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Lum, I can't imagine why you are so specifically trying to avoid that post... That post alone is the one that makes you look suspicious, and instead of addressing it so we can move on, you are avoiding it.  You even could have said something as simple as, "What I meant by that was..." and that would have taken a lot of suspicion off you as well.

1 hour ago, Lumgol said:

So now you're suspecting me for finding 3 people worthy of a vote and actually voting for 2 of them? I honestly don't see how that can generate suspicion.

This seems indirectly contradictory to what you say here:

You were not voting because you find Elandera suspicious, but because there is a bandwagon, which as we already know, was a false statement.  AND this does not in itself, make someone worthy of a vote.

1 hour ago, Lumgol said:

If you think it makes me more credible if I end up voting for Fura? Sure. Xino. Furamirionind. It's pointless this round anyway, but next round, I'll see.

why are you voting for me? because it may make you seem more credible? in that case, the answer to your question is no, it will not make you seem more credible.  If you were voting on me due to analysis? sure, it would make you more credible.

why is this pointless this round? Are you implying you have pewter?

Sorry Lum, I feel compelled to support the lynch of you. I could continue with a summery of why (which the previous version of this message did), but I think it should be pretty clear by now why i am voting for you.  Though if you can address everything against you before rollover, I could probably be convinced to change it...


Edited by Furamirionind
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Most of the way through D1 (sorry, haven't had quite as much time to catch up as I'd planned) - at this point, I definitely see why the votes are coming on Lumgol.  It consistently seems like any of Lum's comments seem very much like someone trying to fit into a different culture.  Nothing seems...real.

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Alright! Guys, I think you're giving that post WAY too much attention as it wasn't very well thought out, and the truth is, I have no reason for not voting on Fura. It was purely gut feeling/I could reasonably see why I could vote for both of them and I had no reason to choose Elandera over Fura. There is nothing to be gained from that post. Yes, I see how it could mean that I'm purposely avoiding voting for Fura because of them being my teammate and hence us being elim. And, now that Fura's voting for me, that just discredits the supposed connection between us.

22 minutes ago, Rathmaskal said:

Most of the way through D1 (sorry, haven't had quite as much time to catch up as I'd planned) - at this point, I definitely see why the votes are coming on Lumgol.  It consistently seems like any of Lum's comments seem very much like someone trying to fit into a different culture.  Nothing seems...real.

So, the fact that my posts seem to be trying to fit in make me more likely to be elim? Or maybe it's just because I am new to this culture (SE) and it would be natural for me to take a while to adjust?

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A discovery was made during the day. Ladem had received a tin medallion, which he had used to deduce exactly who was lying when so many claimed to hold aluminum. Short work was made of Marwyn when it was discovered that she had lied about her power. However, even more of a surprise was realized after her death: she had good intentions all along. Rather than a sinister Southern Scadrian, she was simply an Aristocrat who had lied in a misguided attempt to support the others.


Lumgol has died! She was a Northern Aristocrat. No medallions were destroyed.

Lumgol (5) - xinoehp512, I think I am here., Roadwalker, Rathmaskal, Furamirionind,
Furamirionind (1) - Lumgol

Player list:



1. Eternum

2. Droughtbringer/Kalin

3. Lumgol/Marwyn Hariel-Northern Aristocrat

4. Elandera

5. Rathmaskal 

6. I think I am here/the Masked Itiah

7. Ark1002

8. Steeldancer/me

9. Cadmium Compounder/Dee Dadean-Northern Aristocrat 

10. xinoehp512/Ladem

11. Furamirionind

12. shanerockes/Timmy

13. Devotary of Spontaneity/Pyrhine

14. FatherTiempo/Khalder

15. Roadwalker/the Esteemed Dietrich Drake

16. Snipexe/Snip 

17. ElendVenture/Damon 

18. Fifth Scholar-Northern Aristocrat



Edited by Kidpen
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@Lumgol sorry I didn't see your response before you were eliminated.  Maybe it is due to the fact that you're relatively new to SE (heck, I've only been playing for about 8? months myself), but the tone of your posts didn't sound so much like an actual person trying to fit into a new location, but as someone trying to lie about who/what they were.  My wording may have been a bit off to relay that appropriately.

Now, to the vote, someone had a better read on Lumgol than the rest of us (or Kidpen didn't count correctly) but there were 5 people voting and the count says 4.

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A couple of quick thoughts right now to give my brain a break from work:

  • Fifth seemed to have a few posts with Fura as the target.  I agree with a lot of the logic Fifth threw out there, but it's tough to translate that to suspicion on Fura after Fifth was killed with the night kill.  I know that's a big strategy of mine when I'm elim...find someone who is throwing some good suspicion on another villager and then use the night kill on them to try to emphasize that suspicion...  Of course this really starts turning into some IKYK stuff at this point since everyone probably has the same idea...and then you can use that mindset against the village.  SO, with Fura, I kind of want to go back to another full analysis.
  • Devotary had at least one point that I feel ties to Fura a bit...  Right now Devotary is among my top suspicions for elim.  Basically, there's at least one post (I think two, sorry tough to grab quotes right now) where Devotary is tying various people to Fura...which could be an interesting way to pocket OR a way to try to pull suspicion off of Fura.  Basically, either way, as an elim, tie someone to people who are at risk of getting lynched (or night killed) and you are able to pull suspicion away from the player.  If they're elim, well that's an easy connection.  If they're village, insta-pocket without really looking like you're pocketing.


  • Also, I think a lot of people missed the post since it was after a cycle closed, but @ElendVenture made a comment about being confused.  SO, I don't recall from when you signed up whether you mentioned you were experienced with the game of Mafia or not.  Basically, SE encompasses a bunch of modified versions of the game, but most of them, including this one, involve a majority of the players being on the village side (Northern Aristocrat in this game).  The goal of these people is to figure out who the eliminators are (Southern Scadrials in this game).  The first post of the original thread here will explain the various adjustments to the rules that are included in the game.  Right now, since it's still fairly early in the game, most people are doing their best to try to catch any slip that an eliminator might make, whether it be the tone of their post, potentially some information that eliminators might have that villagers wouldn't, or various potential contradictions in their posts.  If you're on the elim team, they may be wondering where you are.  You should have gotten a PM from Kidpen at the start of the game informing you of your role.  If you were elim, this would have contained a link to whatever doc the elims are using.  Hopefully this helps a bit.  Would love to see what perspective you can bring to the game!  If you are further confused, unfortunately PMs are closed for this game, so other players in the game can't really do much to help you out (other than posts like this in thread) but you can use your GM PM (the PM Kidpen initially sent you) to ask any game/rule-specific questions.
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So, first off, I'd like to apologize for my inactivity the past couple of cycles. It's been.. a little bit hectic. I'm going to have to do a reread of the thread to figure out what was going on, but something I'd like to note is that we should look back at the first day and night, to see if anyone was being overtly suspicious of Lum. The elims would have known she was lying, and so they would have been trying to frame her specifically. I know this isn't much contribution, especially considering a scan would normally benefit the village and, as such, villagers would also be pushing for a Tin scan.. but I figured this was worth mentioning.

I had two Bendalloy medallions and I did intend to use one, but I forgot..

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11 minutes ago, Roadwalker said:

bendalloy is bad for the village though, right? since we have less information?

I think most of the time it is, but if we were lynching someone who we are confident we know the alignment of, it maybe good to use bendalloy as if the person is elim, it gives the lynchee more opportunity to give us info on potential teammates, and if they are village, then it doesn't matter, as it won't impact voting the following day, as they die that night.
Though this circumstance is few and far between.

Another advantage could be that it delays the destruction of medallions by a cycle, and allows the player to communicate scans or results of actions taken during the day. (For instance, a Tin scan). These scans would then be verified immediately afterwards by their death, so we know immediately if they were telling the truth or lying.  This is probably the main reason for a villager to use bendalloy.

17 minutes ago, Eternum said:

but something I'd like to note is that we should look back at the first day and night, to see if anyone was being overtly suspicious of Lum. The elims would have known she was lying, and so they would have been trying to frame her specifically. 

I don't know, no one seemed overly suspicious of Lum in my opinion.  No one seemed confident, and while Elandera did by far most of the Lum analysis, she didn't think everything Lum did fit into an elim playstyle.  Though her conclusion was that Lum was a new elim, I personally think that Lum didn't play like a standard elim or villager, or like what I have seen of a Lum villager (granted it was her first game).  So I think that this conclusion was one based in a decent enough amount of fact to justify a lynch.

These first couple lynch discussions may help us catch an elim later, but I personally don't think they mean a whole lot at this moment, as every lynch we have had, has had it's analysis from either confirmed villagers (ie Fifth and CadCom) or had undeniable amounts of suspicion (ie Lum)

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3 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

I've got a lot more medallions, I'll get a list in a second.

We are not claiming medallions we have this turn, just the ones we had last turn. (Unless you want to claim 5 aluminum... I doubt the elims would want to kill you then. Granted, you would likely be lying about what medallions you have, and therefore might be killed for that as there is a chance you are trying to conceal a valuable medallion...)

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RaLeen had seen plenty of political intrigue and deception in her years - she was part of the Eighth Generation, after all - but this debacle with the Southern Scadrians was unique. A whole new peoples, which Harmony only hinted at, come to meet with Elendel. There was so much potential for good, but someone wanted to ruin it.

Aliat had even been killed. He was a bit... stuffy, but he'd at least been willing to talk. Now everyone seemed to be clamming up. How was a modern Kandra supposed to get information now? It's not like RaLeen could just eat someone and take their place. Harmony frowned on that, and RaLeen was trying to behave.

She'd have to rely on talking then. She walked up to a group that was gathered, and smiled. "Anyone know who we're looking for? Because I sure don't."

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11 hours ago, Rathmaskal said:

Basically, either way, as an elim, tie someone to people who are at risk of getting lynched (or night killed) and you are able to pull suspicion away from the player.  If they're elim, well that's an easy connection.  If they're village, insta-pocket without really looking like you're pocketing.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this. In the one example we have of this, my tying Lum to Fura(the player who risked being lynched) did not draw any suspicion away from Lum; if anything the link made her seem more suspicious. I feel like your claim is only true if the player at risk of dying actually dies and is revealed to be a villager.

9 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Another advantage could be that it delays the destruction of medallions by a cycle, and allows the player to communicate scans or results of actions taken during the day.

I tend to feel that this advantage outweighs any disadvantage of not knowing the alignment of the lynchee until the next day turn. If we had kill roles, or protects, or any sort of night scan that could indicate guilt, it might be useful to learn whether or not we should be searching for elim teammates among those linked to the dead player and whether we have any soft-cleared villagers, but since we don't have any such abilities, we don't lose too much from not receiving immediate feedback. Anecdotal evidence suggests that we get more discussion when the lynchee survives, though it is yet to be seen whether this trend continues. 

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Rathmaskal has died! He was a Northern Aristocrat. No medallions were destroyed with him.

The Day will last for 48 hours until 10 PM MST on Wednesday, February 27th.

Player List:


1. Eternum

2. Droughtbringer/Kalin

3. Lumgol/Marwyn Hariel-Northern Aristocrat

4. Elandera

5. Rathmaskal -Northern Aristocrat

6. I think I am here/the Masked Itiah

7. Ark1002

8. Steeldancer/me

9. Cadmium Compounder/Dee Dadean-Northern Aristocrat 

10. xinoehp512/Ladem

11. Furamirionind

12. shanerockes/Timmy

13. Devotary of Spontaneity/Pyrhine

14. FatherTiempo/Khalder

15. Roadwalker/the Esteemed Dietrich Drake

16. Snipexe/Snip 

17. ElendVenture/Damon 

18. Fifth Scholar-Northern Aristocrat


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1 hour ago, Roadwalker said:

Under the rules for gold, it says "Day"

How did that work out, doing it at night?

Last cycle, I had a tin medallion. I scanned for gold during the day and Ark was the only player with a gold medallion, and should have been able to make a gold scan D2. While it's arguable that gold scans are only useful once and Ark should have instantly revealed the results last night so as to avoid dying prematurely, that did not appear to be the case, and I didn't want to out him last night in case he couldn't come back before rollover. 

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