

Jeo (The Only Joe) 4: Gammer, Cog, Alan, Wil'son

Chide (Chid) 3: Elo, Wyrm, Asgren, Peng

Wil'son (little Wilson) 1: Dyrii


Bartholomew gave his breath to Aodan

Summon gave his breath to Aodan


This writeup was a lot of fun to do =D


It has come to my attention that some scenario's involving awakened swords are not in the rules. So before one is made here is a summary of the details. So as a useful list of such situations:


-An awakened sword will kill someone who has a lifeless protecting them.

-An awakened sword will kill someone who has a mercenary protecting them. BUT, the mercenary will still kill the attacker (and be injured) and will end up with the sword as a result.

-An awakened sword ignores the 5th heightening effect.

-If anyone kills someone bearing an awakened sword they take it for themselves.

-If someone with an awakened sword is lynched the sword is lost.

-You can pass the awakened sword to someone else as your night or day action but during the day, like with breath, you have to do it publicly.


Any questions, just ask. Through pm or here.


Night 3 begins and will end at 22:30 AEST / 12:30 GMT on Wednesday.

All actions must be in by 10:30 AEST / 00:30 GMT on Wednesday.


I am going to be away over the easter weekend (probably without net) so we will need to have a lengthened cycle. We could shorten Day 4 by 24 hours and make it a night cycle over the weekend but I think it would be better to just lengthen the day cycle. Thoughts?

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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I agree with lengthening the day over shortening it. We only really got discussion going during the second day, so I think it's vital to have that extra time rather than having less.

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On the ground where the lynching have taken place lies a lone hat on the ground, one with the head of a stuffed owl upon it. Even forgetting that hats generally are not considered entities capable of feeling sadness, it is still a fact that a hat cannot look sad. It lacks the necessery facial parts. But this hat does seem to look inexplainably sad, somehow.

Edited by dyring
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Well don't get too excited yet, it might be a short reprieve. I know it's night time but I for one would like a very good explanation from Jeo. He messaged a number of individuals yesterday saying "important people" told him they had good information indicating they should switch their vote to Dyrii. First off, I find it amazing that people switched their votes based on such a flimsy argument from one of the accused. Aodan clearly stated that he didn't have strong evidence against dyrii and that people should use their own judgement in the vote. I know for a fact that Aodan was not one of those "important people" Jeo spoke of in his messages.

Seeing as how the so called information proved false and Dyrii was innocent, would you kindly tell us who these important people are and what evidence they were basing dyrii's culpability on? I find it highly likely either they are PK, you are, or both. If you were lying just to save yourself, I'll still probably vote for you tomorrow. Defending yourself when accused is one thing. Lying through back channels to get someone lynched instead of yourself is quite another and only helps the PK by spreading confusion and misinformation.

Edit: didn't need to be blue

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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Rowan approached Dyrri's discarded hat. He picked the sad-looking thing up and investigated it with his keen hunter's senses. All it had ever contained was the heads of children, and a... Sword? There had never been any snake-food, or anything resembling food- inside of it.

Clenching his jaw, Rowan placed the hat on his head- it fit surprisingly well- and strode out into the jungle.

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I voted Dyrri for three reasons. 


1. I had a hunch (and as such, told people not to vote with me). Obviously, I was wrong.


2. Dyrri hadn't said much in the main discussion, and as he wasn't inactive, I wanted him to start talking.


3. To see who would change their votes on little provocation.


The third is most important. I've repeatedly said I don't want people bandwagoning on my votes unless I provide a good reason. On top of that, I told people to carefully consider before voting with me. Now, look at what happened. A bandwagon on an innocent. I'm going to look very carefully at everyone who voted Dyrri, and even more so at those who voted both Chide and Dyrri. Joe's actions have become increasingly suspicious, yet he was still protected by a great number of people. Why?

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I know it's night time but I for one would like a very good explanation from Jeo. He messaged a number of individuals yesterday saying "important people" told him they had good information indicating they should switch their vote to Dyrii. First off, I find it amazing that people switched their votes based on such a flimsy argument from one of the accused. Aodan clearly stated that he didn't have strong evidence against dyrii and that people should use their own judgement in the vote. I know for a fact that Aodan was not one of those "important people" Jeo spoke of in his messages.


In my case it wasn't Joe who tried to get me to vote for Dyrri. I don't know if it was just me, or if other players were also contacted by this person. I'm not revealing their name yet because I want to give them a chance to defend themselves. But, evidently the fact that they wanted me to retract my vote for Jeo (based on Jeo apparently being valuable for the good side) and instead place my vote against Dyrri doesn't speak much for their innocence.

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I'd just like to point out that a vote for both Chid and Dyrri were blocked by either Ropes or drabness. And ****** told me that he would ask Aspren and ******** to change their vote to Dyrri. Aodan, Do you know who I'm talking about? I Mean, I assumed that ******* was working for you. Was he playing us all?


Edit: This was Ooc, so changed to blue

Edited by The Only Joe
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I'd just like to point out that a vote for both Chid and Dyrri were blocked by either Ropes or drabness.


I think we can assume the vote lost for Chid was due to drabness, since he was never really in any danger of being lynched. Also, as he appears to be inactive, I doubt anyone would have really cared if he died. Unless someone's being overzealous about the number of each side left, of course. Then anything's up for grabs.


I think there are 26 people alive (for a given value of alive) at the moment? Am I right about that? In which case, 9 people are either not coming online to cast votes, or are holding their votes back for some reason.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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a couple things:

1) I haven't had an opportunity for much role play, and everyone seems to be saving children and bunnies to prove their innocence, but my character is "a thief with a god complex" so:

Peng snuck up on the orphanage in the night. A window was open. Lucky him. he vaulted through the window and found exactly what he wanted: an orphan cuddled up with his new pet bunny. Peng grabbed the bunny and disappeared through the window out into the night.

...maybe i shouldn't have chosen a thief for my character... :mellow:

2) votes yesterday apperently got pretty hectic after I cast mine. seriously, i think some people changed three or four times.

3) this one is, by far the most important point:


It has come to my attention that some scenario's involving awakened swords are not in the rules. So before one is made here is a summary of the details. So as a useful list of such situations:


-An awakened sword will kill someone who has a lifeless protecting them.

-An awakened sword will kill someone who has a mercenary protecting them. BUT, the mercenary will still kill the attacker (and be injured) and will end up with the sword as a result.

-An awakened sword ignores the 5th heightening effect.

-If anyone kills someone bearing an awakened sword they take it for themselves.

-If someone with an awakened sword is lynched the sword is lost.

-You can pass the awakened sword to someone else as your night or day action but during the day, like with breath, you have to do it publicly.

this says to me that someone is getting close to creating an awakened sword. Otherwise it wouldn't have "come to his attention" 

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I voted Dyrri for three reasons.

1. I had a hunch (and as such, told people not to vote with me). Obviously, I was wrong.

2. Dyrri hadn't said much in the main discussion, and as he wasn't inactive, I wanted him to start talking.

3. To see who would change their votes on little provocation.

The third is most important. I've repeatedly said I don't want people bandwagoning on my votes unless I provide a good reason. On top of that, I told people to carefully consider before voting with me. Now, look at what happened. A bandwagon on an innocent. I'm going to look very carefully at everyone who voted Dyrri, and even more so at those who voted both Chide and Dyrri. Joe's actions have become increasingly suspicious, yet he was still protected by a great number of people. Why?

Since I was one of those to vote both Chide and Dyrri, I will provide some defense of myself.

I voted for Chide first because I agreed with the idea of removing an inactive. An inactive is either Pahn Kahl or not helping the game significantly in either direction. At the time I had no particular suspicions of anyone else who had been voted for and I didn't want to have a tie, so I voted for him.

This morning, I woke up to well over a page of posts as well as a message from a player whom I will not name asking me to vote for Dyrri. I didn't have a whole lot of time, and really only gave the posts a couple quick scans to get the gist of what happened while I was away. Seeing that there seemed to be a movement against Dyrri as well as the fact that I had been asked to vote for him, I decided to change my vote while I could. I had more suspicion against him at the time at that point than anyone else who was voted for as well. Unfortunately, my vote against him turned out to be a bad decision.

If you look back through the game, you will see that I have yet to lead a vote against someone, have generally been part of bandwagons, and change my vote fairly easily. I see that these things are generally frowned upon, and I will try to avoid them in the future. As I have mentioned several times, I am doing my best to keep up with everything but not doing terribly well. In general, my goal is to keep the game moving. I'm not in a position where I can do much more than vote, so I am trying to do that as much as I can.

I had felt that the only way to keep the game moving was to kill people, but I have now rethought that. We have yet to root out any Pahn Kahl, and so far four have died. I now believe that killing is not the answer in all cases, and will try to consider my moves more carefully.

In summary, please do not move against me because of the way I've voted before now. I have changed my approach significantly, and hope that I will do better from here on out. I know my jumping to defend myself may seem suspicious, but let me reassert that I am just trying to do my best. I have nothing to hide and I want to let that be known.

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It took a larger amounts of pillows then Ben had ever seen but it was finished, his fortress. Sadly, he found no one willing to awaken it for him. Still, it ought to protect him somewhat, didn´t it? No it won´t. Though I hope it won´t be needed.

"Personally, I think armor would suite your needs better. I could fix something for you." The voice came from the back of the room. Ben jumped behind his fortress and scaned the direction the sound came from. There he found a muscular man sitting in his chair, he seemed... mournful.

"Don´t worry. I´m with the other two odd guys. Eddy, the drunk, he seems to have taken a liking to you, drinking with someone does that to him. Anyway, he wants us to tell you about whats going on."

"And what is going on? Aside from all the murder of course." Ben asked.

"Well, I doubt you will understand everything, so I will simplify things. Basicly, there is a force, we call it the death-note Shard, and a part of it´s power found its way here and causes these deaths to happen. To stop it you will have to find the original murderers. Do you understand?"

Bens answere was simple. "No." Good, would be boring otherwise. : )

The man stood up, walked  over to Ben and layed his hands on his shoulders, from this distance Ben could see part of a burnmark on his arm. There was a faint smile on his lips.

"You wnat to protect those other priests, right? You can do it. I have meet someone that managed to survive something like this." His face became sad again. "However, you won´t do it by hiding in here. As long as that things influence is here, people will die. Thats why you have to go out there. We would like to help you but we. I´m sorry. You´re on your own"

With those words he left the priests alone to his thougts and his pillows.

I guess that Edgar will pick up one of the small animals Rowan brought along. Dude needs something to get over game one and I think Eddy would like a pet.

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I'd just like to point out that a vote for both Chid and Dyrri were blocked by either Ropes or drabness. And ****** told me that he would ask Aspren and ******** to change their vote to Dyrri. Aodan, Do you know who I'm talking about? I Mean, I assumed that ******* was working for you. Was he playing us all?


Edit: This was Ooc, so changed to blue

you really should have PM'd this to Aodan. anything in this thread gets read by the pahn kahl. if you only want one person to see it, PM it.

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I did contact a couple people and convinced them to change their votes to Dyrii, but I did so in an attempt to preserve a valuable players life and keep suspicion off of the player, though it may or may not be the player mentioned in the pm. I was trying to be careful to avoid suspicion on the actual person I was trying to save and myself, but I know that in doing so I myself became suspicious. If I die this night or am lynched, so be it. Know that I did what I did with the groups best interests in mind and would do it again, given the chance. Though I would be more cautious, I do think I might have gone a bit too far. I only contacted a few players, as in less than 5, I can't remember exactly.

Edit: I also never told anyone that I had any evidence to Dyrri's guiltiness or that this plan was backed by Aodan and just suggested that they change their vote.

Edit 2: Claincy, the top of the first post says, "Day 3: lacking cohesion" instead of Night 3: Scant illumination.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Gammer watched the proceedings of the lynching with grim determination. She didn't believe Dyrii's guilt any more than her own, but she still looked when they fit the rope around his neck. She was determined to capture the full story on her embroidery, and to do that, she had to perfectly catch the look in each persons eyes before they died. The eyes are mirrors into the Soul, she had heard once.

With her grim resignation, Gammer continued her embroidery. A bright pool of red began to leak from Dyrii's name, spilling out over onto the group of names that had declared his guilt and spilled his blood, condemning each and every one of them.

OOC: Don't really have too much to add, hence mostly the useless RP. But we should look at the group of those who switched their votes to Dyrii for our next suspects.

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I did contact a couple people and convinced them to change their votes to Dyrii, but I did so in an attempt to preserve a valuable players life and keep suspicion off of the player, though it may or may not be the player mentioned in the pm. I was trying to be careful to avoid suspicion on the actual person I was trying to save and myself, but I know that in doing so I myself became suspicious. If I die this night or am lynched, so be it. Know that I did what I did with the groups best interests in mind and would do it again, given the chance. Though I would be more cautious, I do think I might have gone a bit too far. I only contacted a few players, as in less than 5, I can't remember exactly.


So you were trying to protect either Jeo (deservedly suspicious) or Chide (inactive) and instead have Dyrri killed, who hadn't done much to warrant the suspicion placed on him nor had he or others acted suspicious in an attempt to defend him. The only way that you could have enough information to know for certain whether Jeo or Chide were not Pahn Kahl was if you were doing this with Aodan, or if you were Pahn Kahl and knew otherwise.

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Alright people. I have a plan to keep the Pahn Kahl from gaining an Awakened Sword. A few trusted people are going to search for Awakeners of the Fourth Heightening and above. If you are at this Heightening or higher right now, unfortunately you must give up your Breath. Anyone caught over the Fourth Heightening will be lynched, unless you give up your Breath. If you opt to give up your Breath, your night action will be cancelled with an Awakened Rope, and you will be Spied upon to determine your role. It's not a perfect plan by any means, but it will keep the Pahn Kahl from ever being able to kill two people per night.


This is not completely set in stone, so what do you think of it?

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