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I don't know if people have already talked about this, but I'm gonna talk anyway. ;)

I was re-reading Secret History, when I read something strange. I was at the part when Kelsier is spying on the Ire, and he describes one of the leaders as the following:

"Wizened, dried up, the woman had puckered lips, a bald scalp, and strange silvery-dark skin. She glowed faintly..." I don't know about you, but that sounds like an Elantrian. I don't know if Secret History is before or after the restoration of Elantris, but still.

Later, Kelsier has a vision, "As she said the word, this time Kelsier got a sense of it's meaning in the language of the green plants. It meant "Age," and he had a sudden impression of a strange symbol made from four dots and some lines that curved, like ripples in a river."

That sounds like an Aon to me, but what do you guys think? :huh:

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Yes, that's what I assumed when I read it. It makes sense, I suppose. I mean, he's able to understand the Ire's language. The Ire are pretty obviously from Sel. They have the right types of names and someone says, "Merciful Domi" at one point.

Edited by Shard of Thought
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1 minute ago, Shard of Thought said:

I'm really not an expert

Me neither. I was told by @Mailnaise, my sister, that the pool outside of Elantris is Cultivation's perpendicularity. If that is true, that would explain how an Elantrian got to the Cognitive Realm.

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6 minutes ago, Shardbearer said:

Cultivation's? No, she's on Roshar. It would be Aona or Skai's or maybe a perpendicularity for the Dor since there's no vessel for the Shards and their power is pressed together in the Cognitive Realm.

Coppermind says its  Aona's perpendicularity.


8 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I'm also wondering what that orb was. The one that he stole? I have no idea. :huh:



You know the orb that Kelsier uses to Connect to Preservation? What magic system is that from?

Brandon Sanderson



Is it one we've seen?

Brandon Sanderson



Not extensively though?

Brandon Sanderson

I'll just say, technically yes. That's all I'll say.

White Sand vol.1 Orem signing (June 29, 2016)
15 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Me neither. I was told by @Mailnaise, my sister, that the pool outside of Elantris is Cultivation's perpendicularity. If that is true, that would explain how an Elantrian got to the Cognitive Realm.

It would not need to be cultivation's shard pool any perpendicularity would work.



Question about Elantris real quick. In your [Arcanum] Unbound[ed], they show up. Is this post or pre Elantris. Because they're so well organized in that one.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

So, that is post Elantris. But, the Ire weathered the [Reod].


Oh they come back. And they remember everything.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

They were not on Sel when the [Reod] happened.

Idaho Falls signing (July 21, 2018)



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3 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:


You know the orb that Kelsier uses to Connect to Preservation? What magic system is that from?

Brandon Sanderson



Is it one we've seen?

Brandon Sanderson



Not extensively though?

Brandon Sanderson

I'll just say, technically yes. That's all I'll say.

When Brandon says RAFO, I wonder what book we will have to read to find out. 

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21 hours ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Me neither. I was told by @Mailnaise, my sister, that the pool outside of Elantris is Cultivation's perpendicularity. If that is true, that would explain how an Elantrian got to the Cognitive Realm.

I said it was either Dominion or Devotion's I couldn't remember. Definitely not Cultivation

@Kelsier'sGodComplex Be more careful quoting me.

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On 2/12/2019 at 4:37 PM, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I don't know if people have already talked about this, but I'm gonna talk anyway. ;)

I was re-reading Secret History, when I read something strange. I was at the part when Kelsier is spying on the Ire, and he describes one of the leaders as the following:

"Wizened, dried up, the woman had puckered lips, a bald scalp, and strange silvery-dark skin. She glowed faintly..." I don't know about you, but that sounds like an Elantrian. I don't know if Secret History is before or after the restoration of Elantris, but still.

Later, Kelsier has a vision, "As she said the word, this time Kelsier got a sense of it's meaning in the language of the green plants. It meant "Age," and he had a sudden impression of a strange symbol made from four dots and some lines that curved, like ripples in a river."

That sounds like an Aon to me, but what do you guys think? :huh:

Good catch!  I totally missed that when I read Secret History.  Yes, the Ire are all Elantrians.  We don't know a whole lot about them, but Brandon has stressed that they are old - "very, very, very, very old."  

The Coppermind doesn't have much, but here's what Arcanum has on them: https://wob.coppermind.net/adv_search/?tags=ire


On 2/12/2019 at 5:14 PM, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

When Brandon says RAFO, I wonder what book we will have to read to find out. 

When Brandon says RAFO, it doesn't always literally mean "read and find out."  It's basically his version of "no comment" - it could mean that he doesn't feel like answering, it could be a spoiler for a future book, it could be way off base, it could mean that he just feels like trolling us.  

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On 2/12/2019 at 2:43 PM, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I'm just wondering what Aon he saw. Is there an Aon for age? Also, how could he understand their language? 

On 2/12/2019 at 2:44 PM, Shard of Thought said:

And I don't know how he can understand them, but it probably has something to do with Connection and maybe being in the Cognitive Realm? I'm really not an expert. 

I don't know if we have a definite answer for why Kelsier could understand their language, but Kelsier himself has some musing in Secret History during the event.

When Kelsier arrives at the Ire fortress, he discovers the conduit attached to the building, energizing the building itself. After experimenting on the fortress wall with his hand, he is immediately given an impression of an unfamiliar, far away, land (with striking green plants). This experience is something similar he has had with his staff, cloak, fire, etc, that he has picked up on his journey. He realizes that these stones aren't actual "stones, but the spirits of stones--like his spirit of a fire. They had been brought here and constructed into a building."

He notices that his various items he picked up back in Scadrial have started to fade, or deteriorate, the farther away from Scadrial he went. These stones, though far away, don't show any signs of deteriorating.


The energy must keep the stones from evaporating, Kelsier thought. All the souls he'd brought with him had begun to deteriorate, but these stones were solid and unbroken. Those tiny lines of power were somehow sustaining the spirits of the stone...

The more he walks around the fortress, the more comfortable, at home, and normal he feels.


The power coursing through this place kept giving him visions of another world--and, he realized with discomfort, the energy seemed to be permeating him. Mixing with his soul's own energy, which had already been touched by the power at the Well. In a few brief moments, he had started to think that place with the green plants looked normal.

He encounters guards soon afterwards, and makes another connection after listening to them speaking to each other.


He heard voices echoing in the hallway, speaking a strange language with a nasal tone... They spoke energetically, and as the words washed across him Kelsier thought... He thought he could make some of it out.

Yes. They speak the language of open fields, of green plants. Of where these stones came from, and the source of this power...

"...is pretty sure he saw something, sir," one guard was saying.

The words struck Kelsier strangely. On one hand he felt they should be indecipherable. On the other hand he instantly knew what they meant.

TL;DR: I think it absolutely has to do with Connection. The Ire have somehow permeated Connection throughout their fortress to keep it and its occupants there and alive. This Connection also permeates Kelsier's "soul" and allows him to feel "at home" with the Ire, their planet, their people, their culture.

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On 2/12/2019 at 4:43 PM, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I'm just wondering what Aon he saw. Is there an Aon for age? Also, how could he understand their language? 

I missed this question.  The Aon is the organization's name: Ire, which means age or time.  

It matches the description of four dots and curved lines: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Ire

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47 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Thanks for the info! ^_^ 

How did they manage to stop the stones from deteriorating? Did they get the stones from somewhere else closer? 

It's implied that they have a way to transfer connection to the stones. Basically, you can think of it as they are able to trick the stones into thinking they're much closer to where they came from than they actually are.

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