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Quick Fix Game 33 - Deception: Murder in the Cosmere


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Well played everyone! @MetaTerminal, it seems we should have gone with your hunch instead of mine for who the witness was after all.

I like the ideas being presented here for adding to the game, in particular the 'false trail' and the vote for which card to pick ones.

Edit: @Kidpen, yeah, I seem to be evil a lot these last couple of games, but before that I had a 7+ game streak of being village. i guess I'll just have to go sacrifice some animal crackers to the gods of luck and chance to stop them from messing with stuff like this.

Edited by randuir
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I'm in.  After not having very much success selling insurance, Larry has decided not to rejoin Investicon this year.  However, during a holiday gathering, where he was talking about his experience, his brother Harry, a B-movie actor, became interested and has decided to attend.

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I’ll sign up as Higsedal (pronunciation here when I’m at a computer), a normally-regular guy who has access to a massive library of copperminds of his deceased ancestors and close relatives; when he dies, he will use the Spike of the Second Henksid (the first Henksid died before storing memories) to store his memories within the library.

He does not possess a vast number of skills, however; he just can access the memories of those before him. He just doesn’t, though, because he doesn’t trust himself with such a wealth of knowledge, and experiences. He’d go insane with so much information; instead of accessing the Great Copper Library, he studies diligently to prepare his mind for the event that he will need the expertise of those gone before him.

He doesn’t know that the last person to store their memories lost the spike, however. Don’t ask me how they lost the spike while they were dying. I guess they dropped it in an air duct or something.

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13 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I guess I'm not going to join this one. It runs through the first 3 days I'll be back to school, and I should probably be focusing my energy on other things. Thanks for running it though, Wyrmhero!

You’re welcome! And I’m Herowannabe, not Wyrmhero. ;):lol: 

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I sat down for a few minutes and played around with the location tiles, and here is what I came up with. Thoughts?

Location of Crime #1
Sitting Room

Location of Crime #2
Town Square

Location of Crime #3
Big City
Small Town

Location of Crime #4

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35 minutes ago, Herowannabe said:

I sat down for a few minutes and played around with the location tiles, and here is what I came up with. Thoughts?

This is a good change. They are still specific enough that it wouldn't be impossible to glean some information out of it (like you're probably not going to get deathweed bark in a mansion), but not too specific that you can eliminate more than half of the results.

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Whoops, I messed up the countdown timer. I meant for signups to be open until 9:00 local time (an hour and fifteen minutes from now). So cycle 0 will start sometime after then, and in the meantime if there are any latecomers you are still welcome to sign up. 



I'm running behind tonight because I was doing birthday stuff with family, but I'm working on getting the game set up and should have it up soon. Thanks for your patience. 

Edited by Herowannabe
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Day 0: There's always another one

All the Investicon attendees returned to the convention hall with a spring in their step (well, except for the ones that didn't). They were pleased with themselves for having captured the Assassin and his Accomplice, and were looking to celebrate by feasting on punch and cookies. As they walked they chatted and congratulated each other on their success, though a few of them wondered what had happened to the Chief Oracle. Old Eban hadn't been seen in hours. They thought that he would have wanted to be present for the arrest and the celebrations.

When they reached the entrance to the convention hall they noticed a note written in beautiful calligraphy pinned to the door. It read:



Dear Investigators,

Congratulations on your success in capturing the Assassin! Of course I knew that you would succeed. I am an Oracle, after all. Foreseeing the Future is what I do. And the Past. The Present, too. I do a lot of foreseeing. 

Anyway, just as I foresaw your success, I foresaw what would happen next. There is a copycat Assassin among you! Following in the footsteps of the first Assassin, they snuck away during the recent confusion and performed a terrible murder of their own. This time I could tell you exactly who did it, but what's the fun in that? I foresee what a fun time you will be having by the time you read this note, so I'm sure you'll enjoy another game. 

I have hidden a number of clues in my workshop that will give you hints as to which person among you is the Assassin. Go there now, and search until you find them all! I wish you luck in finding the Assassin before they slip away- I foresee that you're going to need it!


-Eban Naworeh

Chief Oracle of Silverlight


PS: Be careful searching my shop. Many of the artifacts and relics there are explosive, poisonous, soul-draining, or made out of materials known by the State of California to cause cancer. 

PPS: Also, by the time you read this I will have been kidnapped by the Assassin. Help me!

Round #2 has begun! The spreadsheet has been prepped and I've made a few tweaks to hopefully balance the game a little bit. I removed the Location tile with all the shardworlds on it, and added a new tiles and mixed things a round a little until I was satisfied with the locations. You can see them in the "Scene Tiles" tab in the spreadsheet. Also, each player is being assigned 5 Methods and 5 Evidences. Hopefully with these changes it will make it a bit trickier to solve the crime. 

Player List:

# Player Name Methods of Murder Pieces of Evidence
1 Elandera / Oyh Sword, Deathweed Bark, Meekers, Dreok's Axe, Aon Daa (Power),  Axehound Pup, Bullet Casings, Aluminum Hat, Ancient Text, Tears of Edgli Flowers, 
2 MetaTerminal / Felksi Fenweed Poison, Rathbore Monk, Scarf, Koloss Blade, Surgebinding,  White Sand, Withered Hand, Singed Cloak, Aviar Feather, Message Written in Blood, 
3 Snipexe / The Witness Steelrunning, Nightmaw, Nightblood, Midnight Essence, Poisoned Wine,  Pet Monkey, Red Flag, Ceremonial Bowl, Piece of Ralkalest, Religious Text, 
4 Droughtbringer / In Bloodsealing, Metal Poisoning, Rioting, Dagger, Punch,  Water Bottle, Chull Dung, Vandalism, Dust, False Beard, 
5 Madagascar / Mad Acid, Dueling Cane, Bow & Arrow, Ettmetal Explosion, Aimian,  Children’s Book, Cracked Gemstone, Fancy Dress, Larkin Corpse, Boots, 
6 Steeldancer / Squid of Steel Skeletals , Enhanced Strength, Poisoned Needle, Backbreaker Powder, Atium,  Ice, Blood, Straw Man, Scorch marks, Vandalized Statue, 
7 Paranoid King / The Ghost of John Smith Blackbane Leaf, Deathants, Birchbane, Whitespine, Awakened Rope,  Triangular Razors, Aon Kii, Pot of Stew, Aon Ashe Plate, Spectacles, 
8 Randuir / Holmlock Shears Bare Hands, Burned at the Stake, Obsidian Axe, Swampvine, Kick,  Tattoo, Survivor Pendant, Crem , Firemoss, Hairpin, 
9 I Think I am Here. / Itiah VII Lost Divine Breath, Dakhor Ritual, Shades, Blood Loss, Venomous Bite,  Horseshoes, Stick, Empty Vial, Ink, Spanreed, 
10 Bort / May Bebort Jeskeri Cult Ritual, Booby Trap, Mistwraith, Grandbow, Firesnap Lizards,  Bones, Footprint, Cigar Case, RaiDel Pepper, Lavis Beer, 
11 Rathmaskal / Harry Hemalurgic Chimera, Smoke, Toxic Fungus, Glass Dagger, Air-powered Crossbow,  Artifact, Scorch Marks, Dirt, Priest’s Robes, Fashion Magazine, 
12 Devotary of Spontaneity / Fourth of the Twilight Poisoned Dart, Cut-away vines, Torture, Highstorm, Shardplate,  Broadsheet, Aon Reod, Crab Legs, Map, Wetleek Sap Trail, 
13 A Joe in the Bush / Various Divide Beheading, Shardblade, Cliff, Deepwalker, Betrayal,  Medallion, Lockpicks, Safehand Glove, Soulstamp, Shu-Korath Pendant, 
14 Kidpen / Alvron Duel, Hammer, Patji’s Finger, Strangle, Hook,  Aonic Dictionary, Purple Blood Droplets, MaiPon Sticks, Saddle Strap, Lak, 
15 Cadmium Compounder / Spork Soulcasting, Explosion, Lifeless Soldier, Rifle, Dehydration,  Hoofprints, Glow Paste, Wig, Smoke, Rotspren, 
16 Walin / Higsedal The Shaod, Chasmfiend, Black Frayn, Fire, Martial Arts,  Forged Painting, Infused Spheres, A'kar's Symbol, Lamp, Skull, 

Link to the spreadsheet

Link to the Rules


Working on sending out PMs to everyone. If you don't receive one within an hour after this post is made, shoot me a PM and let me know.

The Assassin has 1 day (actually a little less, so I can get us on a rollover schedule that I can handle) to pick their Method of Murder and Key Evidence and PM them to me, and then Day 1 can begin. Good luck everyone!



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I am hyped. Hopefully these changes won’t swing the game too far in the Assassin’s favour. But there’s only one way to find out!

EDIT: Here's some RP.


Felksi wasn't like his older brother. He wasn't a thief, not always, and he was never a liar. Felksi always tried to tell the truth to people, even when it got him in trouble. Some said he wasn't as bright as his brother, either. And sometimes, on the darkest days, he believed they were right.

Not today. While he had no doubt Selksi had committed the crime, Felksi knew that he was a good person. His brother had layers, like... something. The metaphor escaped him.

But arriving at the conference, seeing his brother behind the thick metal bars, gave him a purpose. Selksi was too far gone, he knew. Someone had once told him that he had thrown in his lot with the wrong people, whatever that meant. But Felk had something to prove. He needed to prove that not all criminals were bad people, and not all Yzik siblings deserved to be incarcerated. He had come to pay his brother respects, but now he needed to prove to these investigators, with their accusing eyes and untrusting movements, that even the brother of a murderer could do the right thing.


Edited by MetaTerminal
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Despite the recent murdering, I am feeling quite jolly.

I'm quite convinced the culprit soon will realize his folly.

Our oracle will soon return when he has had his fill.

(When you can see the future you can bend it to your will.)

His delays last investicon put us all under some strain,

While kidnapped, he will surely drive the murderer insane!

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5 minutes ago, Herowannabe said:

PS: Be careful searching my shop. Many of the artifacts and relics there are explosive, poisonous, soul-draining, or made out of materials known by the State of California to cause cancer

That part kills me (living in California and seeing this notice on things like lumber always makes me roll my eyes).


Oyh smiled, feeling stormlight running through his veins. During the break at Investicon, he'd sent Veh out to do a little hunting. The spren had come back with exactly what he needed: charged spheres, straight from Roshar.

If Veh could find that, then they could find a way home. And soon, if he left now.

However, he'd heard there was a new mystery, a new murder to solve. Oyh had felt so alive when he'd figured out the clues to the first murder so quickly. Could he pass up another chance to do that again?

No. He couldn't. So he made his way back to the convention center.

The murderer might consider him a threat after what happened, so he'd need to be careful. He'd need to be in disguise. And a good disguise always started with a hat.

He picked up an aluminum-lined hat as he walked back into the main room of Investicon. As he moved it in front of his face, he breathed out a little stormlight. It shaped around his face, making his nose slightly larger, his eyes a dark brown instead of pale green, and his hair black instead of blonde. 

"Mmm. Good lie," buzzed Veh, who sat comfortably on the inside of his suit jacket.

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Itiah VII was one of the few who had a spring to their step. He had been reused! The very fact that he had been in two games was yet another sigh of his writer’s inability to think of any original character ideas, but it meant Itiah VII could resume his fourth-wall breaking shennagins.

As he read the note explaining the second murder, he took another yawn, an excited one, if that was even possible. He quickly summed up in his head whether sequels were better or worse than the originals.

Hmm, let’s see. The Dark Knight, Empire Strikes Back, Blade Runner 2049, Spider-Man 2, Terminator 2.

All good so far.

Jaws: The Revenge, Son of the Mask, Batman & Robin, The Lost World, The Exorcist II, Matrix Reloaded, Horrible Bosses 2, Hot Tub Time Machine 2, Taken 2, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Robocop 2, Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem, Speed 2, Godfather III, Superman IV, Matrix Revolutions, Spider-Man 3, Grease 2.

The Well of Ascension.

Huh, they really were screwed. As Itiah ran around to the other characters, frantically telling them to get their character development on, he wondered what the murderer would pick this time as their means.

Hopefully, it wouldn’t be another ‘prodegè’ case, where the second murderer was secretly the long time prodegè of another murderer, who was secretly the long time prodegè of the original murderer. He’d seen Saw do that, which is probably why their movies sucked after III.

Quickly bringing a character up and telling them they needed a compelling character arc, he wondered what his own arc would be. He shrugged. That was his writer’s job, not his. His was to solve the murder.

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