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Quick Fix Game 39: Corruption in the Senate 2: Allomantic Boogaloo

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Corruption in the Senate?
The Elendel Daily. 8th of Doxil, 244
With the recent Arrest of Senator Binks on charges of Blackmail, Fraud, and Conspiracy, Citizens from all octants have been asking the question, who else is involved? Certainly Senator Binks could not have acted alone, as the sheer amount of funds already revealed to have been spent in bribes are worth more than Bink’s net worth. Rumors and accusations have been leveled against nearly every Senator and House Lord in the City. Governor Samiel Shreeves released a Statement this Morning announcing he was aware of the situation and would be organizing a private conference outside the city, overseen by Constable-General Yosef, to put an end to the Corruption.

The Constable-General, with his aides Lieutenant Altea Meza and Detective K. Wilson, are noted to be good friends with the Governor, and have a history of overkill against threats to his life.

“We’ll be separating the Senators from the majority of their staff, and my Constables will be able to thoroughly investigate and question each and every one of them.” ~ Constable-General Yosef Busshu

We have sent reporters to the house of each Senator attending the Conference to ask for a statement from them, as well as to who they suspect to be Senator Bink’s allies. We at the Elendel Daily look forward to the next issue of this paper, where we will hopefully be able to deliver to you the statements of all the senators.

This is a Rerun of QF14: Corruption in the Senate. The game has been heavily rebalanced


The Senate must arrest or kill all the Corrupt senators. The Corrupt Senators must outnumber the Senators. The Survivor must survive to the end of the game.

The Lynch:
 At least two votes to be lynched. If a player is lynched, she is sent to the Holding Cells beneath the Senate. Alignment will be revealed upon being arrested.

Ties Result in all players involved being arrested

If a Player is successfully lynched, their items are placed in the Constable’s Stash. Their Boxings will be distributed as evenly as possible among the people who voted for them.

When a player is lynched, there is a 5% chance per vote on them that their alignment will be revealed as the opposite of what it actually is, until the Corrupt Constable is killed. (See Constables)

The Holding Cells:
Where the Lynched players are. They all get a doc to communicate in. Players who have not been arrested or killed can start PM’s with these players. A list of who has a PM with what player will be posted at the start of each cycle. Unarrested players can still use items on jailed players. Jailed players can use those items against other jailed players.

Make sure to include me. Pm’s can only be one-on-one. You can have as many as you want.

Corrupt Senator: Can communicate with their fellow corrupt in a doc. They do not have a group kill action.
Senator: No special actions.
Governor: You have three Votes. You can split them up, or put them all on the same person. Nobody starts with this role. Players must instead vote for a player to receive this role. The vote must be made in purple.The player to become Governor must have a majority(More than half) of all players votes. 
Survivor: No special Actions

Players may use each item once. They may use all of their items at the same time, or save them. Once an item is used, it is given to the player it was used against. EX: If Mailliw drugs Wilson, then Wilson will be given the drugs, and can choose to drug someone else the next turn. You cannot give a player an item.

If a Player is killed by the Dagger, the dagger and all other items will go to a random player who voted on the deceased. The Dagger cannot be given to the player who last had it. If nobody voted for the player, then all items will be confiscated by the Constables.

There are multiple of each item.

Dagger: One kill action. (Alignment will not be revealed) [1 per 6 players]
Ledgers: Look through another Senator’s papers, and discover whether or not they're corrupt. (A senator who has bribed a player that turn will be scanned as corrupt) [1 per 9 players] 
Whiskey: Prevent one attack against a player. (Cannot self target) (Does not protect from Lynches) Whiskey leaves the game if they successfully prevent a kill. [1 per 5 players]
Search Warrant: Steals all items and Boxings a player has [1 per 4 players]
Boxing: See Below [3ish per player, distributed semi randomly]

Boxing Prices:
1: Talk to an arrested player without your name being posted.
2: Change someone’s vote.
3: Buy a random item from the Constables
4: Bribe a player to target someone with their item.
7: Buy a specific item from the Constables.
45: Bribe the Constables to execute all other players. You win. Your team does not.

There are 3 Constables in the games, all of whom can be lynched. One of them is Corrupt. The Corrupt Senators know who it is. After this Corrupt Constable is lynched, alignments will be revealed truthfully. Each Constable has a different effect when lynched. No More than 2 Constables can be lynched during the game.

If the Constable General is lynched, the Governor may release ONE player from Jail. That player’s alignment becomes Survivor. They do not have access to any doc, but can vote and use items like any other player.

If the Lieutenant is lynched, all Items the Constables are randomly distributed among the voters. From then on, items are not buyable, and once confiscated, removed from the game.

If the Detective is lynched, all PM’s become closed, and players must pay 2 boxings to open a PM.

Order of Actions:
Governor Election
Search Warrant

The game will begin on Sunday, August 4th, at 3AM EDT.

Player List:


Senator Uno ( @StrikerEZ)
Senator Alron ( @Alvron)
Senator Palpatune ( @Snipexe)
Senator Elentari ( @Elbereth)
Senator Cinco ( @Lumgol)
Doctor Rab Heatherlocke ( @Haelbarde)
Senator Bernette Auldoun ( @Burnt Spaghetti)
Senator Ventrilis and Dummy ( @Young Bard)
Glacior ( @Devotary of Spontaneity)
Prince Machi A. Velli ( @Fifth Scholar)
Senator Diez ( @Elandera)
Senator Alendi ( @Bugsy)
Senator Whomst ( @Hemalurgic Headshot)
Senator Senator ( @Shqueeves)
Senator Gaius ( @Butt Ad Venture)
Lord George ( @Kidpen)
Senator Ninoirim ( @Furamirionind)
Lord Arr K. Thousandtoo ( @RayOfSunshine)
Senator Sheev ( @DrakeMarshmallow)
Mr. Senator ( @Araris Valerian)
Senator Sen A. Tor ( @Rathmaskal)
Senator Mike Onde, and assistant Annie Botaneaux ( @Arraenae)

Constable General Yosef ( @A Joe in the Bush )
Detective K. Wilson ( @little wilson)
Lieutenant Altea Meza ( @xxGaea )

There's nothing Hidden in this game, so why are you highlighting everything?

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Five times Murderer, one time Governor and slightly crispy Alron is reporting for Senate duty once again.  He is looking forward to finishing what he started back in QF14.

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1 minute ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

That was 50 years ago. . . how are you still alive?


Alron was eaten by the Kandra known as NaVorl but that's a secret so shhhh.

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Senator Elentari sniffed, reading the newspaper over morning tea. The nerve of some people, accusing her fellow senators of corruption! It was simply unthinkable that any of them would do such a thing. Far more likely to be one of those good-for-nothing House Lords, in her humble opinion. 

Her trembling hands turned the page, revealing only slightly less lurid stories about the various scandals currently rocking the city.

“With the way that the newspaper talks, you should think the whole city should have collapsed into anarchy fifty years ago,” she commented to no one in particular. 

Her butler, Lucius, poured her another cup of strong black tea. “It might have, Senator, had you not kept the Senate steady for those decades,” he said. 

“Quite right, Lucius,” she said approvingly. “I dread to think what shall become of it without my firm hand guiding the reins. I fear my touch is slipping even now, with all these newfangled devices and ridiculous scandals. I should never have taken that vacation, no matter what the doctor said. The city seems to have gone entirely to the birds in my absence.”

“Never,” Lucius assured her. “Give it a few years, and the city will be as right as rain again.”

“Hmph. I do hope so.” She grasped her ebony cane and rose from her seat. “Have my clothes packed. I haven’t the faintest idea how long this so-called ‘private conference’ will last, but I intend to be prepared.” 

Lucius bowed. “Of course. They’ll be ready by the afternoon.” 

She passed him on her way out, and gave him a rare smile. “Thank you, Lucius. You are a beacon of sanity in this trying city.” 

He only smiled and bowed again.

tl;dr: I’m back. :P 

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El and Alv are playing? Sign me up.

Dying worked wonders for cleaning up Assistant Constable-General Dr Rab Heatherlocke corrupt tendencies. Leaving the force forcefully, once he was once again breathing fresh air, he figured he'd try his hand a politics. He'd spent enough time working with senators, he was pretty sure he could do the job too, right?

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Glacior had always been the most put-together member of his family. Unlike some people who had tried to acquire a fortune all at once and so utterly failed the cause, he'd lived in Elendel for twenty years, syphoning funds into the hands of loyalists back home. Bink's arrest would temporarily make it more difficult for Glacior to accept bribes or skim money off the top of budgets, but it also provided an opportunity he'd been waiting for all these years. It was time to remind these Senators that even for a noble, the penalty for high treason is death.

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There are far too many exciting things about this game, even with a crammed schedule, for me not to sign up...

I’ll be in as Machi A. Velli, a newly elected, hopeless idealist who just wants the people to love and respect him. That’s what he says, anyway[/color

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Senator Alendi stepped off the train with a newspaper folded underarm and an amused smile he struggled to wipe from his face.

Corruption in the Elendel Senate? Frankly, it went without saying. The Senate of Elendel had never been an organization that gave much thought to the people of the city; its members were selected to represent the Noble Houses and the various Guilds, there was never a vote cast by your typical citizen. He shook his head at the thought. Compared to Doriel, his home and native land, Elendel's government was soft, weak, and unaccountable, filled with politicians who had glutted themselves on the taxes that came from being the Basin's only trade hub. Corruption was bound to occur. 

No, that corruption existed wasn't surprising in the least. What he hadn't expected was the nature of it, targeting the Governor to undisclosed ends. How had Binks gotten himself involved in that? Everyone knew the Senator was someone who frankly couldn't keep his mouth shut, and he wasn't half clever enough to orchestrate something like this on his own. No, whoever had arranged this knew that Binks would be caught, or at least knew it was a possibility. The Senator had been played for a fool, as had the Noble House of Gungan that he represented.

Perhaps the chaos was the purpose? Alendi wouldn't have been surprised. There was no end to the plans that could be furthered by this, with all the Senators kept from their staff and turning on each other one by one. Perhaps it was one of the bloc leaders trying to get rid of competition? Or a pesky political party trying to consolidate power and legitimize itself as an institution? He'd figure it out sooner or later. When he did, he resolved to pass along his thanks.

He had come to the city expecting long and painful negotiations with the Senate, prepared to fend off attack after attack targeted at Doriel's new trade infrastructure that jeopardized Elendel's natural monopoly. Now, though? All of that was out the window. Now he had leverage. Now he had power. If he could stop the collapse of Elendel, the favors he'd earn of the Noble Houses alone would be enough to block any economic sanctions. If he could play this right... the possibilities were limitless.

He walked to the Senate building with his suitcase still in hand. He was packed already for his trip to the city, so he had a head start on the other Senators. Best to make the most of it - Elendel was falling, and it was time for Doriel to rise in its stead.

Couldn't miss a rerun of my very first SE game. I'm back as well :) 

Sources: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Elendel_Basin#Politics and https://coppermind.net/wiki/Doriel

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Senator Whomst was allergic to paperwork. It made his eyes water, his head ache, and he became dreadfully lethargic. So much so that it was impossible for him to work! Now, one may ask, "why did the voters not know about this before he was put in office?" Well, it seems this condition was induced by the "stressful work environment which encompasses the duties of Senator." In common speech, Whomst only found out he was allergic once he started working.

No wonder nothing gets done.

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I am signing up!

Senator Gaius looked up at the high roofed ceilings of the senate building. Perhaps some windows would be nice, it gets stuffy in here. Shaking his head he looked at the broadsheet on his desk. "Corruption in the Senate?" it said. Gaius smiled, perhaps now he could finally get something done, it would be easier with less opposition. New windows perhaps?

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