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Mid-Range Game 1: The Stormfather and The Nightwatcher


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Since Game 5 is wrapping up nicely now, there aren't quite the 27 people for a full game yet, and I actually will have time for it (mostly that I will have time part  :) ), I'll sign up.
My name is Lucy.

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I will be after the next night cycle. By the way, I was just rereading the rules and apparently my prayers to the Nigh Watcher will always be answered.


"We hear that the Nightwatcher makes decisions based on hilarity and awesomeness."


Edit: or does that mean she compares each person's request to my own to determine worthiness?


Edit 2: Sorry, the correct response was probably "Ya, mon. I dead tonight".

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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To make sure this game starts on time, we'll take sign ups through midnight MDT. So for another 8 hours, approximately. That'll give us enough time to sort through everyone and assign roles.

There are still some players who haven't sent Rubix their email. Mailliw, Feather, Macen, twelfthroot, a smart guy, Adolin Dustbringer, Wyrm, Sphinx, and dants. If you guys/gals will send him a PM with that info, that would be great. Thanks!

And yes. There's quite the mix here. Should be fun. :D

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Feather, a Gmail address. Many things for this game will be happening in google docs that I can kick people out of if the game requires, and to make them private, I need emails for people to add them to the doc.

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Jerrek dropped from the top of the courtyard wall. A few of the more timid plants retreated into their shells at the noise. Jerrek waited in a low crouch, but heard no sounds from the alley he'd left behind.


Rising, he picked his way through the rubble that spilled away from the collapsed back gate. An oddity that. Most riots didn't go for tearing down worked stone. He assumed the original owners had installed a trap to make the house more defensible. Whatever the case was, the only way in or out of the house now was climbing the wall, and with the owners absent, the house fit Jerrek's purposes perfectly.


In the back door, across the moonlit lounge, and around the dining table brought him to the kitchens. The hearth sat cold and shadowed, the racks bare, the shelves hollow. The empty room stood testament to any who came to scavenge. Clearly, these bones had already been picked clean and gnawed open.


Jerrek crossed to the dark stairs and descended to the cellar, trailing his fingers along the finished stones of the wall as the gloom closed in around him. At the bottom, eight measured steps brought him to the second inset doorway. He turned and rapped on the wood in a staccato pattern.


A few seconds later, he heard the bar slide free. "Greetings, Brother Farrah." Jerrek murmured. "Are the children still abed?"


Farrah released a small stream of light from his thoroughly hooded lantern, the indirect glow sufficient for the two men to move without colliding in the dark. "They are. They'll be glad to see you on waking." His words were equally soft.


"If only I could remain." Jerrek slipped the sack from his shoulder and placed it gently on the small table he'd moved down from the kitchen. "I need to be at tomorrow's meeting. If events allow, I'll spend some time here after my return."


Farrah limped up to the table, his balding head looking more spotted with age in the dimness. "When might that be?"


"I wish I could say. You have enough here to hold out for five days, with this. I'll try to be back by then, or to at least send someone."


The old ardent sighed. "Be careful. The children will miss you."


"You don't need to remind me. They make their opinions quite clear." Jerrek's smile was broad, but his eyes shimmered. He turned back to the door. "But tell them I'm watching out for them. That should get few smiles." He slipped out into the black corridor, pulling the door closed behind him.


I'm new here, so I want you all to feel bad when you kill me. :D


Updated list of players:

  • (WeiryWriter) Weiriah
  • (Lightsworn Panda) Jain
  • (Gamma Fiend) Magam
  • (Tulir) Trahar[/color
  • (FeatherWriter) Lyla
  • (Ashiok) Asphodel
  • (Renegade) Rengar
  • (Mailliw73) Mailam
  • (Binnut) Binnt
  • (Macen) Ace
  • (AonarFaileas) Aonar
  • (jasonpenguin) Peng
  • (twelfthrootoftwo) Twei
  • (a smart guy) Sarmas
  • (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt
  • (GreyPilgrim) Greyeh Pilgras
  • (Alvron) Rolav
  • (firstRainbowRose) Hinah
  • (lord Claincy Ffnord) Clanal
  • (Wyrmhero) Heron
  • (Sphinx) Nixi
  • (dants) Atrus
  • (Sir Jerric) Jerrek
  • (jaelre) Khiriq
  • (luckat) Lucy
  • (Awesomeness Summoned) Mon
  • (Kasimir) Kasimar
Edited by Sir Jerric
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Hey everyone, thanks so much for signing up! Sign ups are now closed.

Rollover time will be at noon mountain time. I've had some stuff come up in real life, and I'm needing to delay the start of the game until tomorrow. I'll try to get roles sent out today, if at all possible. If you haven't gotten me your gmail (throwaway or real, whatever you'd like), please get that to me today, as you'll need it to access your factions docs.

Again, thank you so much, and tomorrow the fun begins!

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So, I have to Drop out Unfortunately. It's the Last two weeks of School, and I need to Focus on Finals. You guys will still have a full set of Players without me though. But here's one last bit of Role-Playing, for both my Roshar Characters.


As the Dawn Broke, Joe Walked down the Streets of Kholinar. It had been a long Night, and Joe was looking Forward to Going to Bed. as Joe passed an Alley, a Pillar of light came down, and hit the Ground, It looked like a Man, Spinning to fast to Follow. Suddenly, the Light disappeared, and the Man, a Soldier by the Look of Him, Slumped Down, Bleeding. Joe ignored his Instincts and ran to the Man's Side. "Storms man, what happened?" He felt along the Man's side for Wounds, and found a Thin Fabrial and a Purse in some Pockets. A Nice Bonus those.


"That Cremling Humperdink Stabbed me." The Soldier Growled through gritted Teeth. Now Joe saw the Knives sticking out of the Soldier's Chest. How could he have missed them? He quickly Pulled them out, though it made the Man groan with Pain. "I'm going to Die, aren't I? You need to send Word to the Shattered Plains, Tell my Friends that Humperdink is a Ghostblood. I, I don't think that, they, that they." The Man breathed out, and fell silent.


Crap. A dead man, with a Last Wish. The New Day couldn't get any Worse. Then he heard the Tromp of Armored feet behind him, He turned around to see a pair of Guards. Double Crap. The Guards looked shocked at the Scene of an apparent Murder. The taller one snapped his gaze to Joe."Sir, you are under arrest for the Murder of What appears to be a Soldier of Highprince Sadeas. If you Resist, we will kill." And Triple Crap. Blood Teleporting Soldiers. "No Officer, I'll happily go along with you. But I didn't murder this man, I swear."


"It's obvious that you did Son, you'll be spending a Long time in Prison for this." Quadruple Crap.

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A pity you have to leave us, Joe. 


That Game 5 reference level... it's over 9000!  :D 


Jain blinked. That was NOT an ordinary event, even at these times. That man... had he just Elsecalled here? He also looked quite familiar. One of his cousins - who also had a fetish for pandas - had told him about a similar man in a letter. Jost, that was the dead man's name. That cousin was also now 6 feet underground.


Below him, the soldiers marched the protesting man away, ignorant of his pleas. It still surprised him that there was still some order in the city of Kholinar.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Adding in to all the Game 5 references...

Kasimar watched them all, stunned. He'd left safety to seek out Rejkvar but had stopped short at the sight of the man being dragged away on the street by soldiers. Not that they're doing much, these days, he thought grimly. He couldn't remember Kholinar ever having been such a dangerous place.


The man with the two knives driven through his body seemed, somehow, familiar. He almost went up to him, then, but didn't. He looked around. His gaze met that of a traveller--Shin, from the looks of him.


Kasimar shivered, for no reason at all.


Perhaps in another life, he found himself thinking. He stuck his hands in his pockets and walked away.

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DAY ONE: The calm before the storm.

Xeneth huddled against the cold wall of the barracks where he’d taken refuge, to rest from the riot, to weather the highstorm. Why he was participating, he couldn’t say, though if you were to ask him, it certainly wasn’t of his own volition. The entire city had erupted, and he was caught in the middle of all the crem. At the beginning, it was just random fighting. Punching one guy, taking another down by the outhouses and…

Xeneth shuddered as he remembered being dragged down to the outhouses and put it out of his mind.

“You alright, lad?” asked the grizzled man standing nearest to him.

“Fine, though my side is killing me,” Xeneth replied.

“Been involved in what’s been going on in the city?”

“I’d rather not talk about it, sir,” Xeneth replied, thankful that one could take shelter anywhere during a storm, but he wished he’d picked anywhere but here.

The man shrugged and struck up a conversation with a younger man who had an air of command about him, despite the color of his eyes. Xeneth inhaled deeply and stretched, wondering if he could take a nap before the storm ended.

At that moment, the screeching winds quieted into the gentle pitter patter of falling rain, and the screams from outside began anew.

“Storm it all!” the old man yelled, as he led his men out into the tail end of the storm.

It would have been such a nice nap, too.

Welcome to the Riots! Today is going to be a shorter day than normal due to it being the first day and will only last 24 hours. There will be no Vote killing today, nor will any actions that end with another character’s death be permitted. Prayers to the nightwatcher will be allowed, but you must have them in by no later than 10PM mountain time. Take some time to get to know each other, both in your docs, and in this thread. Get a plan ready, and get some rest. Tomorrow you’ll begin to fight for your lives.

Stormwarden’s warning: As we just finished a highstorm, there will not be one this cycle.
I'm so sorry I didn't include this earlier, guys. Outside of day one, I need all Nightwatcher prayers to be in by 9PM Mountain time the day before a cycle is to end. That way I have time to decide which prayers will be answered. SORRY!!! *Bows head in GM shame*

Edited by Alvron
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