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Mid-Range Game 1: The Stormfather and The Nightwatcher


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*EDIT* Wilson, I'm trying to send in my commands, but I can't find a list of the players anywhere. Can we get a list on the main post of the main thread? That way I don't spell people's Character names wrong. :(

My list is still on page 4 of the main thread. It isn't as convenient in placement, but it can be copy-pasted. *HINT*

The steward can be killed by lynching, but is immune to role-related kill actions. The Shamed Guard can demand an extra lynch once per game as one of their special actions. Does this extra lynch eliminate the steward or not?

If the worldsinger silences a shamed guard on the turn they die, are both their kills lost (assuming the rabble rouse was still unused and set to trigger on "if I die")?

To be clear, order of events is Worldsinger silence, Voidbringer search, defense actions, vote tally, kill actions and lynching. Right?

Are players directly notified if they have lost one of their lives? Freed bridgeman in particular?

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I have, unfortunately, a clarificatory question.


Just to be sure: we can vote and take role-based actions at the same time? So the Worldsinger can silence someone and vote at the same time? Is there a limit on the number of actions? (Can the Worldsinger use both his abilities and vote at the same time?) I do understand that visiting the Nightwatcher precludes any other actions. 

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Clarified with Josh about the Steward's immunity. It is not affected by the Worldsinger.

The steward can be killed by lynching, but is immune to role-related kill actions. The Shamed Guard can demand an extra lynch once per game as one of their special actions. Does this extra lynch eliminate the steward or not?

No. The Shamed Guard's Rabble Rouse ability still counts as a role ability. The Steward is not affected.

If the worldsinger silences a shamed guard on the turn they die, are both their kills lost (assuming the rabble rouse was still unused and set to trigger on "if I die")?

Yes. The Shamed Guard's kills do not count as his ability to make them has been silenced.

To be clear, order of events is Worldsinger silence, Voidbringer search, defense actions, vote tally, kill actions and lynching. Right?

Essentially....I'm hesitant to really call it "order" since it's a riot, but I get what you're going for. In the way we sort out what happened, that is pretty much the way it goes, although I view everything between the Worldsinger silencing and the kills (including lynching, since all the kills happen at the same time) as happening simultaneously.

Are players directly notified if they have lost one of their lives? Freed bridgeman in particular?


Just to be sure: we can vote and take role-based actions at the same time? So the Worldsinger can silence someone and vote at the same time? Is there a limit on the number of actions? (Can the Worldsinger use both his abilities and vote at the same time?) I do understand that visiting the Nightwatcher precludes any other actions.

Yes. So long as you are not going to the Nightwatcher, you can use your abilities and vote on the same day, regardless of how many abilities you have (although most of those are one-shots). The Worldsinger can silence someone, change a person's vote, and vote themselves. The same goes for all other roles with dual abilities. Note here about the ardent: In the main rules, we said the ardent's protection ability didn't work if they martyred. Since all the other dual abilities can be used on the same day, including one-shots, we've changed that. If you martyr, the person you were guarding survives (assuming they were attacked).
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DAY THREE: Slaughter in the Streets

Xeneth staggered out into the street, thankful to have finally returned home from his voyage. As he regained his footing, he noticed that the fighting had mellowed out in this part of the city. 'Were the riots over?' he wondered to himself.

Just then, a mass of people came charging out of an alley, screaming.

"Guess not," he mused aloud to himself.

Against his better judgement, he decided to wander down the alley to see what all the commotion had been about. Midway down the alley, lay his two friends, Weiriah, and Ace. They had always been so good to him. Maybe this was the curse that the Nightwatcher had laid upon him, taking away his friends.

Oh well. He did get a really cool hat out of the deal.

Weiriah and Ace have died. Just to reiterate from yesterday, please keep your PM's in the first PM that I sent to you giving you your role. My inbox begs your mercy.

Stormwarden's warning: Highstorm is expected around mid cycle.

  • (WeiryWriter) Weiriah
  • (Lightsworn Panda) Jain
  • (Gamma Fiend) Magam
  • (Tulir) Trahar
  • (FeatherWriter) Lyla
  • (Ashiok) Asphodel
  • (Renegade) Rengar
  • (Mailliw73) Mailam
  • (Binnut) Binnt
  • (Macen) Ace
  • (AonarFaileas) Aonar
  • (jasonpenguin) Peng
  • (twelfthrootoftwo) Twei
  • (a smart guy) Sarmas
  • (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt
  • (GreyPilgrim) Greyeh Pilgras
  • (Alvron) Rolav
  • (firstRainbowRose) Hinah
  • (lord Claincy Ffnord) Clanal
  • (Wyrmhero) Heron
  • (Sphinx) Nixi
  • (dants) Atrus
  • (Sir Jerric) Jerrek
  • (jaelre) Khiriq
  • (luckat) Lucy
  • (Awesomeness Summoned) Mon
  • (Kasimir) Kasimar
Edited by Alvron
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I saw Meta/Tion do this last game. I never expected to do it this game.

What were you thinking? You can't kill the Freed Bridgeman. I'm the strongest storming man in this city--and it'll take more than a mob to put me down for good! :P

Edit: Storm it, spelling.

Edited by Kasimir
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I am rather surprised by the fact there were only two deaths. Guess the Ardents picked well for who to save. Oh, and apparently Kas. So one Ardent was exceptionally lucky, picking 1 from the other 10.

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Wyrmhero, on 06 Jun 2014 - 02:44 AM, said:

I am rather surprised by the fact there were only two deaths. Guess the Ardents picked well for who to save. Oh, and apparently Khas. So one Ardent was exceptionally lucky, picking 1 from the other 10.

This Bridgeman gig, it's no Shardplate, but it's the next best deal in Kholinar. Carry bridges! Survive attempts to kill you!

GM, might I confirm that the highstorm will come after the first 24 hours?

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Another couple of questions:

If the worldsinger silences a player who used a once per game ability, is that ability lost, or is the player told that their ability is still available?

Does a Shamed guard's Rabble rouse get blocked by the Ardent?

Does their Kill-with-Me get blocked by the Ardent?

(I'm guessing yes and yes, but other people are debating the question.)

Edit: Punctuation.

Edited by Sir Jerric
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IF the worldsinger silences a player who used a once per game ability, is that ability lost, or is the player told that their ability is still available?

Unfortunately, they lose it.


]Does a Shamed guard's Rabble rouse get blocked by the Ardent?

Does their Kill-with-Me get blocked by the Ardent?

(I'm guessing yes and yes.)

You're correct. Both get blocked.


Do we know what happens if there's a tie for the lynch vote?

For ties, no one is lynched.

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Smoke poured forth from the ruined sections of town, the riots and the flames that followed were slowly consuming the whole of Kholinar. Several bodies had been found and identified earlier in the day, although Magam had no idea what had made those two corpses any special.

“Slaughter in the streets,” he mused to himself. “Sounds like a good enough description as any.”

Stormwardens had predicted a Highstorm to land by nightfall, causing civilians and rioters alike to hide indoors and seek refuge, leaving Magam to roam the streets without interruption. Since I'm going to be stuck with the same group of people for the whole night, might as well stretch my legs while I can, he thought. Singing a merry tune to himself, he set out to explore the ruined city while there was still time.

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Lightsworn Panda, on 06 Jun 2014 - 09:08 AM, said:

Khas, I'm not sure if I should Tactical Facepalm or just die laughing (again).

Wurm, nice hidden RP message.

Why tactical facepalm or die laughing? :P Now you've got my undivided attention.

Edited by Kasimir
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Jain watched the deranged man wandering the streets, of all times, right before a Highstorm that had been announced earlier that day by the Stormwarden. It was interesting how the insane and the evil always thrived in chaos and death. 


Asphodel had let Jain take some of his food, after much persuasion. People could be very stingy during riots, too. Kholinar was no exception.

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"It seems that there is going to be a highstorm today." Asphodel noted to his companions in the safety of his shelter.

Do I trust them enough to offer them shelter? Maybe if I knew the only way out? I think I can trust them for now

"We should probably go into the kitchen. We can hide in the Highstorm-proof Food Pantry. I'm trusting  you both for now. Betray me at your own risk. If I die, your access to the kitchens does too."

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More questions!

If someone were to target a disloyal 17S spy in the Merchant faction when the apothecary was protecting the faction, would the spy be protected? Would a loyal 17S member be protected by that?

Both would be protected. Flavor-wise, view it that the apothecary is protecting everyone they consider a merchant. They don't know who the disloyal spies are, so the apothecary protects them as well as all the other merchants (and loyal spies).

Are ardents informed when their protection saves someone from death?

No. If it makes you feel any better, the person who attacked doesn't know why they failed either...

Taking the place of someone on the lynch vote occurs before all the votes go through, correct?

Ish? If the person would be lynched, the ardent will be lynched instead. The same goes for any other kill against the protected individual. Basically, that person cannot die the night the ardent is being a martyr.
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Lyla tapped her fingers against the table as the debates dragged on. She was going to get trapped here by the highstorm if she wasn't careful and she had her own tasks for the duration of the storm. For now, she took notes on the proceedings, as she always did. Filling her journals with the events which were transpiring as accurately as she could. Whatever these riots came to, she had to keep them written down. 


As she continued her documenting of the city however, she was noticing worrisome trends. The unrestrained violence of the earlier riots was coalescing into something far more organized. More strategized. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. 


You're a part of these strategies now. How do you feel if your actions result in the deaths of others? She shook her head. A time of chaos was not a time to lose one's way. She claimed she was trying to help, she claimed she wouldn't go out of her way to hurt someone, yet was that not what was happening here?


Precarious ledges to walk. Such fine lines. What would she sacrifice in order to stay alive?

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Crouched in the shadow of a chimney, Rolav watched the building across the street.  There was nothing interesting about the emerald green roofed house, other than that it was the one that the woman who broke into the Common Chambers fled to.


It had taken him hours to track her to this place and hours more taking note of who arrived and who left.

With the highstorm later today, I doubt they will be moving around much.


A whistle could just barely be heard as another figure joined Rolav on the rooftop.  A thin pale skinned man emerged from the shadows.  Chewing on a strip of meat the stranger crouched down next to Rolav.


‘I have her name if you want it.  Cheap too, only a single ruby mark.’


Handing over a sphere without looking up from the house, Rolav waited for the stranger to speak again.


Tucking the ruby mark under his tunic, the stranger stood. ‘Her name is Liar or Lyla or perhaps Leia.  The ones I spoke didn’t know much only that she fancies herself some kind of scholar.‘  Turning on his heel, the stranger started to walk away.


‘Oh, by the way, you were followed by some strange fellow carrying a nasty looking hammer.  Don’t worry, I took care of him for you.  He was muttering something about a chull I think.’

Just to be clear.  Neither Rolav or Ratel had anything to do with your death Ace.  With the kills being anonymous, I think they are fair game to be used in rp.

With one final glance over his shoulder the stranger shrugged before dropping off the rooftop.


Rolav waited for a while before standing up himself.  Careful not to leave the chimney shadow, he stretched his sore muscles.


Fool woman.  Why in Damnation would you want to go and copy those writings.  Aesudan declared that any who even speak of them is to be lashed and you went and made a copy. Even worse, you got caught doing it.

Nothing personal Feather, but did you really think the queen would let such a brazen act pass unchallenged.

With one final penetrating look at the house, Rolav left the roof and headed to a shelter to wait out the highstorm.


Deal with the rioters first then the scholar.  Hopefully I can find a way out of this before I have to kill to many innocents.


Just to be clear:  The highstorm stops all actions only while its blowing, correct?  So someone who votes during the highstorm will not be counted but those that vote before or after do, yes? Or are all actions cancalled for the whole cycle?

Edited by Alvron
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Binnt had seen dead people before, particularly during the last days of riots but he knew the names of two of those people! That had never happ... Wait! Was that a Highstorm announcement? Tonight?! No! He had to prepare! He had to get inside! Not so close to the last one! Almighty! Why? Deaths was nothing compared to this!

He hurriedly made his way to his house and locked his door. Preparations was due! Storms! This was horrible!

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Dear Lyla,


Sincerely, your writer, Feather


In all seriousness, this is excellent fun. We can't exactly kill each other through RP alone, but there's no harm in one of the characters trying, is there? Mind if I continue? In the words of Kelsier, let's have a chase, you and I.


The air had turned crisp as Lyla stepped out of the meeting house, the oncoming storm changing the scents and atmosphere of the city. She could probably make it back to her hideout before the storm hit. Probably. Storm predictions were never perfectly exact. She'd make an attempt at least. 


As she raised her hood, something drew her eyes to the rooftop of the building across the street. She frowned, a strange shiver running up her spine, but there was nothing to see there. Careful, Lyla, you're paranoid enough as it is. No reason to go jumping at shadows. 


Checking to make sure her satchel was secure against her back beneath the cloak, she started for home. At least the bag was light right now. She'd only brought one of her personal journals and a small sketchbook to the meeting. Almighty forbid she get caught out in the storm with any of her important documents. Her notebooks recounting the breakout of the riots and the rise of factions in the city, her sketches of the wreckages and maps of events were all safely back at home, as was the copy of Pai's denunciation.


I definitely need to get back there and do some context sketches of the room and the placement of the work on the floor, she thought as she started down the street. The layout is simply marvelous and I'd hate for that to be lost. I'll pass the copy on during the storm though. That will be the first task when I get home. The sooner I can get that document somewhere outside of this city, the better. 

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A Shardblade in his hands. He heard them, baying for his blood. A dead king's blood on his hands. Kingkiller, he thought. That's what I've become. He moved to block in Ironstance, but desperation lent speed to his opponent's strikes and--

Kasimar felt someone rifling through his clothing. He opened his eyes, tasting blood in his mouth. His head hurt, terribly. Heralds, he thought, everywhere hurt. That darkeyes had given him one chull of a thrashing. The thought that he'd somehow survived didn't bring any sense of satisfaction.

He wondered if he'd broken something. And he wondered that he was still alive.

And then the thief found his spheres.

He hadn't many of them. That was why he'd taken the offer, tried to find Rejkvar. Now it was uncertain if Rejkvar was even in Kholinar, if the man was still alive, or lost somewhere in the collective fury and madness of the mob. He didn't even know if Rejkvar had existed, if he could remember the face of the man who'd sat on the fence and told him that grey, grey afternoon about a job in Kholinar, if he was up for it.

He made a sound of protest or pain--Kasimar wasn't sure which--and tried to catch the man's hand. He was shaken off easily. His head spun--and then the thief's hands slipped into his pocket and found the dagger. He pulled it out, and glanced at it and let out an admiring whistle. "That," said the thief, shaking his head slowly, "Is one fine dagger. Judging from your sorry state, one far better than you'll be needing."

He pocketed it, as he did the rest of Kasimar's remaining spheres.

Something snapped. I am the Bridgeman, I am the walrus, goo goo ga joob!

"Mine," Kasimar whispered, reaching out with surprising strength and speed to grab the thief. He pulled himself up on his feet, slowly, painfully.

Cold steel pricked his arm. He was, Kasimar thought, beyond such little pinpoints of pain.

"I don't think you're in the shape to start anything," warned the thief.

And then, his eyes burned. Steel jutted out from his chest. There was no blood, Kasimar realised, as the thief died. The fellow who had stealthily walked up behind the thief pulled his Blade free. A Shardblade, Kasimar thought, staring wildly, dripping with beaded water from its summoning. A storming Shardblade! He'd never seen one, not in his entire life. The lighteyes glanced at him, and said, "Keep acting like that and you won't be long for this world."

"I...I don't understand."

The lighteyes looked strangely familiar. Clearly a soldier, even though Kasimar couldn't recognise his colours. The strange lighteyes snorted. "I can't keep saving your hide," he added. "And I've got somewhere I really need to be right now. So stop acting like a storming chull for brains. Think."

Kasimar said, "Are you Rejkvar?"

The lighteyes rolled his eyes. "Get out of the city, darkeyes," he said. "It's a deathtrap."

"I...can't." He realised it was true. He'd lost almost everything here. He'd have to find Rejkvar and make it good, or he'd have nothing for the road home.

The lighteyes studied him. "We all choose our deaths," he said, finally. "When the end comes for you, darkeyes, I hope it will be quick." He turned about, and walked away. The Shardblade he held in his hand began to disperse. Kasimar called out after him, but he vanished into the spreading mist that accompanied the slow dismissal of the Shardblade.

And then the doorway to the broken-down store was empty.Joining the group of people who have made a callback.

Kasimar lay back on the ground, and just breathed, trying to force the pain in his head to subside. Eventually, he crawled over to the thief's body and searched it, reclaiming his spheres. He found his dagger, and hesitated. And then he pocketed it.

If he was going to die, Kasimar thought, he was going to make a good run of it.

Edit: Might I confirm that we cannot ask the GMs questions--either in-thread or through a PM--during a highstorm?

Edited by Kasimir
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