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Mid-Range Game 38: The Council of Elrond


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"Well, if no one else is claiming it..."

<Scar nicks the Ring and puts it around his neck, a spark of madness suddenly appears in his eyes, or maybe it was always there, it's hard to tell with Scar> 

"As resident hobbit, I'll claim the Ringbearer cosmetic role in the interests of maintaining fidelity to source material." :ph34r:

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Oh yeah, my character btw:

Cosmetic role: Clandestine Attendee
Tinuial is a Elven woman of a solitary nature. She is never seen without her note book, in which she keeps her thoughts, both reflective and creative.

I may or may not have plans to try write parodies for once in a long time. We'll see if that actually happens :P or just poetry. We'll see :P

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3 months ago

"There is change in the wind - it seems that the time of peace we have seen may be coming to a close. The forces at Orthanc have retreated into themselves, for what purposes no one yet knows. There are reports that dark forces beneath Moria are stirring once more. Near Minas Morgul, the Rangers of Ithilien have seen signs of movement once again. There are even reports the Nazgul may be riding again, Eru pray that it is not so. But even if it were not true, these other reports are enough to confirm it. Dark forces are rising once more."

Thranduir spoke quietly, yet his words carried through the room. The elves glanced between one another, uncertain, yet determined. Phellom looked between them, and tried to muster the certainty he saw in the faces of his comrades. Around him, he could see heroes, people who may one day become the stuff of stories, like Beren and Luthien. The kind of heroics Phellom could only dream of emulating.

"We must find the source of this unrest, and make sure it does not spread further. This will not be an easy task, and it is possible the fate of Middle-Earth may hang in the balance. I trust all of you - " Was it just Phellom's imagination, or did Thranduil pointedly ignore Phellom when he said that? "- to carry this burden, as true Mirkwood Elves all. For those who would like to volunteer -"

"I will. I will help ." Phellom blurted out, then blushed slightly as all the elves turn to look at him. "I mean, if there's anything I can do to combat the dark forces of Middle-Earth, I will gladly offer my services to this, erm, most noble of causes."

Smooth, Phellom. Very smooth.

Thranduir glanced at him for several long moments. "Very well. Phellom, you will go to Rivendell - Elrond may have more knowledge to aid you in your journey. Also, I have more news which you shall have to pass on to Elrond on my behalf - see me after this."

And just like that, Phellom, klutz of the Mirkwood Elves, was on a quest to save Middle-Earth. What could go wrong?

Sorry for the late signup, El. I've been tossing and turning whether I should join this game, Fifth's or both for the last week, that left me basically no time to sign up to either. :P Trope subversion of the klutzy Elf seems too much fun to pass over, though.

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MR38: Cycle 1 - Who Will Take The Ring?

Elrond looked at the council before him. 

If these are who must decide the fate of Arda, I truly hope that the strands of fate somehow twist them together that they can succeed, for I cannot see the way.

Those scattered around the room were a motley collection. They had come from across Middle Earth: Kavan and Bombur spoke of Dale and the Lonely Mountain, and Phellom of troubles in Mirkwood. The Rangers, Beren Adaeldah and Striker, were no strangers to his sight, either. But the halfling Scar, the Ringbearer, was wild and strange to his sight. 

At least Astranwir the Blue was a comfort to him. Perhaps Saruman had been corrupted, but Astranwir had always been an aide and a friend. 

But aloud, he said, “The Ring must be sent to the Fire, to Mount Doom from whence it came. Some of you must do this. If we are agreed that it must be destroyed, then the only matter remaining is to choose the bearers.

“It will be a path of greater peril than perhaps any of you have yet faced. Do not take this burden lightly. And should the quest go astray... Middle Earth may fall to Sauron forever.”

He looked slowly around the chamber. “Who will do this?”

MR38 has begun! GM PMs should be sent out within the next five minutes. (Writeup may get more added to it later.)

Cycle 1 will last 47 hours, until 7am Eastern time. As a reminder, the lynch is different in this game. Please read the rules, they’re very short. 

PMs are open but must include me and only two players. Wilson has asked not to be included. 


Player List


1. @Haelbarde - Beren Adaeldah (Ranger)
2. @Straw - Astranwir, NPC
3. @Fifth Scholar - Bombur (Dwarf from the Lonely Mountain)
4. @Coda
5. @Kasimir - Kavan (Messenger from Dale)
6. @Elandera - Dronlir, Bombur’s attendant (Dwarf from the Lonely Mountain)
7. @Amanuensis - Yuriel (First Finder)
8. @xinoehp512 - the Observer
9. @Wonko the Sane
10. @Pejidot
11. @Burnt Spaghetti - Tinuial (Clandestine Attendee)
12. @Aragorn
13. @StrikerEZ - Striker, bootleg Strider
14. @Madagascar - Scar, scary murder hobit
15. @GoWibble - black hat from XKCD
16. @Rathmaskal
17. @STINK - Ulmo
18. @Young Bard

Good luck! 


EDIT: The numbers as originally stated in the rules are correct. The Fellowship has seven spots on it, and the Corrupted win if three spots are filled by its members. 

Edited by Elbereth
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The closing line of a song sprung to mind.

In Mordor where the shadows are…”

Beren cleared his throat.

"What we gather here to accomplish was attempted by mighty men of old, yet their great armies fell, and only by chance was victory gained. One does not simply walk into Mordor – armies have tried and failed. Yet where armies fail, a small band mayhap prevail. Those of us with the skills to survive the journey should accompany the ringbearer on their journey, but of equal importance is blinding the shadow to the fellowships movements. We represent the free people's of Middle Earth. The connection we each have are equally of importance, that men might band together with elves and dwarves alike to draw the Eye of Mordor's gaze from the search for its ring, and on to the nations he had thought broken."

He looked around at those gathered.

"I may not have a lot in the way of influence, but I know my way around a blade, and have lived in places many men fear to stray. I, Beren Adaeldah would offer my services to the Ringbearer."

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Scar stumbles in, smelling of elven mead and orc blood, the Ring dangling on a chain on his hairy chest.

”Why,” hiccup, “I am clearly the hiccup hiccup beshtesht ring bearer ever. Under its influence I have barely stabbed anyone at all. Don’t bring up those orcs, everyone knowsh HICCUP orcsh don’t count.

”Anyway” another swig of mead “I do believe I want to see who’s present and tally before deshiding who to shtab. I mean, be pushed into a volcano. I mean, go on this noble—“

Scar pauses to wipe some orc intestines off his tunic.


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There was talk of rings of power, in Dale, where those still remembered the desolation of Smaug, but also the halls and forges of the Lonely Mountain, when a river of gold flowed through Erebor. The Master of Laketown had quelled such memories, but the slaying of Smaug with the Black Arrow had stirred them once again, and now that Dale was rebuilt, these memories came to dwell amongst them once more.

King Girion of old had never borne such a ring, and old Maud had said once that it was, perhaps, for the best. There were lesser rings - coveted things, to be sure, but the wise knew that these led to grief. Kavan, however, had never heard such tales of rings as were spoken in the chambers of Elrond's council at Rivendell...nor did he wish to again. He hesitated. It would take more than their own recommendation, he knew, to convince Lord Elrond to permit them on this quest. A fool's quest, it must be said. What would become of Dale and the Lonely Mountain? And what would become of even the Mirkwood, in their absence?

But the tales of this Ring were perilous, and Kavan's heart was torn.

"I have ridden long and hard in search of aid for Dale," he spoke, aloud. "I have fought through peril and lived yet, to tell the tale. And I will ride harder and longer yet, through deeper Shadow, if it brings relief to my king in his beleaguerment. Lord Elrond Half-elven - many are those who speak of your wisdom. Is there to be no help for Dale at all to be found in your house apart from this fool's hope? Yet if it be a fool's hope, I, Kavan, would ride with the Ringbearer, though my heart fears for my king and Dale."

Surely there were others in this very chamber who sought to endanger the quest. Kavan was not about to allow them onto it.

Edited by Kasimir
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Important Rule Change: The Corrupted can now remove one vote per turn as a group action. (I.e. a group Soothe)

Due to me completely misremembering Wilson's advice, I neglected to add this at the start of game. Oops. >> 

EDIT: This will be reflected in the writeup - ie, both the number will change and the player affected's name will be removed. 

Edited by Elbereth
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  • STINK unlocked and locked this topic

Coda was so excited! An opportunity to ride with the Ringbearer on this quest! No matter that he had not been invited to the Council of Elrond. He would join this quest or die of anguish! He leapt out of hiding and yelled, "I, Coda, wish to venture on this quest. I have managed to sneak into this meeting without notice! I am obviously fit to join the Ringbearer's party." The unwavering stares of the Council almost made him duck back under the table, but he stood tall before them. "Let me join the quest. Please."

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"What's this about a ring?" Dronlir could only hope it was forged by Dwarves for this much pomp and circumstance for a simple piece of metal. Except, hadn't someone said something about Sauron? That would be even worse.

Perhaps Dronlir should actually pay attention. He thought for a moment, but the decided it wasn't any of his concern. Bombur was the one here on official business. Dronlir had simply been brought because Bombur needed someone to carry him, and Dronlir was one of the strongest in the Lonely Mountain. 

But if Bombur went, Dronlir would have to go, too. So he began to actually pay attention to the meeting.

"...greater peril than perhaps any of you have yet faced..."

That didn't sound good. Dronlir wasn't sure how well he'd be able to carry Bombur through peril, for his burden was not light, ring or no. But if Bombur was called, he would go. It was his duty to his king and his people.

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Bombur shifted uncomfortably on the stone bench. The elves had tried to seat him in one of their intricately carven wooden stools, which had been far more comfortable, before its spindly legs gave way under the old Dwarf’s weight. Despite the mass of cushions underneath him, and the plates piled high with food next to him, he felt hot and irritated in the corner of the Council. When would that Elrond figure stop talking? And the debate between the Ranger and the Gondorian was boring him. He idly munched on a large platter of fruit, allowing his attention to wander. 

Upon mention of the Ring, however, he perked up. A company of seven was to destroy the Ring? What an excellent opportunity for he and his porters! They would fill the tale of seven perfectly, and would not have to worry about the grasping hands of Elves interfering with a sacred mission involving gold—heavens knew how the last time had turned out. Thingol and his greed, Bombur thought angrily to himself. Feanor before him, Celebrimbor his grandson afterwards—all the same breed of greedy. And yet they have the audacity to name us grasping and ungracious! Shaking his head, he discreetly beckoned to his porters. He turned to Dronlir, the first to arrive, who handed him a wedge of cheese, mistaking his gesture. Bombur gratefully accepted the morsel despite the mistake, and between bites mumbled to his dwarf companion, “What’re the odds that elf chap will let the seven of us go on this journey? All that walking sounds like an excellent opportunity to finally start a consistent weight-loss plan, which Bofur is always nagging me about, and that’s besides the goal of destroying the ultimate evil in all the lands. Why, I bet that as Ring-bearer, the influence of that cursed object couldn’t touch my heart for all the layering over it!” Bombur grinned broadly and chuckled, waiting for Dronlir’s reply. 

@Elandera...and now I’ve been ninja’d :P 

Sorry for the delay in putting up a decent post; relatives were over, more specifically their young puppy which I had to prevent my own dogs from killing. :P 

Serious analysis will probably come when more people check in and vote, but for now I’d note that the self-voting isn’t NAI but is IKYK—it can probably be analysed on a person-by-person basis, but applying a general rule to people doing it won’t work terribly well. I won’t hesitate to self-vote personally, but will try to cast votes elsewhere simply because the minimum demands that we start looking at other players, and because everyone self-voting is going to eventually just let the Eliminators blend very effectively. So, Elandera. I hope to be in the Fellowship, but I wouldn’t know what I’d do there without my trusty porter. :P (Also, I appreciate your RP, even if I wish you hadn’t ninja’d me :P)

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“What’re the odds that elf chap will let the seven of us go on this journey?"

Dronlir had forgotten about the elves. How, he wasn't sure. They were crawling all over the place, and not just Elrond's people.

"All that walking sounds like an excellent opportunity to finally start a consistent weight-loss plan, which Bofur is always nagging me about..."

Dronlir could only hope. He wouldn't speak his mind, and the work of being Bombur's porter was good pay, but it was a bit strenuous at times.

"... and that’s besides the goal of destroying the ultimate evil in all the lands. Why, I bet that as Ring-bearer, the influence of that cursed object couldn’t touch my heart for all the layering over it!”

That comment made Dronlir smile. Not to mention Dwarves were hardier stock, not so easily swayed by something as simple as a ring, evil or no.

"Bombur, I do believe you are correct. We cannot trust such a thing to the elves. But I would not deign to go without you, so perhaps we should not vote for me so soon."

@Fifth Scholar

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Since @Elbereth, no doubt wrapped up in managing this deep and intricate game, has forgotten to write me a character, I find myself unable to RP. :P 

That said, Fifth has earned a tiny modicum of trust from me for being the first to disrupt an obviously unproductive pattern.

I note, though, that rather than support his own position by actually creating a lynch on someone, he voted on someone who didn't already have a vote, changing absolutely nothing about the "one vote each" problem, and he seems to have selected his vote for exclusively RP reasons. Care to comment, @Fifth Scholar?

Also, @Elandera, why, exactly, don't you want to be selected? I can only think of a handful of possible reasons, and two of them involve you being an Elim.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
Vote was in the wrong red. Give me a break, it's been a while. :P
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The man stood at the edge of the room, listening as its occupants debated about who should take some ring to some mountain. He felt like he should care more about this mission, but he couldn’t remember how he’d gotten here. Or who he was for that matter. Some of the people there were like him, but then there were some that were...very short. He thought they were dwarves, based on the conversations he’d heard so far. Then there were those with the pointy ears. He wasn’t sure what those were, but they seemed to find themselves very important. 
As the debates went on, he learned that this ring they were talking about tempted whoever carried it. And he realized something. He was meant to carry the ring.

Walking to the center of the room, he began to speak in a loud, booming voice. “I don’t know who any of you are. I don’t know where we are, where this mountain is, or who Sauron is. But I do know one thing.” He paused for dramatic effect as people began to turn towards him. “This ring tempts those who carry it, yes? So, if I cannot remember anything, I should have nothing for the ring to tempt me into using its power for. Therefore, I am probably the single most qualified person in this room to carry it. Therefore, I propose that I, the Striker, should carry it.”

Edited by StrikerEZ
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9 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Since @Elbereth, no doubt wrapped up in managing this deep and intricate game, has forgotten to write me a character, I find myself unable to RP. :P 

I apologize. :P You’ll get one in the next writeup or tomorrow. I just had to leave right after turnover so couldn’t really take my time with the writeup as I’d have liked. 

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19 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Also, @Elandera, why, exactly, don't you want to be selected? I can only think of a handful of possible reasons, and two of them involve you being an Elim.

There are a few reasons.

The largest reason is the same reason I don't want to be lynched early in standard games: I want to play longer than one turn. :P I'm having fun already with RP, which is fairly rare for me in a game, as I focus mostly on analysis.

Speaking of RP, I felt in character that it would make more sense for Dronlir to offer up Bombur first, since he doesn't particularly know what's going on, and would feel very weird if he was sent by himself.

It was also in part because of Fifth's argument. Voting on only ourselves is getting us nowhere, and while I would take me over someone whose alignment I don't know, I'd rather consider all my options than immediately contradict advice with which I agree.

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1 minute ago, Elandera said:

There are a few reasons.

The largest reason is the same reason I don't want to be lynched early in standard games: I want to play longer than one turn. :P I'm having fun already with RP, which is fairly rare for me in a game, as I focus mostly on analysis.

Speaking of RP, I felt in character that it would make more sense for Dronlir to offer up Bombur first, since he doesn't particularly know what's going on, and would feel very weird if he was sent by himself.

It was also in part because of Fifth's argument. Voting on only ourselves is getting us nowhere, and while I would take me over someone whose alignment I don't know, I'd rather consider all my options than immediately contradict advice with which I agree.

Right, the first reason is obvious and fair. But it doesn't really help us get anywhere.

I could accept the RP reasoning -- though I've never been a fan of RP-motivated voting decisions -- except that you didn't actually offer Bombur up. You still haven't cast a vote. This is telling, because your vote would be the second on him, making it an actually viable lynch. It reads to me as you deliberately avoiding making any waves -- a decidedly eliminator sort of behavior.

And Fifth's argument is specifically that voting only on ourselves is going to lead to a non-lynch, because no one had more than one vote. Your refusal to vote, on either of you, is perpetuating that situation.

Side note, and this is interesting: Because there's no Elim kill, a non-lynch is actually strictly advantageous for the Village. The only thing that would come out of the cycle is information, which -- since the Village has no secrets -- can only help them. It's less information that we get from a lynch, which is why it's usually better to push a lynch, but in this case, there's literally no cost to an extra cycle. It's on the elims to make early lynches happen, here: they want the game over as soon as possible.

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There were faces within the chamber that seemed fleetingly familiar to Kavan, as though he knew them of all. The one who named himself Striker and claimed to remember nothing, in particular, brought back a fleeting memory of crossbow bolts and terror. He shook his head to clear it, and gave Striker a wide berth. No. Such was madness and best avoided.

But there were those who were unknown to Kavan, and there, he wondered: why did they not tarry a little within the Last Homely House? The Shadow was falling everywhere, but haste was the ally of the Enemy, and as far as Kavan was concerned, wisdom came with careful deliberation, though he did not doubt that Lord Elberond would soon tire of them, if they tarried overlong, imposing on his hospitality. But perhaps the long journey to Rivendell still wore heavily on them all, but especially those Kavan knew not, and he felt that a little deliberation would not hurt. [OOC: I'm saying I don't think there's a need to rush - but more importantly, since we've talked about becoming a welcoming community, I fully intend to be the change I want to see and to play the first cycle slowly and let our large number of new faces and players get a softer landing in SE. Welcome, guys! :) Have fun!]

As far as Kavan saw, however: if there were servants of the Enemy amongst them, then they could only seek to persuade with poisoned gifts and a foul tongue. They could even ease their path by silencing one of the voices of those gathered here to choose the bearers of the Enemy's Ring. But they could not - not alone - gather sufficient force to place themselves on this Quest. Not unless they revealed themselves entirely, and down that path lay ruin.

"I have not yet seen reason enough to lend my voice to another's suit," he drawled, aloud. "I am by no means committed to this Quest: above all, my homeland is dearer to me, and it is only with reluctance that I offer my blade. But should anyone see fit to persuade me that another is best sent on the Quest, I will gladly listen to their counsel and decide."

Edited by Kasimir
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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

But there were those who were unknown to Kavan, and there, he wondered: why did they not tarry a little within the Last Homely House? The Shadow was falling everywhere, but haste was the ally of the Enemy, and as far as Kavan was concerned, wisdom came with careful deliberation, though he did not doubt that Lord Elberond would soon tire of them, if they tarried overlong, imposing on his hospitality. But perhaps the long journey to Rivendell still wore heavily on them all, but especially those Kavan knew not, and he felt that a little deliberation would not hurt. [OOC: I'm saying I don't think there's a need to rush - but more importantly, since we've talked about becoming a welcoming community, I fully intend to be the change I want to see and to play the first cycle slowly and let our large number of new faces and players get a softer landing in SE. Welcome, guys! :) Have fun!]

Hear, hear! @Coda@Pejidot, @Aragorn, @GoWibble, I know my first game was pretty overwhelming, but I promise, it gets easier. One helpful tip is to start some Private Messages with more experienced players and ask them who they think is trustworthy. Players are often more willing to share their suspicions one-one-one than to post them where everyone can see them. Just remember to include @Elbereth in every message you start!

And hey, if you've got some thoughts or ideas, please don't hesitate to share them! It's okay if you're not totally sure about them, or they're really off-the-wall. No one's going to get upset if you turn out to be wrong. I, for one, am excited to hear what you think of your first game.

On a totally unrelated note, @Kasimir, how on Middle-Earth did you post that, and then edit it, without ever showing up as Recently Browsing? I was paying avid attention at the time, because I was noting that @Elandera was spending a lot of time looking at my post, without responding. So you just plopping down that post out of nowhere confused the heck out of me. :P 

Edited by Wonko the Sane
Removed Wilson's name from new player advice, to keep from bothering her any more than I already have.
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47 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Hear, hear! @Coda@Pejidot, @Aragorn, @GoWibble, I know my first game was pretty overwhelming, but I promise, it gets easier. One helpful tip is to start some Private Messages with more experienced players and ask them who they think is trustworthy. Players are often more willing to share their suspicions one-one-one than to post them where everyone can see them. Just remember to include @Elbereth and @little wilson in every message you start!

And hey, if you've got some thoughts or ideas, please don't hesitate to share them! It's okay if you're not totally sure about them, or they're really off-the-wall. No one's going to get upset if you turn out to be wrong. I, for one, am excited to hear what you think of your first game.

On a totally unrelated note, @Kasimir, how on Middle-Earth did you post that, and then edit it, without ever showing up as Recently Browsing? I was paying avid attention at the time, because I was noting that @Elandera was spending a lot of time looking at my post, without responding. So you just plopping down that post out of nowhere confused the heck out of me. :P 

OOC: Please don't include @little wilson, Elberond's updated status notes the Cursor of Doom has asked to not be included in every PM :P 

Also, IDK, clearly 1337 ninja skills so you should vote for me next cycle! Sauron will never see me coming if I Naruto-run! :ph34r: j/k

Okay, jokes aside, I suspect it's because I had multiple 17th Shard browser windows open in different places but I can't be certain.

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