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Quick Fix Game 39: Corruption in the Senate 2: Allomantic Boogaloo

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5 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

@Alvron Can you please lock these threads after I have posted that the Turn is up?

Writeup is almost done, I just want to double check everything is right.

I can if I'm online.

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  • Alvron locked this topic

{{{Work has gotten unexpectedly busy this week, so though I wish otherwise, writeups are going to continue to be nonexistent. I appreciate those of you who have been RP’ing despite the absence on my end. I will try to get writeups done for everyone Lumgol, Burnt, Sunshine and Elbereth before the game ends, but it may very well be the Weekend before I have time to do that.}}}

Lord Arr K. Thousandtoo (RayOfSunshine) was Lynched! They were Jolly!
Senator Elentari (Elbereth) was Stabbed! She was Quick-Witted!
Detective Kay Wilson (Little Wilson) was Lynched! She was a Righteous Constable!
Constables may no longer be lynched or voted on.

Vote Count:
Alvron (2): Elandera, StrikerEZ
RayofSunshine (3): Alvron, Arraenae, Furamirionind
xxGaea (1): Fifth Scholar
little wilson (3): Araris Valerian, Sunshine, Elbereth
Bard (1): Drake Marshmallow

Constable Altea currently has 8 Boxings and the Ledger known as The Coolest Ledger that Ever Ledged,  the Whiskey known as Comrade Vlad’s Vodacola, the Warrant known as Tearable, the Dagger known as Sticking Point,the Dagger known as JoinTheAlleyverse.

All Currently used PM’s are now closed! You may now pay Constable Altea 2 boxings per PM to talk in private.This turn ends in 24 hours.

Boxing Prices:
1: Talk to an arrested player without your name being posted.
2: Open a PM with a player for the rest of the game.
4: Change someone’s Lynch vote.
1: Change someone’s Election vote.
4: Buy a random item from the Constables. 
3: Bribe a player to target someone with their item.
5: Buy a specific item from the Constables. 
46: Bribe the Constables to execute all other players. You win. Your team does not.

Player List:



A Joe in the Bush - Just Constable
Lumgol - Kleptomaniac
RayOfSunshine - Jolly
Wilson - Righteous Constable

xxGaea - Alive, Unstoppable, and EVIL

Seonid - Betrayed Governor
Burnt Spaghetti - Surprised
Elbereth - Quick Witted

  1. Alvron
  2. Araris Valerian
  3. Arraenae
  4. Bugsy
  5. Butt Ad Venture
  6. Devotary of Spontaneity
  7. DrakeMarshmallow
  8. Elandera
  9. Fifth Scholar
  10. Furamirionind
  11. Haelbarde
  12. Hemalurgic Headshot
  13. Kidpen
  14. Rathmaskal
  15. Shqueeves
  16. Snipexe
  17. StrikerEZ
  18. Young Bard
Edited by A Joe in the Bush
Apparently it's turn 4.
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...Well, that wasn't what I expected. Excuse me while I try and find the correct vote tally from the end of last cycle and we do a comparison.

Also, Alv. Your life was saved by these vote manipulations, and you pushed very strongly for Gaea's survival. I'm thinking it's obvious enough that you might be framed, but more likely is that having unreliable lynches for the rest of the game was worth losing an Elim for.

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*incoherent roars of rage*

Ten measly seconds and I would have pulled it off :angry:

This is exactly what I was trying to prevent, the elims buying the lynch on the wrong constable.

Ah well. I tried. It's after midnight here so g'night.



5 minutes ago, Young Bard said:

...Well, that wasn't what I expected. Excuse me while I try and find the correct vote tally from the end of last cycle and we do a comparison.

Also, Alv. Your life was saved by these vote manipulations, and you pushed very strongly for Gaea's survival. I'm thinking it's obvious enough that you might be framed, but more likely is that having unreliable lynches for the rest of the game was worth losing an Elim for.

Right, this reminds me, before I go to sleep: Bard.

I'm still suspicious of you. I also don't like this vote on Alv which seems like a really easy next step for an elim.

I apologize if I'm not particularly articulate in my reasoning at the moment.

Edited by DrakeMarshmallow
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Okay, just got my GM PM and can confirm that Drake is good too. I would’ve PM’d someone the results instead, but someone used a search warrant to steal my only 2 boxings. :(

Also, @DrakeMarshmallow I understand your frustration. Maybe the random chance would’ve picked Wilson anyway, but at least we were on the right track and could’ve had a shot. 


Oh, also, Alv. I don’t see many possible scenarios where he isn’t evil at this point. 

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Good good. I cant say I find this unexpected, but this is very good... except 1 thing:

Seriously? why kill El? I wanted to RP with her!

I swear, someone in this game is trying to make my life miserable : (

Ok, we have a confirmed village circle forming. This is very good. Daggers have started circulating it seems, so it is time to stop saying things in thread, and start PMin... nvm... :'(

Ok... This is interesting...

Elandera tried to Steal Striker's Ledger last night. Did you succeed? (Ninjad nope, you got boxings)

With PMs gone, it's time for me to drop my attempts at intrigue and manipulation.

Bard, Striker, Drake, and I'll add Fifth, are all not to be lynched at this point.

Devotary should never be lynched today, though idk about others.

The elim that bribed El was online within an hour of rollover.

That leaves: 

Alvron - most likely an elim. Still possibly not. Not guaranteed. Need more analysis 

Elandera - should probably be lynched


Kidpen - inactive or lurking?


At least one of these is an elim.

Edit: take Rae off that list. She tried to vote on Alv. Regardless if he is an elim, him surviving helps the elims.

Edited by Furamirionind
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Alright, I didn't die, so that means I have some info to share.

Sticking Point is my dagger. It was the dagger that started in the black market - I started with 6 boxings, so spent 3 to get an item and lucked out with the Dagger.

I was going to kill Ray of Sunshine with it. It got stolen with an unnamed warrant. That it was confiscated means that either Elbereth or RayOfSunshine must have used the Warrant on me, before getting lynched/killed. Two players knew I had the dagger - Elbereth and Alvron. Seems likely that Elbereth stole the dagger, before being killed by Alvron.

Now, JoinTheAlleyverse. Last cycle I spent my other 3 boxings to get Snipexe to target RayOfSunshine with the dagger. The action succeeded, but no kill happened. This is because the redirect item will try redirect the specified item first, then just redirect something else. Alvron claimed that Snipexe passed the dagger to him, meaning the dagger no longer was in Snipexe's posession, but as he had the warrant, the bribe still went through, and he used the Warrant on RayOfSunshine. I assume this is then the warrant named Tearable. @Snipexe, can you confirm any of these details?

Anyways, this means that Alvron was possibly the last to have the Alleyverse dagger which ended up in the black market, having killed Elbereth.

Vote Tally
Gaea (1): Fifth, Elandera{1}
Rae (1): Drake{1}, Striker{1}, Ray
Wilson (1): Araris, Alv{1}
Fura (0): Fura{1}, Elbereth{1}
Alv (3): Elandera{2}, Striker{2}, Elbereth{2}, Elandera{4}, Striker{4}, Bard{1}
Shqueeves (0): Elandera{3}
RayOfSunshine (3): Hael{1}, Fura{2}, Alv{2}, Striker{3}, Rae
Bard (1): Drake{2}

RayOfSunshine (3): Fura, Alv, Rae
Alv (3): Elbereth, Elandera, Striker
Rae (1): Ray
Wilson (1): Araris
Gaea (1): Fifth
Bard (1): Drake

Elbereth's vote was moved from Alv to Wilson. Likely done by Alv for meta reasons. RayOfSunshine's vote was also moved to Wilson from Arraenae.


Edit: I'm now very annoyed. First Burnt dies, then Elbereth. @Elbereth - I guess our team up is going to have to wait for another game... :'(


Edited by Haelbarde
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Vote Tally - End of Day 3
Alvron (3): Elandera, Elbereth, StrikerEZ
Ark1002 (3): Alvron, Arraenae, Furamirionind
Arraenae (1): RayOfSunshine
xxGaea (1): Fifth Scholar
little wilson (1): Araris Valerian
Young Bard (1): DrakeMarshmallow

Vote Count - Writeup:
Alvron (2): Elandera, StrikerEZ
RayofSunshine (3): Alvron, Arraenae, Furamirionind
xxGaea (1): Fifth Scholar
little wilson (3): Araris Valerian, Sunshine, Elbereth
Bard (1): Drake Marshmallow

Vote Count with changes:
Alvron (32): Elandera, Elbereth, StrikerEZ
RayofSunshine (3): Alvron, Arraenae, Furamirionind
xxGaea (1): Fifth Scholar
little wilson (13): Araris Valerian, Sunshine, Elbereth
Bard (1): Drake Marshmallow

So both vote manipulations happened towards Wilson - one from El's vote on Alv, and one from Ark's vote on Rae. Then El died, and Ark was lynched - I don't think that's a coincidence. For Ark, at least one of those who voted on Ark was an Elim, to get some of the boxings back (and the one from the black market) - I'd say that's Alv, and maybe one of Fura/Rae?

For El, I'm not sure. No-one voted on them, so it goes to Gaea. I'm inclined to believe, then, that the Elims have enough boxings to get both daggers (certainly at least one) tonight - if you're a villager with enough boxings, I encourage you to counterbid for them, since that way we prevent the Elims from getting two kills tomorrow night and possibly subsequent nights after that, which would be bad. I'd also place a distrust on anyone who seems too eager to get boxings - Drake fits into that category, but I may be tunnelling on him after last cycle.

Ugh. I'm really annoyed with myself for arranging for less votes on Alv/Ark now, because then this probably wouldn't have happened. Sorry, everyone.

...Ninja'd by Hael by two minutes. :(

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Stealing, the most recent vote tally, we had 

Alvron (3): Elandera, Elbereth, StrikerEZ
Ark1002 (3): Alvron, Arraenae, Furamirionind
Arraenae (1): RayOfSunshine
xxGaea (1): Fifth Scholar
little wilson (1): Araris Valerian
Bard(1): DrakeMarshmallow

It seems that Elbereth and Ark both had their votes moved to Wilson. One of those players is dead, and the other arrested. That would certainly be a major coincidence if that happened by chance. More likely, whoever killed Elbereth knew that she would be bribed, and since she was bribed to the wrong constable while saving Alvron from the lynch, the dagger wielder is quite plausibly evil. @Snipexe, I note that your dagger ended up in the marketplace. @Alvron, you claimed to possess a dagger that somebody passed you. Anyone else is willing to claim previous ownership of either dagger currently for sale.

Looks like Hael(and now Bard) covered all of this. Alvron being the one to bribe El and then kill her is possible, if he was not in fact willing to be lynched.

28 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Okay, just got my GM PM and can confirm that Drake is good too. I would’ve PM’d someone the results instead, but someone used a search warrant to steal my only 2 boxings. :(

I thought search warrants weren't supposed to steal boxings anymore? Also, it helps to type up your hammer vote well in advance of when you plan on posting. It's a bit harder on mobile, but having multiple tabs open to the same page can help in viewing new posts without losing your saved vote.

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Alv claimed to have a dagger named Instant Regret. So they still have access to at least one dagger, before retrieving any further daggers. I believe Alv was hoping to get his hands on my dagger after the RayOfSunshine death, though I guess there was only a 33% chance he'd get it instead of Rae or Fura.

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What the absolute storms happened when I was gone. Also, leaving the vote counts that low was...eesh. That was part of why I felt everyone had to start voting for constables—the vote counts got low enough that manipulation was too easy. While I suspect Alv, obviously, after a cursory skim over the madness of yesterday, I’m actually more suspicious of Araris for dropping a largely unexplained vote on Wilson and then seemingly leaving. My best guess for an Elim team right now would be Alv/Araris/Fura?/fourth player off the top of my head. Again, sorry if I’m less helpful right now—my head is still swimming in the mess you guys put up an hour or two ago (seriously you guys need to get better sleep schedules, at least the Americans :P), and with school starting back today I’ll have less time for analysis. That said, I will make every effort to chip in here when possible. 

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6 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Okay, just got my GM PM and can confirm that Drake is good too. I would’ve PM’d someone the results instead, but someone used a search warrant to steal my only 2 boxings.

I didn't get anything. Search warrants don't take boxing's. I am curious why you want to make it appear you have no boxings though. Happen to use them for vote manipulation?

6 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Elandera tried to Steal Striker's Ledger last night. Did you succeed? (Ninjad nope, you got boxings)

Nothing. It appears Striker used the ledger to scan Drake. 

I am, however, suspicious of that whole thing.

6 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Elandera - should probably be lynched

If you're going to suggest I be lynched, I'd like a reasoning, please. 

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5 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

What the absolute storms happened when I was gone. Also, leaving the vote counts that low was...eesh. That was part of why I felt everyone had to start voting for constables—the vote counts got low enough that manipulation was too easy. While I suspect Alv, obviously, after a cursory skim over the madness of yesterday, I’m actually more suspicious of Araris for dropping a largely unexplained vote on Wilson and then seemingly leaving. My best guess for an Elim team right now would be Alv/Araris/Fura?/fourth player off the top of my head. Again, sorry if I’m less helpful right now—my head is still swimming in the mess you guys put up an hour or two ago (seriously you guys need to get better sleep schedules, at least the Americans :P), and with school starting back today I’ll have less time for analysis. That said, I will make every effort to chip in here when possible. 

I just want to point out, was the one that created this mess, I also was at one point, completely in control of who got lynched. I wouldnt need to lynch my teammate Alv. In fact, why would I overturn the lynch in the first place?

The only reason I can think of, is if Rae is also a teammate, and I tried to save her. Now, that only makes sense if Rae didnt try to hammer Alv...

Therefore, I dont think it makes any sense for me to be an elim. (At least an elim on the same team as Alv)

@Alvron... I'll have you know, I was going to hammer you, but decided not to out of respect for your poetic death. Let it be known that i no longer care about poetry. What response do you have to what Hael said?



As a side note, we have 18 players left. 18?

so... Joe said he couldnt imagine this game going beyond 7 days. We have completed 3 so far. Assuming an average of 2 kills/cycle (which is significantly more than we have seen so far this game), this game will "end" with 10 players left.

In a 21 player game, I think there could be 4/5 elims, but without a kill... maybe more? Let's go with 5, so 4 left. Why would the game end in 7 days?

I suppose Joe assumed everyone would be using daggers more?

@DrakeMarshmallow @StrikerEZ last cycle I thought It possible Drake was an elim regardless of Striker's allignment, but i would like to now challenge you both to have interactions with others, and not just the two of you.

That being said, i think they are village due to Bards claim, and their attempted hammer. I think Bard is village, as they could be easy mislynches. Rae I'd say is village for her hammer on Alv.  Hael is also village, as he could easily say nothing, leaving the village in the dark about what happened.

This is what I've got for the moment. @Elandera I'll get to you once I'm at a computer.


Edit: just going to point out, if Drake scans someone tonight, then there is proof that the Ledger is being used. Which means that if Striker/Drake are evil, the elim team because Bard/Striker/Drake. It would be careless to out themselves like that.

Edited by Furamirionind
Added Hael to village reads, comment on ledgers
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Caught up on last turn. Striker, I'm less suspicious now that I've seen the ledger claims and your attempt to lynch Gaea. Though you should check your inventory. You should still have those boxings. Use the search warrant well. (Though that all could be an elaborate plan by Fura/Striker/Drake/Bard elim team to "clear" each other...)

Also, I'm more than a little frustrated. I should have kept my vote on Gaea, and stuck to my gut. I wish someone would have told me about the apparently planned hammer.

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Vote Tally
Alv (4): Bard, Striker, Hael, Fura
Bard (1): Drake
Araris (1): Fifth

May as well start the vote tally early.

I strongly believe it's worth lynching Alv as soon as possible, or even better, killing by dagger if anyone has one available. He's dangerous to keep alive purely for his experience and ability to advise the other corrupt senators on their game strategy. I won't be moving my vote elsewhere. I need to head off and sleep now, but try and in the morning have a think through the mess that was the end of last cycle...

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What the absolute storms happened here.

Right, well, I’m going to look through posts again to see who tried to shape the lynches on constables away from Gaea. That said, one such person was obviously Alv. (Of course, it’s wholly possible the Elims saved him to frame him, but knowing what we now do about Gaea I concur with El’s analysis from last cycle - I’m willing to make this lynch)

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Ok... when I wrote my post last night, it was close to 1am, and my train of thought wasn't going in a straight line.

@Elandera I think I was advocating for your lynch as you "fit" into what I would expect an elim to do. Cast suspicion on Striker, a seemingly easy mislynch, vote on Alv. Beyond that, you vote jumped quite a bit last night. First of all, if I was an elim, I'd have been pushing 100% for a Gaea lynch. Credibility and PMs are good things. You did that, then jumped to Shqueeves, an interesting choice, before going to Alv on El's prompting.

In summary, you have been doing all the village things, without actually helping the village. The problem is, that easily in this game could be coincidence. To be clear, I currently think Alv needs to be lynched, and anyone else will take far more research. You are, I admit, on my shortlist, but not the only one.

Elbereth should not have been killed. Therefore, I can only conclude it was by someone who didn't want her opinions populating the game. Here is my attempt to summerize what her reads seem to be:

Village Lean:

Elim Lean:

Ninoirim looked at the room, he had stirred up quite a commotion. He had saved a life, and it seems, condemned 3 others. He could feel the paranoia in the room skyrocketing, even his own. He looked around, grabbed a book from his newly promoted assistant (was previously his butler), opened to a random page, and read:

Memoirs of an Ordinary Person: Article VII

Sometimes, when you get too involved in something, you miss the obvious. Like how when you can't find your keys when they are in your purse, when you can't find your glasses as they are on your head, or can't find your phone... mid-phone call... Totally never happened to me*
Anyways, in these situations, it becomes incredibly important to take a step back, and try viewing the situation from "outside eyes". 

Ninoirim looked at the book. Hmmm... 
He passed it back to his butler Assistant, and started walking amid the crowd.

"Friends! Allies!" Ninoirim started speaking, "and... enemies..." he said, looking directly at Gaius. "The first and most important thing we can do, is to rush Senator Elantari to the hospital. However, as the guards wont let anyone enter or leave without the Governor's approval. With the Governor being dead, it is far past time we choose a new one.
Beyond just being able to rush Elentari to the hospital, we also gain more control in the political arguments we have been having.

"I understand that many of you don't trust me, mostly for good reasons, I admit, I have made mistakes in the past, and will continue to make them in the future. However, I think I am best suited to such a role amongst those of us still alive. My main promise though, is that I will ensure that no matter how simple or easy it is to send you to Gaea to be locked up, I will not do so unless there is evidence, and it is the right thing to do. Look at what I did over this past hour. Miss Botaneaux didn't deserve to be locked up just because she works for an unpopular senator!

"Beyond just that, we need to start controlling the lynch far more than we have been. This not only means we need to make certain the correct person is elected Governor, and that we need to have high enough vote counts to prevent what just happened, but we also need to be more careful with staging ties and close votes. If we keep votes close, it has to be specifically for the purpose of seeing what voting manipulation is going to happen. In addition, we should start being more public with info!"

"While we can't ask those with concealed weapons to claim, as those weapons could purely be taken away, it is important that it is known who made which attack. Everyone with Ledgers should claim, though I know currently only Sheev has one. Anyone with Whiskey should also claim. You may think it makes you more vulnerable, but as there are another 3 bottles, well 2 available bottles at the moment, it doesn't as you could still be protected. Anyone with a warrant should also claim. While it may seem counter intuitive, it means that we will know much better which items have, or are at risk, of falling to the hands of the traitors"

"There are many vying for the position of Governor, but as my final argument, think on this: Would you rather have a governor that has put an immense amount of time and effort into this conference, and who is posting near MU levels of content, or someone lurking in the shadows, not driving discussion, and with no discussion or pressure on them?"

Ninoirim looks directly at Gaius, then pulls out a bunch of ballots, and starts handing them around. Once he is done handing them out, he takes one for himself, jots down Senator Ninoirim/Furamirionind for Governor, and drops it into the box. He then looks around expectantly at the others.

Edit: That last bit isn't really in character... lol
Edited by Furamirionind
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7 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

What the absolute storms happened when I was gone. Also, leaving the vote counts that low was...eesh. That was part of why I felt everyone had to start voting for constables—the vote counts got low enough that manipulation was too easy. While I suspect Alv, obviously, after a cursory skim over the madness of yesterday, I’m actually more suspicious of Araris for dropping a largely unexplained vote on Wilson and then seemingly leaving. My best guess for an Elim team right now would be Alv/Araris/Fura?/fourth player off the top of my head. Again, sorry if I’m less helpful right now—my head is still swimming in the mess you guys put up an hour or two ago (seriously you guys need to get better sleep schedules, at least the Americans :P), and with school starting back today I’ll have less time for analysis. That said, I will make every effort to chip in here when possible. 

Given that the elims apparently planned to lynch Wilson, it would seem rather odd for them to have the single vote on Wilson be one of their team. If it was necessary for an elim vote to be on Wilson to secure the lynch, then why me? I haven't really gathered any suspicion prior to this cycle. (Also, I'm an American with a sane sleep schedule, which is why I left. Rollover will never be seen by these eyes.)

I suppose I agree with the Alv lynch, but in the interests of preserving the integrity of the lynch outcome, I won't add my vote. I still need to read what happened after I went to bed last night, so I'll withhold my suspicions for now. As for items, I just have the 3 Senators that I started with.

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43 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

@Elandera I think I was advocating for your lynch as you "fit" into what I would expect an elim to do. Cast suspicion on Striker, a seemingly easy mislynch, vote on Alv. Beyond that, you vote jumped quite a bit last night. First of all, if I was an elim, I'd have been pushing 100% for a Gaea lynch. Credibility and PMs are good things. You did that, then jumped to Shqueeves, an interesting choice, before going to Alv on El's prompting.

In summary, you have been doing all the village things, without actually helping the village. The problem is, that easily in this game could be coincidence. To be clear, I currently think Alv needs to be lynched, and anyone else will take far more research. You are, I admit, on my shortlist, but not the only one.

I'm a little flabbergasted by this. I did cast suspicion on Striker because I 100% thought he was an elim. I didn't vote on him at your own request. I was hoping for a Gaea lynch, as both you and Fifth, two players I trusted, seemed to think Gaea was the corrupt constable. However, other than Fifth, I was the only one who seemed to be advocating for the lynch. My vote on Alv was a result of not liking Rae as the top lynch, and him being the only who seemed to get enough support. I removed it when Elbereth didn't respond quickly with a vote in an attempt to get at least someone people would be willing to lynch, and hopefully get the votes from being quite so horribly spread out. When Elbereth voted, I moved it back to follow the original idea of lynching Alv. 

And regarding your "if I was an elim" statement. You were pushing for a Gaea lynch, but not really. You stated multiple times you though Gaea was the corrupt constable, but for some reason, never wanted to vote in that direction and even discouraged people from voting there. Why was that?

I'm starting to think we should just start having however many votes we think is necessary on a target, despite the possibility of a wrong flip. This vote manipulation is out of control. Because of that Alv.

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9 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Good good. I cant say I find this unexpected, but this is very good... except 1 thing:

Seriously? why kill El? I wanted to RP with her!

I swear, someone in this game is trying to make my life miserable : (

Ok, we have a confirmed village circle forming. This is very good. Daggers have started circulating it seems, so it is time to stop saying things in thread, and start PMin... nvm... :'(

Ok... This is interesting...

Elandera tried to Steal Striker's Ledger last night. Did you succeed? (Ninjad nope, you got boxings)

With PMs gone, it's time for me to drop my attempts at intrigue and manipulation.

Bard, Striker, Drake, and I'll add Fifth, are all not to be lynched at this point.

Devotary should never be lynched today, though idk about others.

The elim that bribed El was online within an hour of rollover.

That leaves: 

Alvron - most likely an elim. Still possibly not. Not guaranteed. Need more analysis 

Elandera - should probably be lynched


Kidpen - inactive or lurking?


At least one of these is an elim.

Edit: take Rae off that list. She tried to vote on Alv. Regardless if he is an elim, him surviving helps the elims.


49 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:



"Friends! Allies!" Ninoirim started speaking, "and... enemies..." he said, looking directly at Gaius. "The first and most important thing we can do, is to rush Senator Elantari to the hospital. However, as the guards wont let anyone enter or leave without the Governor's approval. With the Governor being dead, it is far past time we choose a new one.
Beyond just being able to rush Elentari to the hospital, we also gain more control in the political arguments we have been having.

"I understand that many of you don't trust me, mostly for good reasons, I admit, I have made mistakes in the past, and will continue to make them in the future. However, I think I am best suited to such a role amongst those of us still alive. My main promise though, is that I will ensure that no matter how simple or easy it is to send you to Gaea to be locked up, I will not do so unless there is evidence, and it is the right thing to do. Look at what I did over this past hour. Miss Botaneaux didn't deserve to be locked up just because she works for an unpopular senator!

"Beyond just that, we need to start controlling the lynch far more than we have been. This not only means we need to make certain the correct person is elected Governor, and that we need to have high enough vote counts to prevent what just happened, but we also need to be more careful with staging ties and close votes. If we keep votes close, it has to be specifically for the purpose of seeing what voting manipulation is going to happen. In addition, we should start being more public with info!"

"While we can't ask those with concealed weapons to claim, as those weapons could purely be taken away, it is important that it is known who made which attack. Everyone with Ledgers should claim, though I know currently only Sheev has one. Anyone with Whiskey should also claim. You may think it makes you more vulnerable, but as there are another 3 bottles, well 2 available bottles at the moment, it doesn't as you could still be protected. Anyone with a warrant should also claim. While it may seem counter intuitive, it means that we will know much better which items have, or are at risk, of falling to the hands of the traitors"

"There are many vying for the position of Governor, but as my final argument, think on this: Would you rather have a governor that has put an immense amount of time and effort into this conference, and who is posting near MU levels of content, or someone lurking in the shadows, not driving discussion, and with no discussion or pressure on them?"

Ninoirim looks directly at Gaius, then pulls out a bunch of ballots, and starts handing them around. Once he is done handing them out, he takes one for himself, jots down Senator Ninoirim/Furamirionind for Governor, and drops it into the box. He then looks around expectantly at the others.

Edit: That last bit isn't really in character... lol

Annie's pen jerked sideways.

Senator Ninoirm had acknowledged Annie's existence! This was the first time in the past six years that she could remember a Senator addressing her by her name! (Besides Onde, he didn't count.)

But...something didn't feel quite right. Annie chewed on her lip. Should she say this? So soon after Senator Ninoirm had vouched for her, too?

Yes. This was what she had attended university for. Annie stood up and cleared her throat.

"E-excuse me, Senators," Annie said. Harmony, there were so many of them here. "Senator Ninoirm, I thank you for your support. However before we can vote for you, I have one question to ask. What makes you so certain that Senators Bard, Striker, Drake, and Fifth are not corrupt?"

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Well that turnover was pane-ful to read. A lot happened in 7 hours. 

“Senator Ninoirim, I agree that it is important to elect a governor who is firm in his believes and has the ideals of the Lord Mistborn. Therefore, I strongly suggest to my fellow senators to not vote for this man, he does not follow our founders teachings. He works for his own bank account, not the will of our citizens. Senator Ninoirim is a double faced man who would backstab anyone here fo candidacy. I am a man who is clear with what he wants, I do not manipulate you because in my opinion, trust is stronger then wealth. Now I know that some of you have your doubts, that I have not contributed, have not pushed for a lynch. But is it right to condemn a man for sleeping early to ease his weary bones? Is it right to condemn a man because he is honest? Senator, if a governor must be chosen it will be me, but this spat must not prevent us from locking up the corrupt senators. People! Make the honest choice! Make the right choice! Vote for Butt Ad Venture! Let me show my competence by giving me a chance!

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