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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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There are no sure ways to check someone on their innocence, other than their death.


You keep saying this, but perhaps you are forgetting about this role?




Spy. [idrian only] The spy is essentially a seeker. They can find out one person's alignment each night (Idrian/Pahn Kahl/Hallendren). They also get to know if the person is an awakener/normal/drab.


Either way, I am become more (though not completely) convinced of Cog's innocence, and more (though not completely) suspicious of Bartolomew's schemings.

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Aodan faked being a Agent to freak out the Hallandren. I'll vouch for that. That being said, he could be a Pahn Kahl attempting to Worm his way into the trust of two groups. But I doubt it. Cog is still more Suspicious, But I'm not going to Vote untill tomorrow when there's more information.


I Love that new reply Button. Good catch Hero.

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The way I see it, the only way for the villagers to win in this particular game is to burn everything to the ground. There are no sure ways to check someone on their innocence, other than their death. I think that Aodan is messing with us pretty good, and that's not okay.


Besides, killing him gives us more information: if he dies and is proven innocent, we learn that there are probably two Idrian agents. If Cog dies, then we learn nothing if he is telling the truth.


If Cog is not dead by morning, however, I will lead the charge towards him.


@Gamma: Cog's argument is all semantics. What we need to evaluate are the facts: He lied to us. He asked the Returned to PM him their identities. He got more Breath. And Aodan, as I have said, serves us better dead than alive. Which reminds me...


Are the Idrian Agent(s) willing to step up and tell us who you are? Or better yet, space out your entry to make the Pahn Kahl sweat. If there are two of you, it would do a lot to help us verify if Aodan is telling the truth. And if he isn't, then we can set our targets on you. One of you, at least, will have to be a Pahn Kahl.


Idrian Agents, do you understand? If you come out, you have the potential of ending this game early.

Hm... Wouldn't want to send an innocent person to the gallows. So I might as well just say it now: I am an Idrian agent. 

Edited by Adolin_Dustbringer
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I'm not sure who to vote for at the moment, considering I've no proof on my own end other than what people have said here, so I'm going to leave my vote until the evening. Having said that though, is it possible to verify Adolin as an Agent during any night, or are roles only detectable when used (or killed)?

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Dyrri stands and screams, while waving his hat!


"Now, know not know. NOT KNOW! Agents know not if they are. If Pahn kahl want to protect, know they it is easy to fake an idrian agent, to make two, like for us to know aoden is innocent. I know, having two claiming to come forward as Idrian agents, useless is! Easy to fool for the foul!


Dyrri knows, bandwagons turned by vocal pressure to not kill after all, often turned by the foul away from righteous cause. Dyrri have seen it lots. Dyrri have heard of it elsewhere. Dyrri remembers! Little proof is better then no proof. Little proof sais Cog, so Dyrri follows the little proof. Dyrri will then vote Aoden tomorrow, if Cog is not the foul murderer-cretin.

Dyrri asks, if Cog dies innocent, and Dyrri is killed in the night, consider it be might possibly to protect Aoden from Dyrri´s justified vengeance-vote on him.


Lies serve Pahn kahl. Only way to detect. Liers must be destroyed-wiped-clean-from-city-of-hats."

Edited by dyring
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There is, unfortunately, no way to learn of my identity save a spy checking it. Though that's no good, because no competent spy would reveal his identity just for an Idrian agent. All you have is my word.


That being said, there's 4 possible outcomes here:

  • Aodan is lynched and turns out innocent. If I am what I say I am, then the whole point of me revealing my identity was a waste, because he got killed anyway. If I'm a Pahn Kahl, this would help to put suspicion off of me.
  • Aodan is lynched and turns out to be Pahn Kahl. If I'm Pahn Kahl, that means I failed to save my comrade and now suspicions will be on me (which would be pretty bad). If I'm who I say I am, then that means I guessed wrong and will probably be assumed Pahn Kahl.
  • Aodan isn't lynched and is innocent. I guessed right, and saved someone! Of course, I won't know if he's innocent or not.
  • Aodan isn't lynched and is Pahn Kahl. I just saved a Pahn Kahl. Oops.

Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I think it was a mistake to reveal my identity. Oh well. 

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I very much appreciate your efforts Jim Bob, but this time, they won't be necessary. It's time to stir up the pot a little.
Aodan slumped, realizing that his arguments were falling apart from his unwillingness to give up his deceptions. Taking a deep breath, he prepared to reveal a secret that would most likely get him killed. "Sorry, guys. Most of you are going to be in for quite a shock. Those who trust me, and those who don't. To my knowledge, there is no second Hallandren Agent. I'm an Idrian, through and through. I'm also the only Idrian who everyone can trust."  ;)
"I am a monk, a heretic, and a Scholar of BioChroma. And-" Aodan paused, making sure everyone was listening, "I'm completely innocent. I'm starting to believe that Cog may be as well."
"Factor this into your decisions in whatever way you most prefer."
He turned, picked up his lunch, and left for the patio.
I hope this is alright Claincy. You never made it overly clear how to use my role.
First off, I apologize to you Hallandrens who trusted me a one point or another. Hero (whom I am fairly confident is trustworthy right now) and I both tried to mess with your heads by claiming to be Agents, and I put in enough info that you believed me. We figured feeding you info you already knew in return for the odd useful tidbit was a good way to put the Idrians ahead.  ;)
I would ask those capable of protecting me tonight to do so (Mercenaries), for the Spies to contact me, and for all the Awakeners in possession of, or capable of creating a Strawman to inform me. Hopefully we can start finding trusted players and work from there. If you don't like the idea of working for an Idrian, I promise to be as neutral and unbiased as possible, only trying to find the Pahn Kahl.
As things stand, my largest suspicion is Barty. I might well be totally wrong, but his actions feel a little off.


Edit: The List is up to date.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Well, that seems like a pretty simple claim to test. If a few Idrians vote for you (needs to be multiple in case the PK have a rope) and the votes are null at the end of the day, you are clean. Once a couple idrian votes have been cast for you, I'll gladly change mine.

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Ben waited in his study while Sam opend the door. Shortly afterwards he entered the room. Apperently Jeo wanted to apologize for almost murdering Ben. Truewind, as the god of truth, certainly would want Ben to belive him. That is why he would visit Joe, together with the other priests, just to be safe. Joe might only be trieing to trick him after his murder attempt failed. I wonder why Ben dosen´t trust Joe, afterall no player would ever lie.

Okay, so Aodan claims he is the monk and is protecting Cog or himself? Congratulations, I´m confused.

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To clarify, Aodan, are you preventing Idrians voting for you? Or voting for Cog?


If the former, you've managed to declare yourself innocent with no Idrians currently voting for you. Meaning that we have no real way of drawing information from what just happened, (Are Idrians allowed to try to vote for him now? Clancy?) and only your promise that you are the Monk to go on. In this case, it might be wise for the Spy to not contact Aodan until after his role has been verified.


In the latter case, we've only got Dyrii voting for Cog. In which case I'm going to ask that Dyrii not change his vote, so that we can see whether it is nullified or not.

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@Claincy: side question: Do we get to find out whether someone used the body to create a lifeless last night?

It will be in the writeup, no-one did last night.


@Aodan, I said that you need to declare it publicly, which you have, so that is fine. However you may want to make it clearer, I think you are protecting Cog but I can't be 100% certain that was your intent.


Well, that seems like a pretty simple claim to test. If a few Idrians vote for you (needs to be multiple in case the PK have a rope) and the votes are null at the end of the day, you are clean. Once a couple idrian votes have been cast for you, I'll gladly change mine.



To clarify, Aodan, are you preventing Idrians voting for you? Or voting for Cog?


If the former, you've managed to declare yourself innocent with no Idrians currently voting for you. Meaning that we have no real way of drawing information from what just happened, (Are Idrians allowed to try to vote for him now? Clancy?) and only your promise that you are the Monk to go on. In this case, it might be wise for the Spy to not contact Aodan until after his role has been verified.


In the latter case, we've only got Dyrii voting for Cog. In which case I'm going to ask that Dyrii not change his vote, so that we can see whether it is nullified or not.

You cannot fake being a monk, if someone tries I will call them out on it ;) So yes, he is a monk.


Idrians literally cannot cast votes at Cog this cycle (if we are right and he is protecting Cog).


Was always going to be interesting when this came up.

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He's asking for the Idrians to not vote for Cog. And I don't have my note with me (I'm on my phone rather than my laptop), but I'm fairly certain the only people voting for Cog at the moment are Idrian...since he's Hallendren.

As for who I think. I think there are only 2 agents. One on each side. Yet two people have said they're the Idrian Agent. I'll believe the one who said it in thread for now. Mostly because the one who said it in the PM group seems more sketchy. So...Swimim. Would you like to explain yourself?

I'd RP, but typing on my phone is slow as it is and I need to get ready for work...

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You cannot fake being a monk, if someone tries I will call them out on it ;) So yes, he is a monk.

Idrians literally cannot cast votes at Cog this cycle (if we are right and he is protecting Cog).

Well that clears things up nicely. I hereby retract my vote for Aodan. For now, I'll hold off voting until I see how this new development plays out

Edit: wrong color

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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Yeah, I'm protecting Meta this vote. I know it's worded a little awkwardly, but I thought the coloured text made it clear what my action was.


Hmm... So Swimim is the one who claimed to be the Idrian Agent. Well, we only know of one Hallandren Agent right now, and it seemed more that a little strange to me for someone to tell the people they're supposed to be spying on that they're spying on them. Interesting. Very interesting.


So, Barty and Swimim. What do you two have to say?


The List is once again up to date.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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What do I have to say? I'm confused.

And by the way, if I forgot to retract my vote for Cog, then here it is. 


If you want me to be honest in my dealings, then that's fine. I agree with dyring: the easiest way forward is that of honesty. So:

1. Talked in secret Hallandren cabal, talked about things, Swimim said he was the spy.

2. Talked to Vard. He was the first one to tell me, and he told only me. If this makes you want to kill me, fine. I'm useless.

3. Talked to Aonar. He sent a PM to Awesomeness, Meta, and me, which is part of the reason I am suspicious of him, and Meta. Replying to three people at once seems kind of unnecessarily foolish, but its not if you know what roles they have.

4.Awesomeness sent me some... instructions, about how to act upon his death. He told me how Swimim told Awesomeness that Swimim was lying, just to make him look not guilty.

5. Sent a strawman after Meta. I wanted to try and affirm if my allies were actually my allies, and also check his capabilities.

6. Everything that you've seen here. I voted for Meta because he lied about being a drab, and in a way that told him who the Returned were.


There you have it. Everything I've done. And of course, by telling you, and by being the first person to seriously vote, I've put myself on the chopping block. That's fine.



To get the Pahn Kahl, we have to burn the forest.

@Hero: Wow. I feel kind of embarrassed now... I completely ignored all of the Idrian roles. Maybe I got too deep into my character.

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Twice during the game the Idrian monk may declare someone to be innocent and no Idrians can vote for that person during that day. Any Idrians who have already voted for that person must switch before the end of the day, if they don't because they don't their vote is negated.

That would be way too much power if they could force all Idrians to vote for someone. The monk is essentially a protector not an instigator.

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You must be very confused Barty. You're voting for the only person who can and has been proven innocent to the whole group. ;)To answer your question, yes. The Monk has to be a true Idrian. As I understand it, the only roles the Pahn Kahl can have are Awakener and Returned.


Your right that sending that PM to all of you was a bad idea. However, since I was planning on lying through my teeth the whole time, there really wasn't much the Pahn Kahl could gain from it. :P

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Night Claincy!


Can anyone else confirm that Swimm said he was the Idrian Agent?


EDIT: Oh, Awesomeness sent a PM saying that Swimm told them that he was lying? That's interesting... Can Awesomeness confirm that they actually sent that PM, and what its precise contents were?

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