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Long Game 63: The Set


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18 hours ago, Young Bard said:

God King's flip of Research subset immediately makes me think his subset action was some kind of scan - if that's true, I think it would be worth any remaining Research Subset members speaking up about it - even ruling out 2-3 people as villagers would be worth it (it's likely that the EBI Agents already know who you are since they seemed to know who God King was, and I'd much rather that information was revealed before they get to you too.)

Alright hold up, I need to object to this. Unless the people in the Research subset has more information, I don't think it's all that likely that the EBI agents know who they are. It seems much more reasonable to me to keep their identity secret unless one of them dies tomorrow, considering that it's looking like 3 people per subset except communications.

Gosh dang it. I wrote a much longer post that I thought I posted but apparently not, and now this is all that's left.

I'm going to stick a vote on Rath Alv almost entirely for keeping myself alive purposes.

That being said I would switch to Bard if somebody else does.

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17 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

I'm going to stick a vote on Rath Alv almost entirely for keeping myself alive purposes.

That being said I would switch to Bard if somebody else does.

Well, I'm willing to do that for my own self preservation.  Bard.

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4 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Well, I'm willing to do that for my own self preservation.  Bard.

Mmmk. Alv Bard

4 hours ago, Elkanah said:

I'd like to keep Kidpen alive for his role.

I remembered part of what was in the post!

I don't know what role you think I have or how you got the info, but I will take it.

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Discussion had quieted down after mr. King’s arrest. Previously outspoken members of the Set now kept their own council, worrying that they would be next.

Yet not everyone had been cowed into silence. ‘Mr. Bubblegum’, fresh from his recent success in revealing a member of the EBI and the successful rebranding of his organisation pushed for an attack on the Set member known as Kidpen. This proved to be a mistake.

“Now listen here, ‘Mr Bubblegum’, Kidpen happens to be a trusted friend of mine.” one array pointed out.

“Yeah, you think that just because you got one EBI agent that that means you can go around accusing anyone you want?” Another spoke up.

“And what kind of Alias is ‘mr. Bubblegum’  anyway?” A particular Scalar brought up. 

“Yeah, it’s so obviously a fake name that it kinda defeats the purpose.” Another voice added.

“You know, I wouldn’t expect a name like that from one of ours. An EBI agent trying badly to fit in, however...” A third voice piped up.

“Now wait just a minute!” Mr. Bubblegum spoke up as the mob started turning against him. “Just because the name I chose isn’t to your liking doesn’t mean that...”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence as a single pistol shot rang through the room.

Young bard has been lynched. He was a loyal array in the 'Involuntary Holidays' subset.

Vote tally:
Kidpen (2): Bard
Alv (1): Rath, Elk
Bard (3): Shanerocks, Alv, Kidpen

  1. Kynedath as Victoria Stadtt The Set's Sequence (and also a gold Ferring)
  2. Xinoehp512 as Yarra
  3. Butt ad Venture as Esualpla Dowenger, EBI agent and array in the communication's subset
  4. Elkanah as Ned, a pencil mustached cane wielder who is definitely neither a creep nor EBI!
  5. Coda as Catamire Dalageth
  6. Alvron as Pete Zahutt
  7. Rathmaskal
  8. Shanerockes, who doesn't know if they'll have a character yet, but we shall see
  9. The_god_king, Copper Ferring Array in the research Subset
  10. Elandera,  copper Ferring EBI agent and an Array in the Legal Subset
  11. Kidpen
  12. Young Bard as Mister Bubblegum, someone with a fondness (though unfortunately not a talent) for secret names array in the 'Involuntary Holidays' subset
  13. Abstrusity as Mundric Pentasum, errant purveyor of hats with a troubled past.
  14. Zillah
  15. EXPERIENCE_THE_SHARD as Drahs Xperienc(the x is silent) Gold Ferring Suit in the legal subset

Night 4 has begun. It'll end the 7th of march at 6PM EST

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The vote manipulation this turn doesn't make sense to me.  Clearly a vote was moved from Alv to Kidpen.  However, the only person to vote on Kidpen was Bard...who was lynched...and could have not been lynched...then again, Bard could have just moved over to the Alv train and potentially resulted in a tied lynch if there wasn't vote manipulation, or moved a vote from Bard to Alv to not get killed...  SO, either Bard wasn't around for rollover (which looks quite likely) or someone else has the vote manipulation (which also could be true.)

I used my vote manipulation on myself, since when I stepped away from my computer for a few hours of meetings, I was still a potential lynch target, in case anyone was curious.

Please excuse the moderate rambling in that first paragraph.

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The commissioner had to resist the urge to shake her head in disbelief. The agent’s infiltration effort had seemed doomed, with their numbers rapidly dwindling. Yet now things had started to look up for them. Several Subsets had lost important members, and it seemed that the report was suggesting that some members of the Set had defected and were providing information to the EBI.

And yet, she hadn’t been informed of any of that in the short progress reports that had made their way to her desk over the past weeks. She was very concerned about the integrity of her own organization now, as proof of an organized effort to keep her in the dark kept mounting.

Despite everything, the infiltrators had kept their operation running and were making important arrests. She wondered if Kidpen resented his incarceration, or if he was happy to not have to face an inquisition like on the previous day again. She put it on the substantial list of things she’d have to ask the captured Set members once she got the chance.


Kidpen has been arrested. They were a loyal suit in the research subset
player list:

  1. Kynedath as Victoria Stadtt The Set's Sequence (and also a gold Ferring)
  2. Xinoehp512 as Yarra
  3. Butt ad Venture as Esualpla Dowenger, EBI agent and array in the communication's subset
  4. Elkanah as Ned, a pencil mustached cane wielder who is definitely neither a creep nor EBI!
  5. Coda as Catamire Dalageth
  6. Alvron as Pete Zahutt
  7. Rathmaskal
  8. Shanerockes, who doesn't know if they'll have a character yet, but we shall see
  9. The_god_king, Copper Ferring Array in the research Subset
  10. Elandera,  copper Ferring EBI agent and an Array in the Legal Subset
  11. Kidpen, loyal suit in the research subset
  12. Young Bard as Mister Bubblegum, someone with a fondness (though unfortunately not a talent) for secret names array in the 'Involuntary Holidays' subset
  13. Abstrusity as Mundric Pentasum, errant purveyor of hats with a troubled past.
  14. Zillah
  15. EXPERIENCE_THE_SHARD as Drahs Xperienc(the x is silent) Gold Ferring Suit in the legal subset

Day 5 has begun. It will end march 9th at 6PM EST

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@xinoehp512 @Coda @Alvron @Rathmaskal @shanerockes @Abstrusity @Zillah.

I believe there are two eliminators left among the eight of us. The research subset cleared two of us before TGK and Kidpen were killed. One of us is the last member of the research subset and should have two more names. One of us is the last member of the communication subset. Two of us are members of the kidnapping subset. Rathmaskal is a member of the Legal subset. That leaves 3 of us in an undisclosed subset presumably with a kill. Would anyone be willing to enlighten the village? I can all but garantee the eliminators already have this information and hiding it is only putting the village at a disadvantage.

Playing the odds a little: Abstrusity, Rathmaskal, Coda and I are loyal to the set. Having said this, we are probably the next four to be killed. We need to start voting in a block or risk giving the elims power over the Lynch and two night kills. I'm willing to move on the alvron Lynch, but we need to start working together.

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3 hours ago, Elkanah said:

@xinoehp512 @Coda @Alvron @Rathmaskal @shanerockes @Abstrusity @Zillah.

I believe there are two eliminators left among the eight of us. The research subset cleared two of us before TGK and Kidpen were killed. One of us is the last member of the research subset and should have two more names. One of us is the last member of the communication subset. Two of us are members of the kidnapping subset. Rathmaskal is a member of the Legal subset. That leaves 3 of us in an undisclosed subset presumably with a kill. Would anyone be willing to enlighten the village? I can all but garantee the eliminators already have this information and hiding it is only putting the village at a disadvantage.

Playing the odds a little: Abstrusity, Rathmaskal, Coda and I are loyal to the set. Having said this, we are probably the next four to be killed. We need to start voting in a block or risk giving the elims power over the Lynch and two night kills. I'm willing to move on the alvron Lynch, but we need to start working together.

I'm thinking only one elim left myself. But I can see two.  Without knowing who might have been cleared by the Research dept given that I don't think it's even been confirmed that they have a scan, I have it down to you Elk along with Coda and Zillah being the last elim.  I would place my odds on Zillah personally.

The unknown subset does not have a kill.  I wish they did because then I would be using it.  We have the vote manipulation.  It's been used twice both on our own members. Once to save Abs and once to save me, although it turned out not to be needed last cycle.

2 hours ago, Coda said:

Well, if that's how you want to play it. Alvron. Sorry chap, but I've been exposed.

What do you mean by being exposed?

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

What do you mean by being exposed?

My statements are not meant to make sense. Ignore anything that sounds like it might be a reference to a movie.

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The members of the research subset were the ones targeted by elims. Knowing that, it makes sense that the last member of the research subset is likely an elim. Hesitantly, I think that everyone just sharing what subset they're a part of (no need to tell us what it does) and their team members will likely help us identify who the last member of the research subset (and thus the elim) is. I can start. I am a member of a subset with Alvron and Xino.

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13 minutes ago, Abstrusity said:

The members of the research subset were the ones targeted by elims. Knowing that, it makes sense that the last member of the research subset is likely an elim. Hesitantly, I think that everyone just sharing what subset they're a part of (no need to tell us what it does) and their team members will likely help us identify who the last member of the research subset (and thus the elim) is. I can start. I am a member of a subset with Alvron and Xino.

Interesting... I happen to know who the last member of the research subset is.

I would like to wait and give them the opportunity to come out and clear or condemn someone, but I thought the elims had figured out who the other two members of the research subset were the same way I did. Both TGK and Kidpen protected me for no reason other than that I was a "bad lynch." Which I really appreciated, but also tipped me off that they were researchers.

That said, I would love to hear what you have discovered, researcher.

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50 minutes ago, Coda said:

Therefore lynching Alvron will not lose us a role. Sounds good to me.

On the contrary, lynching me will lose us a role.  It just won't lose us a subset role.

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Well, With only 6 hours left in the 48 hour day cycle, I'm afraid I'm going to have to pressure you @shanerockes

Alvron Shanerockes

Your scans could solve the game for us and the best reason for you withhold right now is if it incriminates your team.

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4 hours ago, Elkanah said:

Your scans could solve the game for us and the best reason for you withhold right now is if it incriminates your team.

Well I didn't want to really reveal myself because of the fact that it is such a useful tool. I was talking with Kid as well last cycle and we both were very wary of giving up our subset. I told him I would since he was the suit and I am not very useful otherwise. But I haven't scanned Alv but I have scanned you and can say that you are a copper ferring in the Involuntary Holidays subset. And I have suspicions towards you because of your accusation onto me. Yeah it would have been useful but if we had given ourselves up, we would have been gone sooner and been less useful. 

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1 minute ago, Elkanah said:

Right, but who are the other three people you scanned?

Zillah, Abstrucity, and Rath. Zillah came up as your other partner in crime now in the Involuntary Holidays subset and is a thug. Abstrucity came up as a thug in the PR subset and Rath came up as vanilla in the legal subset. 

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1 minute ago, Alvron said:

Do your scans show up those that are EBIs or does it just gives roles and subset information?

It just showed me roles. It comes as a little write-up and says what subset they are in, not what it does and what role they have, if any. 


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23 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Do you know if it reveals EBIs if scanned?

As I said, it just gives me the roles and the subset. And I realized that the vote count is 1 for one on me and you so I'm gonna stick a vote onto you for self pres. You can stick one on me as well but if it becomes not tied, I'll take my vote on you Alv. Sorry :/

Edit: Meant to say take not keep. Has completely different interpretations. 

Edited by shanerockes
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