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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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Umm... can't vote, but I think that Wyrmhero is kind of suspicious, mostly because he (vehemently) did not like my idea <pouts>, ;)


But in all honesty, I feel that his reasons were kind of... off. Like how it was bad because it wasn't fun. Can't vote, but he's the first one who comes to mind

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Umm... can't vote, but I think that Wyrmhero is kind of suspicious, mostly because he (vehemently) did not like my idea <pouts>, ;)


But in all honesty, I feel that his reasons were kind of... off. Like how it was bad because it wasn't fun. Can't vote, but he's the first one who comes to mind


Well, might as well jump in to defend myself before anyone else accuses me, since I happen to be online :P


I didn't say it was bad because it wasn't fun - In fact, I didn't pass judgement against your plan on anything other than a personal level. I was just commenting that I would find the game a lot less fun if only Aonar and the Pahn Kahl had reasons to play (since the rest of us couldn't really contribute information gathered at night as we'd be Drabs). We have enough inactive people already, don't want to make more by making everyone give away Breath.


I also mentioned a few other things about it, such as the fact that Returned couldn't give away their Breath and that we can only defend him for so long, and there are ways around it. I didn't cast explicitly judgement on the game from a gameplay perspective though, I admit.


In fact, as I said before, I actually agree with it up to a point - That point being getting Aonar up to 11 or 14 Breaths (I forgot that the first would be his own one and that just makes him 'normal' rather than First Heightening) and no further. But we should by no means force people into this, because it's not fun to be told what to do in a game. Besides, I'm hardly the only person to object, just the only one who decided to write a mini essay about it :P

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I don't think executing the wrong person is too serious an issue given the sheer number of players we have. If we execute the wrong person then Aonar knows that whoever gave him that information as a spy is guilty and the next day we can execute another person who is guaranteed to be guilty. And if Aonar has information from a variety of sources we are more likely to not execute the wrong person. Tapping his brains is a good way to get ahead. Every turn he'll be more knowledgeable, every turn he will be more able to defeat Pahn Kahl and we are less and less likely to execute an innocent.


 I think the more information we have in the open the better a chance we stand. Every kill of a Pahn Kahl will seriously limit them due to their low numbers.

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Look, I chosse to accuse an Inactive hallandren, because yes, we could lose breaths, but we wouldn't lose the Merc or Spy. We can get new breath, we can't ge new spies and Mercs. But I'll retract my vote for Ver (Quiver). But unless Aodan says he'll protect the spy/Merc if we start to vote for them, I wn't vote for an Idrian. I'd be doing the Same thing if I was Hallandren.


WyrmHero is right I suppose. So I'll vote Chid to save my Skin.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Dangit. I genuinely want to roleplay this, but I'm on my phone since my laptop has no internet access currently. My patience wears thin with my phone and long posts. Which this would need to be. Perhaps I will rp later, if I ger access. For now, I'm getting my vote out there.

Jeo. Why? I've suspected him since day one. He talked up killing an inactive Hallandren and then the second a vote was cast for an active Hallandren, he jumped on board. Sure, no one was lynched. That's still suspicious. Couple that withis rabble-rousing of late, and I'm pretty surr he's someone actively working against us. Whether he's Pahn Kahl or not (I think he likely is), we don't need that when it's so crucial we work together. The chef needs to go. Even if Wil'son likes his food.

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"To vote or not to vote, that is for the thinking hat to decide. Hat sais vote, and vote is for doing. To do the voting, I vote for

Wil´son. Only reason is the thinking hat, it thinks Wil´son have acted in a specific way the thinking hat thinks is suspicious."

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Time for a List, people!



Ver: (0) Jeo

Jeo: (6) Cog, Ben, Wil'son, Asgren, Rowan, Rick

Chide: (5) Jeo, Wyrm, Rowan, Peng, Grim, Elo

Wil'son: (1) Dyrri

Bartholomew: (0) Aili

Dyrri: (2) Aodan, Aili


This is better than last vote's bandwagon at least. I, unfortunately, don't have enough info to make anything more than semi-educated guesses, and if I told you who not to lynch, I may as well be telling the PK who to kill. Bandwagons do not help us at this point so there's no way I can tell people who to kill. We all know how well that worked in the previous games.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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I definitely think Chide should get on and defend himself, but I don't think he deserves a lynch quite yet. Bartholomew has always been somewhat suspicious in my perspective so that's my vote. He has some very dangerous strategies, which might prove useful, if they don't kill us all off first.

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"To vote or not to vote, that is for the thinking hat to decide. Hat sais vote, and vote is for doing. To do the voting, I vote for

Wil´son. Only reason is the thinking hat, it thinks Wil´son have acted in a specific way the thinking hat thinks is suspicious."

Well who am I to contest such irrefutable evidence... :P
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Sart was shocked. The calm restaurant was quickly turning into a madhouse. He had to speak up.


"I don't think Chide is guilty of anything. I don't even blame him for not wanting to be in your presence. I am surrounded by murderers who are conspiring to kill yet again!"


"Jeo, you have some serious explaining to do. Why are you trying to kill those that cower from you? It's suspicious, to say the least. I don't want to harm you yet, but I am watching you."


"And Wil'son, I haven't seen any reason why you should be considered more trustworthy than the rest of these animals. Still, I see no reason to kill you."


"Unless someone gives me a solid reason why someone should die, I say we don't kill today. Honestly, you should all be ashamed of yourselves."


OOC: I haven't seen enough good reasons to kill anyone. I know we have to kill eventually in this game, but let's wait one more turn before we do.

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If that isn't evidence enough to show that you're not Pahn Kahl, then I don't know what is. I mean, the children like you. There's no way you could be Pahn Kahl. Let me give this a try.

Asgren had gotten himself lost again. It certainly didn't help that this Hallandren town had such colourful signage. Which proved to be a challenging to read since Asgren was quite colourblind. Colours, it gave him a headache.

He turned down into the next alleyway, or was it a road? He constantly got those two mixed up. The alleyway was dim, and littered with rubbish, as was typical of Hallandren towns. For all the proclaimed "beauty", the real Hallandren was just out of plain sight.

Something scuffled in the darkness and nudged his leg. Looking down he saw what appeared to be a puppy. A scruffy one at that. While it seemed that there had been more than enough food for it to eat in the alleyway, most of it had spoiled in the dank and heat. After all, the people of Hallandren were known for their excesses, the wastage food being one of them. Asgren knelt down to inspect the creature. It had a festering wound near the base of its back leg, which was evidently the cause of its limp. Asgren wasn't too knowledgeable of that sort of thing, but he knew enough to be certain that if that dog stayed in those conditions, with the wound that it had, it wouldn't live to see the next week. He took the puppy in his arms and set out to find a surgeon.

Oh is that how we're playing this game now? ;)

Rowan returned from the jungle, carrying a box in both arms. He approached the hospital, and when the nurses saw him they greeted him warmly. He was known and loved there. They let him inside, and when the crippled children saw him they let out a cheer for "Good Saint Rowan." He knew each of them by name. He set down the box, and opened it to reveal a litter of baby bunnies. The bunnies' mother had been eaten by a python, and he had rescued them before the large snake could find them. He gave each of the crippled children one of the tiny bunnies, accepting nothing but their hugs and kisses on the cheek for payment.

After the hospital, he left to seek out Chide. That man had some explaining to do. The python that ate the mother bunny had belonged to him.

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Oh is that how we're playing this game now? ;)

Rowan returned from the jungle, carrying a box in both arms. He approached the hospital, and when the nurses saw him they greeted him warmly. He was known and loved there. They let him inside, and when the crippled children saw him they let out a cheer for "Good Saint Rowan." He knew each of them by name. He set down the box, and opened it to reveal a litter of baby bunnies. The bunnies' mother had been eaten by a python, and he had rescued them before the large snake could find them. He gave each of the crippled children one of the tiny bunnies, accepting nothing but their hugs and kisses on the cheek for payment.

After the hospital, he left to seek out Chide. That man had some explaining to do. The python that ate the mother bunny had belonged to him.

Oh my word. I'm literally almost crying right now, I'm laughing so hard....upvote to you, good sir.
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I was trying to come up with satirical answer RP to the last few posts where my character strolls down the street thinking about how much he dislikes the retched beggar orphans that infest the city while he kicks a dog that was in his path and buys a skinned rabbit to make a hat. I got really depressed writing it though and thought it might not go over well (even if it was meant to be a joke) so decided against it.
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Killing inactives is not helpful. I understand getting Quiver, because I think he's been on, but Chide just isn't here.

So, I make a plea into the Hallandrens: we are down in numbers, I believe. Let's take down an Idrian.

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Gammer was stitching furiously, trying to keep up with the flying accusations. It would all be contained within the story of the tapestry. The twists, the turns. The betrayals. She was so busy with her embroidery she was only focused on it and collecting the votes to put into it, not for a moment taking time to consider who she herself suspected. She had a few opinions about a couple individuals, but she was way too busy to take the time to work them through right now.

Gammer had moved her spot from the shaded bench to a rocking chair she had moved and set up next to the town gallows. It was the center of events, and Gammer wasn't going to miss a thing.

OOC: There's a tie right now, so I don't really want to break it. Don't want to do the PKs job for them.

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Jeo Walked out of his Kitchen after finishing up with tonight's Dinner. "Everyone, I Know I seem Suspicious for voting for a Hallandren, But it just makes more sense. If My Vote did get Ver Lynched, he could have given his breath to someone he trusted first. But If my Vote had gotten a Spy Lynched, he wouldn't be able to help us. So I Decided that It would be Better to Vote for a Hallandren. And Ben, I'm not taking Sides, I just want to Get rid of the Pahn Kahl before they kill us all. And besides, if we kill a Pahn Kahl who's Impersonationg a Hallandren, then the Pahn Kahl lose breath. And to allof those whoVoted for someone other than me, You all get free Drinks if I survive the Day! And Just in Case I do Die, I'm Naming Aili as my Sole Heir. My Restraunt and all My Possesions shall go to her. Also, Wil'Son, I Voted for Ben on day one because we needed at least some Information, I'm glad he's still alive, we got Information without death. And Until you Retract your Vote for me, You're not Eating at my Restraunt."

Edited by The Only Joe
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Sorry I haven't been active the last couple days, I haven't had the time to really commit to a good RP post or anything.

To have my voice be heard, and to help prevent a lockup, I will vote for Chide, since the vote is leaning against him anyways. This day hasn't really revealed anything new to put me against anyone else. Sorry, Chide.

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Well, actually we want a tie right now. So I'll be voting for Jeo Joe. (get it?) 


I'd just like to note that if Chide isn't actually inactive (i.e. he's still paying attention to the game, but he's not posting), then he has an unfair advantage. In most of the previous games when given the option between lynching an inactive player (who doesn't defend themselves) and lynching an active player, we've always chosen to lynch the active player. Chide may be exploiting that. 

Edited by Aspren
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Rowan kicked down Chide's door, then steps inside. He lets the python- which he had fetched from the jungle- slide to the floor. He hadn't harmed the animal- it had just been doing what it's instincts told it to do, after all. Rowan looked up to see Chide cowering in the corner, staring pale-faced at the large lump partway down the snake's length.

Chide looked up, meeting Rowan's accusing gaze. "You- you found my Slippy? I haven't seen her in a week. Jeo was snake-sitting her for me, but said that he lost her two days ago. I swear by Austre's divine name!"

Rowan turned and walked out, leaving Chide with his beloved "Slippy." He walked down the street, heading towards Jeo's restaurant.

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Aodan was getting fed up with the near pointless discussions taking place. He wasn't happy about the lack of concrete information gained the last night, but now it seemed people hadn't even learned anything from the last few days, happily jumping on different people to lynch. He needed some air. Unnoticed, Aodan slipped out of the room. 


It had been a very long time since Aodan had prayed to Austre. Almost a decade. He'd never quite been comfortable with the anomalies in Austrism's history, and the contradictions regarding BioChroma, but if anything could make him start re-evaluating things, it would be the mess he found himself in now.


Austre, Lord of Colours... please grant me the strength to deal with these people, and your guidance in finding the Pahn Kahl. 


So... this is interesting, and very, very familliar. Not so terrible as last time, but I still don't like it. If I were to take a guess, completely independent of the information I'm privy to, I'd say that neither of them are PK. Even with the extra info, the way this vote is going does not look promising.


I am going to vote Dyrri for today. Think carefully before following me blindly.


Edit: List has been updated.


Edit 2 (In bold so hopefully it will be noticed): Once again, could the remaining Hallandrens please contact me with their roles? If you do, it will be far easier for me to get things done.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Thanks you Jeo for bequeathing the Red Potato to me, if you die, I'll be sure to take care of it.

Aili was surprised at the amount of votes cast against her boss. Jeo was a nice enough guy, his name was interesting. Maw had told her that Jeo reminded him of a Spiky person, if she remembered correctly. She wasn't sure if that was good or bad. She was proud that Jeo trusted her enough to give the Red Potato to her. She decided to make sure to keep it running in tippity toppest shape. There were a few hours left before nightfall again, and it appeared that her boss was heading for the gallows.

Wow, I didn't notice that each cycle's name has the name of a surge in it. Tension, transformation, division, cohesion. That's cool!

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