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Long Game 58: A Hidden Threat


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10 minutes ago, STINK said:

Please name these strange reactions, it'd be nice for someone to actually have something on me :P

It's admittedly not much, but more than I could find for pretty much anyone else. Your reaction to Rand being revealed was unusual. It would be bold for the Inquisitor, which is exactly the kind of thing you might actually do. 

Also, you've tended to be non-committal toward lynches. I can't say I've not done the same (I think everyone has at some point), but there was something about your statement when Doc was up for lynch that struck as off while I was doing analysis. 

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After the first time Burnt was attacked, I asked who she had been most open in PMs with, which has actually been the list of people I've been trying to iso.  The list I was given was Doc, Bard, Hael, and Fifth.  Now, Burnt did mentioned not having any significant suspicion on any of them, but I thought it was as good a list as any to start on.


Updated vote count:

  • Snipexe (1) - Sart
  • Stink (2) - Elandera, shanerocks
  • Elandera (4) - Bard, Fifth, Doc, Hael
  • Bard (1) - Stink

I would actually like to vote on Bard here again, but that could potentially leave things open to vote manipulation, which I think is worse than a straight mislynch.

Edit: Bard - the vote manipulation is already available via Stink's votes.

Edit #2: still working on my Fifth iso btw

Edited by Rathmaskal
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[I'm a bit sick right now, but I'll try to write something later.]

Elandera was lynched, but survived!

Vote Count:

Elandera (4): Haelbarde, Doc12, Fifth Scholar, Young Bard

Young Bard (2): Rathmaskal, STINK

STINK (2): shanerockes, Elandera

Snipexe (1): Sart

GM Notes:

PMs are open.

The Night will end on August 15th at 4:00 PM EST.

Player List:


1. Haelbarde (Spar)

2. Burnt Spaghetti (Opal Ghetti) Vanilla

3. Snipexe (Cutting Bored)

4. StrikerEZ (Variel) Unsnapped

5. Araris Valerian (Hadrian Penrod) Unsnapped

6. Lumgol (Teraval)

7. Ax's Boyfriend (Voidapple) Vanilla

8. shanerockes (Bill)

9. Doc12 (Galen Aurette)

10. Randuir (Eliza Deveill) Vanilla

11. Amanuensis (MaiKaal) Soother

12. BrightnessRadiant (TBA) Elandera (TBA)

13. Fifth Scholar (Lerdar)

14. Devotary of Spontaneity (Nevene) Vanilla

15. Rathmaskal (Rebelmaskal)

16. Young Bard (Beattie Buvidas)

17. Sart (TBA)

18. STINK (Fonar Redacted)


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Well, I guess that's clear.  Either Elandera is the inquisitor or a thug.  The question is whether we want to see a seeker (assuming we have one) or coinshot (assuming we have one) find out which it is.  I kind of vote that both give it a shot in case we're missing one or the other...thoughts?

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2 hours ago, Elandera said:

@Fifth Scholar, you cursed me. I blame you for this. :P

I'm a thug. Now. I was previously unsnapped.

Fifth, the night I told you I was not a thug was the night I snapped. And of course, because RNG hates me, gave me thug.

I did indeed curse you; I apologise. However, the curse did not turn you into an Inquisitor. I scanned you as Vanilla last night, Elandera, and regardless of whether that happened before or after your Snapping is immaterial; you registered neither as Unsnapped nor Thug. I am slightly annoyed at allowing myself to tunnel onto Doc and Devotary (sorry you two, especially Devotary, who I actually got lynched), and not consider the presence of other vanillas. That said, you did a wonderful job of covering up your tracks, and even with the identity switch making things tough to analyse, you confounded and misled me and Burnt very well. I fully commend you; if I hadn’t scanned you semi-randomly, this game might have been very different after today. 

To the rest of you wondering what the storms I’ve been doing this game: I scanned the Lurcher N1, who still wants to stay under wraps, and whether they’ve false-claimed in thread, or have simply been lying low, is a mystery I’d like to keep so it’s harder for Elandera to kill him or her. :P N2 I got Rand obviously, N3 I scanned Bard which made me feel better about him, N4 I scanned Devotary, which returned vanilla, and I figured with her connections to Rand D2 that we’d found the Inquisitor; unfortunately, we hadn’t, so it was back to square one on N5, and I scanned Elandera after a brief PM where I hadn’t been able to guess her role, and I got impatient waiting. That led to yet another vanilla result, and here we are. 

I’m claiming now because I’ve served my purpose; after working with Burnt in PMs, and collecting roleclaims and piecing things together, we got the Inquisitor after several cycles of stalling. If I’m converted or killed, it’s not the end of the world at this point, as there’s no more need to test roleclaims. Also, either of those two, particularly the latter, might be a relief; considering my schoolwork, I’ve likely devoted far too much time to this game, to the point of overanalysis and tunnelling, which oddly enough, tends to turn out badly. Another apology to Devotary and Doc, here. 

If there are any Coinshots: Please hit Elandera tonight. :P 

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So now the question is OoA right? Assuming that Ela survives the night and kills a misting, then she may be able to get a final conversion off before the lynch. If so, then we’re right back where we started, though with a weaker elim.

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1 minute ago, Snipexe said:

So now the question is OoA right? Assuming that Ela survives the night and kills a misting, then she may be able to get a final conversion off before the lynch. If so, then we’re right back where we started, though with a weaker elim.

Conversions are during the night turn only.

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30 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I did indeed curse you; I apologise. However, the curse did not turn you into an Inquisitor. I scanned you as Vanilla last night, Elandera, and regardless of whether that happened before or after your Snapping is immaterial; you registered neither as Unsnapped nor Thug. I am slightly annoyed at allowing myself to tunnel onto Doc and Devotary (sorry you two, especially Devotary, who I actually got lynched), and not consider the presence of other vanillas. That said, you did a wonderful job of covering up your tracks, and even with the identity switch making things tough to analyse, you confounded and misled me and Burnt very well. I fully commend you; if I hadn’t scanned you semi-randomly, this game might have been very different after today. 

Of course you scanned me. :P A snapped claim was the last hope I had at people just ignoring me again. I should have claimed Unsnapped to you that night. I was plenty happy to let you keep tunneling on Doc and Devotary.

@Doc12, I feel so betrayed. I defended you for so long... and you vote on me? :P

34 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

If there are any Coinshots: Please hit Elandera tonight. :P

If there are any coinshots, please don't hit Elandera tonight. I'll give you cookies?

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7 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

So now the question is OoA right? Assuming that Ela survives the night and kills a misting, then she may be able to get a final conversion off before the lynch. If so, then we’re right back where we started, though with a weaker elim.

Elandera survives the night - assuming they have the same UberPewter as the previous games, we need to kill Elandera 2 more times. So they kill someone tonight, we attempt a second lynch tomorrow, which they'll survive again, they'll convert N7, before we lynch them finally D8. 

It's only if they get hit by a coinshot tonight (I don't know if a N7 coinshot would stop the conversion) that we avoid a conversion.

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3 minutes ago, Elandera said:

... If I can actually hit a storming Misting.

Yes well... I feel for you that you've had such poor luck. It's sorta like the time I was a Seeker and found all 6 Smokers in the game.

Edit: I checked with Straw and apparently kills happen before conversions, so a N7 coinshot kill would also work.

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3 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

Yes well... I feel for you that you've had such poor luck. It's sorta like the time I was a Seeker and found all 6 Smokers in the game.

I almost killed Snipexe the turn that I killed Burnt, but I was certain she was a Tineye or Seeker, and she was a bigger threat in the end, so I switched. Sorry about that, Burnt. :P

Now it's a question of if the Lurcher will get lucky again and make my lack of luck will reign supreme. :ph34r:

Edited by Elandera
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1 hour ago, Elandera said:

I was plenty happy to let you keep tunneling on Doc and Devotary.

1 hour ago, Elandera said:

I feel so betrayed. I defended you for so long... and you vote on me? :P

should be the one feeling betrayed :P I will only be sufficiently placated if you offer me some spike-free cookies.

You slipped under the radar quite a lot, especially as I (and Burnt on one occasion) left out your name on our suspicion lists because we saw BR's name crossed out and forgot about you :P I suppose what made me vote on you in the end was that feeling that even though you've been there and defended me (which was nice, I won't lie), you've said very little despite posting quite a lot. 


2 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Another apology to Devotary and Doc, here. 

Vindication! :D 

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1 hour ago, Doc12 said:

should be the one feeling betrayed :P I will only be sufficiently placated if you offer me some spike-free cookies.

Ah, yes. The whole "you should trust me because I'm on your side" thing. Yeah, I suppose I deserved the vote. :P The cookies will be spike free. Can't say the same for the cake. 

1 hour ago, Doc12 said:

You slipped under the radar quite a lot, especially as I (and Burnt on one occasion) left out your name on our suspicion lists because we saw BR's name crossed out and forgot about you :P I suppose what made me vote on you in the end was that feeling that even though you've been there and defended me (which was nice, I won't lie), you've said very little despite posting quite a lot. 

I struggled with those. I was perfectly content leaving my name out, but knew it would seem potentially suspicious if someone else noticed and I hadn't said anything. 

I tried by best to contribute as a villager. Even forgot I was the Inquisitor at one point. :P

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The Inquisitor stumbled between the buildings of Luthadel. They had barely survived a mob of citizens attacking them, and now pewter was the only thing keeping them alive. Suddenly, a coin shot from the roof of a building and slammed into the Inquisitor. As the coinshot walked away, confident that their job was done, the Inquisitor dragged themself into the building where Tereval was sleeping and drew their knife. Perhaps the citizens would leave them alive long enough to create another servant of Ruin.

Elandera was attacked, but survived!

Lumgol has died! They were a Tineye.

GM Notes:

PMs are open.

Due to the fact that this turn probably won't have much going on, it will end early. Will you let the Inquisitor live?

The Day will end on August 16th, at 4:00 PM EST.

Tineye Message #1:

One little Spiked buddy hiding in the crowd,
The crowd thinned out; and then there were none.

Sorry Elandera, you were really unlucky this game. If it hadn't been for the streak of roleless/blocked deaths, you'd have had a much better change at winning the game, since no-one really suspected you until the last cycle.

Player List:


1. Haelbarde (Spar)

2. Burnt Spaghetti (Opal Ghetti) Vanilla

3. Snipexe (Cutting Bored)

4. StrikerEZ (Variel) Unsnapped

5. Araris Valerian (Hadrian Penrod) Unsnapped

6. Lumgol (Teraval) Tineye

7. Ax's Boyfriend (Voidapple) Vanilla

8. shanerockes (Bill)

9. Doc12 (Galen Aurette)

10. Randuir (Eliza Deveill) Vanilla

11. Amanuensis (MaiKaal) Soother

12. BrightnessRadiant (TBA) Elandera (TBA)

13. Fifth Scholar (Lerdar)

14. Devotary of Spontaneity (Nevene) Vanilla

15. Rathmaskal (Rebelmaskal)

16. Young Bard (Beattie Buvidas)

17. Sart (TBA)

18. STINK (Fonar Redacted)


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