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Dear esteemed member of the Northern government,

You have been cordially invited to a discussion on trade policies between the South and the North. We need to establish better and more consistent rules for the exchange of goods. You would like to make use of our medallions and technology while we would like to make use of your metalborn. In addition, we think this meeting could be beneficial towards the general fostering of positive relations between all nations of the South. Thank you. Please meet us at our landing space, where our airship will be waiting for you. Masks will be provided. We hope you will be able to attend.


Dallek, Malwish ambassador.


Basic Stuff:


This game will run in day and night phases as normal. Day phases are 48 hours long and night phases are 24 hours long. In addition, there is a 24 hour "Cycle 0" at the beginning of the game.

Rollover is at 10 PM MST.

PMs are closed.

There is a day lynch. In the event of a tie, one player will be lynched at random. Only one person is required for a lynch to happen.



Northern Aristocrats:
The Northern Aristocrats are the village. Their win condition is for all Southern Scadrians to be dead.

Southern Scadrians:
The Southern Scadrians are the eliminators. They have a team doc.

During Cycle 0 they will submit a list of players to receive medallions. This may be as many people as they want, but there is a maximum of 5 of each type of medallion.

They get a group kill each night.

Their win condition is to outnumber the Northern Aristocrats.

Medallion Rules:


Medallions can be any role. Each medallion grants the power to the person who has it. After one full cycle having a medallion, it will randomly be passed to a different player. This happens no matter who has the medallion. This recharges the medallion as if it was just made. If someone dies with a medallion, the medallion is destroyed. The night kill takes place before medallion passing.

One of each type of medallion will automatically be created day one.

Medallion Roles:


Unless stated otherwise, these can each be used once per cycle. If a player has the same medallion twice, there is no further effect then what it would be with only one. Passive roles are always in use. Night actions take effect in between the night and the day while day actions take effect in between the day and the night. Passive abilities are always active. 
ne of each type of medallion is automatically included on Day 1.


Steel: You can prevent someone from receiving any medallions next day. (Night)

Iron: You may ironpull to have a guarantee of at least one medallion next day. In the situation where this is impossible to do, some people will not receive one. In a conflict between Steel and Iron, one of the two will win at random. (Night)

Pewter: You gain one extra life from kills, including lynches. After taking affect one time, this no longer can be used regardless of new medallions. This medallion is destroyed after it’s used. In addition, any extra pewter medallions owned by the same person will be destroyed along with it. (Passive)

Tin: You know all players who have a specific type of medallion. If done at night, this will inform you after medallions pass. (Day or Night)

Zinc: You may change one person who has not voted to voting on a player of your choice. (Day)

Brass: You may disable one player’s vote for one cycle. (Day)

Copper: You are immune to bronze, zinc, and brass. (Passive)

Bronze: You may find out the medallions one player uses that turn, including passive medallions. (Day or Night)

Electrum: You can find out where one of your medallions goes. You do not get to choose which one you find out about. (Night)

Gold: You can see all of the medallions that were passed on last night. (Day)

Bendalloy: Whoever is lynched this turn will be able to survive until the end of the night. However, it will be announced in the night thread both who was lynched and the vote count.  (Day)

Cadmium: Voting will end five minutes early, adding on if done multiple times. The lynched will still not be lynched until the next turn, and it will not be announced that this happened until they are. This can take affect a maximum of five times per turn. (Day)

Duralumin: Each other power you have can be used twice this cycle. (Passive)

Nicrosil: You can choose one person to be able to use their powers twice in the same amount of time. This takes effect the following day. They will be informed of this. (Night)

Chromium: You may use this on one person and all of their passive affects will be disabled and their actions will fail. Bronze will not be effective on them. This takes effect the following day. (Night)

Aluminum: If you use this all medallions you get next day will have no abilities and be undetectable by bronze. (Night)

Hello, and welcome to LG52! This is my first game, but hopefully it won't break.

Signups will close somewhere around February 17, although this could of course change depending on interest.

Player List:


1. Eternum

2. Droughtbringer/Kalin

3. Lumgol/Marwyn Hariel

4. Elandera

5. Rathmaskal 

6. I think I am here/the Masked Itiah

7. Ark1002

8. Steeldancer/me

9. Cadmium Compounder/Dee Dadean

10. xinoehp512/Ladem

11. Furamirionind

12. shanerockes/Timmy

13. Devotary of Spontaneity/Pyrhine

14. FatherTiempo/Khalder

15. Roadwalker/the Esteemed Dietrich Drake

16. Snipexe/Snip 

17. ElendVenture/Damon 

18. Fifth Scholar

Pinch Hitters:

1. Mailiw73

Rule Clarifications:



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Well, it's been a long time since I last played, but maybe it's about time I try again. I'll join!

A little clarification on medallions: The Southern Scadrians distribute some of them on Cycle 0, but are there other ways of getting them? Is it possible to give someone else a medallion you possess? Could the Southern Scadrians just give themselves medallions on Cycle 0?

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10 minutes ago, Eternum said:

Well, it's been a long time since I last played, but maybe it's about time I try again. I'll join!

A little clarification on medallions: The Southern Scadrians distribute some of them on Cycle 0, but are there other ways of getting them? Is it possible to give someone else a medallion you possess? Could the Southern Scadrians just give themselves medallions on Cycle 0?

Whoops. I missed something when I copied from the doc. Specifically, this text:

Medallions can be any role. Each medallion grants the power to the person who has it. After one full cycle having a medallion, it will randomly be passed to a different player. This happens no matter who has the medallion. This recharges the medallion as if it was just made. If someone dies with a medallion, the medallion is destroyed. The night kill takes place before medallion passing.

One of each type of medallion will automatically be created day one.

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2 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Whoops. I missed something when I copied from the doc. Specifically, this text:

Medallions can be any role. Each medallion grants the power to the person who has it. After one full cycle having a medallion, it will randomly be passed to a different player. This happens no matter who has the medallion. This recharges the medallion as if it was just made. If someone dies with a medallion, the medallion is destroyed. The night kill takes place before medallion passing.

One of each type of medallion will automatically be created day one.

Ah, okay. Interesting. Thanks.

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I'll sign up as Dee Dadean

But my activity level will probably he significantly lower this game. Not so low as inactive, but restricted to one or 2 posts per cycle. 




Edited by Camium Compouner
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Also, for anyone paying attention, I have returned the Ds to my name, therefore, I am no longer Camium Compouner, but have returned to Cadmium Compounder. It was kind of necessary given mycharacter name of Dee Dadean

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12 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

Also, for anyone paying attention, I have returned the Ds to my name, therefore, I am no longer Camium Compouner, but have returned to Cadmium Compounder. It was kind of necessary given mycharacter name of Dee Dadean

Can you please explain to me the reason for that in the first place?

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24 minutes ago, FatherTiempo said:

And if so how do you decide what character?

You'll be assigned at the start of a game which role you'll have. Your RP doesn't have to be (actually advised to not be) the same as your role. RP characters just add flavor, but aren't required.

EDIT: Also, try to avoid double posting. If you need to add something and no one's posted (generally if not much time has passed), just click the edit button. :)

Welcome to SE!

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