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Day 2- The Lies Strike Back
Enara the Cryptic was happy in the city of Celebrant. She had just come back from the physical realm, with her brand new Radiant. A Lightweaver! Maybe the Lightweaver could even help! They had disguised themselves with illusions to be able to walk through the streets of Celebrant without getting attacked by anyone, but everyone was still hiding inside, even after the comfort the Stormfather had attempted to give. She did take the time to glare at a few Honorspren she saw cowering in the shadows. Those guys had sworn off bonding, except for one who had run off. Shameful, honestly. When it came to Unmade, sometimes you just had to do unpleasant things. And perhaps Enara would be able to learn something from her human before he eventually killed her. 
Unfortunately for her, Sja-Anat opened a hole underneath the city, and her Radiant fell into the hole right there and then. She attempted to lift her Radiant out, but he was too heavy. He screamed as he fell into the beads. Her pattern spun as she hoped, hoped that he would use the stormlight to create a platform and live. 
She felt her bond break, so fresh, but it still hurt. She collapsed to the ground in despair, unable to move. She felt the honorspren she had glared at earlier drag her away to the same place as Coplia, as she babbled about trying to help. 
Enara wasn't going to be helping anyone anytime soon. 

Thankfully for our city of Celebrant, Enara was not the only spren to come back to the city with fresh new Radiants that day. But how would Radiants fresh to the Nahel bond fare against the ancient might of Sja-Anat? Only time could tell...
Elandera (Enara) died! She was a Lightweaver Cryptic. 
PM's are still open! Please remember to include Mailliw and me in them. The day will end at 9PM, MDT on 4/22/19. Here are the Rules.


1. Furamirioind
2. Lumgol (Hjalar the Lightspren)
3. Elandera Lightweaver Cryptic
4. Randuir (Alabaster the Inkspren)
5. Xinoehp
6. Rathmaskal
7. Snipexe
8. Ark1002 (Nightshade)
9. Devotary of Spontaneity (Meladian the Lightspren)
10. Levitaph 
11. Shqueeves
12. Fifth Scholar (Rysca)
13. Coop772 Lightspren
14. TheMightyLopen (Lymelis)
15. Cadmium Compounder
16. Dr. Dapper (Ji)
17. Sart (Sartras)


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PSA: the mechanism we're using for stormlight in the spreadsheet has been acting up, and we're working on fixing it. If something is weird, please let us know. It should all be fine, but some things may have gotten through the cracks. Rule of thumb is you shouldn't have less than half of the amount of stormlight you had after whatever you used, not including any stormlight you gained. Thanks for being understanding. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Wow! that night turn flew by! 

About yesterday (last day turn): I still haven't seen anything that convinces me that Lum isn't sus. I'd like more proof of innocence before we drop the matter. To this end, I'm kicking off the voting with Lumgol. I may be acting rashly b/c it's 12:30 here and I'm sorry if this seems aggressive, but I'm not satisfied with the excuses given yesterday, and I'd like more concrete evidence.

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11 minutes ago, Levitaph said:

Wow! that night turn flew by! 

About yesterday (last day turn): I still haven't seen anything that convinces me that Lum isn't sus. I'd like more proof of innocence before we drop the matter. To this end, I'm kicking off the voting with Lumgol. I may be acting rashly b/c it's 12:30 here and I'm sorry if this seems aggressive, but I'm not satisfied with the excuses given yesterday, and I'd like more concrete evidence.

Yeah um. I never even saw the night turn.  I will have to go an read the main thread. Lol.

As for this post, I would like to point out that you cant ever really prove someone innocent.  The closest you can get is probably once an elim is killed, the person spearheading the lynch Is likely good, but this isnt always the case, and in a converson game, even less useful until Sja-anat is dead.

I would see this as tunneling, something I did way to much in my first couple games.  I would reccomend ignoring Lum for a couple hours and trying to find suspicious things in what other players do.  Then come back to Lum.

@Steeldancer @Mailliw73 the elim kill is not an action, so Sja-Anat could theoretically personally submit the kill, AND convert someone the same night correct?

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18 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

the elim kill is not an action, so Sja-Anat could theoretically personally submit the kill, AND convert someone the same night correct?

Yes. any theoretical eliminator can take an action and submit the group kill. 

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Interesting that they decided to kill Elandera. From what I've heard about the last game, recruiting her would have made more sense. Maybe that move was just a bit too obvious though.

Anyway, let's start with a couple of pokes on people. @Dr. Dapper, I do hope to hear a bit more of your thoughts this cycle, as you're clearly following along, but haven't really contributed anything yet. @Ark1002, @xinoehp512, the game has begun, it's time to join in :P.

Anyway, there isn't much I can say right now that hasn't already been said, so let's see if I can tease out some information instead. 

@Levitaph, is there anyone else you've got a village or elim lean on?

@Lumgol, would you consider yourself a better or worse candidate for conversion after the way the votes developed yesterday?

(mentions break here, unfortunately)

Cadcom, you mentioned that you believe Sart being innocent for now, despite pointing out that the vote manipulation could have occured for evil!sart as well if sja'anat had the right kind of spren already as enlightened buddy. Can you elaborate on that a bit more?

Fifth, you remarked on the speed with which the lumgol bandwagon dissolved. Now that you know coops alignment, does the vote-swing have any effect on your read on Lumgol?

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3 hours ago, Randuir said:

Cadcom, you mentioned that you believe Sart being innocent for now, despite pointing out that the vote manipulation could have occured for evil!sart as well if sja'anat had the right kind of spren already as enlightened buddy. Can you elaborate on that a bit more?

Yeah. First of all, it was like 4 in the morning when I posted this after cleaning up my dogs throw up. So I'm not sure how much sense it made. But basically i was just trying to say that it was possible that sart was sja anat, but didnt start alone, so the other person performed the vote manipulation. This was after you stated that the vote manipulation cleared him of being sja anat,  but didnt clear him of being elim. 

Then I said clarified, that even though I believed it a possibility , I didn't believe it to be true. The evidence did suggest that sart successfully did what he said he would do, which increased his credibility. 

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4 hours ago, Randuir said:

Fifth, you remarked on the speed with which the lumgol bandwagon dissolved. Now that you know coops alignment, does the vote-swing have any effect on your read on Lumgol?

Thank you for the ping; I’ve been struggling with trying to post something, as Easter has left me a bit busy. I think it does, though only marginally; there were certainly good reasons for votes to be drawn away from Lumgol, as I myself was swayed by the logic, but Coop’s lynch for what seemed like a fairly minor tell was a bit...sudden, though that could have been the result of people wanting somewhere to place their vote for Nahel bonds. Nevertheless, the Coop voters, and Lum, should certainly be re-analysed later. 

Elandera’s death is unfortunate, especially if she’s our only Cryptic. I like PMs :( With this being potentially our last turn with them, I’d recommend that people use them. I’ll hopefully shoot a few people PMs throughout the day. 

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Sorry for not being active, everyone! Usually I would show up on the first cycle of a game to at least check in; given the nature of bonding, I probably would have done more. But I've been having wifi problems (when I haven't been busy), so I haven't been able to post. I'm not sure they've all been resolved, so I might be sporadic for the next couple of days, too.

That aside, did anyone else experiment with Essences this cycle? If so, would you be willing to share results?

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I guess I'd be expected to share a few thoughts. Don't expect any brilliant strategic analysis. 

First off, Nahel bonds. Yippee. The game thickens. 

Secondly, I'm eager to hear the results of any essence experiments. If y'all found anything cool, feel free to drop me a line sometime before the turn ends.

I've got some suspisions, but they'll have to be delayed, as I've got reletives to deal wif.

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6 hours ago, Randuir said:

@Lumgol, would you consider yourself a better or worse candidate for conversion after the way the votes developed yesterday?

So, as a whole, the votes swung rapidly to me, and then later, they went away just as quickly. However, some of the people who voted for me (mainly Fifth and Levitaph) have stated that they still suspect me. I think that generally, it's good for elims to convert people who are active, but not suspected. This certainly doesn't clear me though, as this situation is highly IKYK and despite apparent suspicion, people seem hesitant to actually vote on me after the lynch swung away D1. So, I don't think that people would want to convert me, especially after the situation D1, but even saying this might cause them to be more likely to do so.

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Ah right, I meant to make this rule clarification earlier when Mailliw and I talked about it. Sja-Anat may choose to commit suicide to convert another person, however this takes place after any other kills or the lynch or anything else that may stop them. Sja-Anat also may not use temporary lives to convert more players. 

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28 minutes ago, Sart said:

Happy Easter everyone. I'll vote on Fifth Scholar Their last post felt off. I'm having a hard time explaining why, but I'll put my vote on you for now.

Happy Easter to you as well, Sart. :P That’s fair enough, though I’d appreciate more justification later, if possible. My last post was wishy-washy, but so are my feelings on Lumgol. :P 

Looking back over Elandera’s posts, we see a moderate amount of suspicion for Sart, a defence of Lumgol, and a declaration of lowered activity. Depending on the type of Elim we have, she could have been killed for any of the three, but I doubt Sart is the type of Eliminator to kill those suspecting him just because of that. That doesn’t disclude him from being evil, obviously, but I think a more likely reason for the Elandera kill is simply removing a lower-active player (even though Elan is typically more active than the normal “active” player when she’s lower-activity, but I digress :P). Such a move would probably be performed by a team which had at least one veteran player on it, which includes...quite a few people, unfortunately for the purposes of narrowing our list down. Still, it’s worth noting. 

The final possibility is that the Elims intend to mislynch Lumgol, and want to remove one of her defenders. I find this as implausible as the Sart case. 

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@Shqueeves, @Snipexe, @Rathmaskal and @Dr. Dapper have read my PMs, each three or four hours ago, but not replied. @Levitaph has simply not read it yet; please do. For now, to elicit a response, Shqueeves. Although your mouth may still hurt, I’d like your thoughts on a few players now, or at least a response to my PM. You’ve said little beyond an RNG vote at this point. 

Edit: Is there anybody I forgot to send a PM to?

Edited by Fifth Scholar
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28 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

@Shqueeves, @Snipexe, @Rathmaskal and @Dr. Dapper have read my PMs, each three or four hours ago, but not replied. @Levitaph has simply not read it yet; please do. For now, to elicit a response, Shqueeves. Although your mouth may still hurt, I’d like your thoughts on a few players now, or at least a response to my PM. You’ve said little beyond an RNG vote at this point. 

Edit: Is there anybody I forgot to send a PM to?

Me. :(

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15 hours ago, Randuir said:


@Levitaph, is there anyone else you've got a village or elim lean on?

Devotary is keeping himself VERY neutral, choosing to act as an impartial researcher rather than a village/elim. This raises a few flags for me, as this becomes an easy way to shift focus away from him, and to gain favor with both elims and town.

Otherwise, Sart seemed a little agressive, but I'd let that pass as him simply being annoyed at the other players. Dapper's lack of useful content is frustrating, and could be a guise for insidious actions he's taking otherwise. 

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