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2 hours ago, FatherTiempo said:

Yes, I definitely want to join.

Could someone give a short, spoiler free, synopsis of second era politics and technology. I'm still in the first trilogy.

Umm, that's tough to answer, but well see what I can do. 

Spoiler about the groups of people mentioned in kidpens original post


So, as you could probably tell from the OP by kidpen, there are northern and southern Scadrians. During most of the known second era, most of the readers also do not know much of the politics between North and South Scadrial. So that makes it a bit more difficult to go without spoilers

Spoilers about the medallions mentioned in the OP


The medallions are somewhat based off feruchemy, in that they grant the user certain abilities that they wouldn't normally have. They are different in that anyone can use a charged medallion

 Spoilers about the government and politics


So, as you may know, era 2 takes place several hundred years after the events of era 1, therefore allowing for industrialization. The politics are the scadrial equivalent of the wild west, with the central/capital city being more of an 1800s large city feel(perhaps London or New York.)

The government is led by a governor, and the major house's, while still significant, are not as significant as they once were. 

The policing force is more bound by the laws and codes, and not as much of 'doing the errands of the man in power'(i.e. obligatory for TLR)

 Lastly, if possible, could we have someone read over my spoilers before @FatherTiempo reads them, just to make sure that theres nothing too spoiler-ey in them. I think the first and third spoilers are safer to read, but I'm not sure about the second. (But I also tried to be more vague about that spoiler)

Edit, also, like they mentioned, make your character, then RP based off of that character, not the role you were given. Last game I was RPing as a recovering druggie, who hated the letter D. So this game I'm RPing as Dee DaDean. I don't know his personality though. 

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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As the MR is probably going to put all the cards on the table in the next day or so, I'll sign up as the Esteemed Dietrich Drake, a civil servant and a distant descendant of the Honorable Dietrich Drake of auldene tyme. 


@FatherTiempo: Second era is set during Scadrial's industrial revolution, and some aspects of the trilogy deal with the out of work, angry masses who scrounge a living in huge industrialized factories, with coal and soot replacing the ash. Elements of higher society remain more similar to era 1. Due to some events at the end of the first trilogy, the continental geography has been drastically altered, and the main city is Elendel, after Elend Venture. It lies in a fertile basin, irrigated by natural canals. 

In regards to technology, Waxillium, the main character, flies around blasting away with revolvers and a double-barreled shotgun, while some characters prefer semi-automatic guns. There are automatic guns, but they more closely resemble a Maxim gun than a modern assault rifle. Electricity is in many homes, and cars are rapidly replacing carriages.


Edit: Ninja'd. @Cadmium Compounder, I think your spoilers are fine. relating to the second one, one can manipulate feruchemy in a way that they can make a metalmind available for any feruchemist to use.

Edited by Roadwalker
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56 minutes ago, FatherTiempo said:

Okay I'm Khalder, a beggar who's secretly a coinshot.

I see nothing wrong with that, as long as it does not interfere with the game, and you don't use the ability for anything other than RP, but someone else might have a different opinion...

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4 hours ago, Roadwalker said:

I see nothing wrong with that, as long as it does not interfere with the game, and you don't use the ability for anything other than RP, but someone else might have a different opinion...

I dont see what you are getting at... It should be completely fine. It isnt like if Tiempo attacked me with the coinshot abilities, Kidpen would actually kill me. (Unless he is an elim)

In LG51, Wormhero made me a coinshot in the final writeup even though I wasn't actually one. It was just for flavor

@FatherTiempo you can RP however you want, though sometimes it is hard to RP with others, some people (like myself this game) just wont be able to do it.

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I am signing up as Damon.



Name: Damon

Investiture: Coinshot (strong)

Special skills and weapons: Carries one glass knife (He knew a certain someone who had two and caught on, but broke the other in a fight) and a glass vial with steel shavings in it.  Is skilled at knife fighting and archery. Well trained in his skill set within allomancy. Stealth.

age: 24

Weakness: Loyal to friends and family to a point where he can be manipulated through them. He will do nearly anything to protect them. He is not that strong and relies on his powers as a steelburner just a bit too much.

Physical characteristics: About seventy inches tall, a slight man with a weight of about 130 pounds. Dark brown hair and sea green eyes and freckles on his face. Pale skin. Wears a black button down shirt and trousers. Usually with a black cloak.

Family: Mother, Father, brother, sister (all deceased)

Home planet: Scadrial

History/Biography: Born in 1002 CE to Nora, a skaa woman who had a secretly fell in love  with  a nobleman named Elandrial of House Tiekal. They ran off to the forest together to avoid the attack of the Lord Ruler as they raised a family. Second youngest, Damon's mother died in childbirth when he was five years old. His baby sister survived and him and his brother did there best to run the house while there father, presumed dead, by the nobles, worked as a skaa craftsman running a carpentry shop. He brought grain back to his family back in the forest. When he was 18 Damon snapped, attacked by a wolf while chopping lumber in the forest for his fathers carpentry shop. He went a year later to Luthadel to help provide his his family. He met the right people and after finding that, while running the carpentry shop while his father was checking on the rest of the family, they had been raided by the Canton of Inquisition, he began his personal war on the Empire. He was trained by an other assassin who was very talented. He worked  as an assassin doing any anything he could  as long as it will harm the Final Empire, the Ministrys, or noblemen. When the Empire fell, Damon was not sure what to do and ended up as a freelance assassin.



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9 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Assuming the game starts tomorrow, was it announced what time it is starting?

Just curious as I am still super busy, and it is looking like I may not be able to get on (more than 15 minutes) over the next 2 days, just so you all know.

10 MST is the plan. Ideally I'd have a couple more players, but I think this will work. 

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11 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Hmm, this looks intriguing but I’m not sure I’ll be able to join this one. Sign me up for the spec doc for now, and I’ll see if my schedule permits me to play. I will say that this medallion mechanic looks very neat, though. 

Yeah, so sorry to be that guy that joins at the last second, but my schedule’s looking like playing should be manageable, so please sign me up as Aliat, a middle-class businessman whose father told him that at some point in the distant past, his family had been noble. He’s also a Sliverist, but as worship of the Lord Ruler would be frowned upon among his business connections, he keeps that understandably quiet.

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Dallek walked through the hall, pondering the dilemma he would soon face. His assassins were to kill those invited to the discussion. Important members of the Northern government. Their deaths will cause an outrage. The goal, however, is that that outrage will be directed at the Hunters. They would stand no chance when the full might of the North stands against them. 

But that's looking into the future. For now, it simply must be decided how best to solve the initial goal. Some of the Northerners already have medallions, which will likely prove problematic. It's almost certain that some will need to be brought. But which ones? 


Role PMS should've all been sent out. Please let me know if you have not received yours. 

The IM is Alvron. 

Player List:


1. Eternum

2. Droughtbringer/Kalin

3. Lumgol/Marwyn Hariel

4. Elandera

5. Rathmaskal 

6. I think I am here/the Masked Itiah

7. Ark1002

8. Steeldancer/me

9. Cadmium Compounder/Dee Dadean

10. xinoehp512/Ladem

11. Furamirionind

12. shanerockes/Timmy

13. Devotary of Spontaneity/Pyrhine

14. FatherTiempo/Khalder

15. Roadwalker/the Esteemed Dietrich Drake

16. Snipexe/Snip 

17. ElendVenture/Damon 

18. Fifth Scholar


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On 2/10/2019 at 9:42 AM, Kidpen said:

There is a day lynch. In the event of a tie, one player will be lynched at random. Only one person is required for a lynch to happen.

@FatherTiempo, Yes lynches are fatal unless you have a role that says other wise. I would now move to the Cycle 0 thread for any ingame discussion.

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@FatherTiempo Here's the 0 Cycle. All new cycles will be posted in the main Sanderson Elimination thread. 

Lynches are decided by voting. You put the name of the person you think should be lynched in red. If you change your mind, put their name in green in a new post. 

Check out the general rules thread for more about how it works in most games.

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Hmm. Really, until the Eliminators disseminate metalminds, there isn’t much to be said. Anyone up for partnering with RP? I’m a little rusty on Scadrial Era 2 but hopefully I’ve remembered enough to do this justice. 

“...and that is why, after consulting with the Southern Scadrians, we believe they may actually have technology that we currently don’t.”

Aliat’s head snapped up. “That we don’t?” he repeated incredulously. “What could a backwater civilisation like theirs possibly possess that Elendel, the cultural capital of the world, does not?” 

“We do not know yet,” the presenter replied, jabbing a gloved finger at the map of the mountains. “It is believed that any technological secrets they hold are in their base, but that would require that we ascend to it; this would put us directly at their mercy. Instead, we are meeting them here.” Another finger jabbed, showing a valley between the mountains, and a small lodge at the end of a trail. “A more neutral site should deprive them of their ability to ambush us, allow us to use our numerical superiority should we be assailed, and reduce the effectiveness of any martial technology they may possess.” The man stood up straighter. “Your job is to watch our flanks, and ensure we aren’t circled. Are the two constable units provided sufficient to carry out this task?”

The soft rebuke stung. “I’m not incompetent yet, Lerdar. The constabulary should have enough firepower to ensure that nothing goes wrong. I assume your diplomats also know what they’re doing?” 

“Of course,” the smooth reply came. “Provided we aren’t attacked, this should be a wonderful opportunity for you all to learn something,” he said meaningfully, eyes probing the room. Aliat hated that about Lerdar; he always seemed to know more than you did, and go out of his way to make that discrepancy painfully clear. He wore a grimace, even as the presenter dismissed those in the group to begin preparing for the meeting with the Southerners. Watch the flanks, indeed. He would be watching the historic meeting that Lerdar would be helping to conduct, and anything else was mere folly. Still shaking his head, he walked towards the camp to don his uniform and to order the constabulary into action. He hoped the rumours about these new technologies were just that, rumours. Or else Elendel itself, and the whole great nation it governed, could be in grave peril. 

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