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13 minutes ago, Droughtbringer said:

Wasn't actually Bendalloy. 

I had a Pewter medallion, and didn't realize that the lynch was going for me when I signed on last, and thusly never said anything about it. Sorry  :/ 

Storms, you’re right. Kidpen worded it differently than he did when someone used Bendalloy. 

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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

I like how Maill is just casually separated from everyone else on the player list :P 


2 hours ago, Droughtbringer said:

I noticed that and forgot to comment on it!

Same. Not sure what that means. :P Well, Drought, should we use another lynch on you next cycle?

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So I had gold yesterday, and this was the result I got:

Steel: 1
Iron: 4
Pewter: 3
Tin: 5
Zinc: 1
Brass: 0
Copper: 2
Bronze: 1
Electrum: 3
Gold: 1
Bendalloy: 3
Cadmium: 3
Duralumin: 1
Nicrosil: 0
Chromium: 1
Aluminum: 2

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Just now, Steeldancer said:

Uh, what do you mean lylo? we probably have 7 villagers, 3 elims. We're fine. And I'm suspicious. 

That's what I get for not counting/not paying attention. I assumed due to inactivity that we had 7 total players. I get that that totally seems suspicious, that's my bad. 

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18 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

But Roadwalker was an elim. You think there were 5 elims to start? that would be a bit OP. 

Oh right. XD I was thinking that 7-3 had been my estimate this turn, but you’re right, that was last turn. 

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So Snipexe's gold scan claims that Roadwalker was telling the truth with his gold scan. That still suggests that shane soothed me, but as nobody has claimed brass and Xino says there isn't any, I'm struggling to come up with alternative explanations. 

I admit to being unsure as to why Drought was lynched last cycle. Maill seemed to have largely cleared everyone except for Drought and I, for reasons I m not quite sure of. Fura created a group of suspects based on forgetting that CadCom had an aluminium medallion when he died, but then never updated their suspicions when that fact was realised, and didn't come back to change their vote.

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2 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

So Snipexe's gold scan claims that Roadwalker was telling the truth with his gold scan. That still suggests that shane soothed me, but as nobody has claimed brass and Xino says there isn't any, I'm struggling to come up with alternative explanations. 

I admit to being unsure as to why Drought was lynched last cycle. Maill seemed to have largely cleared everyone except for Drought and I, for reasons I m not quite sure of. Fura created a group of suspects based on forgetting that CadCom had an aluminium medallion when he died, but then never updated their suspicions when that fact was realised, and didn't come back to change their vote.

One/both of you and Steel are my top suspicions. Then Snipe. Everyone else I'm willing to clear for now, except maybe Itiah. And since we have 3 elims probably, I have a decent chance at getting it mostly right. 

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Sorry it took a while to get up, I couldn't get away to post this. Expect your PM soon. All PMs are out.

Mailliw has died! He was a Northern Aristocrat!

The Day will end at 7 AM MST on March 10th.


1. Mailliw73-Northern Aristocrat.

2. Droughtbringer/Kalin

3. Lumgol/Marwyn Hariel-Northern Aristocrat

4. Elandera-Northern Aristocrat

5. Rathmaskal -Northern Aristocrat

6. I think I am here/the Masked Itiah

7. Ark1002

8. Steeldancer/me

9. Cadmium Compounder/Dee Dadean-Northern Aristocrat 

10. xinoehp512/Ladem

11. Furamirionind

12. shanerockes/Timmy-Northern Aristocrat

13. Devotary of Spontaneity/Pyrhine

14. FatherTiempo/Khalder

15. Roadwalker/the Esteemed Dietrich Drake-Southern Scadrian

16. Snipexe/Snip 

17. ElendVenture/Damon-Northern Aristocrat

18. Fifth Scholar-Northern Aristocrat


Edited by Kidpen
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Well, looks like the elims were finally threatened enough by Maill to kill him. 
I am increasingly suspicious of Ark being part of the elim team. There are probably 3 left, and while I think some of the active people (currently I'm thinking Snipexe and Devotary) are elims as well, I want to keep them around primarily so that people are still talking in thread, and to be more sure of my guesses. My guess is that Ark is an inactive member of the eliminator team, and thus is a great option to lynch. 
Last cycle, I had 2 bendalloy. Didn't use them, though. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Guys, this is ridiculous. We need more posts. @Arky-boi still has yet to respond to the votes on him, but still. We’re like 1 or 2 cycles away from Lylo, and no one is saying anything. I’ll look through previous players posts, and try to figure out some analysis, but we’re going to need everyone on deck if we’re going to stop the Elims. I know I’m not a shining example of activity, but please.

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I had tin, aluminium, iron, and bendalloy last cycle. I wasted my scan confirming that Steeldancer did have two bendalloy. Assuming Snipexe's gold claim is correct, there were 28 other medallions + Drought's pewter out there last cycle. Does anybody know where they all went?

In terms of suspicions, I plan to run my Ark + Snip theory into the ground if need be. I'm somewhat confident in Fura, Xino, and FatherTiempo, and Itiah being villagers, with Steel and Drought being question marks.  


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