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  • (9 + 1?) Crimsn ChanarachAranduensisAdavantosCadmium Compounder, xinoehp512, KidpenHigh Priest of Lord Tekieltiny wilsonMetabardnitionalVoidus,
  • (6) Seventh SaintSeventh SaintSapphire ElephantElanderaNotASteelCloneCrimsn Chanarach|247|-|,
  • (1) Cadmium CompounderI think I am here.
  • (1) Aranduensis:  Mailliw772
  • (1) alVoidusAraris Valerian
  • (1) Sapphire ElephantFuramirionind

I think this is right @A Joe in the Bush

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Crimsn Chanarch was lynched! They were Vodiyehi!


Tiny Wilson was killed by Babaji! They were aa Eliminator Discussion Leader!


Player List


(9+2) Crimsn Chanarach: Aranduensis, Cadmium Compounder, xinoehp512, Kidpen, Rae, Maill, Bard, Eland, alVoidus

(5) Seventh Saint: Seventh Saint, Sapphire Elephant, Steel, Rathmaskal, Crimsn Chanarach

(1) Cadmium Compounder: I think I am here

(1) Aranduensis: Mailliw772,

(2) alVoidus: Adavantos, Araris Valerian

(1) Sapphire Elephant: Furamirionind

Edited by xxGaea
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Haha, Can I tag dead players? Tiny Wilson, What happened to that trust? : P

Ok seriously, I am a bit surprised they killed Wilson instead of converting him... Maybe he was too obvious a convert, but in that case I would think they would leave him alive to waste a lynch.  Even if we did end up lynching Wilson, they would gain a TON of info as to other roles and code and stuff like that.  Wilson was in the middle of just about everything interesting this game.

My conclusion is that I think they already used their convert C1, and missed out on converting Wilson.

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1 minute ago, Furamirionind said:

Haha, Can I tag dead players? Tiny Wilson, What happened to that trust? : P

Ok seriously, I am a bit surprised they killed Wilson instead of converting him... Maybe he was too obvious a convert, but in that case I would think they would leave him alive to waste a lynch.  Even if we did end up lynching Wilson, they would gain a TON of info as to other roles and code and stuff like that.  Wilson was in the middle of just about everything interesting this game.

My conclusion is that I think they already used their convert C1, and missed out on converting Wilson.

Ok, did you learn the word? 

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Vodiyehi: Has a script that can make thousands of posts per day. If Vodiyehi targets you, no one else will be able to do so. Only Votes and Lynches will be able to target a player.
Babaji: Has access to Near Eastern magic that can inspire love or hate. If they target you with love, you will end up joining them. Luckily the cooldown for this is yearly, so they’ll only be able to get one of us before we get them. If they target you with Hate, you will die, no matter what. This can also only be used once.
SookeSiled: Posts lots of corrupted URLs and infects computers. If they target you, everyone on the forum who didn’t use their computer will also target you that night.
Beirst1928: Built one of the Best Firewalls known to man. Immune to everything except the Lynch.
Temptation: Absolutely terrifying with Code. They get into the code and corrupt it. If they target you, your action will do exactly what you didn’t want. You will accidently ban a player instead of protect them. Or you will accidentally reveal your IP address instead of PM them. Or something. And then they will know what and who you are.
Vashikaran: They’re rather good at deleting code, so if they target you, there is a good chance that your account will be temporarily disabled.

So, three spammers down, unknown number to go. I agree with Fura that they likely already used the conversion. If not, it will probably be used tonight.

Of the spammer roles remaining, we know Babaji exists, which is why I highlighted the name red above. I suspect we have either Beirst or Vashikaran, but not both. Otherwise all that together would have been a lot of protect/roleblock/survival in general. There's a good chance SookeSiled is not in the game. Has anyone's ability been activated without them using it? 

In all, I think we're down to two eliminators, possibly three depending on the Babaji conversion. 

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22 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Haha, Can I tag dead players? Tiny Wilson, What happened to that trust? : P

Ok seriously, I am a bit surprised they killed Wilson instead of converting him... Maybe he was too obvious a convert, but in that case I would think they would leave him alive to waste a lynch.  Even if we did end up lynching Wilson, they would gain a TON of info as to other roles and code and stuff like that.  Wilson was in the middle of just about everything interesting this game.

My conclusion is that I think they already used their convert C1, and missed out on converting Wilson.

It's possible that Babaji put a kill order in for Mailliw earlier in the phase, before things escalated so heavily in Devotary's favor. If anyone wants to find each player's most recent post last turn and compare it to vote counts, that would be great. Could probably net us another lead. Otherwise I dont get why they would kill him over me (no offense) after I made it clear I have a direct connection to Temptation's killer. Not to mention I just spearheaded this death :P

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10 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

It's possible that Babaji put a kill order in for Mailliw earlier in the phase, before things escalated so heavily in Devotary's favor. If anyone wants to find each player's most recent post last turn and compare it to vote counts, that would be great. Could probably net us another lead. Otherwise I dont get why they would kill him over me (no offense) after I made it clear I have a direct connection to Temptation's killer. Not to mention I just spearheaded this death :P

I'll see what I can do a bit later, but I'm pretty sleep deprived still. Anything I come up with might be tainted. :P Right now, I suspect he was targeted because he seemed to have links to several people who he'd confirmed village and who he'd in return been able to prove himself to. Or it was submitted earlier in an attempt to make Seventh Saint seem more suspicious (just in case he didn't die), since Mailliw had a hand in pushing for that.

@Mailliw772, I unfortunately can't move forward with your request this turn. Something has come up that's a bit more pressing. But I will try next turn.

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2 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

It's possible that Babaji put a kill order in for Mailliw earlier in the phase, before things escalated so heavily in Devotary's favor. If anyone wants to find each player's most recent post last turn and compare it to vote counts, that would be great. Could probably net us another lead. Otherwise I dont get why they would kill him over me (no offense) after I made it clear I have a direct connection to Temptation's killer. Not to mention I just spearheaded this death :P

I have used the other fun half of my role. Prepare for fun shenanigans to being shortly. 

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Couple notes on a quick skim of the votes. Based on Mailliw's/Tiny's ability, he probably put in an action to move Ada's vote to Alv when he placed his initial vote. Since he changed his vote to Crimsn so late, I wouldn't doubt if he didn't change his action. But that also means there are two people with a double-vote count among those who voted on Crimsn. It still helps prove Arand's claim, though I'd like to see it happen more consistently.

@Seventh Saint, any suggestions as to how you can prove your role in a way that can't be mistaken for Beirst tonight?

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35 minutes ago, Elandera said:

Couple notes on a quick skim of the votes. Based on Mailliw's/Tiny's ability, he probably put in an action to move Ada's vote to Alv when he placed his initial vote. Since he changed his vote to Crimsn so late, I wouldn't doubt if he didn't change his action. But that also means there are two people with a double-vote count among those who voted on Crimsn. It still helps prove Arand's claim, though I'd like to see it happen more consistently.

@Seventh Saint, any suggestions as to how you can prove your role in a way that can't be mistaken for Beirst tonight?

I feel pretty confident saying that Fifth is probably an Eliminator. It's extremely unlikely that we got not one but two double Spammer lynches going. It seems to me that the Spammers were trying very hard to keep Devotary/Vodiyehi alive, and turning people against Fifth was their answer to that.

EDIT: Also yes. He definitely moved my vote. He claimed that role to me the previous day. I didn't ask him to use it on me, but he might have been trying to prove it?

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28 minutes ago, Elandera said:

Couple notes on a quick skim of the votes. Based on Mailliw's/Tiny's ability, he probably put in an action to move Ada's vote to Alv when he placed his initial vote. Since he changed his vote to Crimsn so late, I wouldn't doubt if he didn't change his action. But that also means there are two people with a double-vote count among those who voted on Crimsn. It still helps prove Arand's claim, though I'd like to see it happen more consistently.

@Seventh Saint, any suggestions as to how you can prove your role in a way that can't be mistaken for Beirst tonight?

Yes. To fully crawl out into the open, my role isn’t a straight extra life; there was a reason I insisted I needed to be lynched yesterday. :P I’m a Roleplayer, and every night I receive a random past role that somebody RPed as. Last night it was Aiel-blooded from LG6, an extra life role, and this cycle I got an alignment-confusing role, Mastrell from LG29, which I won’t be using in the interests of helping village scanners out. If there’s a scanner that wants to use their action to confirm my role, though, I suppose we could maybe coordinate something? 

5 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

It's extremely unlikely that we got not one but two double Spammer lynches going. It seems to me that the Spammers were trying very hard to keep Devotary/Vodiyehi alive, and turning people against Fifth was their answer to that.

I agree with this, and want to take a closer look at people that hopped on my wagon, especially those who provided no reasoning at all. Finally, a note that we should trust nobody. I’d wager Babaji is likely using their conversion this night if not before then, so we’ll have to re-evaluate everyone from the ground up. Hopefully if current rates of activity hold constant we’ll get plenty to content to analyse from everyone in the coming days. 

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2 minutes ago, Seventh Saint said:

Yes. To fully crawl out into the open, my role isn’t a straight extra life; there was a reason I insisted I needed to be lynched yesterday. :P I’m a Roleplayer, and every night I receive a random past role that somebody RPed as. Last night it was Aiel-blooded from LG6, an extra life role, and this cycle I got an alignment-confusing role, Mastrell from LG29, which I won’t be using in the interests of helping village scanners out. If there’s a scanner that wants to use their action to confirm my role, though, I suppose we could maybe coordinate something? 

I agree with this, and want to take a closer look at people that hopped on my wagon, especially those who provided no reasoning at all. Finally, a note that we should trust nobody. I’d wager Babaji is likely using their conversion this night if not before then, so we’ll have to re-evaluate everyone from the ground up. Hopefully if current rates of activity hold constant we’ll get plenty to content to analyse from everyone in the coming days. 

Ah, wow, that's actually a really cool role. I'm a little bit jealous :lol: Just to confirm, you were Aiel-Blooded for N1 as well?

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3 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

Ah, wow, that's actually a really cool role. I'm a little bit jealous :lol: Just to confirm, you were Aiel-Blooded for N1 as well?

Yes, I was. I’ve sent in joke actions every turn in fear of SookeSiled even though I’ve got a passive role, to prevent my ability doing something weird if I submit nothing, and will do the same this cycle as well. 

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13 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

I feel pretty confident saying that Fifth is probably an Eliminator. It's extremely unlikely that we got not one but two double Spammer lynches going. It seems to me that the Spammers were trying very hard to keep Devotary/Vodiyehi alive, and turning people against Fifth was their answer to that.

I agree in this case, but wanted to see what was possible to fully confirm.

7 minutes ago, Seventh Saint said:

Yes. To fully crawl out into the open, my role isn’t a straight extra life; there was a reason I insisted I needed to be lynched yesterday. :P I’m a Roleplayer, and every night I receive a random past role that somebody RPed as. Last night it was Aiel-blooded from LG6, an extra life role, and this cycle I got an alignment-confusing role, Mastrell from LG29, which I won’t be using in the interests of helping village scanners out. If there’s a scanner that wants to use their action to confirm my role, though, I suppose we could maybe coordinate something?

Thanks! I fully accept that role. So unless there are Babaji conversions in play, I'll consider you village elim.

8 minutes ago, Seventh Saint said:

I agree with this, and want to take a closer look at people that hopped on my wagon, especially those who provided no reasoning at all.

My top suspect for this is Rath, but that's still flimsy. Their adamant defense of Devotary could have been the last two spammers' desperate attempt to keep both alive. However, that would have been a dangerous move if it failed, because it does leave strong connections behind.

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