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Most people know Roshar for its storms. Perhaps they even know it for its legendary Heralds or Knights Radiant. But those days ended long ago. And on the hidden side of Roshar, in the Cognitive Realm, the spren know all to well the tragedy of their ending. For nearly every thinking spren alive at the time had died, killed by the Knights who broke their oaths. 
But necessity has overcome the decision to never bond with humans again. Because Taln has, after 4,500 years, broken under torture on Damnation. The True Desolation will shortly begin. The Fused are returning to Roshar, and the Unmade are loose upon the land again. And the spren know well that if Odium succeeds in destroying the humans, they will be gone as well. 
However, what the spren do not know is that Sja-Anat has learned how to Enlighten true spren. And Odium has directed Sja-Anat to corrupt or destroy all the remaining true spren, to prevent any new Radiants from ever being created. 
And so it began, that Sja-Anat started her insidious work in the shadesmar city of Celebrant. And the spren had no idea that upon the next few weeks hung the fate of Roshar...
Welcome to LG54, Cognitive Diversions! All players will be assigned a type of spren. True Spren want to eliminate all Enlightened spren. Enlightened Spren, along with Sja-anat, will want to outnumber the True Spren. Cycles will be 48h/24h, as per usual. The game will begin on 4/17/19, at 9PM MDT. (Please note rollover times will change if the game lasts until I get back home from college). Mailliw will be my co-GM. 
The Rules
Player List


1. Furamirioind
2. Lumgol (Hjalar the Lightspren)
3. Elandera
4. Randuir (Alabaster the Inkspren)
5. Xinoehp
6. Rathmaskal
7. Snipexe
8. Ark1002 (Nightshade)
9. Devotary of Spontaneity (Meladian the Lightspren)
10. Levitaph 
11. Shqueeves
12. Fifth Scholar (Rysca)
13. Coop772
14. TheMightyLopen (Lymelis)
15. Cadmium Compounder
16. Dr. Dapper (Ji)
17. Sartras

Feel free to ask any questions about the rules. 



Edited by Fifth Scholar
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2 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

I would like to sign up! I will come up with an RP name soon.  Need to think some more on it...

What happens to a spren's items when they are lynched? Destroyed I would currently assume?

Yes, they are destroyed. 

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2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

I will sign up as well. Will we be informed of what combination of essences will make items?

I don’t believe so. But Steel knows the items way better than I, so I’ll let him answer this. 

46 minutes ago, Rathmaskal said:

I'm in...  Going to have to re-read the rules about 7 times I think.  I feel like RP is going to be tough for this one.

Am I correct in assuming that this will start out with only Sja-anat on the elim team?

Again, Steel may correct me on this, but I do not think Sja-anat must be the only Enlightened to start with. 

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

I will sign up as well. Will we be informed of what combination of essences will make items?

All combinations of essences will make some sort of item. Whether that item is useful, or what they will do, is an entirely different matter. There are enough combinations that I simply do not know what every combination does, but I have a good idea of what I want in terms of certain effects. 
I will inform you that there are a few combinations of essences that in advance, I have already determined. These items are extremely powerful, can only be made through a certain combination of items, and are unlikely to all be discovered. Experimentation is encouraged. 
There is no guarantee that Sja-anat will be the only Enlightened to start the game. That will entirely depend on how Mailliw and I choose to distribute things once the game actually gets started. So, PAFO on that. 

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Meladian the Lightspren is eager to explore and collect as many essence items as possible.

Will Lightspren be informed of the composition of items they find? Is an essence item's value equal to the number of essences it's composed of? Do all essence items need to be composed of at least two essences? Can the Stormfather burn a life to bond themselves?

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2 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Meladian the Lightspren is eager to explore and collect as many essence items as possible.

Will Lightspren be informed of the composition of items they find? Is an essence item's value equal to the number of essences it's composed of? Do all essence items need to be composed of at least two essences? Can the Stormfather burn a life to bond themselves?

Lightspren will be informed of the composition. Yes. Yes. Yes.

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Oh, one more quick question just for clarification. 


You can gain percentage by posting 3 times, voting

I'm assuming the vote can't be retracted.  You actually have to have a vote submitted when the cycle ends.

(in other words, I can't say Steel Steel and get my percentage points, right)

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5 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

I will inform you that there are a few combinations of essences that in advance, I have already determined. These items are extremely powerful, can only be made through a certain combination of items, and are unlikely to all be discovered. Experimentation is encouraged. 

Discovery requires Experimentation.

While I won't be playing as I'm the IM, the Collective will be paying particular attention to the Essences and how they combine so please, everyone, discover, experiment and learn.*

*This message is brought to you by the Ratel for Leader campaign.  Ratel, a leader who can bring about a new age for the Collective.

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4 minutes ago, Rathmaskal said:

Oh, one more quick question just for clarification. 

I'm assuming the vote can't be retracted.  You actually have to have a vote submitted when the cycle ends.

(in other words, I can't say Steel Steel and get my percentage points, right)

Yeah, you must have a vote submitted by the end. However, if your vote gets soothed or something you don't lose the percentage point. 

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A few questions about the rules:

1. How long does the Gravitation 3 surge last: The rules say If your target is attacked, you will attack the attacker. How many turns/cycles does this "guard" stay on your target?

2. Day/Night Actions: Can a player take actions available to them during the day turn and the night turn, or only one?

3. Illumination + Inkspren: If I use Illumination surge to double my vote, and an Inkspren targets me and chooses to double my vote again, do I get x4 total vote power that turn? What about multiple inkspren targetting the same player? Could a player reach x8+ vote power using multiple inkspren and Illumination?

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17 minutes ago, Levitaph said:

A few questions about the rules:

1. How long does the Gravitation 3 surge last: The rules say If your target is attacked, you will attack the attacker. How many turns/cycles does this "guard" stay on your target?

2. Day/Night Actions: Can a player take actions available to them during the day turn and the night turn, or only one?

3. Illumination + Inkspren: If I use Illumination surge to double my vote, and an Inkspren targets me and chooses to double my vote again, do I get x4 total vote power that turn? What about multiple inkspren targetting the same player? Could a player reach x8+ vote power using multiple inkspren and Illumination?

I’ll let @Steeldancer answer 1 and 3 as he chooses, but I can answer 2. You may take an action each turn, one during the day and one at night, but you cannot use the same action in both the day and night. 

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