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Mid-Range Game 34: Death by Lantern Light


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3 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

So Joe is definitely the thief. If Joe has three items, he has no reason to lie anymore. If Joe only has two items, we can afford a mislynch. I can switch back to Kidpen.

@xxGaea, @A Joe in the Bush, @Elandera, @Steeldancer are we voting on Kidpen, or am I going insane?


1 minute ago, Elandera said:

It's nice to see some discussion :). First off Joe. I can accept a dual-win with you. In that case, Kidpen

"Is one of you commiting to giving me an item? Pls?"

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"Everyone!" shouted Joel Tawson. "Now ah may be a thief, but this here Snapizar is the last Forgotten." The camp turned toward Snapizar eyes full of distrust. "I'm not the last Forgotten. It's um... Iria. Yeah, it must be her!" The crowd remained unconvinced, but then, something extraordinary happened. A Giant Squid, out of absolutely nowhere, smashed the brains out of poor Rogiv.. The crowd was shocked at this display of sudden brutality, that they momentarily forgot what they were doing. Snip looked around, confused. "Uh guys... where did Joel go?"

Elsewhere, Joel was running far, far away. He hated acting like a coward, but what was he supposed to do? The camp already knew he was a thief. He was sure he had enough supplies to make it off Nebrask. Then, he would start over, with no one knowing that he was a deserter. Besides, he was pretty sure all of the Wild Chalklings were dead. The camp would be fine without him. He stopped, running out of breath. He turned to look back at the camp, one last time, and saw a pair of glowing white eyes staring back at him. "What? That's not..." The chalklings devoured him before he had a chance to scream.

Vote Count:
Kidpen (1): Elandera
Gaea (1): Kidpen
Xinoehp (1): Steeldancer

A Joe in the Bush has died. They were a Thief.
Xinoehp was lynched. They were a Soldier.
Two soldiers have been lynched in a row. More items have been added to the camp supply.

Camp Supply:

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3 Pieces of Chalk
4 Buckets of Acid
6 Bribes
4 Spring-Powered Crabs
2 Lanterns
1 Gun

Player List:

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  1. Elandera: Tahree Fields
  2. Furamirionind: Loren Menza Soldier
  3. A Joe in the Bush: Joel Tawson Thief
  4. Cadmium Compounder: Sonofa Gun Forgotten
  5. Mailliw772 (Logmul): Lumgol Forgotten
  6. xinoehp512: Rogiv Soldier
  7. xxGaea: Iria Byrd
  8. STINK: Ol' Huld Soldier
  9. Kidpen: Snapizar
  10. Devotary of Spontaneity: Caccoo Moreau
  11. Arraenae: Kally Soldier
  12. Steeldancer: Steel Kid the Science Squid
  13. Snipexe: Snip
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Yeah, I didn’t take an action either. Although that’s just because I’ve been terrible about being active. 

I also love the write up. Giant random squids appearing out of nowhere amuses me to no end. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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1 hour ago, Elandera said:

While I'm not against a Kidpen lynch, if we're assuming he's an elim and an elim used a bribe, that also would mean more than one elim remaining since Joe was killed.

I'm assuming that whoever bribed me did so when my vote was still on Gaea. I'm not sure if it's worth it for whoever did so to claim.

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There's also the question of the gun. It's going to be a risk for all sides to try to take it right now. We can't really afford any extra village deaths, since as far as I can calculate, we have up to 3 cycles left, depending on the number of elims left (I'm still pretty sure it was only 3 starting due to the size of the game).

In order to hopefully minimize unnecessary deaths, I claim now that I will be trying to make a grab at it.

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I know this is a little late (I forgot I hadn't voted yet), but I'm still doubting Kidpen being elim with the bribe and kill both happening. No one has countered his claim to have done it himself. So, Gaea.

Edited by Elandera
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The camp was in agreement. Snapizar had to be the last Forgotten. It was the only thing that made sense to them. Tahree had her doubts though. Snapizar had bribed Caccoo, so how could he have killed Joel. He should have had an alibi. Perhaps the last Forgotten was actually Iria Byrd. Yes, that made more sense to her. She looked, but didn't see the woman anywhere. That boded ill. Tahree ran after Iria's footprints. She barely noticed Snapizar's final moments, intent on finding her prey. She found Iria rifling through the camp supply, looking for something. Tahree dived in as well, both searching for the same thing. They grabbed the gun at the same time, and started wrestling for control of it.

"You're all crazy!" shouted Iria, "I can't trust any of you!"
"No, you're the one we shouldn't trust!" yelled Tahree.

"BANG!" The gun went off, blowing up Iria's brains. Tahree's hands were covered in blood, and all she could do was laugh. They were doing so well, but now there were only four of them left.

Kidpen was lynched. He was a Soldier.
xxGaea was killed in the struggle over the gun. She was a Soldier.

Camp Supply:

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3 Pieces of Chalk
4 Buckets of Acid
5 Bribes
4 Spring-Powered Crabs
2 Lanterns

Player List:

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  1. Elandera: Tahree Fields
  2. Furamirionind: Loren Menza Soldier
  3. A Joe in the Bush: Joel Tawson Thief
  4. Cadmium Compounder: Sonofa Gun Forgotten
  5. Mailliw772 (Logmul): Lumgol Forgotten
  6. xinoehp512: Rogiv Soldier
  7. xxGaea: Iria Byrd Soldier
  8. STINK: Ol' Huld Soldier
  9. Kidpen: Snapizar Soldier
  10. Devotary of Spontaneity: Caccoo Moreau
  11. Arraenae: Kally Soldier
  12. Steeldancer: Steel Kid the Science Squid
  13. Snipexe: Snip
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