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Long Game 64: Choose Your Own Sanderson Adventure!

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I'm leaning towards thinking that the last people to vote might not have been maf, because they would want Elk to be imprisoned not lynched. There is a chance that they voted, thinking that someone would think of this. I think that the first is more likely though.

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I was very clear throughout in my high preference for lynching over jailing, and I wanted to guarantee that would happen. That was my main reason, although it also generally seemed

I'd like to point out that Elkanah's edit seems to very clearly imply there was only one Crystal Knight. Whether we should take that as it seems or assume Elkanah is misleading us deliberately, I'm not entirely sure.

Edit: Also, Elkanah couldn't have converted anybody yet. The rules say 'That is, conversion is available Nights 1, 3, 5, 7... assuming every possible conversion occurs.' Meaning, as I interpret it, that conversion is a night action that wouldn't have taken place yet.

Edited by Kidpen
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10 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

I was very clear throughout in my high preference for lynching over jailing, and I wanted to guarantee that would happen. That was my main reason, although it also generally seemed

It seems as if you didn't finish this thought. 

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1 minute ago, EXPERIENCE said:

It seems as if you didn't finish this thought. 

That is true. I meant to write 'although it also generally seemed that Elkanah was a pretty reasonable candidate for the lynch.'

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Okay, thoughts on Cycle 1/summary of what I think were important posts:


The God King made the first vote, a RNG vote on Elandera.
Elkanah's first post was just saying he needed to reread all the rules.
Fifth Scholar takes note of the God King's vote, and promises to call him out if it becomes a permanant vote, then responds to Xino's role reads.
The God King explains his vote was made because lynching is a lighter thing, and being locked up won't hurt Elandera.
Elandera responds defensively, pointing out that more than 50% are votes are quite common, as a way to prevent vote manipulation tactics.
The God King agrees, and says he will remove the vote if there's a risk he'll kill her. He'd rather someone went to jail than died. I really don't like that idea, as it robs us of information.
Kynedath expresses a dislike of codes.
Joe asks people for their thoughts on the PM system, and whether or not it would be beneficial to reveal the starting PM's.
The God King tries to encourge more spread out votes to Jail someone instead of lynch them.
Joe states that if he can't find a good reason to vote, he'll vote on one of the encoders.
The God King openly welcomed a vote on him. (He's probably a Criminal)
Elkanah, known Eliminator, says we should reveal our starting PMs.
The God King tries to shut down the PM discussion claiming the lynch will be random no matter what.
Back and forth between Joe and The God King. King makes a very good point in favor of not revealing PM's. King is probably not a Knight at this point.
Elkanah backs off on the PM's admitting that revealing would help the Elims more than the village.
Striker is also against PMrevealing, and is against a Day 1 lynch, specifically because it would be very sucky get the only knight on D1. (Sorry Elkanah)
Elandera is split on PM's.
Shqueeves is down to reveal PMs at this time because they're random. Does this mean anything in relation to Elkanah's earlier statement? I don't know if any other knights would want to reveal PM's after Elkanah already withdrew his support. He couldn't find a way to make it seem beneficial to the village.
Fifth Scholar votes on Kynedath for just wanting to watch. He doesn't want to reveal PM contacts, and thanks me for generating discussion.
Striker still doens't want to vote.
Xino poke votes Sart.
Sart votes on Coda for contributing absolutely nothing expect codes.
Experience votes on Coda.
The God King seems genuinely upset about the Codes being trashed.
Kidpen puts a second vote on Sart, for, meh reasoning. Kidpen supports lynching rather than Lockup.
Elkanah RNG votes for Xinoehp. They also want someone to go to Jail rather than being lynched.
Striker votes on Sart for voting on Coda.
I vote on Elkanah specifically because they RNG voted after there had already been plenty of discussion.
Coda votes Sart spceficially because they want to make sure there is a lynch rather than a Jail.
The God King doesn't like the Sart Bandwagon. (Same.)
Elandera votes on Elkanah, with similair reasoning to my own, and actively tried to get others to vote on Elkanah as well.
Elkanah votes on Elandera "for bandwagoning." She wasn't, others were. Apparently this was sarcasm or a joke? I genuinely don't understand what happened here.
Xino removes their poke vote on Sart and votes on Elkanah, tying them for hirst place.
Experience votes on Elkanah.
The God king tries again to shut down the Bandwagon. Belittles any chance of us getting information from this. Tries to discredit literally all reasons for votes.
Kidpen votes on Elkanah.
Ironfire posts without really saying anything.
Sart votes for Elkanah for 'self preservation'.
Fifth Scholar votes for Coda as the pivot from them to Elkanah was too sudden for their tastes.

@The_God_King voted with Elkanah, constantly tried to discredit information, constantly tried to get people to go for a Jail rather than a full lynch, and during the night, said they had a PM with Elkanah. At this point, I think they're a Crystal Knight Criminal. I think they revealed they had a PM with Elkanah because they thought it would clear them as there's no reason for two Elims to have a PM together, but they needed to have a PM for Elkanah to use glass on them. Neither of them have a non-faction ability that requires a Pm target, so them starting together only helps them. Also throughout this night, they've been casting suspicion on those who tried to get Elkanah lynched rather than jailed, casting suspicion on the people who helped generate information.

I think they're a Criminal due to how often they've been trying to get people in jail rather than lynched, and because it's just a good role for them to have. If King got lynched first, they would be able to help protect their partner from the lynch via Crime Votes.

I admit, I may be tunneling a bit because King's play style of discrediting the Day 1 lynch really grated on me, so I've been going back and forth on them. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

During Day 1, once I voted on Elkanah, there were only three other votes that weren't on Elkanah (I think.) Coda, Elkanah, and Fifth Scholar. Coda voted on Sart right after me, then didn't post again once it looked like Elkanah was in danger. Elkanah voted on Elandera as some sort of joke. I don't really understand that, but /shrug. And Fifth Scholar voted on Coda at almost the end of the cycle, expressly to defend Elkanah, but also wasn't really a good place to put it if they wanted to save them? I don't think any of them are actually Crystal knights. None of them really fought all that hard to save Elkanah.(Though, as Sart says, Fifth's vote did nearly result in Elkanah being imprisoned instead of lynched.) In fact, the only person who did was The_God_King.

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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On the topic of role actions tonight:

I don't really see any reason for the Shattered Lens person to not set up pillars tonight, so they should probably do that.

I agree with Joe about TGK being a likely Crystal Knight (I'll talk more about this later when I have more time), so it'd be nice if any Curators or Trouble Magnets could target them.

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Arthur Smedry looked around in terror. Just moments earlier, he had seen and heard a mysterious apparition within one of his private discussion areas. He could be wrong, but it seemed, perhaps, to have been...

The ghost of the 30th president, @Calvin Coolidge!

But no, that's nonsense. Everyone knows that the 30th president, Calvin Coolidge, isn't real. Even if he was real, everyone knows that the ghost of the 30th president, Calvin Coolidge, would be even less real then the president himself. 

But then again, there were all those legends from the free kingdom about the 30th president, Calvin Coolidge. Perhaps they had some truth to them...

No, of course not. A scholar such as Arthur had never payed any mind to those legends. The one about the 30th president, Calvin Coolidge, that is. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light. Or a trick by some mischievous person, intending to make Arthur believe that the 30th president, Calvin Coolidge, was haunting him. Yes, that surely is the answer.

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Sorry, I've been a bit busy the last 24 hours trying to install a fence.

A few quick thoughts. I am going to look more into TGK and Fifth in regards to their stances around the lynch yesterday. Joe already stated what approximates my own thoughts in regards to TGK. Fifth also had similar patterns, though less outspoken.

I did see Elkanah's edit to his last post, but believe it to be misdirection. I doubt an every-other-cycle conversion would have been applied to a team that started with only one player. The only thing that makes me hesitant in that regard is the Knight faction was designated with purple, which is the traditional neutral faction. That's more meta, though, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt.

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LG64: Day 2 - Death of an Ambassador


Fifth Scholar was a Librarian Transporter!

Day 2 has begun and will end in 48 hours on April 4th at 6pm PDT. Get your votes and actions in! Also, as a reminder: Please don't PM during rollover. 

Player List

  1. Experience - Shard
  2. Straw - Straw
  3. Kidpen - Arthur Smedry
  4. A Joe in the Bush - Porona Candemic
  5. Coda - ?
  6. Striker - ?
  7. Kynedath - Bartholomew Prescot
  8. Elandera - Rainier
  9. Zillah - ?
  10. xinoehp512 - ?
  11. Ironfire - Liability
  12. Sart - ?
  13. Elkanah - Karen Crystal Knight Silimatic Engineer
  14. Fifth Scholar - Sergey Karjakin, Russian ambassador and secret adviser to the Secretary of Defense Librarian Transporter
  15. The God King - ?
  16. Shqueeves - ?
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Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States, was concerned about this death. Who would chill off a Russian ambassador? The man had seemed a good fellow, from the little dealings Calvin had had with him. It made no sense. 

He was so distracted, he almost bumped into a morose-looking figure. Calvin seemed to recall this was….Porona Candemic? An odd name, that, not that Calvin would judge a man by his name. He put his arm around Porona’s shoulder. “Now, now. Don’t mourn. No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. The best way you can honor your friend is through finding who did this. Cheer up.”

Edited by Calvin Coolidge
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Something went around his shoulder, and Porana froze up immedietly. He knew that sensation, he had felt it half an hour ago when a ghost interupted his lunch with the Ambassador. Slowly, he turned his head to the side to see who was talking. It was him. "Oh, uh, hello mr president, hello again? I uh, I'll take that toheartbutIhavetogoBye!" Porona sprinted straight forward, away from the ghost of the man who thought themself alive, and ducked around a corner. He slammed himself into a wall, panting, and dug his phone out of his pocket. Shaking, he dialed his wife's number. "Honey, how do I perform an exorcism? I need to know right freaking now."


As I stated last night, voting for The_God_King.

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2 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

As I stated last night, voting for The_God_King.

Well, I appreciate the consistency even if your voting for me due to a hurt ego. I imagine several of you realize I'm right. Literally you guys have taken away the two components of the game I have enjoyed most so I might be a little bitter. I figure someone will have to stick out their neck to protect me but that won't happen


1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

In addition to agreeing with everything that Joe said last night, I also received a message from TGK that felt... off to me, so I will echo Joe's vote. The_God_King.

haha well considering I said one thing you have a really good grasp of my whole life. I echoed exactly what I said in thread so I don't know what I was supposed to say

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1 minute ago, The_God_King said:

Well, I appreciate the consistency even if your voting for me due to a hurt ego. I imagine several of you realize I'm right. Literally you guys have taken away the two components of the game I have enjoyed most so I might be a little bitter. I figure someone will have to stick out their neck to protect me but that won't happen


haha well considering I said one thing you have a really good grasp of my whole life. I echoed exactly what I said in thread so I don't know what I was supposed to say

A less heated defense, for one. While it is true that villagers do have cause to defend themselves (as they themselves are the only one they know for certain is good) eliminators tend to be more anxious for their own safety.

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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

A less heated defense, for one. While it is true that villagers do have cause to defend themselves (as they themselves are the only one they know for certain is good) eliminators tend to be more anxious for their own safety.

considering I disappear for a couple of hours and come back to everyone talking bad about everything I've said I have little feeling of being tactful

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Just now, The_God_King said:

considering I disappear for a couple of hours and come back to everyone talking bad about everything I've said I have little feeling of being tactful

Perhaps it is a misread. But there are suspicious clues in your mannerisms. And I wasn't wrong about Elkanah, so I'm feeling confident. :P 

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I would think that The_God_King is acting as he would if he was a villager: he is frustrated that he is being accused while knowing himself as a villager. Eliminators would be cool and levelheaded, to try and deflect votes off of themselves. Then again, this might be a ploy... /shrug.

Also, can someone lend me some decisiveness so I can decide on who to vote? Thank you!

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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

Perhaps it is a misread. But there are suspicious clues in your mannerisms. And I wasn't wrong about Elkanah, so I'm feeling confident. :P

I don't think there's anything I can say to not be suspicious. Considering that all D1 was bandwagons switching between people has me profoundly confused. Add to that, people chewing out me and Coda for code made D1 rather unenjoyable and I'm a bit irritated. I'll be excusing myself for the rest of the night to cool off.

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28 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

A less heated defense, for one. While it is true that villagers do have cause to defend themselves (as they themselves are the only one they know for certain is good) eliminators tend to be more anxious for their own safety.


23 minutes ago, Ironfire said:

I would think that The_God_King is acting as he would if he was a villager: he is frustrated that he is being accused while knowing himself as a villager. Eliminators would be cool and levelheaded, to try and deflect votes off of themselves. Then again, this might be a ploy... /shrug.

Also, can someone lend me some decisiveness so I can decide on who to vote? Thank you!

Can we stop making sweeping statements that Alignments are more likely to act one way or the other? People being lynched are often plenty anxious for their own safetly regardless of alignment.

39 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

Well, I appreciate the consistency even if your voting for me due to a hurt ego. I imagine several of you realize I'm right. Literally you guys have taken away the two components of the game I have enjoyed most so I might be a little bitter. I figure someone will have to stick out their neck to protect me but that won't happen

25 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

I don't think there's anything I can say to not be suspicious. Considering that all D1 was bandwagons switching between people has me profoundly confused. Add to that, people chewing out me and Coda for code made D1 rather unenjoyable and I'm a bit irritated. I'll be excusing myself for the rest of the night to cool off.

I don't appreciate you attacking me instead of my arguments. I realize there's nothing you can really do to defend yourself, whether Villager or Elim, but there's nothing I can do to help with that except ask that you give explanations for your views. Specifically, explaining why you so fervently prefered a Jailing over a lynching would go a long way to casting your actions in a more innocent light. I will also apologize for unwittingly aiding in the anti-code discussion. It shouldn't have gone so far, as it's not all that differnt from RP, which a lot of people already skip over. I know that this is a weak apology, but it's all i have. I hope the rest of the game is more enjoyable for you.

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58 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

I don't appreciate you attacking me instead of my arguments. I realize there's nothing you can really do to defend yourself, whether Villager or Elim, but there's nothing I can do to help with that except ask that you give explanations for your views. Specifically, explaining why you so fervently prefered a Jailing over a lynching would go a long way to casting your actions in a more innocent light. I will also apologize for unwittingly aiding in the anti-code discussion. It shouldn't have gone so far, as it's not all that differnt from RP, which a lot of people already skip over. I know that this is a weak apology, but it's all i have. I hope the rest of the game is more enjoyable for you.

I can't stay out of this. Joe... You have continually belittled me. You have attacked everything I said line by line. You did this for everyone but you added especially derogatory dialogue to my lines. I don't have the time to do that for you because I really don't care that much. I tried to be active D1. A mistake I will never make again. I tried to create a good argument instead of rolling over to the will of experienced players. I stuck to my guns on a jail instead of a kill. I have never liked lynching D1 because I feel it robs a player of playing. This is especially poignant for a long game. Also I was upset about the codes I think I made that abundantly clear but I figured that they would eventually be decoded. Funny enough Straw could have decoded them well before they were stopped (at least most of them). I know you haven't played with me but why would I play my hand so heavy? 

edit: how many times have I stated why I prefer jail over lynch? I feel I said it at least once on D1 and N1

Edited by The_God_King
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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

In addition to agreeing with everything that Joe said last night, I also received a message from TGK that felt... off to me, so I will echo Joe's vote. The_God_King.

Would you mind summarizing the message you received and what exactly felt off about it?

1 hour ago, The_God_King said:

Well, I appreciate the consistency even if your voting for me due to a hurt ego. I imagine several of you realize I'm right. Literally you guys have taken away the two components of the game I have enjoyed most so I might be a little bitter. I figure someone will have to stick out their neck to protect me but that won't happen


haha well considering I said one thing you have a really good grasp of my whole life. I echoed exactly what I said in thread so I don't know what I was supposed to say

Neither of these are any sort of defense. If you don't want people to lynch you, stop resorting to ad hominem attacks.

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

A less heated defense, for one. While it is true that villagers do have cause to defend themselves (as they themselves are the only one they know for certain is good) eliminators tend to be more anxious for their own safety.

In my experience, trying to figure out alignment in this way is mostly fruitless, since neither side particularly wants to get lynched, and response also varies massively between players.

1 hour ago, The_God_King said:

considering I disappear for a couple of hours and come back to everyone talking bad about everything I've said I have little feeling of being tactful

It's reasonable to be annoyed that people are lynching you, but attacking people is not exactly going to improve their opinion of you.

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Perhaps it is a misread. But there are suspicious clues in your mannerisms. And I wasn't wrong about Elkanah, so I'm feeling confident. :P 

As I said above, it'd be helpful if you could list some of the suspicious clues so we can have some discussion about them. Thanks! Also: be careful about tunneling.

1 hour ago, Ironfire said:

I would think that The_God_King is acting as he would if he was a villager: he is frustrated that he is being accused while knowing himself as a villager. Eliminators would be cool and levelheaded, to try and deflect votes off of themselves. Then again, this might be a ploy... /shrug.

Also, can someone lend me some decisiveness so I can decide on who to vote? Thank you!

Instead of asking someone to decide for you, I would recommend looking at people's posts and forming your own opinions on them. This way you actually add something new to the discussion instead of just following another player. I don't do much analysis usually, but it is very useful. :P

1 hour ago, The_God_King said:

I don't think there's anything I can say to not be suspicious. Considering that all D1 was bandwagons switching between people has me profoundly confused. Add to that, people chewing out me and Coda for code made D1 rather unenjoyable and I'm a bit irritated. I'll be excusing myself for the rest of the night to cool off.

I don't think there were really any bandwagons on D1 other than Elandera.

1 hour ago, Ironfire said:

By the way, I had a PM with fifth, but I was not transported, if anyone was wondering.

BTW, I also had a PM with Fifth (from the start of the game).

I don't think you're told if you're transported, and even if you were, you could have been targeted by a "silent" action that you didn't notice.

45 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Can we stop making sweeping statements that Alignments are more likely to act one way or the other? People being lynched are often plenty anxious for their own safetly regardless of alignment.

I don't appreciate you attacking me instead of my arguments. I realize there's nothing you can really do to defend yourself, whether Villager or Elim, but there's nothing I can do to help with that except ask that you give explanations for your views. Specifically, explaining why you so fervently prefered a Jailing over a lynching would go a long way to casting your actions in a more innocent light. I will also apologize for unwittingly aiding in the anti-code discussion. It shouldn't have gone so far, as it's not all that differnt from RP, which a lot of people already skip over. I know that this is a weak apology, but it's all i have. I hope the rest of the game is more enjoyable for you.

I think it might be helpful if he also provided an alternate vote target in addition to explaining his behavior. I also slightly disagree with your statement that there's nothing he can really do to defend himself. I also think that the codes are a bit more game relevant than RP, but I do agree that we shouldn't focus too much on them. After all, enjoyment of the game is also important. Other than that, I can't really see anything big in here that I disagree with.

37 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

I can't stay out of this. Joe... You have continually belittled me. You have attacked everything I said line by line. You did this for everyone but you added especially derogatory dialogue to my lines. I don't have the time to do that for you because I really don't care that much. I tried to be active D1. A mistake I will never make again. I tried to create a good argument instead of rolling over to the will of experienced players. I stuck to my guns on a jail instead of a kill. I have never liked lynching D1 because I feel it robs a player of playing. This is especially poignant for a long game. Also I was upset about the codes I think I made that abundantly clear but I figured that they would eventually be decoded. Funny enough Straw could have decoded them well before they were stopped (at least most of them). I know you haven't played with me but why would I play my hand so heavy? 

First of all, I should probably talk about my own role with the codes. As far as I can tell, you're essentially accusing me of not posting decoded versions of them as they were posted. This is true to some extent. I had figured out the key and I had been decoding them for quite a bit before I actually posted them with translations. This was for a couple of reasons. First of all, I didn't see any particularly important information in your early codes, which is why I only started posting them after you and Coda had started discussing game-relevant information. I was also worried that I was missing important information in the codes that I was unable to decode at first. Finally, I honestly didn't see them as something that was particularly important to the discussion at hand.

In regards to the rest of your post, I don't particularly feel like Joe was insulting you as a person. In fact, you have been insulting him. You said that he was only voting for you due to a hurt ego, which is hardly the case. Also, analysis is something that's normal. If you feel that Joe was being unfair, please quote the lines and explain why they were unfair. The final bit of your post feels like an elim guilt tripping the village. If you're village and are really just trying to have an original opinion, then you're free to do so. But don't get mad when people criticize your opinion and attack you due to it.


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