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3 minutes ago, Sart said:

I'm still incredibly suspicious of Fifth Scholar for several reasons, which I will now articulate.

  • The post I just quoted focuses on less active players. We already talked Day 1 about how less active players were less likely to be converts. Why then was Fifth Scholar focusing the conversation on them?
  • Upon further inspection, they have been offering role swaps. That is a terrible idea in a conversion game. If they aren't converted, they can be converted and let Sja-Ajanat learn all of our most powerful roles. If they are already evil, they now know most of the town's roles, which gives Sja-Ajanat easy access to Division. That could easily spiral into the Elims getting multiple kills each turn.
  • Upon giving them my action from last night, Fifth claimed to be a Stonespren. Such a claim is hard to verify, and would be an easy claim for Sja-Ajanat to make.
  • Upon prompting, Fifth admitted to having an Essence stolen from her last night because of a Highspren. I chatted with the Highspren in question. Day 1, the Highspren claims Fifth took two essences. If she was a Stonespren as claimed, she could have fused those two essences with the two she started out with during the Night. However, the Highspren was able to take one of those Essences. Item crafting comes before the Highspren action, so Fifth did not craft last night.

I propose that Fifth Scholar may in fact be Sja-Ajanat, rather than a Stonespren. For these reasons, I urge you to vote on them. I will be amplifying my own vote on them to hopefully make sure this lynch happens.

I knew my suspicion of you was unfounded. I'll do a last-minute vote change to Fifth Scholar 

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3 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Hmm, do you not think that this would warrant sharing the identity of the spren that stole Fifth's item?

Not really. It was Cadmium Compounder.

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Do not question my methods.  You couldn't possible comprehend.


10 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I don't like postponing my vote again, but I do want to see the opinions of everyone else who said they'd vote before I finalise my vote. I'll put down a temporary vote on Rath in the hopes that @Rathmaskal will respond to the questions I asked him earlier.

I think the only question you had for me was why I thought Fifth's initial vote on Lumgol was suspicious?  Mostly for reasons that have already been mentioned, namely that voting on someone for doing mechanical analysis rather than player analysis when no one has posted anything of substance seems a bit off.

I really haven't gotten much into the thread today...and I know we're coming up on the end of the cycle...so I'm going to go ahead and place my vote on Fifth since that's where my biggest suspicions currently lie.

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3 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

I wonder if at this point I should just give up on demanding vote retractions... nah, please remember to turn all retractions green please. 


4 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

I knew my suspicion of you was unfounded. I'll do a last-minute vote change to Fifth Scholar 

Meaning you should place Ark's name in green for your vote on Fifth to count. 

Also, 1 hour left!

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4 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

I knew my suspicion of you was unfounded. I'll do a last-minute vote change to Fifth Scholar 

your vote change will not be counted unless you green out your previous vote. I need to keep strict policy here or everything becomes a mess. 
Also, it has come to my attention that there was at least one PM that I was not included in. PLEASE make sure Mailliw and I are in EVERY PM YOU MAKE. 

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Since it's been said already, I can confirm that the highspren in question is CadCom.

Although I'm hesitant to vote on Fifth for the same reasons that Fifth is hesitant to vote on me (that we needed to take a break from tunneling on each other), the logic against Fifth makes too much sense. From another PM I've had, a person has pointed out inconsistencies in Fifth's claim, such as him claiming to have taken the same action D1 and N1, which is illegal. Lying about someone's actions or role, to me, is definitely a cause of suspicion. Ark. Fifth.

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3 minutes ago, Sart said:

I propose that Fifth Scholar may in fact be Sja-Ajanat, rather than a Stonespren. For these reasons, I urge you to vote on them. I will be amplifying my own vote on them to hopefully make sure this lynch happens.

I can confirm that Fifth Scholar lied about being a Stonespren. I've held off on voting for him because he claimed a different role that is easier to prove than Stonespren, and wanted to give him a chance to prove that he was telling the truth this time. At this point it's probably best if @Fifth Scholar makes his role more public, like Sart did last cycle. 

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Indeed, a Surge of Productivity is highly coveted by me. If only they weren’t so rare. Wonder what kind of spren could give me one more consistently. I need to bond one ASAP :P 

I think I’ll examine my nine suspects for being Sja’anat, in ascending order of suspicion:

9. Snipexe

Hasn’t roleclaimed to me, though I’d like him to accept a role-trade at some point, but I don’t think that really affects his status as mostly village in my eyes. His willingness to experiment with the  Homolocrum-type things, as well as simply the tone in his PMs, have given me strong village leanings on him.  

8/7. xinoehp512/Ark1002

Both inactive for most or all of C1, and therefore very unlikely to be Sja’anat. I trust Xino far more than Ark, though they’re both low on this list because of their activity levels. 

6. Levitaph—I’m not really understanding much of the suspicion surrounding them, and am reading them as a confused newer player. 

5. Lopen—Had a slightly suspicious roleclaim but has been pushing hard for analysis and activity, though I don’t have much of a read one way or the other

4. Shqueeves

3. Rath 

2. Dr. Dapper 

1. Lumgol

I simply don’t have time to justify the last four, because now four votes got added to me really quickly. I’d urge that if I’m lynched, anyone on this wagon be examined very carefully, as it not-all-that-coincidentally lines up with my suspects. If y’all slow down the posting rate I might be able to actually reply to some of this, hold up. 

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Okay, first: all the votes: 

15 minutes ago, Sart said:

I'm still incredibly suspicious of Fifth Scholar for several reasons, which I will now articulate.

  • The post I just quoted focuses on less active players. We already talked Day 1 about how less active players were less likely to be converts. Why then was Fifth Scholar focusing the conversation on them?
  • Upon further inspection, they have been offering role swaps. That is a terrible idea in a conversion game. If they aren't converted, they can be converted and let Sja-Ajanat learn all of our most powerful roles. If they are already evil, they now know most of the town's roles, which gives Sja-Ajanat easy access to Division. That could easily spiral into the Elims getting multiple kills each turn.
  • Upon giving them my action from last night, Fifth claimed to be a Stonespren. Such a claim is hard to verify, and would be an easy claim for Sja-Ajanat to make.
  • Upon prompting, Fifth admitted to having an Essence stolen from her last night because of a Highspren. I chatted with the Highspren in question. Day 1, the Highspren claims Fifth took two essences. If she was a Stonespren as claimed, she could have fused those two essences with the two she started out with during the Night. However, the Highspren was able to take one of those Essences. Item crafting comes before the Highspren action, so Fifth did not craft last night.

I propose that Fifth Scholar may in fact be Sja-Ajanat, rather than a Stonespren. For these reasons, I urge you to vote on them. I will be amplifying my own vote on them to hopefully make sure this lynch happens.

-The less active players were also more likely to be Sja’anat herself, not a convert, who I was focusing on. And by my list I posted earlier, I have her on a shortlist of nine, which is narrowing. If most of those players are inactive, so be it. Sja’anat might defy logic and convert less actives regardless, so ignoring them is also unwise. 

-I could also, you know, be trying to solve for who Sja’anat is, which narrowing people down via roleclaims is very useful for. At the least, we make her claim something obscure or falsifiable. 

-It is indeed not my true Role, but your willingness to immediately reveal my identity to the thread makes me want to defend myself by claiming my actual race of Truespren go from low to miniscule. You’re likely good, or at least not Sja’anat, but there’s little call to give my role, false or otherwise, to everyone immediately, irrespectively of whether you want to lynch me or not. Keeping it vague would have been better, most likely. 

-First of all, I am a he. Second, no, I did not craft, as I’m not a Stonespren. There are quite a few not-Stonespren around, actually. 

All of this has little bearing on my alignment. You bring up my efforts to narrow Sja’anat down as some kind of trick to deceive the thread, but there’s little call, if I was Sja’anat, to go around desperately looking for roles. I could just convert people if I was that intrigued, and clearly role trading draws suspicion, as evidenced by this behemoth of a bandwagon. 

11 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

I knew my suspicion of you was unfounded. I'll do a last-minute vote change to Fifth Scholar 

That’s...not a great reason to back off Ark. And why switch to me? What do you find suspicious?

9 minutes ago, Sart said:

Not really. It was Cadmium Compounder.

There was again no call to reveal CadCom. You decry me for seeking out roles, but have publicised more private role information than I ever have. 

7 minutes ago, Rathmaskal said:

Do not question my methods.  You couldn't possible comprehend.


I think the only question you had for me was why I thought Fifth's initial vote on Lumgol was suspicious?  Mostly for reasons that have already been mentioned, namely that voting on someone for doing mechanical analysis rather than player analysis when no one has posted anything of substance seems a bit off.

I really haven't gotten much into the thread today...and I know we're coming up on the end of the cycle...so I'm going to go ahead and place my vote on Fifth since that's where my biggest suspicions currently lie.

This is very vague, and it’s these kinds of statements that make me retain my uneasiness about Rath. I was going to refute his claim that I was phishing in my PM with him, but don’t have time for that anymore. I repeat my question to Dapper: why exactly? I’ve already explained my jump on Lumgol was premature. 

3 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

Since it's been said already, I can confirm that the highspren in question is CadCom.

Although I'm hesitant to vote on Fifth for the same reasons that Fifth is hesitant to vote on me (that we needed to take a break from tunneling on each other), the logic against Fifth makes too much sense. From another PM I've had, a person has pointed out inconsistencies in Fifth's claim, such as him claiming to have taken the same action D1 and N1, which is illegal. Lying about someone's actions or role, to me, is definitely a cause of suspicion. Ark. Fifth.

I have been lying, because my actual role was valuable to the village, and I didn’t want it revealed. I still don’t want it revealed, which is why I’m not disclosing it, even if I’m lynched for it. I will note, however, that your roleclaim is hardly more solid than mine, and is a large part of the reason I suspect you. 

2 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

@Cadmium Compounder Can you please confirm Sart's statement?

Due to Sart's statement and a couple PMs, I will place my vote on @Fifth Scholar.  However, I would invite him to dispel these accusations if at all possible.


Fifth Scholar

I hope I’ve given sufficient refutation, Fura. 

If or when I am mislynched, I would like a thorough look into Lumgol, Rathmaskal, Dr Dapper, and possibly Sart. Trust CadCom, Devotary and Fura for now. 

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12 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

Something's off about you. I put the vote on Ark as a bond chance increase anyway.

I am still debating about Fifth lynch.  Fifth is not playing this game how they typically play.  However, you wouldn't know that. ; P

Ugh. Fifth just always gives me village vibes!!!!!

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I didn't appreciate how early Fifth Scholar suggested I reveal my role to him. It still seems unnecessarily quick, and makes me uncomfortable/suspicious. I gathered from the language used in sart's post that Fifth had gotten the roles of other townies (although how sart would know this idk) and I am alarmed at the prospect of the sja'anat having that information. In this game specifically, having a player who is known to all as "the guy who knows everything" would be disastrous, as the sja'anat could either take them out, eliminating the knowledge from the town, or convert them, granting them a large amount of player info. @Fifth Scholar, how many players roleclaimed to you, and did you tell all of them you were a stonespren?

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19 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Okay, first: all the votes: 

-The less active players were also more likely to be Sja’anat herself, not a convert, who I was focusing on. And by my list I posted earlier, I have her on a shortlist of nine, which is narrowing. If most of those players are inactive, so be it. Sja’anat might defy logic and convert less actives regardless, so ignoring them is also unwise. 

-I could also, you know, be trying to solve for who Sja’anat is, which narrowing people down via roleclaims is very useful for. At the least, we make her claim something obscure or falsifiable. 

-It is indeed not my true Role, but your willingness to immediately reveal my identity to the thread makes me want to defend myself by claiming my actual race of Truespren go from low to miniscule. You’re likely good, or at least not Sja’anat, but there’s little call to give my role, false or otherwise, to everyone immediately, irrespectively of whether you want to lynch me or not. Keeping it vague would have been better, most likely. 

-First of all, I am a he. Second, no, I did not craft, as I’m not a Stonespren. There are quite a few not-Stonespren around, actually. 

All of this has little bearing on my alignment. You bring up my efforts to narrow Sja’anat down as some kind of trick to deceive the thread, but there’s little call, if I was Sja’anat, to go around desperately looking for roles. I could just convert people if I was that intrigued, and clearly role trading draws suspicion, as evidenced by this behemoth of a bandwagon. 

That’s...not a great reason to back off Ark. And why switch to me? What do you find suspicious?

There was again no call to reveal CadCom. You decry me for seeking out roles, but have publicised more private role information than I ever have. 

This is very vague, and it’s these kinds of statements that make me retain my uneasiness about Rath. I was going to refute his claim that I was phishing in my PM with him, but don’t have time for that anymore. I repeat my question to Dapper: why exactly? I’ve already explained my jump on Lumgol was premature. 

I have been lying, because my actual role was valuable to the village, and I didn’t want it revealed. I still don’t want it revealed, which is why I’m not disclosing it, even if I’m lynched for it. I will note, however, that your roleclaim is hardly more solid than mine, and is a large part of the reason I suspect you. 

I hope I’ve given sufficient refutation, Fura. 

If or when I am mislynched, I would like a thorough look into Lumgol, Rathmaskal, Dr Dapper, and possibly Sart. Trust CadCom, Devotary and Fura for now. 

Why do I have such a hard time remembering people's gender? My apologies. Still, I'm not convinced of your innocence. At the same time though, I will feel bad if you turned out to be a Villager. This bandwagon demonstrates why we need more people voicing their opinions earlier in the cycle. I know I'm partially to blame for that since I didn't post my analysis until late, but at least I had my vote on you early. Out of curiosity, who did you scan Night one then?

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27 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

So, wait. He lied about being a stonespren? Cause he told me that too.

Are we sure?

Fifth claimed to me, saying that he was a stonespren. However, he didn't realize that half of five stormlight is 2.5 instead of 2, and also said that he took essences Day 1 and Night 1, which is illegal. When confronted with these accusations, he replied that he was not, in fact, a Stonespren. I gather that he continued to claim Stonespren to others, though.

@Sart, Fifth claimed Truespren, not necessarily a Truthspren.

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I did not scan, I was scanned. By CadCom, as you now know. As for what I did N1, I recharged 2 Stormlight. 

3 minutes ago, Levitaph said:


I didn't appreciate how early Fifth Scholar suggested I reveal my role to him. It still seems unnecessarily quick, and makes me uncomfortable/suspicious. I gathered from the language used in sart's post that Fifth had gotten the roles of other townies (although how sart would know this idk) and I am alarmed at the prospect of the sja'anat having that information. In this game specifically, having a player who is known to all as "the guy who knows everything" would be disastrous, as the sja'anat could either take them out, eliminating the knowledge from the town, or convert them, granting them a large amount of player info. @Fifth Scholar, how many players roleclaimed to you, and did you tell all of them you were a stonespren?

I’d actually like to thank you, Levitaph, as it’s good to see thorough analysis from you. I understand your qualms, and would likely share them in your place. As Fura notes, I’m not exactly playing my normal game, and likely overextended. As I’ve already stated, the goal of my roleclaiming was to fish out Sja’anat and make it harder for her to hide. I’ve passed on my knowledge to a few people, and hope they can continue my work. I’ve gotten roleclaims from eight people, and believable ones from five or six. 

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Just now, Fifth Scholar said:

I’ve gotten roleclaims from eight people, and believable ones from five or six. 

This is concerning for the reasons Sart and I've already stated. If we can keep this knowledge out of eliminator hands, I believe we MUST do so. I'm sorry, I believe there's a good chance you are a townie, but you know too much. If an anonymous townie you trust continues your work outside the public eye, then A. I can't stop that b/c I won't know it's happening, and B. I believe the risk of the sja'anat converting this anon is acceptable.

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Night 2- An Unhonorable Honorspren
Rysca, the lying honorspren, had been a chatty spren of late. Even in the face of death, Rysca would chat until the end of his days. His radiant had disappeared to somewhere, he wasn't sure where. But he had been very busy, learning everything about everyone he possibly could! He had even dressed up as a Stonespren to hide his identity. 
"You shouldn't lie about your identity, Rysca."
boomed the voice of the Stormfather from up above. But Rysca just rolled his eyes. "I'm an Honourspren, not an honorspren."
"Oh really. I wasn't aware Honor wasn't a holy word to the Vorins."
"My spelling is clearly superior, obviously."
"Wait, you lied about who you were?" A cultivationspren had apparently overheard his brief conversation with the Stormfather. Welp, that wasn't going to end well at all. 
"Clearly you have been enlightened, otherwise you could not lie."
"He demanded to know all of our identities! Isn't that suspicious?"
"Let's just get him already!" 
And with that, the crowd jumped on him. He felt a burst of heat, and while it missed him, he heard a scream of pain from a spren as they were burned. He was dragged into a solitary cell deep underneath the city, even as he pleaded that he was still an unenlightened honorspren. 
And now his Radiant was all alone in Shadesmar, with no clue how to use her abilities, or how to navigate or find food. Suddenly his foolishness and arrogance seemed petty to him. But realization wasn't going to get him out now. 

Fifth Scholar has been lynched. He was a Windrunner Honorspren. 

Fifth Scholar (Rysca the Highspren) (6): Dr. Dapper (Ji the crazyspren), Furamirionind (Fyrul), Levitaph (Lyvit), Lumgol (Hjalar, a lightspren), Rathmaskal (DrizzleFather), Sart (Sartras)
Lumgol (Hjalar, a lightspren) (2): Ark1002 (Nightshade), Fifth Scholar (Rysca the Highspren)
Levitaph (Lyvit) (1): Cadmium Compounder (Cadaci)
Rathmaskal (DrizzleFather) (1): Devotary (Meladian the Lightspren)

Dr. Dapper has been Burned
This turn will end on 4/23/19, at 9:00 PM MDT. Be aware, that rollover times are likely to change the following cycle, as I'm heading back home to NY. I'll inform you of when the new rollover will be, and will likely grant an extension to the turn so it doesn't get cut short. Also, here are the rules.


1. Furamirioind
2. Lumgol (Hjalar the Lightspren)
3. Elandera Lightweaver Cryptic
4. Randuir (Alabaster the Inkspren)
5. Xinoehp
6. Rathmaskal
7. Snipexe
8. Ark1002 (Nightshade)
9. Devotary of Spontaneity (Meladian the Lightspren)
10. Levitaph 
11. Shqueeves
12. Fifth Scholar (Rysca) Windrunner Honorspren
13. Coop772 Lightspren
14. TheMightyLopen (Lymelis)
15. Cadmium Compounder
16. Dr. Dapper (Ji)
17. Sart (Sartras)


Edited by Steeldancer
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