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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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It won't let me Quote right now, but Page 2, Post 30 by Mawiliw.

"She decide not to Open the Red Salmon yet, but to help out instead."


You Can't do this! The Salmon always comes first! The Restaurant must stay open on normal Schedules!

Edited by The Only Joe
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I've been working on some rules for negotiations at the end if they do occur. I'm on my phone so will be pretty brief but here is a rough outline of what I am thinking. Comments and suggestions are welcome. (I'll fix the colouring here when I get on a comp.)

When the last PK dies a "proposal" stage will begin. I will set a couple of basic proposals and each surviving player can put forward two of their own. A proposal should be relatively specific, for example "Hallendren must stop using their lifeless." Could be a proposal.

After 48 hours I will post a list of all the proposals and a 48 hour voting cycle will begin. Each surviving player will have 10 votes that they can cast for or against proposals. (You can use more than 1 vote on a single proposal.) Once a vote is made it cannot be retracted. At the end of the 48 hours the treaty will be formed using these proposals, any proposal with more votes for it than against will be passed, any others will be rejected. I'll do a final writeup and the game will end.

On a different note: a number of you have noticed the message hidden in the writeups (old habits die hard). The first two people to pm me the end secret of the message will recieve a breath. Before people start spamming me you do not currently know enough to get the answer. I will also accept a maximum of 3 guesses from any one person, you should know when you get it. Good luck ;)


There, colours fixed =)

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Summon was lost in thought as he strolled aimlessly down the street. A lot happened the prior evening while he was sequestered away working through the bouts of depression that came with suddenly being drab after holding so much breath for countless years. They'd finally taken out one of the Pahn Kahl. It brightened his mood a little to learn his suspicions on that front hadn't been unfounded. Aili was a Returened? Summon planned on taking a hard look at the rest of that establishment's employees once the place reopened.

Strangely enough, Summon happened to be passing by the Salmon at the very moment. He thought he was alone since the restaurant still hadn't reopened but he swore he heard a whisper as he neared the front door. It was so faint Summon couldn't decide if it was real or just the wind but he could swear it sounded like someone ranting. Something about openings, schedules, and not just a few obscene words.

The voice slowly drifted into silence and summon shook his head a few times before continuing to walk. Just a trick of the wind. Perhaps they should find a new place to meet. Strange things keep happening at the Salmon.

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On a different note: a number of you have noticed the message hidden in the writeups (old habits die hard). The first two people to pm me the end secret of the message will recieve a breath. Before people start spamming me you do not currently know enough to get the answer. I will also accept a maximum of 3 guesses from any one person, you should know when you get it. Good luck ;)


Taking breaths from orphans (the only other "confirmed" source of breath in the village)?  For shame Claincy for shame.


And before you accuse me of being a hypocrite, I was only going to beat them to teach them a lesson; you are condemning them to years of drabosity.

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As I was asleep at the time, Maill acted without directly running things by me, however, I know he is innocent. No idea if they have any significance, but I'll figure it out if they do. : P 


Aili's confirmed innocent? That's both good and annoying. Good, because now that's two people we can say are safe, though Aili seems to be accidentally protecting Pahn Kahl. On the other hand though, there goes all my theorising. That was the only solid lead I had to go on this day. There's no way to fake innocence in this game, is there?


Fine I'll add suspicions from now on...


I have no current suspicions :D


sorry couldn't resist.


Well I'm no longer suspicious of Thomas. /snark

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Poor Chide. He's been on the chopping block three times now. And I've voted for him twice... Not gonna join on against him this time.


I am actually leaving on vacation late tomorrow and won't be back for two whole night/day cycles, so I will probably not vote today, only because I won't be able to follow the sway of the game closely enough. Expect a temporary good-bye post sometime tomorrow (somewhat like the one Elo did a bit ago). I will put some effort into it. It should be good.

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On a different note: a number of you have noticed the message hidden in the writeups (old habits die hard). The first two people to pm me the end secret of the message will recieve a breath. Before people start spamming me you do not currently know enough to get the answer. I will also accept a maximum of 3 guesses from any one person, you should know when you get it. Good luck ;)


There, colours fixed =)

Oh good! Any hints on how long before we should be able to get it?

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Those new rules do look awesome and I look forward to the end game. As a slight modification, it might get a bit hectic if people chose to burn all ten of their votes on something. People could wait till the end then blow all of their votes on their own proposals, pass some crazy things.



How about a rule that you can only make so many votes per proposal as you have awakening levels+awakened objects+special abilities to a minimum of one? That would ensure most people wouldn't wildly swing the vote totals and make it more manageable.



Also it would help if you had a rule that you would analyze any proposals and break them down into manageable chunks, so no one can make a proposal which covers everything they want and get a small group to vote for it. For example you might have a category lifeless, in which you would put all proposals with regards to the lifeless, an economics category, a military category. Otherwise I could see people making proposals like "Lifeless will be all be dyed purple, all money will be spent on making plush ponies, and all armies will be sent to murder everyone who is PK." that were somewhat wide.

Edited by Nepene
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A wind blew from the east, kicking up small flurries of dust and leaves.  The sun shone from a cloudless sky illuminating the village below in a steady light.  Somewhere a bell tolled marking the hour.  Flocks of birds were flying overhead while packs of rats dwelt in the basements below.  To the casual observer the village seemed to be deserted for no one could be seen moving. 


However the casual observer would be wrong, for in this village people did indeed live.  Huddled in their houses these simple villagers hid.  Many waiting for another to poke their head out first, others hoping to remain unnoticed.  A few were packing as if preparing to leave.  Somewhere a small group of villagers were sharpening their knifes while discussing who they were going to target that night.


In the middle of this sad village a ghostly figure stood.  A pipe in his mouth and a scar on his face, this figure did survey the village.  Raising a hand, this figure pointed to a building and spoke a single word before fading away.




Do something. Rp, vote or just run around saving bunnies while kicking puppies.  Its boring in heaven and we spirits need something to talk about.  Don't make me possess someone.

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Sure. I vote Fron. My evidence? He's been notably inactive recently. What little he has posted has been murderous and violent. Also with all this talk of PKs attacking Aili to ward off suspicion, what would be more twisty than them attacking and killing one of their own members and then somehow blackmailing LCF to pretend he was dead?


Alan sat on the rooftop of the red salmon. He'd climbed up here earlier to observe everything. See the land. Get some privacy. So much was happening. He didn't know who it could be.


Ah well. Time to leave. He stood up and looked for a way down.


"Don't do it!"


Someone had called out to him.


"I know the deaths seem dark, but please, don't kill yourself."


It was a woman, Idrian, carrying a large stack of clothing. She looked shocked. Well, he had no intention of obeying this woman who didn't want him to leave the roof.


He cupped his hands out. 

"I have to. If I don't I'll be stuck here forever."


She called out again.


"Please, don't! I don't want to see a countryman like this?"


Annoyed at her, he turned his back, ignoring her, and slid down the edge of the building, using windows and pipes to move. Some people.

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Deep inside the Orphanage, the Bunnies were playing while the Children ate. but then a cold wind blow through the open Window. A Deadly Wind. The Rabbits froze, looking about them, trying to Identify what had happened, when one of their Number, the Largest, fell with a Squeak. The Other's Bolted away from the Rabbit, and stuffed themselves into the Corners of their Cage. after a Minute of seven, the Large Rabbit Opened it's Eye's. It's Grey Eyes. Then It Spoke.


"Did I manage to Posses Aodan like I Wanted, Hmm, I don't think so. Whose Body is this? A Rabbit! What the Braize? Come on, I Wanted to be able to do things. Well, I'll make the Most of it I suppose."


The Jeo-rabbit got to it's Feet and looked curiously at the others who had stopped cowering and were tentatively approaching. "Don't Worry, I won't hurt you, If I did, the Death-Note Shard would Kill me. Do you know how to get out of here?" The rabbits seemed to Understand him, and pointed towards the Gate of the Cage. "Ah, thank you. Be kind to the Children While I'm gone. I hope Aili has the Restaurant running and providing food to the Orphanage like we always did. Now, I'm going to go Wreck Havoc on the Town."


With That, Jeo sprang through the Gate, which broke under the Rabbit's Strength, and Hopped Cutely off into the Street.

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Aili decided to open the Red Salmon for the day at noon. She first made sure that the orphanage food was provided for them. She delivered the food herself. When she got there, a rogue bunny was escaping. She couldn't be sure, but the squeaks sounded oddly like Jeo. Bending over, which was more difficult than before, due to her taller stature and larger bust. She picked up the bunny, and decided to take it back to the Red Salmon. She thought that Jeo would like to be there so this bunny was the best second choice.

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Sart couldn't believe it. First, Aili had revealed herself as an Idrian Returned. Second, Lifeless had been summoned at a peace negotiation. Third, and most importantly, those Lifeless had killed Jeo, who was apparently a Pahn Kahl trying to sabotage the meeting. If only he had voted for Jeo, maybe Dyril would still be alive. He needed to speak up.


"Grim, I've been suspicious of you since day one. I'm not sure if you're guilty or if you're just incompetent, but I think you're a danger to us all. You've sided with Jeo too many times in these riots, so I have to vote for you. I'm sorry if you're innocent, but I have to do this."


Sart sighed, and tried to lighten the mood.


"Now then, these rabbits are getting ridiculous. I say we gather some of them up and make some rabbit stew. Who's with me?"

Edited by a smart guy
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When we have a world where we resurrect dead bodies, we can't be too surprised when the Spirits of the dead try haunting us, Gammer remarked at the reported superstitious nonsense happening around the town. There was too much to worry about to add poltergeists and malevolent, possessed bunnies to the mix. 
So one Pahn Kahl was discovered and killed? Big whoop, Gammer thought. Didn't mean it was time to celebrate and start mixing all of your colours on the palette together. No. Killing off the most obvious suspicious player was no feat to celebrate. The true enemies that were out there lurking behind in the shadows, keeping off of everybody's radars.
That was who Gammer was worried about.

In a surprising act that broke from her indifferent, loner streak that she mad maintained so far, so strode up to the Red Salmon and asked Aili to bring her a bowl of soup.
"Rabbit would do just nice, dear." she answered when asked what kind she preferred. Aili was only gone a moment and brought back a steaming bowl, colorfully decorated, of course.
"Say," Gammer said, "Has anyone heard from Cog, lately? Where has that wacky inventor been, and what's he up to?"

OOC: Just getting some votes/discussion going. And with the holiday coming up, I definitely don't want to throw anybody under the bus for just inactivity, but wouldn't mind hearing from a few players before the long-weekend (extended cycles) start.
Also, I can't remember if Aodan using his power to save Cog that day actually cleared Cog or not, or just made it so he couldn't be voted for. If Cog actually was cleared from that, then just let me know, obviously.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Also, I can't remember if Aodan using his power to save Cog that day actually cleared Cog or not, or just made it so he couldn't be voted for. If Cog actually was cleared from that, then just let me know, obviously.

His ability just protected Cog from being voted on by Idrians that day and is not a definite indication of his actual guilt or innocence. I personally don't think he is PK but Meta is pretty crafty so you never really know.

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Entering and exiting the pillow fortress was more difficult than expected. It involved multipel acrobatic contortions of ones body Which was good in its own right, afterall this means that attackers also couldn´t enter easily. As a consequense Ben only managed to leave his bed after it was already well into the day. The whole ordeal made him feel a lot older than he realy was. To reward all his effort he was greeted with unexpected news. Not only had that manipulating Jeo been delivered to justice but one of the Gods themselfs decided to ascend onto them. Truly now the events would turn for the better.

Progression, finaly a Surge I can help with!

The priests made their way for the Red Salmon, they had to see the returned with their own eyes. On their way they thought about who may have worked together with Jeo. Jeo voted for Chide to easily to suspect him but maybe they only wanted to get rid of a liability in exchange for credibility. Those that voted for Dyrii were also suspect but what if they only followed that blasted monk. He wasn´t certain what to do but those men were right, he had to do something. He decided that he wanted a deep coservation with Tril, afterall he did vote for the both innocents that died. Before Ben could reach the restaurant he saw a bunny staring at him. It´s glare was downright demonic and sent a shiver down his spine. Afraid of rabbits, certainly he was losing his nerves completly now.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Well, that's one inactive down. We now only have 6 inactives left then.


Still waiting on useful input from Thomas though, I see. Until that happens, or someone starts putting forward a complete argument about someone's guilt, I will not be changing my vote.

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Cog spent the early morning pouring over his notes. Where typically a design for another invention would hang, he had constructed a huge diagram of everyone's actions and connections. It was a thing of beauty. 


When Cog was younger, he had broken the family clock. It had seemed such a simple thing and he had felt confident that he could put it back together. When he had finally gotten it open, he had been amazed at the complexity. So many little parts, working in conjunction, to make it functional. He must have stared at the inner working of the clock for hours before he set about taking it apart.


In the end, he couldn't put it back together. He had realized that it wasn't just a matter of 'this piece goes here,' the exact spacing needed to be perfect for it to work. His father had tanned his hide for it, but Cog had learned something important that day; that it took more than just knowing the pieces. You also had to place them just right. The thrill of finding a puzzle he couldn't solve thrilled him to no end and had driven him to become the man he was today.


As he added to his diagram, he felt that same feeling creeping into him. It made him almost forget about the loss of breath. This was a puzzle worth solving and it was far more intricate than a clock. This took into account the minute interactions of people. Everything from a raised eyebrow to a hand gesture very well could be important. The timing of those actions could be important. The company they kept could be important.


And the stakes were higher too. If he failed in this, no one would "tan his hide." Instead, someone would lose their life! 


It was exhilarating and frightening at the same time and Cog couldn't pull himself away. 


When he finally left the house, he carried with him multiple canvases, rolled into cylinders. He stepped out of his workshop and almost immediately tried to shield his eyes from the sun, thus causing him to drop half of the rolls. 


As he gathered them back up, he overheard Gammer asking where he had been. 


He finished picking up the other canvases and then gestured with the final one. 

"My dear lady, I have been hard at work, solving this entire dilemma for us! I have here multiple lines of connections and conversions that will help us locate the final Pahn Kahl! 


You see, when you get right down to it, the interactions of people aren't much different than any other mechanism. You just have to be willing to look at and figure out the nuances to determine their behavior. Thus, I have a list of suspects, as is befitting since they are likely working together, that I believe are not who they say they are."


Cog decided not to wait until he reached one of the typical meeting places to reveal his information. Instead, he sat down right there in the middle of the street and started laying out his sheets of canvas. 


"As you can see here, there are quite a few ties between Wyrm and the Pahn Kahl, Jeo, that was luckily killed last night. Our faithful bodyguard, Grim has his own connections. Both of these people need to be watched carefully, as there is a good chance that they were working with Jeo. Elo, in his violent rampages has also benefited the Pahn Kahl cause. 


If we look here, we can see that some people are unlikely to be Pahn Kahl. Our wanderer, Thomas would've been one of their first targets and since they couldn't know whether or not he was important, they likely chose the outsider at random, but that might just be a clever ploy. Obviously, Aodan is trustworthy, as even the lines of connection state as much. 


It's the same as any other machine," he said as he stood up, leaving his papers scattered around him. "The gears that are out of place will eventually reveal themselves. The machine won't work otherwise. What we have here is a village that doesn't work properly. As such, the faulty gears stand out."


He gave a pointed stare at Gammers, but other than that, he crossed his arms and stood as if he challenged someone to defy his logic. 

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"Phaw!" Gammer exclaimed at Cog's challenge. "You come out here sounding all fancy and talking about complexity and precision, but you fail to back up your arguments.
You say Wyrm or Grim have connections to the Pahn Kahl, but how? What exactly has Elo said/done in his rampages that benefit them? And how has Thomas been cleared, exactly, also? A clockmaker knows that you can talk about wheels and gears all you want, but at the end of the day your clock is either going to work or it isn't. You just need to give it the right guts. And that's what your accusations are missing, Cog. Guts."

OOC: Well, you did kind of stare Gammer down. Any brashness/confrontational tone in the RP is of course just Gammer being herself. But this is my way of saying I'm unconvinced, Cog. You may very well have some decent suspects, but you're going to need to back it up.
I mostly just threw your name out there in Red because you taught us the best way to get people talking was to vote for them, and I was just curious as to why you weren't as active since Aodan vouched for you.

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