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Quick Fix 43: Mysteries in the Snow


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1 minute ago, DeTess said:

It's partly that, but also the fact that you lost quite a bit over this cycle, @The_God_King. I told you that Sart was the other person to be scanned by the seer, and they where killed last cycle. Your claim that you had also scanned Sart this last cycle also doesn't really work out if you were village, but makes perfect sense if you were an elim knowing that trouble was brewing and unwilling to give anything away.

Totally spaced on that. Honestly I came to the decision at the last second of the cycle  and didn’t really look at our chat that far back to decide. Your seer pulled the same thing though, the person they scanned died. You seem rather adamant that I’m evil. They must’ve done something pretty impressive to earn your trust.

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2 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

Totally spaced on that. Honestly I came to the decision at the last second of the cycle  and didn’t really look at our chat that far back to decide. Your seer pulled the same thing though, the person they scanned died. You seem rather adamant that I’m evil. They must’ve done something pretty impressive to earn your trust.

And I think you'll fully understand if I won't specify more unless I absolutely have to. You've already taken one shot at taking out the priest, and I'd much prefer it if you were to take the next shot at me to be certain to hit a confirmed good, rather than continuing walking your fire to get the priest.

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Just now, DeTess said:

And I think you'll fully understand if I won't specify more unless I absolutely have to. You've already taken one shot at taking out the priest, and I'd much prefer it if you were to take the next shot at me to be certain to hit a confirmed good, rather than continuing walking your fire to get the priest.

Not giving up your source is really important. If I’m evil then it protects them

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2 hours ago, EXPERIENCE said:

Elandera was the last person to vote on Rath.  @Elandera, is there a reason that you did this?

I thought I said it pretty clearly in my post. Lynching a semi-active would give us more information than a lunch on a player who was already going to die. 

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Alright, going through the options, TGK is either evil or not. If they are, fantastic! We would also have a cleared villager essentially since DeTess would have no incentive to turn in their teammate when they didn't have to.

If they are good then this is either a Gambit by the anonymous priest or a Gambit by DeTess. That narrows things down a ton, so I'm all for lynching TGK. That's where my vote will be going this cycle.

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My ineptitude encourages me to hop on the wagon!

4 hours ago, The_God_King said:

So 9 players left. I’m think 3-4 elims. I’ll assume 3 for the sake of it. Otherwise we’re dead. If DeTess is mislead a mislynch tonight ends in 4 to 3. Assuming you kill the false seer after I’m dead you end up 3 to 2. All they have to do is mislead one village and the game ends. It’s not too early for a ploy like this. I don’t think we have a bodyguard anymore so a tactful miss by the elims probably isn’t possible. This is quite the move and DeTess’s seer must have earned some serious credibility to be trusted.

Eheshao was aghast, the accusation were insane. Soothsayers and ancient occult writings were only so good (Eheshao’s dice hadn’t been wrong so far and that was much more realistic then tracking the rhythm of someone’s steps). The cold seemed to call as more people gathered. Merciful Domi these people had blood in their eyes! In the back a shadowy figure seemed to be sitting back. Whispering things to Lesa. Before Eheshao could pick them out by process of elimination the figure was gone and all was accounted for. What madness was this! 

This worries me. If DeTess is lying and does not actually have a correspondence with a priest, they could put someone who they claim to have an incriminating PM with up to the vote. I invite people to think a little more into this.

Not saying that they are innocent, and I will most likely put my vote on The_God_King.

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Cycle 5: A Follower Revealed

Eheshao stood in his room. The storm had lessened for just a moment, but the sky wasn’t clear. He knew it was a full moon. He could feel the spirits around him. He thought Jesker needed to be taught to all mankind. The Mysteries must spread, and they needed the blessings of Jesker. The two other sacrifices had greatly increased his potency. His goods could wait for now. They only mattered for his body, but his soul needed feeding.
He could see the spirits drifting above the doorway they would know what to do. He thought he heard a voice. "Blood…" it echoed across the room. “Jesker?” Eheshao said aloud to no reply. He hadn’t committed the needed sacrifices. There was no time to sleep. It wasn’t like he slept anyway. Jesker kept him awake at night. The voices echoed around him again. He couldn't make them out. Not yet... he needed to sacrifice more to fully understand Jesker's will.
He knew the spirits weren’t wrong. He always followed their direction. They seemed to flit along at the edge of his vision, but he knew they would guide him. He grabbed his knife and finally stepped out of the door.
There was Lesa, she had made him hide and made the others hate him. They were going to kill him tonight. Make him walk that final walk in that cold bitter night. Maybe the moon would save him but he had to act now. There it was, the sacrificial knife that had been cleverly hidden under a loose plank in the floor. How had that ended up in his hand? He had no memory of grabbing it. Had he ever hidden it after last night? It didn’t matter though the sacrifice had to be made.
The shadow around Lesa kept fading in and out of view. That shadow... it had whispered such monstrous things about him to her. She knew too much for it to be her own knowledge. Something from Doloken had to be feeding her what she knew. That was what it was. They had to be stopped. The other followers were in danger. They had to be warned, but they were in the common room discussing what was to be done with him. Lesa had walked away for some reason. Providence had shined on Eheshao one last time. She had to be silenced.
Eheshao walked out into the snow himself. The others watched as he walked past them in the common room. They didn't stop him as he opened the front door and walked out. Lesa was dead and Jesker was satisfied. He felt warm even as the cold began to freeze his skin. Maybe he would be spared…


A big thank you to The God King for doing the write-up! Please go up-vote one of his posts.


The God King was Lynched. He was a Follower of Mysteries

DeTess was sacrificed. She was a Jeskeri Priest



Elandera (1): The God King

The God King (6): DeTess, Straw, Kynedath, Ironfire, EXPERIENCE, Elandera


PMs are still open

Player List


1. EXPERIENCE as Shard, that mysterious fellow no one seems to know anything about

2. Elandera a welcoming person

3. Xinoehp as as Yretsym one who is in tune with mysteries Trader

4. Ironfire as as Jester, Lord of Ineptitude

5. Devotary of Spontaneity as Jehen, whose distaste for the cold is overcome only by an irrational hatred of fire. Trader

6. Zillah who enjoys chaos and mystery

7. Kynedath as Ezira, good with a bow, awful with the ladies

8. The God King as Eheshao, a shrewd trader from Kae Follower of Mysteries

9. Shanerockes as Shaney Boi who is here for the fun of it Trader

10. Rathmaskal who is 'in' in all the best ways Seon Holder

11. Sart as Captain Late Sign-Up. With his powers of procrastination, he'll save the day... eventually. Trader

12. DeTess as Lesa, a trader who really should have known better than to try and get a cargo through before the proper start of spring.  Jeskeri Priest

13. A Joe in the Bush as Joe who is meeting new people Trader

14. Straw who ushers in the return of the cultists

15. StrikerEZ as Shien, a man no one recognizes despite his claims to have studied at all the great universities of Arelon JinDo Soldier

16. Stink as Saotia who has traveled far and wide but will be spending the coming storm isolated in a room with us


Edited by Elkanah
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I am going to place my vote on @Elandera for now. This is mainly due to their interactions with DeTess early on in the game. The two players had strong differing opinions and Elandera was trying to bring us away from DeTess’s thoughts. Since DeTess flipped Village I am comfortable lynching Elandera. 

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8 minutes ago, Zillah said:

I am going to place my vote on @Elandera for now. This is mainly due to their interactions with DeTess early on in the game. The two players had strong differing opinions and Elandera was trying to bring us away from DeTess’s thoughts. Since DeTess flipped Village I am comfortable lynching Elandera. 

What do you mean I was trying to bring y'all away from DeTess's thoughts? Just because I didn't agree with her on if elims knew each other? That happens all the time between villagers, especially since we know less than elims know to start. 

I think TGK was setting DeTess and I against each other. He PMed me C2 and said he'd scanned me as village, then asked for my suggestion on the next target. He offered up DeTess and I agreed. Then he "scanned" Tess and told her he'd scanned me. 

Speaking of TGK's lynch, there aren't any vote manipulation roles, right? @Elkanah, is my vote supposed to be missing?

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I went back and reviewed last cycle and I don't know Ironfires play style well enough to know if they were just trying to speak reason. For now I'm going to vote for Elandera, partly because of what Zillah said, but also because TGK voted on them. This might have been done to cast suspicion off of Elandera.

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I'm not entirely convinced that Elandera is an elim. I think that what both Zillah and Experience have said makes them suspicious to me, but I don't think that it is enough to lynch them. I myself was opposed to DeTess' stance on whether elims know each other, so I don't know if I can fairly use that as evidence against Elandera. The vote as well, it could either be TGK trying to throw off suspicion from them by distancing themselves, but it seems to have had the opposite effect. The other possibility is that they wanted to bring Elandera into the spotlight so that the other elims aren't the focus of discussion.

I think that I'm going to vote on Straw right now. They voted for TGK fairly early and their posts in the thread didn't really indicate too much of anything. They were short and factual which is what I'd expect from someone who wants to distance themselves from a teammate about to be lynched. Vote for them early so you're not jumping on a bandwagon, lay low so people dont associate you with the lynch.

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Looking back briefly at TGK's posts, they mentioned brief suspicion of Zillah and Experience. I doubt all three make up the elim team, but of the two, I'd be more willing to bet on Zillah being the elim. They were the only one TGK voiced actual suspicion about, which could have been an attempt at distancing. Zillah's subsequent suspicion of me for the reason stated is also a bit odd to me. 

That being said, Kynedath's post does make some sense as well. I'm split between wanting to vote Straw and Zillah. I'll probably vote depending on what would help save me, honestly, which right now is Straw. 

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What happened to the Rulo messages?

Also, I agree with Elandera when they say that they were most likely set up. 

DeTess trusted EXPERIENCE, so they're kinda cleared for now.

Zillah may be capitalizing on TGK's set up (making Elandera and DeTess look against each other)

I have no idea who to vote

oops I forgot to send this

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Ok, Zillah.This seems like you are trying to use the vote on Straw to draw attention away from yourself. Based on what Elandera said, I am voting on Zillah because I know that I am town. Also, I am pretty Elandera is town. And I'm feeling better about Ironfire.

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Just now, EXPERIENCE said:

Ok, . This seems like you are trying to use the vote on Straw to draw attention away from yourself. Based on what Elandera said, I am voting on Zillah because I know that I am town. Also, I am pretty Elandera is town. And I'm feeling better about Ironfire.

I mean, they have lots of suspicion on them right now, I could see how it would be a village move. Nobody wants to die. I also don't mind the support on the straw lynch.

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