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Nobody JOE’d me. :( 

Looking back at the rules, if the Spammers converted somebody, they did do it N1. I think @Elandera was trying to make this point earlier, and I misunderstood her because I hadn’t read the rules carefully enough (sorry!). In that case, Walin is out as a convert unless Joe trolled by putting him in as a Spammer. I’m a bit less worried about that, though. 

With this information, it should hopefully be much easier to narrow down a convert, as if the Elims did select someone, it was based solely on D1 information. Knowing this, I’ll give D1 a reread at some point today if I can. However, I find the possibility of no convert whatsoever also likely. My points against a N1 conversion still stand, and if the Elims has held off that one round, they would have been unable to convert until N3 (because Alv killed N2), which explains some of the desire for Alv to tie up the lynch with a ton of people—it maximised his chances of getting the conversion off N3 in the one cycle he had left to live. 

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Ugh. I completely forgot about this game the past two days. Not going to lie. Sorry for missing the end of Week 5 and all of the Weekend. At the very least I should be cleared of being a convert since I never got online at all.

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I killed Itiah, so the Eliminators must have killed Lumgol, which seems like a strange choice (perhaps they thought Lumgol was unlikely to be protected?)

For those trying to keep track for their wincon, I too am not yet Joe.

Walin - at this point I think we're just running down all the potential candidates left who aren't absolutely cleared, unfortunately - you didn't miss all that much, Ada.

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1 hour ago, Seventh Saint said:

Looking back at the rules, if the Spammers converted somebody, they did do it N1. I think @Elandera was trying to make this point earlier, and I misunderstood her because I hadn’t read the rules carefully enough (sorry!). In that case, Walin is out as a convert unless Joe trolled by putting him in as a Spammer. I’m a bit less worried about that, though.

No worries. A lot of my conjecture that a conversion happened N1 was also tied in with accusing you, so I can understand why you misunderstood. 

I'm highly concerned that kind of troll move is exactly what Joe would do. But I'm not sure I want to place my vote there just yet. I'm still waiting for an explanation from Fura first.

9 minutes ago, Metabardnition said:

I killed Itiah, so the Eliminators must have killed Lumgol, which seems like a strange choice (perhaps they thought Lumgol was unlikely to be protected?)

For those trying to keep track for their wincon, I too am not yet Joe.

Walin - at this point I think we're just running down all the potential candidates left who aren't absolutely cleared, unfortunately - you didn't miss all that much, Ada.

I had the Lightweaver ability, and did an action switch with you as my main target. No one targeted you with anything, so that worked out alright. I was trying to make sure you weren't roleblocked again.

10 minutes ago, Adavantos said:

Oh yeah. I was made a Joe like two weekends ago, and someone got me again last night. Whoops.

That's unfortunate. We still need to convert Araris then. For any other Joes, please announce if you were either converted, or know your conversion was successful. 

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2 hours ago, Elandera said:

That's unfortunate. We still need to convert Araris then. For any other Joes, please announce if you were either converted, or know your conversion was successful. 

Araris was successfully converted by me, so don't worry about that. @Furamirionind, can you explain your vote? It seems you've drawn some sort of conclusion based on the night kill, so I'd like to know what it is, as I'm not seeing the logic here behind the kills.


Today's kills show that Metabard can't be the sole remaining spammer, so unless one of Araris or Walin is evil (or there was a second Babaji. @A Joe in the Bush, are the spammer roles unique, or could one role be present multiple times?), he's pretty much cleared of being the convert.

@Seventh Saint, can you explain why the elims would have to have converted N1? I personally think they didn't convert before N2, but if you're right, it'd clear a couple of people.


Edited by Aranduensis
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5 hours ago, Aranduensis said:

can you explain why the elims would have to have converted N1? I personally think they didn't convert before N2, but if you're right, it'd clear a couple of people.

Alv used his kill N2 and died before N3 hit, and his abilities only work on weekends. 

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2 hours ago, Seventh Saint said:

Alv used his kill N2 and died before N3 hit, and his abilities only work on weekends. 

Actually, he used his kill D2, not N2, so he'd have an action ready for N2 if I'm not mistaken? Plus, given that he could use the kill D2, there's no reason to assume he couldn't use the conversion D3, unless it happened after the lynch. @A Joe in the Bush, @xxGaea, could Babayi have used the conversion during a day-cycle, and does it happen before the lynch?

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6 hours ago, Aranduensis said:

 Today's kills show that Metabard can't be the sole remaining spammer, so unless one of Araris or Walin is evil (or there was a second Babaji. @A Joe in the Bush, are the spammer roles unique, or could one role be present multiple times?), he's pretty much cleared of being the convert.


18 minutes ago, Aranduensis said:

Actually, he used his kill D2, not N2, so he'd have an action ready for N2 if I'm not mistaken? Plus, given that eh could sue the kill D2, there's no reason to assume he couldn't sue the conversion D3, unless it happened after the lynch. @A Joe in the Bush, @xxGaea, could Babayi have used the conversion during a day-cycle, and does it happen before the lynch?

Babaji's conversions can be used on either turn. The Lynch comes before Conversion. (There is a order of actions posted.in the player list)

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24 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:


Babaji's conversions can be used on either turn. The Lynch comes before Conversion. (There is a order of actions posted.in the player list)

The OoA currently shows that Babaji can only place orders on weekends. That’s what I was basing my assumptions off of. 

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4 minutes ago, Seventh Saint said:

The OoA currently shows that Babaji can only place orders on weekends. That’s what I was basing my assumptions off of. 

The term babaji is used once in the day cycle, I guess we have to assume that either babaji action would take place at that point. Love or hate. 

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4 minutes ago, NotASteelClone said:

I am now pretty much 100% sure there is no Vashirya or whatever it's called. Again, I will not be around this cycle, because I have general conference that I'm singing at, so I'm going to be kind of busy. 

Just use your phone and play during general conference. If I see a face light up from the choir section, I'll know it's you.:PAlso what session will you be singing at?

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2 minutes ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

Just use your phone and play during general conference. If I see a face light up from the choir section, I'll know it's you.:PAlso what session will you be singing at?

Saturday afternoon. I'll probably be in the back row of the Tenor section, given how tall I am...

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I'm a JOE as well; not a convert, and no other roles for now. I can't think of any references from the Internet that are in a unique category, so concerning my schtick: TO BE CONTINUED.


I guess I'll put a vote on Rand to avoid death by lynching for now; I'll change it once I have fewer votes on me. In terms of suspicion, I'd say either Steel or CadCom, because being metal means being conductive, and that means being the conductors of nefarious plans.

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  • Alvron changed the title to LG53: Week 6; I Think I Am Mawille

Alright, I apologize, my "alright" and "rand" were onto the same line, implying they were connected.  They arent.

I am willing to vouch for these players being eliminators:




I dont like the fact that we cant check steel and I would be willing to lynch him over that.  With how powerful the village seems, I find it unlikely they would be able to get a role that makes them immune to the spammer kill.

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3 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

I don't like the fact that we cant check steel and I would be willing to lynch him over that.  With how powerful the village seems, I find it unlikely they would be able to get a role that makes them immune to the spammer kill.

His explanation sounded reasonable though, or are you saying that his role wouldn't have been able to do what he claimed it did. it should be noted that afterwards Kidpen claimed a similar mechanic, and that was proven to exist and be correct.

Anyway, can you explain the reason for your vote, or do you want to use your ability again for some reason?

Anyway, @Walin, I don't like self-preservation votes. If you've got a suspicion, please out it in the thread. For now, I'm seriously considering voting you, as you're the last player that could be a potentially inactive spammer that I don't have a read on (unlike Araris, who I'm reading mildly village).

Now that that's out of the way, I'll continue working down the list of active players. Next on the list is metabard. He is the crusader, who'd publicly claimed to being role-blocked onee (and got caught in drought's redirect thing the other time) ( @NotASteelClone, what makes you think Vashikaran isn't in the game? That might be relevant, as it goes directly counter to Metabards claim). They where the one to kill Roadwalker N1, so they definitely didn't get converted D1, and I know that they where probably aware of the role-naming convention through contact with Ada, which mean I don't think they could have been converted before N2. This cycle the spammer kill and their own manifested separately, so they also cannot be the last remaining elim.

I personally don't think they are converted, as he's been active enough to submit the elim kill the cycles it didn't materialize, and he could have reused the 'roleblocked' excuse, while at the same time taking out those that knew his role to avoid being outed that way.

Next up is fifth Scholar. I'm leaning neutral-ish on him. He could have been a spammer as early as D2, despite being the other wagon against devotary, as it should be noted that of those that voted on him, only Devotary was likely to be an elim at the time, and Alvron for some reason didn't get involved in creating a tie involving him. Apart from that, there isn't much I can say about him. he definitely seems very involved in solving the game, but that's fairly NAI in his case.

@Furamirionind, can you explain why you vouch for those 3 players? I could see cadcom in particular being Babayi's convert.

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