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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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3 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

"Come on over, Butt." Andrew Shouted. "What games do you know? I've got no money, so gambling games won't work unless we just gather a bunch of leaves to use as chips."

"Ever heard of a card game called Scum? Its fun but we'll need a few more players." He starts shuffling the cards. Anyone else want to join? Mr. Pear O'Scissors, Friedrich, you want to play?"

It won't be much help to build shelters if we're on the run. Anyone have any other ideas?

We need a way to hold water, anyone have a helpful item?

Finally, would anyone find it feasible to all work together to build a raft out of vines and sticks and stuff and float to safety?

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Just a heads up, because this is a QF and I’m also helping with the LG, I don’t want to promise my normal levels of activity in thread. Please do PM if you want to talk about the game though. 

Sounds like Lum has the fire taken care of, so I’ll leave her to that. 

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Hi folks. Haven't submitted any actions yet. I'm thinking I'll want to gather water. I'll also submit an action to keep watch tonight. I'll try to think of something else worth doing. 

I apparently won't go hungry this game - I have an item that prevents that. 

Unrelated, and I know this is going to come off as an elim read to a lot of people, but are we sure there's an actual elim team here?

Edit: this will probably be my only post this cycle, but I'll be much more active moving forward. 

Edited by Rathmaskal
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An interesting idea to do with Maill’s axe, as he’s apparently going to be cutting down trees, is to form some kind of portable palisade—we could lash the spears together with vines, use it as a barrier to defend our camp, and then grab the spears and use them should our structure be overrun. 

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13 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

I don't think we should spend too long on building a structure, since we're supposed to be moving each night. I would focus on making reusable tools and supplies instead.

Agreed. I suspect making a permanent camp isn't going to be an effective strategy.

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36 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Agreed. I suspect making a permanent camp isn't going to be an effective strategy.

The idea isn’t a permanent structure—it’s essentially having lightweight bundles of sharpened sticks we can carry around and set up as a defensive structure from day to day, or use as weapons in a pinch. 

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I think that we are focusing too much on trivial things. A barrier could be nice, but I think that much more helpful would just be removing any possible Zombies from our camp, or keeping them out of camp in the first place. To do this, watch actions, scan actions, might be most helpful. 

also,  Rath, Fifth Scholar I feel like you are attempting to distract from what might actually be important things to discuss, so I've moved my vote to you, as I don't want to lynch someone because of a poke vote, and I don't have anything better to go off of D1.

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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16 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Would anybody like to go with me to explore the clearing mentioned? Or should we wait for further cycles.

I'll go with you. Buddy system is always best. Anyone else want to join?

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45 minutes ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

also,  Rath, Fifth Scholar I feel like you are attempting to distract from what might actually be important things to discuss, so I've moved my vote to you, as I don't want to lynch someone because of a poke vote, and I don't have anything better to go off of D1.

I’m a little confused at what you’re saying here. Even if you find my idea ill-advised, what more important matters would I be distracting from? To me, the most important matters are not dying of starvation, and being able to hold off the zombie hordes. As I will be foraging today, and as I’ve given an idea for how to hold off the attacking horde and fight them, I’m not sure what other important matter you believe I’m trying to overlook. That said, my vote on Maill, which was a poke in RP, can be removed. 

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2 hours ago, Rathmaskal said:

Hi folks. Haven't submitted any actions yet. I'm thinking I'll want to gather water. I'll also submit an action to keep watch tonight. I'll try to think of something else worth doing. 

I apparently won't go hungry this game - I have an item that prevents that. 

Unrelated, and I know this is going to come off as an elim read to a lot of people, but are we sure there's an actual elim team here?

Edit: this will probably be my only post this cycle, but I'll be much more active moving forward. 

This will also probably be my last post this cycle, and I will probably be less active but still kinda here, over the weekend, but I was re-reading and I saw this. But there was something about my GM PM that, looking back on it, didn't fit the typical village/elim fashion, or even team style fashion. I don't want to go too much more into that as I feel we'd be entering too far into the meta, which I kind of want to avoid. 

It's hard to fully believe this at this early point, so I will keep this in mind as we continue to play. But this is an Alv game, so anything could be possible. 

3 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I’m a little confused at what you’re saying here. Even if you find my idea ill-advised, what more important matters would I be distracting from? To me, the most important matters are not dying of starvation, and being able to hold off the zombie hordes. As I will be foraging today, and as I’ve given an idea for how to hold off the attacking horde and fight them, I’m not sure what other important matter you believe I’m trying to overlook. That said, my vote on Maill, which was a poke in RP, can be removed. 

This is a valid point. My thought was people that focus too much on elements that feel off to me(like a wall, shelter or a raft,) in a positive manner might be eliminators trying to distract us from moving forward, toward the safe-haven. But multiple people have suggested things like that, so much so that it's unlikely that it's only eliminators are doing it. 

Anyway, I'm still getting a slightly off vibe from you, so I'll leave my vote there for now, no offense (If that's possible). As long as no one decides to agree with me, though, you should survive, and I'll be able to re-evaluate my view of you tomorrow

Anyway, with regards to what I believe are important:

Finding (or finding out if there are) Eliminators

Getting food(In general. I don't necessarily need it as much as others, but it is a revealed mechanic that I would rather not find the bad side of) I don't personally see water as important right now, but worth investigating, just in case it is. We do not know whether a new "Thirst level" mechanic will be introduced later on, but I haven't seen anything about it as of yet" So we need some people getting food, but one or two can probably be spared to go to the stream. 

Investigating the clearing can also be good, as it can allow us to learn more about another revealed part of the game( kind of like the stream, 1 or 2 people, but not much more) 

We don't want to kill the person with the map, unless one of us picks it up, but we definitely don't want it destroyed. 

The axe can be good to not only cut down trees, but the trees can be used as a natural barrier, so the rest of us may not need to worry about barriers. 

We need to do things to find out about other people's roles, to know if people have similar types of roles or if there are bad guys. 

We need to worry about elim!infiltrators in camp, so we should maybe take actions to defend or watch actions that are taken place as well. 

Those are the main thing's I've thought of. If there's anything else that others think of, please share it.


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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Can we take actions based on the result of other people's actions?

Like, Maill cuts down a tree and I take branches off of it?

Yes you can but if they don't take the action you specify, then your action will fail as a result.

You lot are really getting into this.  Like way more than I thought you would.  I'm both very impressed and worried.

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Cycle over.  I will still be accepting actions for the next hour though so if you haven't placed any, do so very soon.

Next cycle will be up in about an hour.

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Day Two: Revealed!

Tanky Boi sat with his back to the campfire as he kept watch for Zombies.  The smell of cooked fish still hung in the air while the taste lingered on the lips.  So intense was Tanky Boi in keeping an eye out for those Zombies that he didn’t notice someone sitting down next to him.  Not until they spoke at least.

“Let’s be honest: no one really cares about my backstory or where I came from. They don’t care that I lived, though I did. They don’t care that I (un)died. The only thing that matters is the here and now, and here and now, I eat flesh. And brains. And your brain looks big and juicy. Can I eat it? Will you let me eat it? Please? I want it. I’m hungry. I’m always hungry. I need your brain. I need all the brains. Brraaaiiinnsss.”

And with that final cry the Zombie grabbed onto Tanky Boi and started feeding.  The noise woke the camp and they quickly dispatched the Zombie but now another problem had arisen.  What to do with Tanky Boi?

Carved into a piece of bark sitting innocently by the fire was the message “WE CRAVE PEACE, NOT SUBJUGATION”

Fifth: (1) CadCom
Ventyl : (1) Striker
No one was lynched!

Lumgol - Tanky Boi is now a Zombie!

Everyone dined on cooked fish.
This cycle will last 24 hours with an hour of rollover to get this more in line with RL.

Revealed mechanics:
Zombies are publicly known
Zombies can’t vote
Zombies can’t use PMs
Zombies can only post Zombie like RP

Important Information:
Terrain:  Farmland
Weather : Cloudy
Wind: Slight northerly breeze
Wildlife:  You can see some cows in the distance

As there is at least one refugee holding a Map, certain areas of interest are revealed.
A milking shed is nearby
There are several felled trees running along the fence line
Beehives are for some reason marked on the Map

Player List:


Elandera - Kyler O'Malley
Straw - Gustavus Adolphus
Rathmaskal - Rash Williams
Mailliw73 - Manny Darovious
Devotary of Spontaneity - Leon
StrikerEZ - Lachlan McZombie
Ventyl - Sean McSean
Butt Ad Venture - Butt Venture the second
I think I am here - I. Tiah
Cadmium Compounder - Andrew Andrewson
Snipexe - A. Pear O’Scissors
Hemalurgic Headshot - Bill Woodsman
Fifth Scholar - Friedrich
Lumgol - Tanky Boi
Ax's Boyfriend - Murder Hobo
Coop772 - Anonymous Refugee #1
Kidpen - Meta Character
xinoehp512 - Dr. Eibmoz
Sart - Sarah
WeebTrash - Subaru


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6 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Well, I’m not exactly sure wat the lynch does, but we could try using it on Lumgol and see what happens? Maybe attack her with sharpened sticks for good measure? 

Don’t be zombiest! They’re people too. Or were. Just because they have a hungering for brains doesn’t mean we can’t peacefully exist. I’m sure if we work out a diplomatic solution, we can all get along.

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I'm surprised the river had enough fish to feed us all. Potential food sources for this round appear to be cows, milk, and honey. Perhaps we could take the cows with us.

Exactly one Zombification today, and it targeted someone who planned to stand watch. @Straw, anyone else, did you happen to see where the Zombie that bit Lum came from? This almost seems like an elim kill. Since I believe Lum had the same item Rath claimed that makes the holder not need to eat, I doubt her Zombification was due to hunger. Perhaps this item will prevent her from trying to eat us.

I'm assuming from Fifth's post and my current item status that everyone received a sharpened stick. Not the most effective weapon, but it should keep hostiles at a distance.


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Well...at least we know that it's a conversion game now...

I agree with you Snip and feel bad for Lum, there's just one problem. Zombies are not enough of mind to empathize with humans, rationalize their decisions, or ignore their impulses. I would love to keep him but there is no feasible method of doing it.

Butt walks out of the bushes, yawns, and asks, "How was everyone's night" before he sees Tanky Boi. He gasps, takes a second to compose himself, and then shouts. "Ha! You see! Mr. Tanky Boi didn't join me in the truth and had his flesh changed to match his soul! Join me and see the truth! The Truth!"

He walks off to find some breakfast. As he disappears he says, "I will be handing out flyers later at lunch! Be there for the truth!"

If someone has a idea to save/hold Lum without slowing us down I will welcome it.

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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Tanky ZomBoi tore open his traveling pack in search of braaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnsssssssssssssssssssssssssss. However, instead of tasty delicious human flesh, he just found... a stash of granola bars. Frustrated, he threw the bars all around the human campsite.

Alright, Tanky ZomBoi thought. I guess I gotta actually kill people now. He stood up, moaned, and began shuffling toward the first human he could think of.


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