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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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Save bridge? Brains across bridge...but if brain escape...it worth? Hungry, zombie not taste good...so hungry. Save Bridge? Yes...we eat many. Gustavus and Manny will be the harbingers of peace for the remaining...we will cross the river. We will feast. We will be happy. All will be happy. All will feast. All will join us.

@Alvron Do you mean 2 hours? You posted the 4 hour deadline 2 hours ago.

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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8 minutes ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

@Alvron Do you mean 2 hours? You posted the 4 hour deadline 2 hours ago.

I posted at 11:13am my time that it has less than four hours.  That means that 3pm my time, in 37 minutes is the deadline.

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So that's 4 to save, 1-3 to let fall and 1 gibberish (by Rath).  We have yet to reach the minimum to save the bridge so in 30 minutes, if nothing changes, the bridge will fall.

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Just now, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

What's the minimum number of votes required to save the bridge? And why are there up to three votes to let it be destroyed?

5.  Half the number of 'living' players rounded down. PMed votes which I'm not counting at moment but in case of tie...

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Day 8: Safe at last (Aftermath)

Manny and Gustavus made a break for it as soon as they saw the bridge.  Quickly but carefully crossing the rope bridge they went and as soon as they were on the other side did they begin to cut away at the ropes.  Several Zombies tried to chase them across but just as they were about to reach the other side, the ropes gave way and four of the plunged into the gorge below, very likely to their undeath.

Manny and Gustavus were treated as heroes when they made it to the camp for there hadn't been any new arrivals for some time.  And when it was revealed that Gustavus himself was Immune to the Zombie virus, a fact he himself didn't know, the entire camp threw the biggest party they possibly could for now they had a shot at reclaiming their world instead of huddling down and hoping the Zombies would die off on their own.

Refugees win! And you all thought the Zombies were OP. :P 
The game is over thanks to the quick thinking of Maill and Straw.  Both placed orders to cross the bridge and then destroy it.  Not a single Zombie thought to cross the bridge before it was destroyed.

More thoughts to come later on how I felt the game went.  Needless to say, there are a few things that would be changed.

Docs: (please ignore how disorganized they are.  It makes sense to me.)
The Zombie Horde
Master SS
Rules and Mechanics

Player List:


Elandera - Kyler O'Malley Zombie
Straw - Gustavus Adolphus Immune
Rathmaskal - Rash Williams Zombie
Mailliw73 - Manny Darovious Prepared
Devotary of Spontaneity - Leon Zombie
StrikerEZ - Lachlan McZombie Refugee
Ventyl - Sean McSean Zombie
Butt Ad Venture - Butt Venture the second Zombie
I think I am here - I. Tiah Blood Type: O-Neg
Cadmium Compounder - Andrew Andrewson Zombie
Snipexe - A. Pear O’Scissors Zombie!Doctor
Hemalurgic Headshot - Bill Woodsman Refugee
Fifth Scholar - Friedrich Zombie
Lumgol - Tanky Boi Zombie
Ax's Boyfriend - Murder Hobo Retired Serial Killer
Coop772 - Anonymous Refugee #1 Zombie
Kidpen - Meta Character Zombie
xinoehp512 - Dr. Eibmoz Zombie
Sart - Sarah Zombie
WeebTrash - Subaru Zombie

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I'd just like to say that this game was really fun. I've never been this active in a game that had open-ended actions like this before, and it was all kinds of fun. I guess I was wrong about the zombies, so I guess it was a good thing I decided to help Elandera burn some of them down XD

Does this still count as a win for me even though I died? :P

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11 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I suppose you were immune, so it's not like you could have become a Zombie even if you wanted to. But Maill, what possessed you to make sure as many people as possible lost the game?

IDK about Mailliw (I didn’t even know he was also going to destroy the bridge), but I actually wanted to try to win.

Edited by Straw
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So, I had a slightly different interpretation of 'RPing' as a zombie...  I just made posts similar to what I would have made otherwise...but just moved over one key to the left on a standard qwerty keyboard.  For Z and A, I had to be a bit creative...so they just resulted in the next letter being capitalized (mimicking shift and caps lock).

Anyway, that was a fun game.  Congrats to everyone who won.  Looks like 6 of you?

Straw, Maill, Striker, Itiah, HH, and Ark?  (Btw, I realize it was gibberish, but I was voting to save the bridge :P) aCw veusfw  Unfortunately I'm too good a zombie RPer.

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1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

Does this still count as a win for me even though I died? :P

Yes, it counts as a win for you. :P 

59 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Edit: Also, Alv, you never told me I could post! I could have been talking to the players this whole time! : P

I never told you because you weren't allowed to.  I let you make one RP post, that's it.

34 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I suppose you were immune, so it's not like you could have become a Zombie even if you wanted to. But Maill, what possessed you to make sure as many people as possible lost the game?

I suspect he was playing to his Win Con which is what I would expect everyone to do.  Those that go against their own win con throw off the balance of a game and while one or two doing so isn't that big, 5-6 can be a huge shift.

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

I never told you because you weren't allowed to.  I let you make one RP post, that's it.

Yeah, I was being sarcastic due to you saying in thread I was allowed to post. Obviously I wasnt going to post in thread again making that joke... granted, I accept it want funny. : P

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2 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I suppose you were immune, so it's not like you could have become a Zombie even if you wanted to. But Maill, what possessed you to make sure as many people as possible lost the game?

What Alv said. 

2 hours ago, Straw said:

IDK about Mailliw (I didn’t even know he was also going to destroy the bridge), but I actually wanted to try to win.

That’s funny that you did too. 

1 hour ago, Alvron said:

Yes, it counts as a win for you. :P 

I never told you because you weren't allowed to.  I let you make one RP post, that's it.

I suspect he was playing to his Win Con which is what I would expect everyone to do.  Those that go against their own win con throw off the balance of a game and while one or two doing so isn't that big, 5-6 can be a huge shift.

Yeah, I was going to play hard to win. The games are about fun, but they aren’t fun if you just let everyone win. The challenge is the fun. For me, what was going to be most fun was to avoid becoming a zombie. So, that’s what I did. 

Thanks Alv! 

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That was interesting—congrats to the refugees on their win. I was responsible for most of the anon messages, if anyone was wondering about that. I was disappointed that my ritual didn’t awaken the zombies in the graveyard, but otherwise found this game wonderful, and would like to thank Alv for running it. 

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I'm so frustrated with myself. Yesterday was so insane, I didn't even think about the bridge. Overall, I didn't have nearly enough time to give this game the attention it deserved. I had a short stint of activity before turning into a zombie, and though I lost as a Zombie, I'd like to think my plan to burn as many living zombies as possible worked to help the refugees last long enough to survive. It was basically my only contribution to the game as a whole. Sorry about that.

I really enjoyed the open action mechanic. Definitely something I'd expect to come from an Alv game. It was super fun to try to think of what I could do with the information I had on hand. Too bad I only had one cycle to do it in. RPing as a zombie was fun though. 

10 hours ago, Alvron said:

I suspect he was playing to his Win Con which is what I would expect everyone to do.  Those that go against their own win con throw off the balance of a game and while one or two doing so isn't that big, 5-6 can be a huge shift

I wholeheartedly agree with this. It's why when I did show up, I was flabbergasted at how many people seemed to just be accepting the zombie plague. Maybe because of the recent Skyward MR, but I think it's important to focus on the win-con you currently have, not the one you might get. Even if it was thought inevitable that everyone would be a zombie, fighting to stay alive was the purpose of being a refugee. I'll accept my loss, knowing I did all I could when I had either win-con.

One mechanical note: I think I stopped exploring action options once I became a Zombie, because I thought the only thing I could do was attack. I think that might have contributed to me not considering crossing the bridge.

Edited by Elandera
Spelling.. I type too fast. Also, how many times can I fit a version of "think" into a paragraph?
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