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Long Game 64: Choose Your Own Sanderson Adventure!

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Alright, the Sart vote is dying off and I didn't love it to begin with. However, Elkanah seems like a wonderful lynch to me for similar reasons to everyone else that I will try to outline before the end of the cycle, and plus it seems to be the best candidate for an actual lynch rather then a jailing.

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Wait, so I'm a little confused about the Therapist.

If an Oculator is switched with another role, would the Oculator action not occur (because they would lose the ability before getting to their priority point)?

Also, is more PMs better than less PMs? So should we try to make as many PMs as possible, in both day and night, or should we restrict our PMs?

Edited by Ironfire
another question
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5 minutes ago, Ironfire said:

Wait, so I'm a little confused about the Therapist.

If an Oculator is switched with another role, would the Oculator action not occur (because they would lose the ability before getting to their priority point)?

Nope! Sorry, we didn't catch that detail. Scans now come before kills and the therapist, so they are no longer blocked by them. 

Forty minutes for final votes, folks!

Oh, and one more clarification: unless your action has a visible result (e.g. you getting a new PM or a scan result), you will not be informed whether it was successful or not. Sorry, but it's your own fault for putting in so many paradoxically-interacting roles. :P 

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Well, in the interest of self-preservation, Elkanah, I guess. I understand Coda might have a lower activity play style than I would like, but I wasn't expecting that much backlash for the vote. I was trying to make a call to action, not a call to lynch me. Several people argued the lynch was strange, but now it's up to someone who posted their vote as a joke in the lead. I know Day 1 can be a bit chaotic, but this seems more chaotic than usual. I suppose that's to be expected when we write the rules ourselves, but we should hopefully be able to get something out of this.

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Well...this is certainly interesting. I’m not really a fan of this lynch. Hasn’t Elkanah previously expressed their desire to not have a lynch on D1? All of their votes have been put on people in such a way as to make sure there won’t actually be a lynch. And the vote on Elandera clearly looks like a joke vote to me. Yet, it seems 3-4 people voted on them after Elkanah’s explanation? I dunno, it just seems like a bunch of panic over nothing. I guess we’ll find out whether it was worth it or not in a bit.

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50 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Generally speaking, voting on someone because they voted on you is considered an elim thing to do.

In my opinion, it's perfectly reasonable to do that D1 as a villager. After all, you know that you're village, and therefore the only people who would want to kill you would be the elims.

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Not liking either the Elkanah or Sart wagons from my skim of each, Coda, as the pivot away from him was altogether too sudden for my tastes. Also Kynedath. Also also, I’ll explain all this and respond to people pinging me at Night when I can more fully process all this. Probably should have left myself more than 15 minutes to make a post but oh well :P 

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25 minutes ago, Sart said:

Well, in the interest of self-preservation, Elkanah, I guess. I understand Coda might have a lower activity play style than I would like, but I wasn't expecting that much backlash for the vote. I was trying to make a call to action, not a call to lynch me. Several people argued the lynch was strange, but now it's up to someone who posted their vote as a joke in the lead. I know Day 1 can be a bit chaotic, but this seems more chaotic than usual. I suppose that's to be expected when we write the rules ourselves, but we should hopefully be able to get something out of this.

I mean, you were already preserved when I was going to jail. 

15 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Well...this is certainly interesting. I’m not really a fan of this lynch. Hasn’t Elkanah previously expressed their desire to not have a lynch on D1? All of their votes have been put on people in such a way as to make sure there won’t actually be a lynch. And the vote on Elandera clearly looks like a joke vote to me. Yet, it seems 3-4 people voted on them after Elkanah’s explanation? I dunno, it just seems like a bunch of panic over nothing. I guess we’ll find out whether it was worth it or not in a bit.

I agree. It does feel pretty out of nowhere, i'd much prefer to just keep playing from jail. I could even publicly prove my role, but it appears the dice have chosen


Edit: well played librarians. Good luck with the smedry

Edited by Elkanah
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LG64: Night 1 - A Bomb?


Elkanah was lynched! He was a Crystal Knight Silimatic Engineer*.

Vote Count
Elkanah (6): Elandera, Experience, Joe, Kidpen, Sart, Xino
Elandera (2): Elkanah, God King
Sart (2): Coda, Striker
Coda (1): Fifth

Night 1 has begun and will end in 24 hours, on the 2nd of April at 6pm PDT. Have fun and don't forget your action! 

Player List

  1. Experience - Shard
  2. Straw - Straw
  3. Kidpen - Arthur Smedry
  4. A Joe in the Bush - Porona Candemic
  5. Coda - ?
  6. Striker - ?
  7. Kynedath - Bartholomew Prescot
  8. Elandera - Rainier
  9. Zillah - ?
  10. xinoehp512 - ?
  11. Ironfire - Liability
  12. Sart - ?
  13. Elkanah - Karen Crystal Knight Silimatic Engineer
  14. Fifth Scholar - Sergey Karjakin, Russian ambassador and secret adviser to the Secretary of Defense
  15. The God King - ?
  16. Shqueeves - ?

*no, this is not an April Fools' joke. :P 


Edited by Elbereth
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Shard had stayed quiet throughout the whole 'tour'. Accusations had appeared in abundance during the day moving from one person to another. There was a Smedry in their midsts as well as at least one Crystal Knight. Eventually a majority of those speaking out were going against the little kid, Karen. Someone suddenly grabbed her pack and reached inside, revealing a pile of crystalline shards. Everything grew silent and Karen's face turned ashen with fear. 

Later that night Shard went to a room provided for the tourists, thinking over what had happened earlier that day. He decided to muse it all over in his room, then come out later and talk with the rest of the group.


@Elbereth, is there a reason that Elkanah is still on the player list?

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Wow that changes thing. I’ll be open that I had a PM with him. It appears that I may have been a bit blind because our funny chats actually made the game a ton of fun. 


I don’t agree with the insanity that was the flip on the lynch and I imagine everyone who turned once he has obviously jailed should be held suspect a bit. There was no reason to really suspect him and they may be elims who jumped on the band wagon (another crystal night possibly). I also think that I’ll probably die for defending my D1 thoughts but I don’t change my opinion because of luck. 

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5 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

I don’t agree with the insanity that was the flip on the lynch and I imagine everyone who turned once he has obviously jailed should be held suspect a bit. There was no reason to really suspect him and they may be elims who jumped on the band wagon (another crystal night possibly). I also think that I’ll probably die for defending my D1 thoughts but I don’t change my opinion because of luck.

I apologise if I misunderstand, but are you saying you're more suspicious of the people who guaranteed he would die than the people who were trying to make him only jailed instead?

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28 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

I...wow. So...what're the odds that he was the only one? :P

Since the rules were changed to make the Crystal Knight conversion every other cycle, I suspect there's another Crystal Knight among us.

20 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Huh. I had a very poor idea of what the vote count looked like. I thought my Coda vote was actually doing something. :P 

I’ll analyse in the morning, probably, as I’m having too much fun in my PMs right now. :P 

Your vote nearly led to an arrest rather than a lynch. If I hadn't voted, this wouldn't have been such a huge win.

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Liability stared. There was a Crystal Knight involved with this? A Smedry, and a Crystin... What was going on? Liability had watched from the corner in amusement, watching the tour members grow ever more suspicious of each other, and apparently one had known that there were Free Kingdomers among them. He started. Could they all be Librarians? Now that would be interesting. It was nice to know that he had allies. Hopefully this could all be over, and he could get back before they started involving him in their schemes. He was very hopeful, as he had purposefully been assigned in the Free Kingdoms to avoid those very schemes.


So, does it seem that the game would be balanced with only one Crystin? Figuring out if there was only one Crystin at the beginning of the game would be very helpful.

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1 minute ago, Sart said:

Since the rules were changed to make the Crystal Knight conversion every other cycle, I suspect there's another Crystal Knight among us.

I mean, I think the bigger clue to there being more than one of them is the fact that Elkanah was an Engineer. Maybe the GMs had assumed he'd survive long enough to make a glass to give to teammates he converted? I think it'll be easier to assume that he had a teammate. 

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57 minutes ago, Elandera said:

I apologise if I misunderstand, but are you saying you're more suspicious of the people who guaranteed he would die than the people who were trying to make him only jailed instead?

I think the other crystal knight might be hiding in the last group of people to vote for Elkanah. I’m on my phone so I can’t look back right now but I will later 

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So Sart and Kidpen were the last few who voted on Elkanah. @Kidpen, you said you would elaborate on your reasons but never got back to it. @Sart, you acted in "self-preservation" and yet you were already preserved at the time of your vote change. Many of these last votes can be explained as a wish for a lynch rather than a lock-up, however. I do not suspect either of the people tagged in this message at the moment. 

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Hiding behind a couch was only comfortable for so long. The coast was probably clear so he finally left. Walking around the halls was a bit odd but strangely they were empty. Maybe the tourist had made a ruckus. conveniently a door was open. It was one of those annoying doors that were locked unless you had a flashy key card. He walked in. It led to what looked like some behind the scenes rooms. Definitely off the standard tour routes. There wasn’t much there. A couple files that were filled with rather mundane states secrets, a convenient jacket and strangely a pair of shoes. Who would leave these lying around? Putting the jacket on and switching out shoes was simple and made him look much more dignified. The jacket even had one of those annoying key cards in it! What luck. Now to blend in with everyone else.

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