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Guessing Stormlight Book 5 title


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I've just found this WoB:



I'm sure others have spotted this already, but I just noticed that the titles of the first 5 Stormlight Archive books are on track to form a palindrome.

  • (The) Way of Kings
  • Words of Radiance
  • Oathbringer
  • (The) Rhythm of War
  • ...


This is really cool! Whether coincidence or deliberate, I hope that Sanderson continues the trend.

Brandon Sanderson

Let's just say that abandoning the title of book two way back when let me rebuild the title sequence to do something I hadn't been able to make work in my original series draft. Stones Unhallowed isn't likely to be the last book's title any longer.

General Reddit 2019 (Nov. 15, 2019)

and it's heavily suggested that the abbreviation for Book 5 title would be KoW. I was wondering about it, but I only came up with "Knights/Kings/Kingdom of West" (given it's Szeth's book).

What do you think?


Edited by KandraAllomancer
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8 minutes ago, KandraAllomancer said:

and it's heavily suggested that the abbreviation for Book 5 title would be KoW. I was wondering about it, but I only came up with "Knights/Kings/Kingdom of West" (given it's Szeth's book).

Kingdom(s) of War.  IE the silver kingdoms founded to stand against desolations Shinovar being the last one standing.

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Just now, Ookla the Eccentric said:

I mean, until Brandon says otherwise, the title of SA 5 is tentatively 'Stones Unhallowed', referencing Urithiru according to a Shin historian referenced in Jasnah's notes.

Per the WoB above, it's no longer likely

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Just now, KandraAllomancer said:

Per the WoB above, it's no longer likely

Huh, guess I somehow skimmed over that. Ah, well, I really liked that title. If we're moving from that title, I think we might get something like the Shin's religious texts. (Let's just pray to Honor that the title isn't 'Skybreaker'- because that's the only Brandon title I've disliked*)

*For those unaware, 'Skybreaker' was a tentative title for book 3, back when it was Szeth's book. 

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Im going with "Knives of Will" or maybe "Knives of Withering", with it being a reference to Shardblades in general, some surge we've not seen, or the Odiumblade(s).


Of course, those dont really fit the part where these are all In-World written works. 

10 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

Not sure if they would do war again right after Rhythm of War.

Possible K words: Knight, Kingdom, Kaladin, Kale, King, Kangaroo, Ketchup, Kin, Kitty

Possible middle words: of (probably), or, on

Possible W words: Wit, Ways, Winds, Warlord, Watch, Wedding, Welfare, Whales (Spacewhales?), White

My possible combinations: King of Wit, Kale of Whales, Knight of White (?), Kingdom of Winds, Kangaroo on Watch, etc. 

Agreed on the "w" not being War for a second time, I dont think any of them will repeat.  If these are to be In-World Works, and Book 5 is going to be the Big Middle event of the Stormlight Archive as a whole, I could see "The Killing of Wit" or something similarly dramatic from a Cosmere standpoint.


Additional K Words:  Knives, Killing/Killer, Knoll/Knell, Key, Kin/Kindred, Knot

Additional W Words:  Withering, Wager, Wander/Wanderer, Warden, Warrior, Waters, Whisper

Edited by Ookla the Ingeniator
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1 hour ago, Knight of Iron said:

Not sure if they would do war again right after Rhythm of War.

Possible K words: Knight, Kingdom, Kaladin, Kale, King, Kangaroo, Ketchup, Kin, Kitty

Possible middle words: of (probably), or, on

Possible W words: Wit, Ways, Winds, Warlord, Watch, Wedding, Welfare, Whales (Spacewhales?), White

My possible combinations: King of Wit, Kale of Whales, Knight of White (?), Kingdom of Winds, Kangaroo on Watch, etc. 

I kinda like Knight of White, actually.

Isn’t Brandon titling each of the books after an in-world text?

Edited by Jaookla
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1 hour ago, Ookla the Prolific said:

Not sure they would not and it makes sense as a title and it fits the pattern

It would make sense as a title, but I mean... "of War" will already be done with Rhythm of War. There's almost always a variety to each title, and there isn't ever a repeat like that would be in any of Brandon's other works, or in the majority of popular books. I don't think they'd go for it even if it did fit better purely for aesthetic reasons. They can be really picky about what book titles will go through, so if Brandon wants to pull of this KoW thing, I wish him good luck. The Skyward 3, for example, was going to be titled Nowhere. Which would probably make the most sense for the novel, as Brandon would know, but the rest of his team isn't on board with it purely for aesthetic reasons, and there isn't even a real problem with that. Stones Unhallowed could maybe make more sense than whatever it will end up being, but yet it doesn't seem as likely. Just because it makes sense doesn't mean a likely choice, though I do admit that makes sense in context of Roshar's past.

Speaking of the previous title, Stones Unhallowed, we should probably try and figure out what kind of in-world book that would be. To me it sounds like a book from Shinovar... maybe about unclean stones? Maybe Szeth writes it.


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I love the symmetry option, it fits whole SA so well. And I kind of like 'white' standing for 'w' as it will be Szeth's. And white was rather a big theme for him. 

Actually, if he uses in-world logic to create the title, there is a chance one of the letters can be changed to 'h'. At least the Alethi would still consider it symmetrical. 

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King of Wisdom, after Nohadon? Book 5 was originally a possible Bondsmith book and Book 3 for Skybreaker but they both have their cool moments in either books as per Brandon.

Kindred of Wind (Skybreakers are close to Windrunners)

Killing of Worlds (Ashyn past or attack on Braize)

Knot of Woes (the Oathpact)

Kneel and Key are two 'K' words that might be used, and Water a 'w' word that is similarly plausible in the title.

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I'll also miss Stones Unhallowed, but this has been something we've seen coming since Rhythm of War was announced as the title. As for the Book 5 title...Killers of White? Maybe something to reference the Shin Invasions?

5 minutes ago, Honorless said:

King of Wisdom, after Nohadon? Book 5 was originally a possible Bondsmith book and Book 3 for Skybreaker but they both have their cool moments in either books as per Brandon.

Kindred of Wind (Skybreakers are close to Windrunners)

Killing of Worlds (Ashyn past or attack on Braize)

Knot of Woes (the Oathpact)

Kneel and Key are two 'K' words that might be used, and Water a 'w' word that is similarly plausible in the title.

King of Wisdom and Knot of Woes are pretty awesome!

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1 minute ago, Use the Falchion said:

I'll also miss Stones Unhallowed, but this has been something we've seen coming since Rhythm of War was announced as the title. As for the Book 5 title...Killers of White? Maybe something to reference the Shin Invasions?

Just call it "Shinvasion"

1 minute ago, Use the Falchion said:

King of Wisdom and Knot of Woes are pretty awesome!


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3 hours ago, Honorless said:

King of Wisdom, after Nohadon? Book 5 was originally a possible Bondsmith book and Book 3 for Skybreaker but they both have their cool moments in either books as per Brandon.

Kindred of Wind (Skybreakers are close to Windrunners)

Killing of Worlds (Ashyn past or attack on Braize)

Knot of Woes (the Oathpact)

Kneel and Key are two 'K' words that might be used, and Water a 'w' word that is similarly plausible in the title.


I really like Knot of Woes.

Taking into account the conversation between Gavilar and Nale/Kalak in the RoW prologue, and what we know of the Oathpact, it could have a threefold meaning.

1.  The Oathpact keeping Odium trapped on Roshar, leading to Roshar's devastation.

2.  The Oathpact keeping the Heralds trapped on Roshar and therefor trapped in their insanity.

3.  (Because it's Szeth's/the Skybreaker book) The storm of chaos Szeth has (partially) created for himself and Roshar due to blind obedience to the Shin ways and his Oathstone, and the similar 'knot' many Skybreakers must be twisting themselves into in justifying their fighting for Odium.

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Let's notforget that these are named after in-world books and mostly only vaguely have any connection to the plot of the book. I don't think the title will be directly Szeth-related just like the Way of Kings has about... no connection with Kaladin. Words of Radiance has some connection to Shallan as she owned a copy, and Oathbringer, well,


Dalinar wrote the thing. That's the biggest connection between title and character we have so far.

Rhythm of War could possibly be related to Eshonai or Venli, like it's a story book that their mom always read to them before nighttime. The in-world book has always appeared in the book, so could be possible. I don't care much for either of them enough to judge whether or not Rhythm of War would be a good bedtime story for them but it could be possible.

I do suspect the name would be closely related to whatever it's about, like Words of Radiance was about the developing Knights Radiant, etc.

By the way, I like @Honorless's Knot of Woes, though, and Kindred of Winds. I'll throw in some more options, like Knights of Winning. Knights of Worlds. Kingdom of Warriors. King of Ways.

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7 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

By the way, I like @Honorless's Knot of Woes, though, and Kindred of Winds. I'll throw in some more options, like Knights of Winning. Knights of Worlds. Kingdom of Warriors. King of Ways.

Thanks! King of Ways :lol:.

Yeah, in-world books, hmm... presumably written by Shin. How about Know of Wonders? A book written in an ancient Ashynite language describing their wonder at, as Khriss herself described it, the grandness of the world of Roshar

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