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Long Game 63: The Set


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14 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Elandera is basically only being lynched based on Bards claim.  In past games when such claims tend to be wrong, the claimant tends to be lynched next cycle.

Yeah, checks out, just making sure I didn't miss something.

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Rather than calming the mood in the Set, the quiet night instead caused more worry and strife.

 “What are they waiting for?” an anxious Array asked.
“Maybe they’re preparing to arrest us all in one fell swoop now that they’ve got the Sequence?” a spooked Suit suggested.

“Maybe they were all just asleep?” Pete Zahutt wondered.

“Yarra, does look pretty sleepy.” Elandera pointed out. “Hey, Yarra, did you have anything to do with the lack of action by the EBI last night?”

The discussion quickly went down this track of reasoning, and things might have ended badly for Yarra or anyone else looking particularly sleepy if the man who insisted on being known as ‘Mr. Bubblegum’ hadn’t interjected. “I don’t know about anyone being sleepy, but I do know that Elandera went on a little involuntary vacation last night.”

His proclamation was met with blank stares and confused looks.

“She was given a time-out?” ‘Mr. Bubblegum’ tried again. This ‘clarification’ only led to more confused mutterings, however.

“Aargh, listen! I had some of my people whack her over the head and then keep an eye on her to ensure she didn’t get up to anything nefarious, is that clear? Look, I’ve even got her wallet to prove it happened.” General nods of assent and understanding followed. “Seriously, you’d think people in a secret society would understand euphemisms and subtlety.” ‘Mr Bubblegum’ muttered.

After this proclamation, the crowd quickly started to  turn against Elandera. Though she made a valiant effort protesting her innocence, the mood in the crowd quickly turned grim as hands started to reach for weapons.

She wasn’t going to go without a fight, however, as she quickly drew her own revolver. “ Ruin take this. You’re all under arr-” She didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence, as 3 bullets, 2 coins and a hat with reinforced rim hit her all at about the same time.


As 'Mr. Bubblegum' left the meeting, a young man, ranking as a mere Scalar in the Set, approached him. "I understand what you were saying during the meeting. 'Kidnapping sounds so...uncivilized. If you want, I could have a chat with my boss about a little re-branding effort though."


Elandera has been lynched. She was a copper Ferring EBI agent and an Array in the Legal Subset. Though some copperminds where found to be in her possession, none where found to be unkeyed.

Copper Ferring: You can prepare a message of any length in your own coppermind (this needs to be done before your elimination, but doesn’t take an action), which becomes available to read for other copper Ferrings on your death.

Vote tally:
Elkanah(0): Elandera, Zillah
Elandera(6): Young bard, Xinoehp, Abstrusity, kidpen, rathmaskal, Alvron

Player list:

  1. Kynedath as Victoria Stadtt The Set's Sequence (and also a gold Ferring)
  2. Xinoehp512 as Yarra
  3. Butt ad Venture as Esualpla Dowenger, EBI agent and array in the communication's subset
  4. Elkanah as Ned, a pencil mustached cane wielder who is definitely neither a creep nor EBI!
  5. Coda as Catamire Dalageth
  6. Alvron as Pete Zahutt
  7. Rathmaskal
  8. Shanerockes, who doesn't know if they'll have a character yet, but we shall see
  9. The_god_king
  10. Elandera,  copper Ferring EBI agent and an Array in the Legal Subset
  11. Kidpen
  12. Young Bard as Mister Bubblegum, someone with a fondness (though unfortunately not a talent) for secret names
  13. Abstrusity as Mundric Pentasum, errant purveyor of hats with a troubled past.
  14. Zillah
  15. EXPERIENCE_THE_SHARD as Drahs Xperienc(the x is silent) Gold Ferring Suit in the legal subset

Night 3 has begun! It'll end on march 4th, 6PM EST

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So, Bard is probably cleared. There were 2 counts of vote manipulation, both removing votes on Elkanah. Anyone claiming those? 

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Well, I'd say the result of this lynch at least gives Young Bard a soft clear.  What else happened here?

xino was the second person to throw a vote on Elandera
Rath (that's me!) was third

Then Elandera voted on Elkanah, making the vote Elandera 3, Elkanah 1

Zillah came in to vote on Elkanah

Abstrusity voted Elandera

Kidpen and Alvron came in late to clinch the lynch TM

*ninja Coda*

Regarding the vote manipulation.  I can make a claim to that.  I'm the last member of the legal subset.  Elandera knew my identity, so there's nothing to be gained by me not claiming this.  After Shard was killed, I was promoted to Suit.  I think Elandera gave up on that doc at that point, so I was able to sneak? the vote manipulation in.  Legal has the ability to remove two votes from someone.

So, of the votes, Zillah's seems potentially too sloppy if it was elim vote...Kidpen's and Alvron's votes seem like they could be somewhat bandwagony/bussy though.  Those are my initial thoughts at least.

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Well rip me. All I have done this game is defend eliminators and vote for people we have all but confirmed as villagers. 

I still have no idea how I'm alive!

After Rath's confession, I go from almost no info to having the game all but solved. I'd vote for Zillah, but it's night time, so it'll have to wait.

Nice job everybody! Keep it up!

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43 minutes ago, Elkanah said:

After Rath's confession, I go from almost no info to having the game all but solved.

If you have the game all but solved, why not share?  Better to solve the game now than for you to die and take the information with you into the grave should you be attacked.

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I'd just like to say that I don't completely agree with clearing Bard, considering that even if Bard wasn't the one to give up the info, it would still get out, so elim!bard would almost definitely be better off having released the info.

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

If you have the game all but solved, why not share?  Better to solve the game now than for you to die and take the information with you into the grave should you be attacked.

Fair. I over exaggerated when I said solved. I think I may be able to figure out who is in which subset. It doesn't help us to know who the eliminators are. I have just recently gone from not knowing who is in my subset to being able to place which people are in other subsets, and was elated at finally having some information.


I believe Zillah is in Young Bard's subset (hence the veiled threat about killing him for revealing what the sparkle subset can do).

We know the players in the Legal subset

There are still four players I'm not sure where they fit, which is a big step up from where I was.

One of them is likely the third member of the sunshine subset. The other three might be a subset of their own

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13 hours ago, Elkanah said:

One of them is likely the third member of the sunshine subset. The other three might be a subset of their own

Are you included in these four players?

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19 hours ago, Kidpen said:

I'd just like to say that I don't completely agree with clearing Bard, considering that even if Bard wasn't the one to give up the info, it would still get out, so elim!bard would almost definitely be better off having released the info.

I agree completely with you.  Even if there wasn't the possibilities of conversions, I wouldn't clear anyone for revealing information that a group of people knew about.

19 hours ago, Elkanah said:

Fair. I over exaggerated when I said solved. I think I may be able to figure out who is in which subset. It doesn't help us to know who the eliminators are. I have just recently gone from not knowing who is in my subset to being able to place which people are in other subsets, and was elated at finally having some information.


I believe Zillah is in Young Bard's subset (hence the veiled threat about killing him for revealing what the sparkle subset can do).

We know the players in the Legal subset

There are still four players I'm not sure where they fit, which is a big step up from where I was.

One of them is likely the third member of the sunshine subset. The other three might be a subset of their own

Given that there are 15 players and as far as I know each subset has three members each, wouldn't that leave you a group short?  Since you're not a member of the Legal or Sunshine departments and you didn't mention the Communication branch, I'm assuming you are one of their two remaining members.  So that would leave two other groups currently unnamed.
Although Kyne wasn't listed as being in any one group so maybe there's a group with only two members or there's something else I'm missing (which to be fair is far more likely).

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The Set member known as the god king by his compatriots knew that trouble would find him sooner rather than later. He knew too much, after all.

And so he made his preparations. So that, when the EBI finally came knocking, he’d be ready.

‘If you read this, I’m most likely dead’ He stopped a moment to consider. His will really shouldn’t get out there before his death, so why the uncertainty. Maybe he should make it ‘Since you’re reading this, I am dead’? Though that sounded pretty pessimistic. And what if he’d ask someone to proofread it later? That sentence wouldn’t be true in that case.

He grimaced. Writing your last words was hard. He’d gone through two drafts already, and this third one didn’t look any more promising. Maybe he should just focus on the important content, rather than the specific logistics of the message’s contents.

“So, what’s eating you?” The woman sitting two chairs over from him in the small bar asked. “I’ve seen you coming here for several days now, and you always just sit here, slaving away at one document or another.”

“It’s none of your business.” he replied brusquely. Though some help on the opening sentence might be appreciated, the document itself would contain several secrets that weren’t the business of anyone outside the Set.

“Alright, suit yourself then.” Her attention turned back to the broadsheet she’d been reading.

The god king, meanwhile, tried to work out which secrets to reveal, and what to keep secret. Full disclosure would be the most helpful, but you never knew who might intercept his message…

The door opened, and a man in a heavy coat entered the bar and started walking towards him. The god king tensed. The man would walk up to him and draw a gun, or maybe a knife and…

The man walked straight past him and stopped by the woman that had spoken up earlier. The god king’s shoulders sagged as the tension left him again, and he turned his attention back to his Will. Maybe instead of… something the woman said caught his attention.

“...I’d have shot the bastard.”

His head snapped around to the two people next to him, and was greeted by the unwelcome sight of a pair of gun barrels and a badge.

“Oh, so you were paying attention after all?” the woman said. “Anyway, it seems it’s your lucky day, as I’ll only be arresting you for, oh, how about the murder of three agents of the Elendel Bureau of Investigations, for starters?”

“Stand up slowly, and no sudden movements please, Mr. ‘king’.” The female agent's companion said as he gestured with his own revolver. “You really don’t want to give my colleague an excuse.”

The Array slowly followed their instructions, feeling a strange mixture of relief and worry. It had finally happened. Would his preparations be enough.

As the agents marched him out of the bar, neither noticed the small strip of copper he’d left wrapped around the base of his chair.


The God King has been arrested. He was a loyal array in the Research Subset and a copper Ferring. He has left an unkeyed coppermind in a safe place for others to find.

  1. Kynedath as Victoria Stadtt The Set's Sequence (and also a gold Ferring)
  2. Xinoehp512 as Yarra
  3. Butt ad Venture as Esualpla Dowenger, EBI agent and array in the communication's subset
  4. Elkanah as Ned, a pencil mustached cane wielder who is definitely neither a creep nor EBI!
  5. Coda as Catamire Dalageth
  6. Alvron as Pete Zahutt
  7. Rathmaskal
  8. Shanerockes, who doesn't know if they'll have a character yet, but we shall see
  9. The_god_king, Copper Ferring Array in the research Subset
  10. Elandera,  copper Ferring EBI agent and an Array in the Legal Subset
  11. Kidpen
  12. Young Bard as Mister Bubblegum, someone with a fondness (though unfortunately not a talent) for secret names
  13. Abstrusity as Mundric Pentasum, errant purveyor of hats with a troubled past.
  14. Zillah
  15. EXPERIENCE_THE_SHARD as Drahs Xperienc(the x is silent) Gold Ferring Suit in the legal subset

Day 4 has begun. It'll end the 6th of March 6PM EST.

Edited by DeTess
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Rath your end vote on Abstrucity still seems mildly to moderately suspicious to me.

... and that's literally it. I'm very open to other lynch targets, but I thought I'd try getting the ball rolling early this cycle.

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Somewhat fair...  I hadn't had a chance to really look at the thread for that day. I logged on, saw the vote count, and tried to remove the possibility of vote manipulation deciding the vote.  Seems that would have been a bad play if my vote had actually counted.

At the risk of sounding somewhat retaliatory, but keep in mind I mentioned this during the night cycle as well, your vote on Elandera seemed rather bussy to me...(as did Alvron's)

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Well it's almost been half the cycle and only two posts so I will post a poke vote towards Coda just because they are the one of the only ones I see lurking while I'm at work and haven't said anything. I really don't have a real target otherwise and would like some insight. @Coda so you are notified. 

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I have the unfortunate tendancy of saying nothing when I agree with the statements of the thread or when the thread is dead. There are no leads beside a slight suspicion on Zillah for voting on Elkanah, and that seems too suspicious. What do you want me to say?

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Well, the only player with a vote on them right now is Rath. I don't think the evidence in support of Rath is very strong - I don't think an Elim would so strongly tie themselves to another player, especially if the votecount was in favour of Elandera not getting lynched anyway. In addition, I'm inclined to believe that there is about one Elim in each faction, and while that isn't a hard rule that should be followed closely, the fact that we already know the Elim in the Legal faction makes me trust Rath slightly more (in addition, Rath's vote on Elandera makes slightly more sense knowing that they were in the same subset - it shouldn't make a difference logically, but people often are more reluctant to lynch someone the more of an opportunity they've had to talk that game.)

God King's flip of Research subset immediately makes me think his subset action was some kind of scan - if that's true, I think it would be worth any remaining Research Subset members speaking up about it - even ruling out 2-3 people as villagers would be worth it (it's likely that the EBI Agents already know who you are since they seemed to know who God King was, and I'd much rather that information was revealed before they get to you too.)

In order to prevent a lynch on just about anybody else, I'm going to put down a vote on Kidpen. Rath was the last member of the Legal Subset - in removing them, you'd be depriving the village of a powerful role, in addition to killing someone who I'm inclined to believe is a villager. That makes me slightly more suspicious of you.

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So, like most everyone else, I'm struggling to determine who to vote for.  While I'm willing to swap over to Kidpen, I also want to throw Alvron out there as a potential lynch target.  With Elandera's flip, Alvron's and Kidpen's votes seem by far the most likely to be another elim getting a last-minute bus off on a teammate.  I'll see if I can find anything better than that for either of them, but since discussion seems to have stalled, I wanted to get this out there as well.

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I am more suspicious of Alvron's vote than Kidpen's.

Sorry for my inactivity I just started a new job and I'm reworking my schedule to compensate

@xinoehp512, @Alvron, @Abstrusity, @Zillah

We have about 5 hours left in the cycle. Would you mind letting us know who you suspect or trust? Even if it's only a gut feeling.

I'd like to keep Kidpen alive for his role.

I trust Abstrusity and Young Bard. 

I'm most suspicious of Zillah and Alvron.

I have a slight village lean on Kidpen, Coda and Rathmaskal

I have a slight elim lean on Xinoehp and Shanerockes

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Alright so after much thinking, I've finally put a pin down on who to vote for. It was a tough choice for me between Rath and Bard. It really was a more instinctive choice because it's really hard for me but I'm just not fully comfortable with how he claimed and it hasn't felt right since the claim. @Young Bard just so you are aware that I have a vote onto you.

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2 hours ago, Elkanah said:

@xinoehp512, @Alvron, @Abstrusity, @Zillah

We have about 5 hours left in the cycle. Would you mind letting us know who you suspect or trust? Even if it's only a gut feeling.

I am suspicious of everyone and I trust no one. :P 
Wait, Scratch that.  I trust Abs but that's about it.

And seeing as I have two votes on me for some reason, I would like to point out that If I was evil, I wouldn't have voted on Elandera.  I hadn't voted in the two cycles beforehand even when Venture was a possible lynch so why would I draw attention to myself now?

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

I am suspicious of everyone and I trust no one. :P 
Wait, Scratch that.  I trust Abs but that's about it.

And seeing as I have two votes on me for some reason, I would like to point out that If I was evil, I wouldn't have voted on Elandera.  I hadn't voted in the two cycles beforehand even when Venture was a possible lynch so why would I draw attention to myself now?

That "Some Reason" would likely be the fact that your vote was the sixth on Elandera. It does look very bussy, and can be interpreted as an The closest second place runner had only two votes on them. That being said, voting on someone else that late in the cycle also might have looked suspicious if not for the fact that Elandera had five votes on them.

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18 minutes ago, Zillah said:

That "Some Reason" would likely be the fact that your vote was the sixth on Elandera. It does look very bussy, and can be interpreted as an The closest second place runner had only two votes on them. That being said, voting on someone else that late in the cycle also might have looked suspicious if not for the fact that Elandera had five votes on them.

Don't get me wrong, I know what their reason was, it just doesn't work when applied to me as I explained in my post above.  I would also point out that when I placed my vote I did so to try and prevent any vote manipulations changing the outcome.  If Elandera had control of the Legal vote cancelling then it would've been only four votes on them at end of cycle and there is also another vote manipulation that moved a vote from Abs to Venture so depending on where the EBIs are and who's paying attention, they could've tied the vote up.  And that was with my vote.  If I hadn't voted, they could've swing the vote completely onto Elk.  Thankfully they either didn't think of it or didn't have the resources to do so.

Personally, I want to vote for Rath but since he's the final member of Legal, he has control over the two vote cancelling ability so he wouldn't have any votes at end of cycle.  If I vote on either Bard or Kidpen, Rath can cancel the votes on them and leave me alone to be lynched rather than tied like I prefer.

For my final words, something to think about.  Rath has almost complete control over the lynch when it's this close.  I'm honestly surprised the elims didn't kill him last Night and remove a powerful ability from the village hands.

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